Developing Superpowers in Another World

Killing the Two-Headed Monster

Chapter 149 – Killing the Two-Headed Monster


“How could that be? I was just saying it. Eat, eat, quickly, before it gets cold and tastes bad.” Tu Ran used the food to divert its attention.

Indeed, it worked every time.

Ah, this little brother, it really seemed like raising a child.

Pangpang adhered to the principle of not wasting any food and ate all the grilled fish completely.

After cleaning up the food scraps, Tu Ran took Pangpang and left. They had been stuck on this mountain for the past few days and needed to speed up.

Since the issue with the bracelet had been resolved, Tu Ran felt much more relaxed and was not as urgent about finding other alien species.

She followed the belief that everything was destined and traversed mountains and valleys with Pangpang.

When she encountered alien species she could defeat, she would directly engage, honing her own combat skills, reflexes, and ability to use her powers flexibly.

When faced with alien species that were obviously too strong to fight, such as those twenty or even a hundred times larger than her, she would drag Pangpang to escape.

In most cases, those alien species, which were as large as mountains, did not pay much attention to them, as they were not even worth a gap between their teeth.

If they noticed, they would simply choose to ignore them.

Of course, if they encountered alien species that looked unbeatable but had inner cores, Tu Ran still could not help but be tempted.

Like the two-headed monster in front of her.

It looked exactly like the one she had seen the morning after entering the Threshold.

Its upper body was indistinguishable from that of a human, with highly recognizable faces—one melancholic and the other irritable.

It was probably the same one she had seen before.

At that time, she had not yet had the [Superpower Recognition] superpower and did not know that it also had an inner core.

[Immense Strength]
[Literal Meaning
Note: This ability consumes energy, so please be prepared to use it.
Superpower Level: Intermediate.]

The two words “Immense Strength” were presented verbatim on the display screen.

The screen was too lazy to provide further explanation, as the phrase “Immense Strength” was already clear enough to indicate the use of this superpower.

At that moment, the two-headed giant monster was roaming about several meters away from them.

The irritable head took the lead, striding confidently in front.

The melancholic head, however, hung its head, showing a look of resentment as if pondering why the universe had not yet been destroyed and why it had to share a body with the irritable head.

Perhaps unable to reconcile with its situation, its mood worsened, and it stopped in its tracks, refusing to move.

The irritable head, sharing the same body, was immediately dragged to a halt, and its anger visibly surged, as it turned its head to glare at the melancholic head and began to curse loudly.

The last time Tu Ran saw them, she did not yet have the [Language Talent] superpower and could not understand their words, but from the tone, she could tell they were arguing.

Now, listening to their conversation, she couldn’t help but commend her own intelligence from back then.

Not only were they arguing, but they were also using quite harsh language.

“You @!#%, why are you still not moving, damn it, every day you @#$ and @%&, I…^^&* won’t serve you anymore…”

The irritable head cursed out a lot, and the melancholic head responded with an equally long retort.

Tu Ran did not expect the seemingly refined melancholic head to be so harsh in its cursing.

After a couple of rounds of verbal sparring, the irritable head finally erupted.

It exploded in anger but could not reach the melancholic head, leading to a disastrous situation with the trees around them.

A punch carrying the fury of thunder struck the tree trunk directly, breaking seven or eight trees as thick as Pangpang in half. The trees crashed to the ground with a resounding “boom,” causing the earth to tremble three times.

The irritable head was still not satisfied. Another punch landed on a different tree, which predictably could not withstand the force and fell heavily to the ground.

Tu Ran and Pangpang were hiding behind a giant sequoia some distance away.

Pangpang quickly explained to Tu Ran, “They’re called Kangzhu. Their entire species grows to this size; they are among the largest creatures Pangpang has seen. Even newborn Kangzhu are bigger than fully grown Dang Hu.”

“They have two heads, so they have two different thoughts. And in most cases, these two heads can’t agree, which is why they often argue over trivial matters. Pangpang has seen the Kangzhu species around seventy or eighty times since birth, and they are almost always arguing.”

Pangpang paused, looked at Tu Ran, then glanced at the giant Kangzhu, and suddenly exclaimed, “Boss, I just noticed their upper bodies are similar to you two-legged beasts!”

“Congratulations on noticing that after all this time,” Tu Ran said, keeping her eyes on the Kangzhu’s movements without sparing it a glance.

Pangpang: “…”

“What else do you know about them? Tell me everything,” Tu Ran asked.

She needed to understand them better to make more informed decisions.

“Um…” Pangpang tilted its head and thought for a moment. “Their personalities are quite fixed. One head is usually irritable, and the other is melancholic.”

“The irritable one dislikes everyone and, when angered, vents its frustration on the surrounding trees, usually needing to smash around twenty before it calms down. The melancholic one is unhappy with everything, resenting the heavens, the earth, and the air. When it’s in a bad mood, it just sits there and won’t move.”

“When it refuses to move, the irritable one can’t walk either, so it ends up cursing at it. As a result, the irritable one gets even more irritable, and the melancholic one becomes even more sullen.”

After saying this, Pangpang sighed and became surprisingly philosophical. “They are natural enemies, but they’re trapped in the same body.”

Tu Ran glanced at it in surprise, and for a moment, Pangpang’s image grew grand in her eyes.

Pangpang, feeling a bit shy under her gaze, lowered its head in embarrassment.

Tu Ran smiled and shifted her attention back to the battlefield. At that moment, a large tree was falling directly toward them, and it was very close.

Her heart tightened.


She grabbed Pangpang, who was still lowering its head shyly, and activated [Teleportation], taking them out of the danger zone.

Just as they left, a large tree crashed down at their original location.

If they had been a second later, they would have been crushed into a pulp.

Pangpang was still trying to process what had happened, its little head buzzing.

Tu Ran didn’t let Pangpang stay there any longer, as she wasn’t sure when another tree might fall.

She quickly moved Pangpang to a safer location away from the area, then returned the way they came.

The Kangzhu were still arguing.

The irritable head occasionally smashed a tree with its immense strength.

The stout trees were like thin branches under its hands, easily snapped with little effort.

To avoid getting caught in the chaos, Tu Ran didn’t get too close to them.

[Immense Strength] was an intermediate combat ability, and her basic support ability, [Illusion Realm], was ineffective in this situation, so she had to look for other methods.

Given her current superpower, [Mountain Collapse and Earth Crack] seemed like a good choice.

The only requirement was that she needed to get close to them.



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not work with dark mode