Developing Superpowers in Another World

Xi Chunzhi is in a Coma

Chapter 158 – Xi Chunzhi is in a Coma


He was an intern doctor and originally didn’t qualify to go. He got the opportunity because the originally designated senior doctors all refused to come, finding excuses to take leave. With a shortage of personnel, the medical department had no choice but to send him instead.

The glass enclosure acted as a buffer zone between the Threshold and the human world. Almost every time a pioneer returned, a few aliens would mix in, posing significant risks, especially for doctors with little combat ability, making it a nightmarish scenario.

Meng Fancheng recognized Tu Ran at a glance and was incredibly excited.

As expected of his goddess, she was the first to come out—truly outstanding.

He couldn’t help but take a step forward, wanting to greet her, but his companion pulled him back, saying, “Are you out of your mind? She hasn’t passed the check yet!”

Meng Fancheng stopped, looked at Tu Ran, then at his companion, and confidently said, “Don’t worry, Sister Tu Ran definitely won’t be possessed by any aliens.”

“Who can say for sure? Just stay put here. You can greet her later; we have responsibilities in the medical department and can’t be running around.”

“Alright.” Meng Fancheng nodded, stepping back. As long as his goddess was safe, he could wait for another chance to greet her.

On the other side, Tu Ran had already reached the “human shield.”

“Junior Pioneer Tu Ran, welcome back,” the mechanical voice unemotionally stated.

Tu Ran stood quietly, waiting for the next question.

The “human shield” held an electronic screen with the questions she had set up before leaving:

What is my wish?

Tu Ran answered easily, “To stay alive and become wealthy.”

A green checkmark appeared on the screen, indicating that she had passed the identity verification.

“Correct. Esteemed Pioneer Tu Ran, a meeting will be held at 10 AM today in Conference Room 721 of the Administrative Building. Please attend punctually.”

“Have a pleasant day.”

Tu Ran glanced at the time; it was 7 AM Federation time.

She had three hours.

There was plenty of time to clean up.

Tu Ran left the glass enclosure and headed towards the Administrative Building.

She needed to return the equipment she was wearing.

On the way, Tu Ran summoned Zero.

“Esteemed Pioneer Tu Ran, it’s good to hear your voice again. Many things have happened in the Federation recently. Is there anything you’d like to know?”

“Where is Pioneer Xi Chunzhi?”

“She is in the medical department.”

“The medical department? Is she injured?” Tu Ran changed direction and headed towards the medical department.

The location of the Threshold gate was not far from the medical department.

“Yes, she collapsed after her last exit from the Threshold. The research institute analyzed her holographic recording bracelet and found that she had been suddenly attacked by four Pao Xiaos when the Threshold gate opened. After a fierce struggle, she managed to escape, but she has remained in a coma since then. All vital signs are stable, but there are no signs of her waking up.”

By the time Zero finished speaking, Tu Ran had already entered the medical department.

“Which ward is she in?” Tu Ran asked.

“Ward 828, Building C of the inpatient department.”

Tu Ran headed straight for the inpatient department.

Building C of the inpatient department used to be a monitoring and isolation point for survivors of the Q4245 suspended train incident.

More than half a month ago, it was a place filled with the stench of death, intermittent gunfire, and a continuous stream of corpses being transported out. The incinerators had burned for three days straight, making it a site of death.

Now, however, it was bustling with life. There were slow-moving elderly people, children running around, patients in wheelchairs wearing hospital gowns, and staff including nurses, doctors, caregivers, and cleaning personnel.

Although the atmosphere wasn’t particularly festive, it was alive and busy, a stark contrast to the somber scene from half a month ago.

Tu Ran navigated through the crowd and found Building C, waiting for the elevator and then heading up to the eighth floor.

The eighth floor was very quiet, with no one in the bright, empty corridors.

Tu Ran walked towards Ward 808.

She pushed open the door and saw Xi Chunzhi lying in the hospital bed.

Her eyes were tightly closed, her hair spread out, and she was covered with a pure white blanket. The sunlight from the window bathed her face, giving her a serene and beautiful appearance.

It was as if she were merely asleep.

Tu Ran approached quietly, standing by her bedside and looking down at her face.

Her complexion was very pale, with dark shadows under her eyelids, and her usually vibrant red lips were now devoid of color.

“Who are you to the patient?” A voice suddenly came from behind. Tu Ran turned to see a doctor in a white medical uniform.

“I’m her friend.”

“Oh, you’re Tu Ran?” The doctor glanced at her outfit, noting the name tag with “Tu Ran” on it.

“Yes, that’s me.”

“You need to pay for her hospital stay for the last three days,” the doctor gestured to a nurse who emerged from behind him, holding an electronic screen. The doctor tapped on the screen a few times. “Her card balance has been depleted, and she now owes the medical department 12,000 Federation credits.”

He handed the electronic screen to Tu Ran, who saw a detailed list of all the charges.

The cost for life-support equipment was 1,000 Federation credits per day, daily medication expenses were 1,800 Federation credits, the hospital stay was 300 Federation credits per day, and various service fees amounted to 900 Federation credits per day.

So, Xi Chunzhi’s stay here for one day cost 4,000 Federation credits.

For nearly half a month, the charges had been deducted from Xi Chunzhi’s account. Three days ago, her account balance was exhausted, and she had been in arrears for three days.

“Since the patient is a Federation employee, all fees are charged at a 40% discount,” the nurse added.

Even with the 40% discount, the cost was still high. Xi Chunzhi had spent nearly a year’s salary on hospital expenses in just half a month.

It made Tu Ran wonder if ordinary people couldn’t even afford to stay in a hospital.

“Of course, as you and the patient are just friends, Federation law doesn’t mandate that you must cover the 12,000 Federation credits owed. However, you are currently the only contactable person associated with the patient.”

“According to our medical department’s regulations, treatment will be halted if the patient is in arrears for two days. However, after careful assessment, we believe there is a 90% chance you will pay for the patient’s medical expenses. Therefore, we took the risk and continued treatment until you returned from the Threshold.”

“Of course, if you choose not to pay, you won’t be held legally responsible, but we will immediately cease treatment for the patient,” the doctor said calmly.

Tu Ran listened quietly, glancing at Xi Chunzhi lying on the bed.

It was clear that the medical department had thoroughly investigated her relationship with Xi Chunzhi. They knew she was close to Xi Chunzhi and would not let her stop receiving treatment, so they had been waiting for her return from the Threshold.



  1. Melisa says:

    Please update soon . I love this novel.

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