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DVMM Chapter 16

DVMM Chapter 16

DVMM Chapter 16


Returning to Garnet Palace, I checked on Hemion Martin out of habit, and immediately set to work on the Empress’ medicine.


First, I need to remove all of the ingredients from the Chief physician’s prescription and make a potion to restore the nerves in her eyes.


Next, painkillers.


A powerful painkiller was needed for the empress to be able to withstand the light.


I remembered the painkillers my mother used just before she died.


The combination of medicinal herbs floated around in my head.


‘It shouldn’t be addictive but should still work well…….’


I quickly compiled a list of herbs.


These were concoctions that are impossible to make in the simple pharmacy room I had in the Garnet Palace.


“Zenid, we need to go to the Palace infirmary.”


“You mean now? What about dinner…….”


Unless there was something special going on, it was an unspoken rule to have dinner with Julion.


But this time, Julion would be busy questioning the chief physician.


It wasn’t an obligatory meal, so I figured I could skip it.


“Tell him we’ll skip it today.”


“Yes, Your Highness, I understand. Will you be eating in the palace infirmary then?”


“Well, I don’t feel like eating yet, so I’ll put it on hold. Let’s hurry since I’m busy.”


I had so much on my mind that I didn’t even think about food.


Come to think of it, I didn’t even have an apherium today.


‘It’s okay to skip a day.’


I was so busy that I didn’t have time to stop by the golden garden.


I shook off my complicated thoughts and hurried to the palace infirmary.


* * * * * * * * *


The crown prince’s office.


Julion, reading a report about the chief physician, raised his head in the cool breeze coming in from the window.


The sun was setting before he knew it.


“It’s dinner time already, Freck. Get ready to go to Garnet Palace.”


Julion put down his pen and put on his outer clothes.


Even though it had only been a few days, evenings with Rohiriel had become a natural thing.


“Your Highness, there was a messenger from her highness earlier. I waited before telling you as you were so focused.”


“A messenger?”


Freck, the crown prince’s personal attendant, bowed his head and replied.


“She mentioned that you appeared quite busy today and suggested that having dinner together might not be possible.”


“……Is that so?”


“Yes. She also asked me to tell you that since his highness will be busy as well, she will not disturb you.”


Julion stiffened as he fixed his clothes.


Come to think of it, it was a valid point.


He was extremely busy with the chief physician’s case. 


Even now, he was poring over documents until his eyes felt like they would pop out, and soon he would have to visit the chief physician and do some additional questioning.


But since he had a dinner plan with Rohiriel, he planned to do it at night.


“I see.”


Julion plumped down in his chair, with his coat on.


It turned out rather well.


It was an efficient decision, since he could just grab a quick bite in his office and get some work done.


But still…….


“Is Rohiriel in the Garnet Palace?”


“She is at the Palace infirmary. I believe she is busy preparing medicine for her majesty the Empress.”


“I see.”


Julion muttered the same answer as before, and lowered his gaze again to the papers.


He picks up his pen, but somehow he doesn’t seem as focused as before.


“Your Highness, what shall we do with the meal then?”


Freck asked cautiously, but Julion shook his head.


“I have no appetite. Later.”


He sat for a while, staring at his papers, but he lost interest.


Julion flicked his pen a few times and stood up again.


“I’ll go question the chief physician.”


When he felt frustrated, moving his body was the best solution.


Seeing that Julion seemed to be in a low mood for some reason, Freck only glanced at him and followed him.


* * * * * * * * *


Making the medicine took longer than I expected.


As a result, I had to sleep in the Palace infirmary, and because of the constant calls from the Empress to the Tishrit Palace, who was writhing in pain, our progress was slowed down.


“Her Majesty the Empress wants to see……!”


“Your higness!”


By the time I was called for the fifth time at dawn, I was seriously pondering.


Since the medicine couldn’t be made in the Tishrit Palace, I thought I’d just call the Empress to the palace infirmary.


“Your Highness, it’s urgent! It seems like the Empress is about to faint!”


But I couldn’t force the already suffering patient to come here, so I sighed and got up.


Normally, there shouldn’t be much pain at night when there is no light.


But the Empress was now suffering from a drug dependency and the after-effects of the Chief Physician’s medication.


Since she has been using medication that forcefully blocks all light for a long time, even a small amount of light will make her feel intense pain.


There was no choice but to endure and persevere until her eyes adjusted again.


So even if I were to go, the only thing I could do for her now would be to check her condition and give her painkillers.


However, the reason she was looking for me was probably because she was anxious and restless.


