Developing Superpowers in Another World

The Two-Headed Giant

Chapter 119 – The Two-Headed Giant


The chicken monster ate everything. After she consumed its inner core, everything she ate tasted delicious.

The hook snake could see a person’s past and future. After she consumed its inner core, Tu Ran also gained this ability.

The man-eating vine could cause hallucinations.

So, if she consumed its inner core, she might also gain a similar superpower.

But how could she make this superpower useful? Tu Ran needed to find a test subject.

However, in this dense forest, there were only trees, grass, and some half-dead vines; there were no other animals she could experiment on.

At this moment, Tu Ran noticed the flying insects in the sky.

These insects were the colorful fireflies she had seen in her hallucination.

Looking at them now, each one was pitch black and incredibly ugly.

Since she had seen them, she decided to test her newly acquired ability on them.

Focusing on one insect, Tu Ran silently chanted in her heart: Fall down!

The insect flapped its wings and continued flying without any change.

Tu Ran didn’t give up.

Fall down!

She tried silently chanting again.

The insect flew away.

Tu Ran: “…”

Did she have to shout it out loud?

But the man-eating vine didn’t have a mouth and didn’t shout either.

Oh well, she might as well give it a try.

Tu Ran took out her pistol and aimed at the trunk of a giant fir tree, firing a shot.

At the same time, she shouted at an insect flying in front of her: “Fall down!”

Her shout was drowned out by the gunshot.

The insect spun a few times in the air and then flew away.

Tu Ran: “…”

She had wasted a bullet for nothing.

She dejectedly put her gun away.

Oh well, she would just go with the flow.

Tu Ran casually chose a direction and decided to keep walking that way.

Since the compass was useless in this world and Tu Ran herself couldn’t tell east from west, she just relied on her instincts.

Occasionally, she would stop and make a few marks on the trees.

This world didn’t have any concept of time; the arrival of day and night was unpredictable.

A day could last twenty-four hours, forty-eight hours, or even eighty or a hundred hours.

All the humans who entered this world still followed the Federation’s time system.

At nine o’clock in the evening Federation time, Tu Ran stopped, found an easy-to-climb giant fir, and quickly climbed to the top, finding a branch to spend the “night.”

In reality, the sun was still high in the sky.

The giant fir’s leaves provided shade, so Tu Ran wasn’t exposed to the sun.

She took a piece of compressed biscuit from her food bag and started nibbling on it.

This was her first energy replenishment for the day.

After drinking some nutrient solution and a few large gulps of water, she set a six-hour timer, covered herself with a leaf she had picked, and closed her eyes to sleep.

Even while sleeping, Tu Ran remained vigilant.

Before the timer went off, Tu Ran heard the sound of heavy footsteps slowly approaching.

The sound was like that of a hundred-year-old man with a cane, wearing slippers, moving slowly and heavily.

Tu Ran instantly became alert, but she didn’t immediately lift the leaf covering her to observe.

Instead, she made a small hole in the leaf with her fingers.

Peering through the hole, she observed the situation outside.

‘Is that… a giant?’

She was stunned by the sight of the massive human figure.

She was currently on a branch of a sturdy giant fir, at least twenty meters above the ground.

The man walking in her direction was as tall as she was.

His head was level with hers.

His eyes were as large as her entire head.

At that moment, those eyes were looking in her direction, filled with melancholy.

He seemed to think of something and sighed, the rush of air almost blowing the leaf covering Tu Ran off.

Luckily, Tu Ran reacted quickly and caught it in time.

She shrank back on the branch, not daring to move.

Given the size difference between the giant and herself, she was probably no more than a caterpillar on a blade of grass in his eyes.

Tu Ran continued observing him through the leaf.

When he turned, Tu Ran realized that he couldn’t simply be called a giant human.

His appearance was vastly different from that of a human.

From the front, his upper body looked like that of an adult male human.

He wasn’t wearing any clothes and had a muscular build.

But when he turned around, his lower body was that of a horse.

That wasn’t all—at the tail end of the horse’s body, there was another human torso.

The human at the tail looked very irritable and unwilling, crossing his arms and nearly flaring his nostrils to the sky.

A two-headed human sharing a single horse’s body.

Tu Ran’s eyes widened in shock.

She steadied herself and quietly placed her wrist near the small hole.

She needed to record this species.

Everything went smoothly.

The two men didn’t notice her.

They walked past her.

Just then, Tu Ran’s timer went off.

