Developing Superpowers in Another World


Chapter 150 – Crack


From their movements, it was evident that their actions were very slow, a common issue with large species, including humans. Tu Ran’s [Teleportation] was perfectly suited to exploit this weakness.

Having planned everything in her mind, Tu Ran began her actions.

She quickly approached them, reducing the distance between them to about five meters.

At this point, the irritable head and the melancholic head were already in a scuffle, rolling around on the ground, oblivious to the fact that a creature the size of a caterpillar was swiftly approaching them.

Tu Ran seized the opportunity, crouched, and leaped into the center of their bodies.

The Kangzhu’s body was composed of the upper torsos of two adult men and the lower torso of a horse.

When they fought, they had to twist their upper bodies to stretch their arms far enough to reach each other.

So, they were essentially facing each other.

It was difficult not to attract their attention as Tu Ran suddenly jumped into their midst.

Both the melancholic and irritable heads’ eyes widened in surprise.

To them, Tu Ran appeared as a caterpillar with faces similar to theirs.

The irritable head reacted the quickest; the hand originally aimed at the melancholic head instantly changed direction and swung towards Tu Ran.

From Tu Ran’s perspective, the hand and fingers were almost as large as Five-Finger Mountain, blocking out the sky.

With little time left, Tu Ran quickly bent down and placed her palm on the horse’s body where they were connected.

“Mountain Collapse and Earth Crack!”

As her voice fell, cracks began to spread from the center of her palm, causing the body beneath her feet to shake violently, accompanied by the Kangzhu’s agonized screams.

The irritable head’s arm spasmed in pain.

Both mouths screamed simultaneously, amplifying the ear-piercing noise.

The cracks continued to spread, their skin drying out like it had been scorched by a blazing sun or like parched land. The fissures grew larger, and some of the outer skin began to peel off.

As they struggled, the skin came off even faster, revealing the blood-red muscle bundles underneath, along with blood seeping out.

Due to their discoordination, they couldn’t stand up and were writhing in place in agony, smashing nearby fallen trees into splinters.

Pangpang, sent ten miles away by Tu Ran, anxiously paced back and forth, unable to see what was happening but knowing that Tu Ran was dealing with a Kangzhu as large as a mountain.

The intense crashing sounds and the deafening cries of the Kangzhu were clearly audible from its position.

Pangpang’s heart raced, hoping silently that Tu Ran would return safely.

On the other side.

Tu Ran struggled to stabilize her stance.

Her palm remained pressed against the Kangzhu’s body.

Due to the Kangzhu’s enormous size, it took some time for Tu Ran to cover its entire body with cracks.

She could clearly feel her strength rapidly depleting.

[Diamond Body] was in effect, trying to compensate for the loss of her energy.

The first layer of the Kangzhu’s skin had completely cracked and mostly peeled away as they struggled.

But that was not the end.

Tu Ran pressed her palm against their bloodied muscle layer.

The [Mountain Collapse and Earth Crack] ability could only peel away one layer at a time.

She needed to strip away this layer too to ensure their complete destruction.

As Tu Ran continued to chant the spell, the muscle layer began to disintegrate beneath her hand.

The Kangzhu’s struggles intensified.

They twisted their bodies desperately, roaring with their mouths wide open, writhing in agony and despair like fish thrown ashore. They flailed their arms, trying to swipe the insect off their backs.

But the insect moved extremely quickly, shifting positions just as they were about to strike, and continued to use [Mountain Collapse and Earth Crack] from the new position.

Their flesh was collapsing rapidly, like an avalanche, with chunks of meat sliding off and mixing with the blood, spreading all over the ground.

If only they had been a bit calmer and more coordinated, they wouldn’t have struggled so much against a mere insect.

Tu Ran’s breathing was rapid; she had expended too much energy, and her stomach was growling. The scene before her was starting to blur, and she feared she couldn’t hold on much longer.

The cracks had not yet covered the entire body of the Kangzhu, but based on the extent of the damage, their death was a certainty. She no longer needed to waste more energy.

Activating [Teleportation], Tu Ran relocated to a branch twenty meters away.

From this angle, she could clearly see the Kangzhu melting away.

Chunks of flesh fell away, revealing the stark white bones underneath, especially the portion of the Kangzhu that was connected to the horse’s body. Rows of ribs were clearly visible.

Various grotesque internal organs flowed out from between the ribs, covering the ground, and the stench of blood was overwhelming.

Tu Ran ignored the unpleasant odor, took out a dose of glucose from her backpack, and drank it all in one gulp, alleviating her hunger and restoring some of her energy.

After drinking, she sat cross-legged on the tree trunk to rest, her gaze fixed on the struggling Kangzhu on the ground.

Their movements had become less intense than at the beginning, particularly the melancholic head, which was the most severely injured.

The abdomen of its male body had collapsed, exposing white bones, and Tu Ran could see its beating heart through the bones.

But the heartbeat was slowing down, growing weaker.

Finally, the melancholic head’s groans ceased.

Its heart stopped beating.

Its body fell limply.

Almost at the same moment, the irritable head felt the death of its counterpart.

With a mixture of unwillingness and despair, it let out a mournful scream toward the sky, its resentful gaze fixed on Tu Ran.

It was this insignificant insect!

She was the one responsible for this situation!

It used all its remaining strength to crawl toward Tu Ran’s direction.

It dragged the mangled body of its counterpart with it.

Thick, viscous chunks of flesh mixed with blood left a gruesome trail behind the irritable head.

It was determined to deliver a final blow to Tu Ran, desperately wanting to crush the one responsible for all this tragedy.

From her perch on the branch, Tu Ran watched the scene with cold detachment.

At this moment, the Kangzhu was no longer the towering beast it once was. It crawled on the ground, lower than her position.

Tu Ran calmly took out a demolition grenade and threw it onto the Kangzhu’s battered body.


With a deafening explosion, the irritable head’s body was instantly shattered into pieces.

Its heart flew out of its chest and landed right on the branch where Tu Ran was.

It pulsed rhythmically.

After three seconds, the pulsing ceased, as if it took those three seconds to accept its demise.

Tu Ran climbed down from the tree. When she was still two meters from the ground, she glanced around, intending to find a cleaner spot, but everywhere her eyes could see was covered in blood and flesh.

She had no choice but to pick a random spot to land, jumping down from the two-meter height.

Unfortunately, she had overestimated her physical condition. Her energy was still depleted, and as she landed, her legs gave out, and she ended up sitting on the bloody ground.

Tu Ran: …




  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:


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