Dead-End Villainess Who Makes Medicine

DVMM Chapter 158


Julion knew Rohiriel was near as soon as he entered the village.

Despite the late hour, the people were bustling, their faces flushed. They were also discussing mysterious medicine techniques.

Julion kept asking around, moving in the direction where the beautiful physician had been seen.

Rohiriel passed by, spreading hope wherever she went.

They ended up in a house at the far end of the village.


“Leon, you can’t rush ahead like that!”


Ares, who had caught up with Julion, panted from behind.

Ignoring Ares, Julion focused solely on the house in front of him.

Familiar movements could be sensed from inside.

Julion clenched and unclenched his fists, feeling sweat on his palms.

Should he go inside or wait for them to come out?

He wanted to confirm her safety right away, but Julion held back.


‘She must be caring for a patient right now. Let’s wait a little longer. Just a bit.’


That’s what Rohiriel would want.

Julion swallowed dryly and took a deep breath.

After a while, the door opened. Two women in hooded cloaks stepped out.

That moment felt like an eternity.

Julion waited, hoping Rohiriel would notice him first, in case she would be startled.




The gusty wind blew away Rohiriel’s hood.

Amidst the fluttering mix of blue and white hair, her sky-blue irises gleamed.

They were like clear glass beads or aquamarine jewels.

With those beautiful eyes, Rohirel looked at Zenid standing beside her and spoke softly, but Julion couldn’t make out the words she was saying.

All he knew was that it was Rohiriel’s voice.

Julion’s vision was filled solely with Rohiriel.

Her eyes swiftly shifted towards Julion.




Rohiriel’s eyes blinked rapidly.

Then her eyes widened, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

The whole sequence was so endearing that Julion’s fingertips trembled.

Whatever Rohiriel was saying to Zenid didn’t matter.




All that mattered now was that Rohiriel was in front of him.

With determination, Julion approached Rohiriel.


“I finally found you.”


The person, who had fed him sleep medicine, and left callously. The one who had used him to defeat Cassian and then disappeared.

He vowed that if he ever saw her again, he would express his anger.

He had put his trust in her and ingested the medicine, only to find himself betrayed and abandoned. He had every right to be angry.


“Julion? Oh my, is it really you, Julion?”


But this. Instead of getting angry, Julion was filled with worry and joy.

All the carefully prepared words he wanted to say seemed irrelevant. The moment he met her sky-blue gaze, he had become a midsummer snowman.

Perhaps flustered, Rohiriel was calling him Julion instead of addressing him as the distant and formal Crown Prince.


“How did you know I was here…  No, more importantly, why did you come here, risking danger?”


Julion could only purse his lips, unsure of what to say, while Rohiriel poured out her words like a torrent.

In response to Rohiriel’s harsh words that failed to understand his feelings, Julion replied with a furrowed brow.


“And what about you?”


“Why are you here if you know it’s dangerous?”


Julion’s tone was sharp, carrying a sense of sadness. Rohiriel looked at him in surprise.

It was only then that Rohiriel fully realized what had happened.

Julion had found her.

In Mormic, where she couldn’t escape.


“I… I…”


Rohiriel avoided eye contact and trailed off. Her hesitation was evident, causing her white eyelashes to flutter.

Even that small gesture was so endearing that Julion found himself swallowing nervously.

It was that moment.

Rohiriel’s face, which seemed to be about to say something, suddenly stiffened, then twisted in confusion. By the time Julion sensed something was amiss, Rohiriel’s body was already collapsing like a piece of paper.


“What… Rohiriel!”


Julion desperately tried to support Rohiriel, but her eyes remained tightly shut, giving no sign that she would wake up.

Her limp body, like wet cotton, indicated that she had completely lost consciousness.

Overwhelmed by the excitement of finally meeting her, Julion, who couldn’t see anything, finally realized that something was seriously wrong with Rohiriel.

From her pale complexion to the blood stains and torn clothes, it was clear how much strain she had been under.


‘How much has she endured…!’


Julion anxiously brought his ear to Rohiriel’s nose.

Thankfully, she was breathing.


“Zenid, what has happened?”


Julion stepped back and shouted at Zenid. But Zenid was not in a normal state either.

