Dead-End Villainess Who Makes Medicine

DVMM Special Epilogue 02

Head Chef of the Palace, Gray Zimmer.

He was a veteran among veterans; he joined the palace as a young chef and worked there for over thirty years.

It took twenty years to secure the position of Head Chef of the Palace after enduring all kinds of trials and hardships. 

For the past ten years, he has defended his position as head chef of the imperial palace against all sorts of schemes and conspiracies.


“Hurry up and finish! Their Majesties will be here soon!”

“Yes, Chef!”


Gray chuckled satisfactorily at the resounding response.

For a while, the two Sovereigns had been too busy to be properly served meals.

Today, the finest meat had just arrived, so he intended to serve the best dishes. Today’s dish was like a masterpiece crafted from thirty years of experience.

The most magnificent work of Gray Zimmer’s life! The taste of his utmost dedication!

As a result, he was determined to further solidify his position as Head Chef of the Palace… He had absolutely no doubts about it.


“They must not experience any disruption in their enjoyment, understand?”

“Yes, Head Chef!”


In Gray’s mind, a bright future was unfolding endlessly—it was the natural course of things.


“Chef! They have arrived!”

“Ah, yes. Then let’s start with the appetizer as planned!”


The pumpkin cream soup was steaming as it was wheeled in on a cart.

Recently, it’s been a public secret that Her Majesty the Empress isn’t feeling well.

Gray used pumpkin, which eases the stomach, as the main ingredient, along with cream to enhance the flavor and a secret sauce to make the soup.

He was sure that with just one taste, she would be amazed and full of praise.

Gray walked ahead of the food cart to the dining area that had been set up.


“And prepare for the next course. I’ll go out to attend to Their Majesties.”

“Yes, Chef!”


At the Emperor’s request to dine outside for the evening, preparations were made in the garden in front of the dining hall.

Under the crimson sky, a radiant couple sat across from each other, engaged in a lively conversation.


‘Hehehe. You both look truly splendid.’


Though he couldn’t express such irreverent thoughts aloud, Gray felt as if he were watching his own grandchildren.

Gray approached respectfully, bowing deeply.


“I am Gray Zimmer, honored to serve Your Majesties.”

“Ah, the imperial head chef, the treats you sent me the other day were well received.”


The first to respond was Empress Rohiriel.

She praised Gray’s previous efforts with a warm smile.

Looking into her shining blue eyes, Gray felt a renewed sense of pride and profound respect.


“To be remembered by Your Majesty, this Gray Zimmer! It’s an honor beyond measure.”

“Indeed. To be remembered by the Empress is a great honor.”


Rohiriel smiled slightly as he watched Julion, who spoke nonchalantly.

Now, even that expression of his seemed adorable to her. Perhaps she shouldn’t be scolding Hemion after all.


“By the way, is dinner ready yet?”

“No, it should be soon…”


Just then, behind the chef, the food cart arrived.

Despite the covered lid, the sweet aroma spreading throughout the garden made Rohiriel suddenly feel very hungry.




But strangely, Julion’s expression seemed uncomfortably stiff for a moment.

Before she could ask, Gray opened the cover and began explaining the dish.


“This is pumpkin cream soup. Made with pumpkin as the main ingredient for the Empress, who has recently been feeling unwell…”


If it’s for the Empress, the Emperor would surely like it.

Instinctively aware of this unchanging truth, Gray subtly emphasized this point while looking at Julion.

His gaze held an underlying hope for praise, but for some reason, Julion did not respond with his usual nod, but instead


“What exactly did you put in it?”


With an uncomfortable expression, he glared at Gray and the soup.

Gray’s eyes widened at the unexpectedness of the situation, and he looked back and forth between the soup, the Emperor, and the Empress.


“Julion, what’s wrong with you all of a sudden? It’s pumpkin, cream, and a secret sauce.”

“What’s the secret sauce? Is there any fish in it?”

“Huh? Fish in soup…”

“But why does it smell so fishy?”


Julion turned his head sharply, as if he were really disgusted.

Rohiriel was bewildered, but it was Gray who was the most flustered and at a loss.


“Oh, no, Your Majesty! There’s absolutely no fish or anything similar in it.”

“But why does it smell like that?”

“Julion, why are you like this? I can only smell a very fragrant and sweet aroma.”

“…Is this what you call fragrant and sweet?”


Julion widened his eyes as if he truly couldn’t understand.

Rohiriel and Gray were equally perplexed.


“Shouldn’t we try eating it first? I’m really hungry.”


As Rohiriel touched her stomach and spoke, Julion immediately nodded.

At the same time, the soup was quickly placed on the table.

The bright orange soup swirled alluringly. A few nuts and leaves were used as garnishes, making it look almost like a blooming flower.


“Wow, it looks so beautiful. I’ll enjoy this, Gray.”

“My pleasure, Your Majesty.”


While bowing his head, Gray glanced briefly at Julion.

Julion, seemingly finding the smell truly repulsive, held the spoon in his hand but couldn’t bring himself to dip it into the soup.


“Rohiriel, are you sure it’s okay to eat this…”


Before he could express his concerns again, Rohiriel had already taken a spoonful into her mouth.




A comforting warmth, like being in a mother’s embrace. A sweetness that melts in your mouth.

The pumpkin flavor and the subtlety of the ingredients linger on the tip of her tongue. Rohiriel had never tasted such delicious pumpkin soup before.

She involuntarily praised it and took second and third spoons. At that moment, she met Julion’s eyes.

With an incredulous expression, he stared at Rohiriel, who was eating with such gusto.


“Oh… you’re not eating? It’s really delicious.”

“Delicious……? It smells so bad.”

“You’ve been complaining about some smell since earlier. Maybe it’ll be different once you try a bite.”

“…Alright. If you insist that much.”


Reluctantly, Julion scooped up some soup.

Not even a full scoop; just barely dipping the spoon into the soup, Julion swallowed nervously and slowly brought the spoon to his mouth.




The moment the soup touched Julion’s tongue.


The spoon fell to the floor as Julion hurriedly covered his mouth.



“I-I’m sorry, Rohiriel. It’s just… Ugh.”


Julion shook his head slightly, still grimacing in discomfort. His dazzling golden eyes trembled with confusion.

Sensing something amiss, Rohiriel quickly stood up and grabbed Julion’s shoulder.


“What’s wrong! What’s happening? Where does it hurt?”

“It’s… not that. The food is just… ugh.”



Unable to hold back any longer, Julion abruptly stood up and dashed towards the restroom inside the dining hall without even looking back at Rohiriel.

Seeing Julion flee in such a distressed state, Rohiriel was understandably shaken as well.




Seeing Rohiriel rush urgently towards Julion, Gray, too, was caught up in contemplation.


“Oh no…”


His face turned pale as he sank to the floor.

Gray Zimmer, the head chef of the palace.

In the years to come, he would remember this day as follows:


That day was the day my world came crashing down. The rosy path I had dreamed of was suddenly shattered, and I was left staring at a thorny road ahead. How can I describe the feeling of watching my future plans and dreams evaporate into thin air? If there’s one day I never want to relive, it’s the day the news of the Empress’s pregnancy was announced.



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