The moment the vibration sounded, Tu Ran’s heart leaped into her throat, and she quickly turned it off.

She prayed that the two wouldn’t hear it.

Please, just think it’s a caterpillar farting.

Terrifyingly, the heavy and slow footsteps came to a halt.

Tu Ran was so scared she didn’t dare to breathe.

It’s over.

She saw the giant, who had already walked past, come back.

The irate-looking man was leading.

His head-sized eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for the faint vibration.

Tu Ran’s hand slowly reached for her gun.

The irritable man’s gaze roved around endlessly, unable to pinpoint the source of the sound.

He threw his head back and roared, then punched the nearest tree on his right.

The tree instantly snapped in half.

It narrowly missed the tree Tu Ran was on.

It crashed to the ground.

Tu Ran: Now she understood how those broken trees got that way…

The next second, Tu Ran’s worst fear came true.

The irate man’s gaze fell on her tree.

He hadn’t noticed her; he just wanted to vent his anger on the tree.

If the tree fell, she would most likely fall with it. Judging by the height, even if she didn’t die, she’d be severely injured.

Tu Ran’s mind raced, and she came up with a daring plan.

The moment the irate man swung his fist, she would jump onto his arm.

Using it as a cushion, she’d then leap to the ground along their connected body.

Given her small stature, she could easily hide her body. She could blend into a nearby thicket, making it impossible for them to find her.

With the plan in mind, Tu Ran kept a close watch on the irate man’s movements, calculating the angle and position of his punch.

She had to avoid jumping too early and colliding with his fist, which would end in a splattered mess.

The irate man’s massive fist swung like a wrecking ball.

It got closer and closer to the tree trunk.

Ten meters, eight meters, seven meters…

A little closer, a little closer, Tu Ran silently chanted in her mind, closely watching the distance of his fist.

Just a bit closer, and she could jump.

However, just as Tu Ran was about to leap, that fist capable of smashing anything suddenly pulled back, moving farther away.

Tu Ran didn’t have time to react to what was happening.

She heard a thunderous crash, like a landslide, causing the ground to shake. Tu Ran clung tightly to the branch, barely avoiding being shaken off.

But the leaf covering her fell.

Tu Ran’s face turned pale.

She nervously glanced at the two-headed giant.

The two heads had somehow started fighting.

The thunderous crash was caused by them being tripped by the fallen tree trunk.

While they were still wrestling, Tu Ran quickly grabbed a new leaf to cover herself again.

She made a small hole in the leaf to continue observing the situation outside.

Because their bodies were connected, each man controlled two of the horse’s legs, making their fight look comical.

They were both on the ground, and if one of them refused to get up, the other couldn’t stand up no matter what.

At that moment, the two were lying on the ground, with the irate man trying to get up while the melancholy man lay there like a dead weight, refusing to cooperate.

The irate man twisted his upper body, swinging his fists in an attempt to hit the other, but he couldn’t reach.

He started speaking in a guttural language Tu Ran couldn’t understand, but she could tell from his tone that he was probably swearing.

He spoke a lot, and the melancholy man occasionally replied with a few words.

Every time he responded, the irate man’s temper flared even more. He began kicking anything he could reach.

He kicked the ground, creating a hole and sending dirt flying.

Tu Ran thought about the large pit she had fallen into earlier, which was probably made by these two heads stomping around.

Now wasn’t the time to stick around and watch.

Seeing that they had no intention of getting up yet, Tu Ran decided to make her escape.

If these two got up and started fighting again, the surrounding trees would suffer, and so would she.

Tu Ran carefully climbed to the side of the tree trunk that faced away from them.

She slowly made her way down.

Her feet finally touched the ground, and she peeked to check on the two.

They were trying to stand up together.

Realizing this wasn’t good, Tu Ran quickly sprinted in the opposite direction.

To ensure she remained unseen, she picked up a leaf from the ground and covered herself with it as she ran, blending in with the surroundings from above.

She ran for three hundred meters without stopping and heard the crashing sound of trees falling behind her.

The ground beneath her feet trembled.

Tu Ran paused and looked back in that direction.

She couldn’t tell if the falling tree was the one she had been hiding in.

But as more giant trees started crashing down one after another, she felt grateful for her timely decision.

Having distanced herself from the two-headed horse-bodied giant, Tu Ran wandered aimlessly forward.

She had completely lost track of her location.

Even if she tried to retrace her steps, she wouldn’t be able to find her way back.



  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    horsemen cursed af 😭😭

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