Developing Superpowers in Another World

Forest of Steel and Iron

Chapter 13 – Forest of Steel and Iron


Xi Chunzhi was quite satisfied with this result, so she no longer argued with them. Instead, she asked, “Since you’ve already discussed and decided, why are you still hanging around here?”

“We have received orders from our superiors. We still need to ask Ms. Tu Ran a few questions,” replied a polite voice.

Tu Ran knew this meant she was going to be re-examined.

She was already fully dressed and was about to push open the door under the guidance of the nurse.

Xi Chunzhi’s disdainful voice came through, “Are you kidding me? How could she possibly be possessed? Alien species are extremely sensitive to each other’s presence. She was almost taken over by the Herog monster, which is proof enough that she is human and not an alien. You’d be better off investigating someone else with your time.”

“Ms. Xi is absolutely right, but these are orders from our superiors. It’s just a few simple questions and won’t take much time. If Ms. Tu is willing, we should follow the protocol so we can report back to our superiors.”

Their attitude was so sincere that Xi Chunzhi, not one to be unreasonable, said no more.

However, from their conversation, Tu Ran thought of a way, albeit a stupid one, to avoid the re-examination.


A scream came from the dressing room.

Xi Chunzhi kicked the door open and rushed in.

She saw Tu Ran curled up in the corner, hugging her legs.

“What happened?” She quickly walked up to her.

Behind her, the medical staff in uniforms also followed in.

Tu Ran messed up her hair and tried to make herself look pitiful and mentally unstable. “I want to go home. It’s not safe here… I want to go home…”

She originally planned to fake fainting but quickly realized that, in the medical department, they had a hundred ways to wake her up. Instead, she decided it was more reliable to feign a stress-induced reaction.

After all, stress disorders can’t be cured simply with medication, nor can they be quickly resolved. This made it a perfect excuse to avoid interrogation.

Xi Chunzhi held her trembling hand, feeling a pang of sympathy, “Don’t be afraid, we’re going home right now.”

She stood up and looked at the medical staff who had come in with her. At the forefront was a young man, neatly dressed in a white uniform, with a gentle and refined appearance.

“As you can see, her current mental state is not suitable for a re-examination. I’m taking her home. I hope you understand.”

Xi Chunzhi spoke concisely and, without waiting for a response, started walking out, pulling Tu Ran along.

Tu Ran watched Xi Chunzhi’s fearless back as she walked ahead, wanting to say, “Sister Xi, you are my savior!” But she dared not let her guard down and continued to exhibit a terrified and lost expression, like a soulless puppet, obediently following Xi Chunzhi.

Perhaps because they subconsciously believed she couldn’t be an alien, the staff didn’t pursue them.

Having temporarily escaped the ordeal, Tu Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking through the narrow corridors of the medical department, Xi Chunzhi led her into an elevator. Instead of going down, she pressed the button for the 48th floor.

The elevator quickly ascended, and through the transparent glass, Tu Ran could clearly overlook the city below.

It was already night.

Colorful neon lights illuminated the entire city, sparkling with technological brilliance. Hovering cars and floating rail tracks wove flexibly among the high-rise buildings. There were sports cars driving on the ground and pedestrians flying close to the ground. From this distance, Tu Ran couldn’t see why they were able to fly so fast.


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