Developing Superpowers in Another World


Chapter 138 – Curse


“Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp.”
‘Pangpang can’t come here. There are very fierce animals on this mountain; they will eat Pangpang.’

“Huh? The little ones on my mountain are all very gentle, aren’t they? Before I went to sleep, I specifically picked some gentle and cute canines to stay on this mountain.” The old turtle was skeptical.

“Chirp chirp chirp, chirp chirp chirp.”
‘It’s true. There were three very fierce Pao Xiaos that wanted to eat Pangpang. It was the two-legged beast who saved Pangpang.’

“Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp, chirp chirp chirp.”
‘She set off the bombs to save Pangpang. Those three Pao Xiaos were so ferocious that nothing but bombs could kill them, and without them, Pangpang would have been torn to pieces.’

Pangpang spoke with tears streaming down, looking extremely pitiful, helpless, and small.

Tu Ran glanced at him from the corner of her eye and gave him a thumbs-up in her mind.

He really was her little brother, with top-notch acting skills, always saying nice things for her as his big sister.

The old turtle was heartbroken. “Pangpang, Grandpa will find those vile creatures for you and avenge you. Don’t cry, okay?”

Wow, he was already calling himself Grandpa?

Even a thousand-year-old turtle couldn’t resist the cute attack of a fluffy creature like Pangpang.

The old turtle waved his sleeve, performed a complex spell, and closed his eyes.

After a while, he opened them again, full of anger.

“Vile creatures! They deceived me back then, making me think they were good, unambitious kids. Now, not only are they ugly, but they are also bloodthirsty and cruel.”

Tu Ran thought, “Ugly” was the key word.

This old turtle was clearly a beauty lover. Back then, he must have chosen cute little dogs.

He didn’t expect that after thousands of years, those little dogs would evolve into the monstrous Pao Xiaos they were now.

The high-quality seeds he personally selected had grown completely crooked.

No wonder he was so angry.

“I’ll drive these ugly creatures away. How can such ugly things exist on my mountain?” The old turtle said angrily.

“Human, I’ll leave this task to you.”

Tu Ran, who had been a background character, was stunned. “What?”

You’re the one who finds those ugly things an eyesore; you handle it. It’s not like she found the Pao Xiaos ugly. Why make her deal with them?

“They are too powerful. I can’t defeat them,” Tu Ran found an excuse to dismiss the task.

“You have bombs, don’t you? They’re powerful enough to wake even me.”

The old turtle spoke in a mocking tone.

Tu Ran said, “They’ve evolved to be immune to weapons. Bombs only work if they’re shoved into their bellies. I’d have to risk my life just to deal with one. There are probably dozens of Pao Xiaos on this mountain. I can’t handle them all by myself.”

The old turtle fell silent, stroking the beard on his chin, seemingly deep in thought.

Tu Ran didn’t interrupt him.

She was hoping the old turtle would give her a powerful magical item.

On TV, the protagonist meets a reclusive master who, when asking the protagonist to complete a task, offers a magical item as a reward.

This old turtle had lived for thousands of years, surely he had many treasures.

Tu Ran was already rubbing her hands in anticipation in her mind.

Outwardly, she maintained a cold, indifferent demeanor.

After a while, the old turtle beckoned her over. “Come here, I’ll give you something.”

Tu Ran thought, ‘Oh yeah! I guessed right.’

She walked over happily.

The old turtle made some elaborate gestures with his hands and then pushed, and a complex blue magical seal covered Tu Ran.

Tu Ran didn’t feel anything.

“What is this?” she asked excitedly.

“A curse.”

Tu Ran: “?!”

“What?” She thought she had misheard.

“A curse!” the old turtle raised his voice, “How can you be deaf at such a young age?”

Tu Ran erupted, “A curse?! What kind of curse?!”

“If you don’t deal with the Pao Xiaos on this mountain within three days, you will die a violent death.”

Tu Ran: “?! Why curse me?!”

Why not give her a magical item?

Even if it wasn’t a magical item, it shouldn’t be a curse, right?!

Just because she wasn’t the protagonist?

“Because this way, you’ll be motivated to clear out those Pao Xiaos for me.”

“You could have given me a treasure to motivate me,” Tu Ran said, exasperated.

“A treasure? What treasure? Look at this mountain, does it look like it has treasures? Look at what I’m wearing, do I look like someone who has treasures?”

The old turtle spread his arms, showing that he was truly empty-handed.

Tu Ran resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Aren’t you capable of magic? Why don’t you just cast a spell and wipe them out yourself?”

The old turtle paused and then said, “I only know how to cast curses and control the door.”

As he spoke, he cast a spell to raise the dragon head.

Then he cast another spell to lower the dragon head.

Tu Ran was speechless at his actions.

“Haven’t you lived for thousands of years? And that’s all you can do?”

“What else do you expect? If I could do everything, why would I still be a mountain god?” The old turtle replied innocently.

Tu Ran: Makes sense!

Why didn’t she just kill this creature from the start?!

She had left it the opportunity to curse her.

Her brain must have had a glitch.

Xie Xu had told her before that these supernatural beings, apart from making firearms ineffective, had no special abilities.

She hadn’t believed him.

She had let herself be fooled by this thousand-year-old turtle.

“Don’t just stand there, go quickly, or you’ll be too late,” the old turtle reminded her.

Tu Ran glared at him. It was only because of him that she might be late!

“How am I supposed to go in such heavy rain?”

The old turtle clapped his hands in surprise. “Ah, I forgot. I can control the rain too.”

With that, he began to cast another spell, pressing his hands down to the ground. The pouring rain suddenly stopped, the sky brightened instantly, and sunlight streamed into the cave, illuminating it completely.

So this sudden rain was also his doing.

“Pangpang! Let’s go!” Tu Ran said angrily.

“Wait, wait, wait! You can go alone, leave Pangpang here!” The old turtle pleaded. “It’s too dangerous! It wouldn’t be good if little Pangpang got hurt.”

So he knew it was dangerous too, Tu Ran couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him.

“Pangpang, you stay here. I’ll come back for you after I deal with those Pao Xiaos.”

“Oh, okay. Boss, be careful. Remember to come back; don’t forget Pangpang is still here,” Pangpang said, like a child waving goodbye to their parents.

“I know,” Tu Ran replied, quickly leaving.

Three days to deal with so many Pao Xiaos wasn’t a lot of time.

In the cave, the old turtle smiled and waved at Pangpang. “Pangpang, come here, let Grandpa touch you.”

“Grandpa, why do you keep standing there? You can come over here too.”

Without Tu Ran around, Pangpang felt scared, especially since the old turtle stood in the dim depths of the cave where the light didn’t reach.

“Because I am the mountain god. A mountain god is confined to the peak of this mountain, within this cave. I cannot leave; I am bound here.”



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