Developing Superpowers in Another World

Picking Up a Bargain

Chapter 144 – Picking Up a Bargain


As soon as Pangpang finished speaking, Tu Ran smelled a particularly unpleasant odor.

“Did you… poop?” she asked uncertainly.

Pangpang lowered its head, somewhat embarrassed.

Tu Ran felt despair.

Heavens above! What kind of sin had she committed!

She absolutely needed to find time to sew it a pair of pants! It would be better if it pooped in its pants rather than doing it right in front of her, making her feel dizzy and nauseous.

She moved to a spot further away from Pangpang and gently put on her helmet, isolating herself from the air and from Pangpang.

Outside the bushes, the two alien species that had been bickering like elementary school students finally accumulated enough anger and erupted simultaneously, attacking each other.

Unlike their childish verbal insults, the fight was quite bloody.

The Fuzhu, relying on its height, long legs, and tough soles, primarily used stomping as its method of attack, jumping on the Feiyi and causing each step to draw blood, with even the sound of bones breaking.

The Feiyi, on the other hand, fully utilized its “local tyrant” combat style. Whenever it managed to catch the Fuzhu’s legs, it would bite them mercilessly, drawing blood and breaking bones, while dragging the Fuzhu down, trying to bring it to the ground.

Once the Fuzhu was on the ground, it would definitely become its meal, with no chance of escape.

As an observer, Tu Ran thought the Fuzhu had the upper hand in this nearly hand-to-hand combat.

Each of its steps landed solidly on the Feiyi, and its agility allowed it to avoid the Feiyi’s gaping maw just in time.

It didn’t forget to taunt as well, “Didn’t you say your Feiyi tribe could swallow us whole? Go on, swallow us, if you can!”

As it spoke, it also stomped heavily on the Feiyi’s head.

Furious, the Feiyi roared, “If you’ve got the guts, don’t move! Let me see if I can swallow you whole!”

“Heh, I won’t! I’ll keep moving, I’ll keep moving!” the Fuzhu replied defiantly.

“I’ll not only keep moving, I’ll stomp on you, stomp on you, stomp you to death, stomp you to death, you ugly monster.”

It hopped around on the Feiyi like a little deer.

The Feiyi visibly shrank from being stomped on.

Its movements grew sluggish.

The Fuzhu intensified its attacks, using all its strength to jump and then slam down with force.

It intended to kill the Feiyi.

The hatred between the species was irreconcilable.

The Feiyi’s back was already crushed and its head couldn’t be lifted.

Its wings were useless, serving merely as decoration.

Even Pangpang’s wings could fly about a meter.

Under the Fuzhu’s continuous assault, one of its steps finally landed directly on the Feiyi’s internal organs.

Possibly the location of its heart, the Feiyi went still immediately.

The rain began to fall again.

Tu Ran quickly took off her helmet.

Due to the rain, the strange odor had significantly lessened.

The Feiyi’s death did not stop the Fuzhu.

It seemed to have a penchant for mutilation; it leaped high and landed again on the same spot.

Tu Ran heard a “splat” sound.

The Feiyi’s body twitched once.

The Fuzhu’s once snow-white legs were now smeared with bright red blood.

It appeared to be even more excited, with its jumping frequency increasing.

After repeating the stomping seventeen or eighteen times, the Feiyi’s internal organs were likely reduced to a pulp before the Fuzhu finally stopped.

The rain washed away the blood from its body. With one last clear-eyed glance at the Feiyi’s corpse, it turned and ran away.

The rain followed it.

After waiting for three to five minutes, when Tu Ran could no longer hear the sound of rain, she emerged from behind the bushes.

“Pangpang!” she shouted.

“I’m sorry,” Pangpang said, lowering its little head with sincere regret. “I shouldn’t have pooped in front of the boss.”

Tu Ran: “…”

Which boss on earth educates their underling not on how to kill or handle matters, but on not pooping everywhere? She was definitely the only one.

“It’s not just that you shouldn’t have pooped in front of me; there’s another reason. In a situation like just now, your waste’s odor could have been detected by them, with serious consequences!”

Pangpang bowed its head, “Pangpang understands. Pangpang won’t do it again.”

“I’ll make you a pair of pants. In the future, take them off to poop; if you can’t hold it, at least do it in your pants.”

Tu Ran felt like a kindergarten teacher.

“Understood,” Pangpang said, still with its head bowed.

Tu Ran ignored it and focused her attention on the Feiyi’s corpse, which was dead beyond recovery.

Where was its inner core?

The Fuzhu hadn’t taken its inner core when it left, so it should still be inside the body.

Tu Ran drew out her dagger and began searching the most common place for an inner core — the back of the neck.

Fortunately, the inner core was indeed in the back of the neck.

She found it after about ten searches.

She extracted it; it was still bloody.

She was used to every internal core looking like this, so it didn’t faze her.

She just couldn’t believe she had obtained an internal core by picking it up.

After washing it clean with water from her canteen, she swallowed it.

[Mountain Collapse and Earth Crack
When the user’s finger touches any object and silently recites the spell “Mountain Collapse and Earth Crack,” the outermost layer of the object would shatter into pieces, resembling a long-dried-up land.
Note 1: The range of the power’s effect is positively correlated with the duration the user touches the object’s surface.
Note 2: The longer the contact time, the more energy consumed. Ensure you are prepared to use it.
Superpower Level: Primary]

This superpower seemed quite practical; she needed to study it carefully.

With a Feiyi corpse nearby, the smell of blood might attract other alien species. She needed to find a safer place to study.

“Let’s stop here for today. We’ll find a place nearby to stay the night and continue tomorrow.”

Pangpang was delighted. Being able to rest early meant it could sleep soundly, which was wonderful.

“I know where we can rest. Follow me.”

Pangpang led Tu Ran to a hidden cave, obscured by dense foliage outside, completely concealing the entrance.

“Last time Pangpang was here, Pangpang stayed for two days,” Pangpang said proudly.

Tu Ran was impressed by its ability to find such a concealed hideout.

Thanks to Pangpang’s safe and hidden caves along the way, she could stay less alert and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

“Then Pangpang will sleep.”

“Sleep well,” Tu Ran said.

Pangpang lay down on the ground casually, closed its eyes, adjusted its sleeping position a few times, and quickly fell asleep.

Tu Ran sighed at how fast it fell asleep.

She leaned against the wall, took out the two holographic recording bracelets from her backpack.

They were the bracelets of the two pioneers.

When the bomb exploded, the bodies of the two pioneers were blown into pieces, but the two holographic bracelets remained intact.

Tu Ran had been carrying them with her, concerned that if other pioneers found them and brought them back to the Federation, the footage could be used against her. She had planned to destroy them once she found a way.

Now with the [Mountain Collapse and Earth Crack] superpower, she decided to see if she could use it to destroy the bracelets.

Tu Ran placed the two bracelets in her palm and silently recited the spell.



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