Developing Superpowers in Another World

Disbanding the Pioneer Team

Chapter 114 – Disbanding the Pioneer Team


After a burst of commotion, the upper floors quieted down again, making the entire building feel eerily silent.

This wasn’t just a building; it was clearly a tomb.

Tu Ran felt an oppressive suffocation.

She hoped the research institute would make some progress soon, so humanity wouldn’t be so small and powerless in the face of a virus outbreak.

All afternoon, Tu Ran and Meng Fancheng treated three critically ill patients.

In the evening, they changed everyone’s medications and delivered food.

By midnight, no one on the floor had mutated.

Ding Naiqing, who had slept until midnight, took over from Tu Ran after drinking two bottles of nutrient solutions.

The guards also changed shifts.

Tu Ran entered the makeshift rest area.

There were no beds, only mats on the floor.

Tu Ran chose a spot by the edge, set down the gun she had carried all day beside her pillow, and lay down fully dressed.

She wasn’t sleepy.

She browsed the latest updates from the Federation on the infection-related aliens.

There was no substantial progress.

The research institute worked around the clock but had not made any breakthroughs.

Even those who hadn’t been injured or come into contact with alien blood were mutating.

There were eleven news reports today alone of people who had bitten their family members and passersby.

Fortunately, the Pioneer Team had people monitoring, so the alien infection circle hadn’t spread too widely.

But the public’s dissatisfaction with the Federal Government was growing.

Some people brought up the opposition from when the Threshold first appeared.

“The Threshold is a precursor to disaster.”

“The Federal Government is courting its own destruction.”

“The Mass Migration Plan is a complete joke!”

“The Pioneer Team created by the Federal Government angered the beings within the Threshold. They are retaliating against the Federal Government, against humanity!”

“The Alien Extinction Plan is utterly heinous!”

“Every species has the right to maintain its own existence. The Federal Government exterminates the species of our world and now wants to do the same to the species of other worlds. I am ashamed to be human!”

“Oppose further exploration of the Threshold! We should keep our distance from it!”

“Disband the Pioneer Team! Disband the Pioneer Team! They are the source of all disasters!”

Various chants arose continuously.

Extreme protesters played a significant role in driving this movement.

They had long been dedicated to eroding the Federal Government’s credibility, and they weren’t going to miss such a golden opportunity.

Tu Ran saw from the news photos that protesters were already marching in the streets of the Federal Center, holding banners with red slogans.

“Disband the Pioneer Team!”

“Oppose the Alien Extinction Plan!”

“Reject the Mass Migration Plan!”

Tu Ran turned off the communicator.

She knew these protests were futile.

Once the Federal Government weathered this storm, they would continue to brainwash the public.

People would once again wholeheartedly support the Federation, the Pioneer Team, and the Alien Extinction Plan.

Tu Ran lay on her arm, gazing out the window.

It was late at night, but outside, it was still as bright as day, with no stars in sight.

In this world with poor air quality, there were no stars.

The nearby guard’s snores grew louder.

Gunshots echoed from afar.

Not from this building.

From other buildings.

Tu Ran’s consciousness began to blur.

She needed to rest.

She had to take over from Ding Naiqing in the morning.

At four in the morning, a series of gunshots rang out from several other buildings.

Initially, Tu Ran paid no mind to it.

But the gunfire continued.

From every building, every floor, every direction, the gunshots persisted.



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