It must be so painful.


So, she wants someone to check her condition.


“It can’t be helped.”


Once we start administering the right medication, the pain will decrease significantly.


So I had to finish the medicine quickly.


At this rate, I probably won’t be able to finish it until tomorrow night.


“Oh, I need to prepare something briefly. Please wait outside.”


I sent the maid out first and took out the stimulant I always carried.


I couldn’t eat an apherium and I couldn’t sleep properly either.


I was at my lowest point, and I didn’t know when it would get worse.


I had to take medication in case abnormal symptoms appeared. If I don’t feel pain, I won’t notice if something is wrong.


‘I’m glad I made a big batch when I had time.’


If I had to make stimulants for myself when I was busy like this, ten hands wouldn’t be enough. 


I poured the yellow potion into my mouth and headed outside, where a maid from the Tishrit Palace was waiting anxiously.


“Let’s go.”


The Empress’ tearing screams could be heard from within Tishrit Palace.


“Welcome, Your Highness. She’s been waiting for you.”


A weary-looking maid ushered me in.


As we entered the bedroom, I saw Blanche holding a towel soaked in ice water to the Empress’s eyes.


“Your Majesty the Empress.”


“…… Crown Princess.”


The empress looked awful.


Her usually neatly coiffed red hair was disheveled, and her face was covered in white tear streaks from the amount of tears she had shed.


“I’ll give you another dose of the painkiller.”


I put the painkillers I had brought with me into a syringe and sat down in front of the Empress.


Then Blanche uttered a word in a sharp tone.


“Your Highness, is that medicine really working, because no matter how much I give her majesty, she’s not calming down at all.”


The Empress was gasping for breath, as if she had been holding on with all her might. 


Her hands were clenched in agony, and her fingernails were damp with blood.


It was possible that the addictive nature of the chief physician’s drug was exacerbating the pain.


But it was a little strange that the painkillers weren’t working at all.


“Your Majesty, are they really not working at all?”


“……I don’t know. It just hurts so, so much.”


The Empress didn’t seem to have the energy to speak.


She stared off into space, her eyes exhausted to the limit, and then closed them again.


Blanche bit her lip as she watched the Empress with concern.


“Your Majesty……. I don’t know if this is really the right treatment. Shouldn’t we call a professional physician right now?”


The empress did not answer.


It was dawn, and daylight was breaking.


The painkiller might not feel effective, but if it wasn’t administered correctly, she would probably suffer even more.


“Just hold on a little longer, Your Majesty. I will administer the painkiller.”


As the bluish potion disappeared into the Empress’ veins, I looked around while organizing my equipment.


It was still much darker than an average person’s room.


The curtains were only partially drawn, and the only light was a small scented candle.


‘The painkiller I administered earlier was supposed to have a long-lasting effect. This is odd.’


I had given her something stronger to help her sleep through the night.


I can’t believe she’s in such excruciating pain before daylight.


I thought about staying with the Empress to keep an eye on her in case of any unexpected developments, but then I stood up.


“Then I’ll get going. Please call me again.”


Pain usually improves on its own when the underlying cause is treated. What I needed to do now was complete the treatment medicine as soon as possible.


I left the Tishrit Palace with my worries behind me.


* * * * * * * * *


“Did she ask to have dinner separately?”


Julion paused as he put on his coat in the same position as yesterday.


Freck swallowed hard at the unpleasantness of Julion’s voice.


“Yes, Your Highness, the medicine is nearing completion, so Her Highness is busy…….”




It was undoubtedly good news, but Julion’s brow furrowed.


“What do you intend to do, Your Highness…….?”


Freck asked timidly.


Julion nervously adjusted his cravat and pulled it a bit loose.


“I’m going to the Garnet Palace…… No, I’m going to the palace infirmary.”


Even though it wasn’t an official appointment, he didn’t want others to misunderstand if he kept canceling on Rohiriel like this.


It might seem like there was a problem between the Crown Prince and his wife.


“A promise is a promise.”


They should appear to be a harmonious couple. After all, it was an essential clause in their contract.


“Oh, could you at least bring a light sandwich or something?”


“……Yes, Your Highness.”


The chef would surely curse if he ordered something else on such short notice.


Freck grumbled under his breath and quickly disappeared into the kitchen.


Meanwhile, Julion tighten the loose cravat again.


He checked that his hair wasn’t disheveled and that his attire was neat before leaving his office.



  1. ABlossom says:

    A empregada ta fazendo alguma coisa ruim….
    Thanks for the update 😊🇧🇷🐱

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