Developing Superpowers in Another World

The Missing Memory

Chapter 104 – The Missing Memory


“Sister, this isn’t mine,” the little girl said crisply.

“Is it? Then I’m sorry,” Tu Ran smiled and took the button back from her hand.

“But why are you alone? Where’s your mom?” Tu Ran asked gently.

The little girl lowered her head, her eyes filled with tears. “My mom… my mom was eaten.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Tu Ran said, looking remorseful. “Where’s your dad?”

“An uncle has already contacted my dad, and he’ll be here soon to pick me up,” the little girl replied obediently.

“That’s good. Why don’t you rest on the chair for a while?” Tu Ran invited.

The little girl shook her head. “No need, sister. My dad will be here soon, and I want to wait for him outside.”

“Alright, then stay safe.”

“I will, sister. Bye-bye,” the little girl said politely.

Watching her walk out of the makeshift room, Tu Ran sat back down.

Slowly closing her eyes, memories she had read earlier flooded her mind.

The little girl’s mom was the woman who had her neck bitten off while rescuing the first alien that fell to the ground.

Tu Ran had previously read a memory from a passerby in the carriage.

She saw the infected mom slowly walking toward her daughter.

The passerby had only been focused on escaping and didn’t see what happened next, so Tu Ran didn’t know either after reading his memory.

But how likely was it for a terrified little girl to escape from the hands of her alien mother?

When Tu Ran read that part, she had assumed the little girl wouldn’t survive.

So when she saw her just now, Tu Ran was instantly suspicious.

Touching the girl’s palm, Tu Ran read her memory.

There was a missing piece in the little girl’s memory.

The last scene before she lost her memory was her mom walking towards her, blood dripping from her bloody hands, sharp nails seemingly about to gouge out her eyes.

Then, there was a blank void, nothing at all.

Her memory reappeared later when she was hiding in the bathroom, with the carriage broadcasting for all survivors to queue up and leave.

So, she came out with them.

What could that missing memory be?

Tu Ran couldn’t figure it out.

She turned her head and looked at Xie Xu, who was two seats away.

His eyes were slightly closed, leaning against the chair, with distinct, sharp profile lines.

Tu Ran hesitated for a moment, then stood up and moved two seats over to sit next to him.

“Let’s make a deal.”

Xie Xu opened his eyes and looked at her. “What deal?”

As he turned his face, Tu Ran noticed the bruises and swelling from his lips to his jawline.

She had punched him before.

Tu Ran pressed her lips together, struggling to suppress her laughter.

“Your research institute is looking for the original alien, right?”

“Yes,” Xie Xu stared at her.

Her acting was too clumsy; he had already seen through her attempt to hide her laughter.

“I have a suspect,” Tu Ran said.

“The little girl?”

Tu Ran blinked. “How did you know?”

“Because your excuse to talk to her just now was too fake, and your smile was also very fake.”

Tu Ran touched her face. Was her smile fake? She thought she did a good job acting.

With a cold snort, Tu Ran rolled her eyes at him. “That’s because you’ve never seen Tu Ran smile, so you think my smile is fake.”

“What’s your reason? Why do you suspect her?” Xie Xu looked at her, his gaze probing.



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