Developing Superpowers in Another World

The Reward

Chapter 105 – The Reward


Tu Ran sat up straight, avoiding his gaze.

She was worried he might see through her.

“I don’t need to tell you,” she said.

Xie Xu pressed his lips together in silence.

Feeling a bit unsure under his scrutiny, Tu Ran added, “I’m just suspicious. It might not be that the original alien is hiding in her. You can keep an eye on her more closely. If it turns out to be true, it won’t harm you.”

Xie Xu withdrew his scrutinizing gaze. “Isn’t this a deal? What do you want?”

Tu Ran was slightly stunned. She thought he wouldn’t honor the deal after guessing her suspect.

Unexpectedly, he was quite trustworthy.

“I haven’t decided yet. You owe me one, and I’ll ask for it when I think of something,” Tu Ran said, feeling quite pleased.

Xie Xu frowned at her, puzzled as to why she wanted to keep the favor owed. Wasn’t there anything she wanted right now?

The line ahead was still moving slowly, the oppressive atmosphere lingering. Everyone had yet to recover from their near-death experience.

Ding Naiqing lifted the curtain and walked up to Tu Ran with a smile. “Sister Ran, Dr. Xu from the medical department asked me to take you directly to the medical department. They want to provide you with a free nutrition pod.”

The nutrition pod could not only help wounds heal quickly but also replenish energy, alleviate fatigue, and enhance beauty.

Tu Ran was a bit surprised. She wasn’t injured, so she shouldn’t have had the chance to get a free nutrition pod.

“This is a reward from the Federation,” Xie Xu explained indifferently.

Just this as a reward?

Tu Ran’s initial surprise vanished.

She had made significant contributions in this operation. Without her, who knows how many more people on the train would have been infected. And all she got was a nutrition pod?

So stingy?

Tu Ran thought of Xi Chunzhi’s fried chicken.

Well, compared to that, her reward was rather generous.

“Let’s go,” Tu Ran sighed, standing up.

Following behind Ding Naiqing, she approached a black hovering patrol car parked on the square lawn.

This was the patrol car used daily by the Executive Department.

It could fly.

Tu Ran was pleasantly surprised. “Did you borrow the patrol car from the Executive Department?”

Ding Naiqing nodded. “Yes, this is the only car available here.”

Tu Ran happily walked around the patrol car.

Since coming to this world, it was her first time getting a chance to ride a flying car.

Ding Naiqing considerately opened the car door for her. “Sister Ran, get in quickly.”

Tu Ran bent down and climbed in.

The interior wasn’t spacious, only accommodating four people.

Ding Naiqing took the driver’s seat, skillfully adjusted the controls, and started the car.

The patrol car smoothly ascended, avoiding other ascending patrol cars and flying forward.

“Not bad, Xiao Ding, you can even drive a patrol car,” Tu Ran praised.

Ding Naiqing smiled shyly, eyes on the road ahead. “Sister Ran, you don’t know. Before I applied to the Pioneer Team, I planned to join the Executive Department, so I learned some patrol car driving skills.”

“Why did you decide to join the Pioneer Team? The Executive Department is safer, and the salary and benefits aren’t bad.”

Ding Naiqing smiled. They had already left the vast Mitney Square and entered a district lined with tall buildings. He occasionally adjusted the direction.

He said, “I like adventure. I don’t want to stay in the Executive Department until I die, patrolling every day, handling gang disputes, then patrolling again. It’s so monotonous and boring.”

Tu Ran was surprised by his words. From his appearance, Ding Naiqing completely seemed like a well-behaved guy.

“I don’t look like someone who loves adventure, right?” Ding Naiqing glanced at her, then turned back to the road. “That’s what everyone says.”



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