Developing Superpowers in Another World


Chapter 133 – Bargaining


The sudden betrayal of the two underlings caught it off guard. It roared, trying to wake up the two crazed underlings.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s gotten into you? Do you think I didn’t give you enough last time? This time I’ll give each of you an arm, that should be enough, right?”

The leader of the Pao Xiaos hastily dodged the attacks of the two underlings while bargaining with them.

If Tu Ran didn’t have the ability [Language Talent], seeing this scene, she would definitely think it was three mad dogs fighting.

Biting and barking at each other.

But at this moment, she could understand their language, and she could clearly understand their conversation.

“Hey, do you two still respect me as your leader?!”

One of the underlings responded by biting its butt.

“Ouch!” it screamed.

It jumped more than two meters high in pain.

“Will you stop? Can’t you see that human is already laughing at us?!” it said angrily.

“If we team up and kill this human, I’ll give each of you a leg. That should be enough, right?”

The two underlings ignored it and tried their best to pounce on it.

They were completely controlled by Tu Ran, and now they had only two words in their minds: kill it!

After multiple attempts to persuade them failed, the leader of the pack stopped coddling the two underlings and took the initiative to attack.

Its attacks were very strong. Earlier, it had been lenient because they were companions, allowing the two underlings to bite it several times.

Now it completely erupted, and the two underlings couldn’t get close to it.

Instead, they were bitten back repeatedly.

The leader of the pack gradually realized that there was something wrong with the two underlings.

They seemed to have lost their minds and were being controlled.

It had abilities and had seen a lot in the world, so it quickly realized what was happening and looked towards Tu Ran.

The constantly changing colors of the hallucinogenic mushroom on her shoulder instantly made it understand everything.

It was this cunning human causing trouble! She used the hallucinogenic mushroom to control its two underlings.

It kicked its hind legs hard and leaped towards Tu Ran. It wanted to tear this cunning human into pieces.

In mid-air, just a few meters away from Tu Ran, its two underlings pounced first. The three creatures fell heavily to the ground and started wrestling together.

Tu Ran had been observing the battle from the side. By her estimation, the two underlings alone were no match for the Pao Xiao leader. She couldn’t just sit and wait.

The hallucinogenic mushroom wouldn’t control the two underlings for long.

She drew the long knife from her waist and rushed forward quickly.

Originally, it was three aliens against one human. Now, it was her and the two underlings against the Pao Xiao leader.

The two underlings entangled the Pao Xiao leader, keeping it distracted, while Tu Ran leaped onto its back.

She aimed the sharp blade at its head and slashed down.

The moment the blade struck its neck, it was like hitting a wall of bronze, sending a jolt through Tu Ran’s hands.

Undeterred, she gripped the knife with both hands and used all her strength to hack down.

Still, not a scratch.

The Pao Xiao leader, while dodging the attacks of its underlings, frantically shook its body, trying to throw off the annoying human.

Tu Ran grabbed its hair at the back of its head, trying to hold on while she repeatedly stabbed at its head with her other hand.

She stabbed wherever she could.

One stab went into its false eye, used to confuse enemies.

That was a relatively weak spot, and the knife penetrated instantly.

Tu Ran didn’t pull the knife out immediately but twisted it around inside.

Finding an entry point wasn’t easy.

Blood began to flow profusely.

Although the Pao Xiao leader had the superpower of [Diamond Body], which granted it fast recovery and strong resistance, it still felt pain acutely.

In agony, it threw back its head and cursed.

“Despicable human! Evil human! Get off me! Aaargh!!!”

It bit down on one of its underlings’ necks, thrashing its body, venting its anger on the subordinate.

Its sharp fangs pierced the underling’s flesh, and its powerful jaws snapped the latter’s head clean off.

Blood sprayed out as the underling’s body went limp.

The Pao Xiao leader spat out the severed head, its eerie, bloodthirsty eyes locking onto the next underling.

The sight of the scene just now jolted the remaining underling, making it show signs of breaking free from the hallucinogenic mushroom’s control. It backed away, no longer attacking the leader.

The Pao Xiao leader immediately focused all its energy on dealing with Tu Ran on its back.

It rammed into a tree trunk desperately, once, twice, three times, trying to shake her off.

The sturdy tree shook, leaves falling down in a flurry.

Poor Pangpang up in the tree clung to the trunk even tighter.

Tu Ran couldn’t hold on any longer. Just as she was thrown off, she fired an armor-piercing bullet into the leader’s eye socket.

With the explosion of the bullet, the Pao Xiao leader was blown ten meters away, crashing into a tree trunk before falling to the ground.

This armor-piercing bullet did considerable damage to it.

It stood up shakily, trying to clear its head.

There was no way Tu Ran would let this moment of its vulnerability pass. She bit her finger again, letting her blood drip onto the slightly dim hallucinogenic mushroom, which instantly glowed brightly again.

Tu Ran intensified her control over the surviving underling.

‘Charge!’ she commanded in her mind.

The underling immediately lost its self-awareness and charged at the Pao Xiao leader.

Tu Ran also used [Teleportation], appearing beside the Pao Xiao leader in the blink of an eye. She crouched and aimed her gun at its armpit, firing repeatedly at its eye.

One of its eyes exploded on the spot, eye matter splattering everywhere.

The Pao Xiao leader roared in pain.

It hadn’t expected the foolish human to dare attack it at such close range and angrily swiped its paw down at Tu Ran’s head.

A tiger paw the size of her head would, at the very least, result in her brains splattering.

But it had just been hit by a bullet, and with one eye lost, its reaction speed was significantly slower.

As its paw approached, Tu Ran used [Teleportation], flashing to the other side.

The Pao Xiao leader hadn’t reacted yet.

Its other eye was immediately shot, and with a “bang,” it exploded.

Blinded in both eyes, it went into a complete frenzy.

It wildly attacked any source of sound.

Biting, ramming, swiping, it acted like a rabid dog, destroying everything around it.

Tu Ran stood at a distance, leaving the ensuing battle to the two remaining Pao Xiaos.

In a fight between the two, one would surely die.

No matter who survived, the remaining one would be her next target.

As it turned out, the leader was still the leader.

Despite losing both eyes and being hit by a bullet directly in the face, it still managed to overpower its underling.

With a thunderous swipe of its paw, it broke the underling’s waist in two.

The underling whimpered, trying to struggle, but with its spine broken, it could no longer stand.



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