Developing Superpowers in Another World

Strong Taste

Chapter 143 – Strong Taste


Pangpang did not notice Tu Ran’s suppressed smile and continued speaking: “The boss is really smart; you immediately thought of this crucial point.”

“This is because the Feiyi often wandered around here. Wherever they went, a severe drought would occur.”

“After the Feiyi made a round, the ground would be dry for ten days to half a month. After the Fuzhu made a round, it would only rain once, moistening the surface while the deeper layers remained dry. That’s why this mountain peak looked drier.”

Pangpang explained in detail, and Tu Ran listened attentively.

Pangpang continued, “The mountain peak where the Feiyi settled was so arid that not a blade of grass grew. All the big trees were bare. From the foot of the mountain, one could see that the entire mountain was yellow and withered, out of place with the surrounding lush green mountains.”

“When the trees withered, they had no food to eat. So their entire group often relocated to different mountain peaks. They particularly liked to seize the homes of the Fuzhu tribe because the Fuzhu’s innate ability to attract rain made their mountain peaks often covered in fallen flowers and rich in food.”

Pangpang sighed, “So these two groups frequently fought over territory, battling fiercely. Even when the Fuzhu and Feiyi met privately, they would have a scuffle.”

“And what about the horses? What kind of racial talents do they have?”

“Pangpang doesn’t know about that. Whenever they saw Pangpang, they would fly away. Pangpang only saw them from a distance once, and had not heard of their racial talents from other companions. They’re very mysterious.”

Tu Ran nodded. Pangpang’s knowledge of the Feiyi and Fuzhu’s racial talents had already surprised her.

After resting enough, they continued forward, one person and one ball.

Tu Ran chose to walk through the relatively moist areas.

The moist areas had just experienced rain, indicating that the Fuzhu had been there recently.

After wandering for nearly an hour, Tu Ran finally heard some different sounds.

The sound of running, like hooves pounding on the ground, was rhythmic and urgent.

Following that, there was a faint rustling noise, like many-legged crawling creatures running.

These two sounds, one after the other, were moving closer.

Tu Ran immediately grabbed Pangpang’s wing and pulled it into a bush, hiding.

Pangpang was confused. Its hearing was not as sharp as Tu Ran’s and didn’t understand why Tu Ran was pulling it into the bushes.


Tu Ran pinched Pangpang’s beak, silencing the unspoken words.

At the same time, Tu Ran’s gaze warned it to stay quiet.

Pangpang nodded, indicating that it understood.

Releasing Pangpang’s beak, Tu Ran peeked through a small gap she made in the bushes to observe outside.

A snow-white deer stopped here. Its four antlers were particularly elegant, and there was a red flower-like pattern on its forehead.

This must be the Fuzhu.

No wonder Pangpang repeatedly emphasized that the Fuzhu was beautiful and pretty.

Tu Ran couldn’t help but marvel; this creature was the most beautiful of all the alien species she had seen so far.

As it stopped, raindrops began to fall immediately.

With less than ten meters between them and the Fuzhu, Tu Ran and Pangpang were inevitably caught in the rain.

To prevent the raindrops from making noise on her helmet and startling the Fuzhu, Tu Ran carefully opened the front glass visor of her helmet, exposing her head.

After wiping the rain from her face, Tu Ran remarked, “Wow, it’s like carrying a cloud with me.”

The Fuzhu kept looking back, its expression and movements erratic, like a sprite in the rain.

What was it waiting for?

Tu Ran was curious.

At that moment, Tu Ran heard the sound of a crawling-like creature getting closer. Then, the continuous light rain stopped, and an ugly fat insect came into her view.

Why was it described as ugly?

Because it had the body of a crocodile, its blackish-green, pitted surface was entirely uninviting to touch. It had six legs and four wings.

A typical appearance of a nuclear radiation-mutated species. Especially compared to the beautiful Fuzhu, it looked even more repulsive.

Despite its ugliness, Tu Ran focused more on it than on the Fuzhu.

This was because it had a glowing screen on its head, which displayed five large words: [Mountain Collapse and Earth Crack].


This ugly Feiyi had an inner core.

Tu Ran swallowed, quickly searching for a countermeasure in her mind.

Outside the bushes, the two alien species, unaware of Tu Ran and Pangpang, began an unfriendly conversation.

The angelic Fuzhu said, “Why are you following me? Want to die?”

“This little rain? Even if I wanted to die, you couldn’t drown me,” the Feiyi retorted.

The Feiyi was large, crawling on all fours, and was as tall as Tu Ran standing up.

The Fuzhu was twice its height, with four long legs that were even longer than Tu Ran standing.

This was a characteristic of Threshold alien species: enormous size, something Tu Ran was used to.

However, the conversation between these two large-sized species was like that of two elementary school students.

“You Feiyi are all unstoppable destroyers! Wherever you go, it becomes a wasteland. You should be with the drought demons, you’re both disasters!”

“Heh, and you Fuzhu aren’t disasters?! How many trees and lower species have you drowned? Don’t think we don’t know! Every time we move to a mountain peak you’ve lived on, we find a bunch of lower species bound with stones at the riverbed!
“What? Just because they’re bound with stones at the riverbed and out of sight, you think you haven’t harmed them?!” the Feiyi said sarcastically.

“Shut your ugly mouth! Which of your eyes saw us do it?”

“All the eyes of my Feiyi tribe saw it. What’s the matter? Are you afraid to admit what you did?”

The Fuzhu stamped its foot angrily, “And you Feiyi are any better?! You eat everything with your foul mouth. How many bodies soaked at the riverbed have you devoured? You’re chasing our Fuzhu clan around just for those bodies at the riverbed, and you act all innocent and virtuous!”

Listening to their conversation, Tu Ran felt a wave of nausea.

Bodies soaked at the riverbed? How terrible must that smell be?

It was astonishing that Feiyi could stomach such a thing.

And the Fuzhu?

With their angelic appearance, it was surprising that this species would engage in such acts as binding corpses with giant stones and sinking them into the water.

Tsk, indeed, there wasn’t a single normal species within the Threshold.

Oh wait, her little brother was a relatively normal species.

At that moment, the always-quiet Pangpang poked her with the tip of its wing.

Tu Ran looked at it with curiosity.

Pangpang leaned closer to Tu Ran’s ear and whispered in a tiny voice, “Pangpang needs to poop.”

Tu Ran: “…”

There really wasn’t a single normal species within the Threshold!

Here they were, hiding behind the bushes and eavesdropping on others’ conversation, in such a tense and serious situation, and this creature decided to mention needing to poop.

“Hang in there a little longer,” Tu Ran pleaded.

“Pangpang can’t hold it anymore,” Pangpang insisted urgently.



  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:


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