She had collapsed almost simultaneously with Rohiriel, and Ares was supporting her.


“Her breathing and pulse seem normal.”


Ares calmly confirmed.

Julion exhaled a breath of relief, yet his anxiety left him perplexed.


“We need to get her to a doctor. Now!”

“But there are no doctors in this village.”

“We’ll cross the river again. There are palace physicians there.”


Julion promptly lifted Rohiriel onto his back with a determined expression like never before.




‘Can I join forces with Julion?’


I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it.

Especially since Julion has repeatedly expressed his desire for me to stay by his side as his princess consort.


‘But in the end, Cassian must fall. And I am… still Cassian.’


No matter how much I pondered, the conclusion remained the same.

In the history of the empire and any other country, there has never been a case where someone from a rebellious family became the empress.

The nobles would be fiercely opposed, and even the common people would tremble and resent Cassian.

Even if my position improved within the palace and I gained trust, if Cassian were to brand me as a traitor, it would be over for me.

In such circumstances, even after Cassian’s crimes were fully exposed, staying as Julion’s princess consort would require significant sacrifices.

It was also a sacrifice that Julion would have to make.

Perhaps he might not become Emperor.

That was something I detested. Because it would mean blocking Julion’s path.


‘I can only be satisfied with revenge.’


All I desired was revenge.

For Cassian’s crimes to be exposed to the whole world.

And to make him pay for his sins.

After completing everything, my goal was to exile myself and revive Yalon’s medicine.

It also seemed like a good idea to continue the research my mother started, and to nurture disciples.


‘I should have confirmed whether my mother was alive.’


So, I left Julion for several reasons.

Despite the remaining time in the contract, I desired to depart as the princess consort before Cassian’s complete collapse.

In fact, I was going to go into exile as it was…….


‘Cassian has once again thwarted my plans.’


The plague has delayed me.

Still, I moved as discreetly as possible to avoid detection. But eventually, Julion found me.

And it happened just when I was very tired and exhausted.


‘How long did I sleep? I should have taken another dose of the sleep-delaying potion.’


Since I delayed sleep by about 10 hours, adding 10 hours to the usual 8 hours of sleep brings the total to 18 hours.

I must have slept like a log.

The problem was that I fell asleep, as if collapsing right in front of Julion.

From the moment I vaguely regained consciousness, I felt Julion’s presence beside me and kept my eyes closed.


‘How embarrassing. How can I face him?’


I could already imagine how worried and frantic he would be.

After a while of feeling embarrassed and awkward, I finally stirred on the bed.

I couldn’t stay like this forever. I had to resume treating patients and making medicine.

Eventually, I slowly lifted my eyelids.




And closed them again.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I met Julion’s gaze head-on.


‘How long has he been looking at me?’


It would be embarrassing if he saw me rolling my eyes.

An awkward atmosphere filled the room.

As my body started to twist and turn, a timid voice was heard.


“Are… Are you awake?”


Julion asked cautiously.




Tremors were evident in the voice calling my name. Realizing I couldn’t delay any longer, I opened my eyes again.


“Uh… Julion. No, Your Highness?”


Julion’s eyes widened slightly as our eyes met.

Then he sighed deeply, running his hand over his face.

His face revealed deep concern.


“Why did you let yourself get like this?”

“Well, it’s a bit of a misunderstanding. It’s not—”

“You were unconscious for nearly twenty hours. I was afraid you might never wake up. How could I…?”

“Yes, I just overslept a bit. I took the sleep-delaying potion because I had many patients. It’s because of that…”


I explained as best I could.

But my explanation didn’t seem to reach Julion’s ears.

His dark, golden eyes flickered like a candle in the wind, staring down at me.


“Did you mean to sacrifice everything, to live for others, and then… hide away, where no one knows, and die alone?”


He hadn’t understood me after all.

I was digging myself deeper into trouble.

As I was about to clarify that it wasn’t the case, I hesitated.

Clear drops of water trickled from Julion’s wet eyes.

Too stunned to speak, he choked out softly.


“Please live, Rohirriel.”


Julion’s golden irises shook with such earnestness.

A cold sweat trickled down my spine as I looked into those eyes that held nothing but me.

So… how do I clear up this misunderstanding?

𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


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