Dead-End Villainess Who Makes Medicine

DVMM Chapter 140



Julion jumped to his feet before Freck could finish his sentence.

He slammed his hand down on the desk with a loud thud, knocking over his pen, but no one cared about such a trivial matter.

Julion swiftly grabbed the sword, leaning against the wall.


“If it’s Duke Cassian, is it the mansion in the capital?”

“Yes, Your Highness. This news just came in, so she might still be there…….”

“The knights, have you dispatched them?”

“Yes? I… I don’t have the authority to command the knights—”

“This is an urgent matter. Are you incapable of making decisions?”


Julion glanced irritably at Freck and left the room.

Though unjustly accused, Freck couldn’t openly protest and just muttered under his breath.

Pailson, letting out a small sigh, hastily organized the documents and followed Julion.

However, Julion had already disappeared down the corridor.


“He moves fast.”


The man’s dead eyes changed at the mention of the crown princess.

Pailson closed the door to the study, hoping earnestly for the safe return of the Crown Princess.

Behind the door, a familiar face stood with a bewildered expression.


“Hemion Martin?”

“Oh, haha… Lord Pailson.”


Hemion smiled awkwardly and greeted him.

Pailson looked at her questioningly and pushed up his glasses.


“What are you doing here?”



Seeing Hemion hesitating, Pailson realized something and slightly widened his mouth.


“Oh, you came because you’re curious about Her Highness, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. I was going to ask His Highness, but he left so quickly…”


Hemion trailed off and bowed her head quietly.

For the past few days, she hadn’t been able to eat or sleep properly, all because of Rohiriel, who disappeared without a word.

She wanted to ask more questions, but Julion’s mood was so vicious that she couldn’t bring herself to approach him.

Unable to bear it any longer, she mustered the courage to ask.

But once again, Julion had left abruptly, leaving Hemion frozen in place, holding her breath.


“His Highness has been a bit sensitive lately. But just a moment ago, there was news that her highness appeared at Duke Cassian’s mansion.”


“Yes. That’s why His Highness hurriedly went there.”

“I see…….”


Hemion seemed to have more to say, but in the end, she didn’t express it, merely bowing deeply.


“I’ll be going then. Thank you, Lord Pailson!”


Watching Hemion run off, Pailson sighed again.

Now, he had to head to Tishrit Palace.

The Empress had asked to be informed immediately if there was any news about Rohiriel.


“She’s really the center of attention.”


Everyone was worried, wondering where she could have gone.

Even though they all wanted to know the reason, whenever they asked Julion, he would just emit an intimidating aura without sharing any details.

It was frustrating, but as a subordinate, they had no choice.


“I’m so filthy and incompetent, truly; I must quit, really.”


If Rohiriel returned, Pailson continued his vow for the thousandth time, declaring that he would write a resignation letter.


Duke Cassian scrutinized me in silence.

Facing his intense gaze, I calmly spoke.


“Bvel, my cup is empty. Why are you so sluggish?”


My words were directed at Bvel, who stood behind him, rather than the Duke himself.

The metaphorical expression of the cup being empty was a reproach for not properly welcoming guests.

Bvel hesitated for a moment, then cautiously observed the Duke’s reaction.


“Bring her a cup.”

“Yes, my lord.”


The Duke spoke with a voice mixed with interest and bewilderment.

As the order was given, Bvel started preparing the tea with a brisk attitude.

Soon, a teacup was set before me, wafting with the fragrant aroma of raspberries.

A few small berries floated on the ruby-colored tea, creating a visually pleasing scene.

However, I lifted the teacup slowly and poured its contents onto the floor without a second thought.




The red tea flowed down onto Bvel’s polished shoes as he was arranging the refreshments.

Bvel stared down at me with an expression of disbelief, and the Duke frowned slightly.

Yet, even in this unexpected situation, my mother’s expression remained consistently expressionless.

Facing the Duke’s gaze, I spoke sharply without giving any attention to Bvel.


“Raspberry is my least favorite tea. Bring me another.”


A frozen silence settled in the air.

Drip, drip.

A few drops of remaining tea dripped from the teacup, and Bvel, in a subdued voice, asked,


“What tea would you like, Miss?”

“Do I have to spell out everything for you? It’s disappointing that you can’t even understand the owner’s taste on your own.”

“Apologies, but if you could let me know, I’ll remember.”


Bvel said, lowering his head slightly.

His usually stiff neck seemed to soften in front of me. 

Today is a historic day in more ways than one.

It seemed that there had been some changes in my status, likely orchestrated by the Duke. 


‘Otherwise, Bvel wouldn’t be acting so subservient.’


Surely he had received some instructions from the Duke in advance.

I wonder what exactly the Duke desired from me.

Was it merely to end my rebellion and return to Cassian?

The Duke had gone to too much trouble for that.

Moreover, turning my mother into an emotionless doll using Mordheim poison was a decision made long before my rebellion in Cassian.


‘It had nothing to do with the person I am now.’


After continuously pondering and speculating, I responded to Bvel’s question.


“Very well, then, bring me some perigrass tea.”

“Understood, Miss.”


As Bvel prepared the tea again, the Duke, accompanied by a languid breath, spoke.


“You’ve grown quite fussy since I last saw you, Rohiriel.”

“How would you know how much I’ve changed?”

“I know a lot, quite a bit.”


The Duke’s lips twisted again. A strange madness flashed in his eyes.


“You resemble me the most, that’s why. How could I not take an interest?”

“If you’re going to talk nonsense, I’m leaving.”

“Haha, I guess you take after your mother in that regard, but look. It is not Roxis, nor Liliana, but Rohiriel Cassian who is here.”


The Duke laughed heartily, a wry smile spreading across his face as he continued.


“How are the two prominent Duke candidates doing now? All of their influence has scattered, falling into your hands.”


Despite the grim news about his children, the Duke seemed unnaturally happy, smiling as if nothing had happened.

Normally calm and cool, the Duke’s face was like ice, but today he seemed unusually excited.


“You ask me what would benefit you. Well, see for yourself. All of this will be yours. You are worthy of such a position.”


The Duke stretched out his arms, raised his head, and looked up at the sky.

Then, after taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, he closed his eyes.


“I’m talking about becoming the owner of everything on this land. I promise to hand over that glorious position to you.”


What kind of nonsense is this?

I’d always known the Duke was treacherous.

However, claiming ownership over everything on this land, not just the empire but also the various countries and nations around it, seemed preposterous.


“Are you planning a unification war?”

“War? There’s no need for such a thing. I have an easier way.”

“Are you talking about the poisonous beetles?”

“Yes, that’s right. Do you know how much effort I’ve put into cultivating it?”

“I don’t even want to know.”

“Thanks to that, you were born, you know?”


That was a somewhat dreadful statement.

It was also shocking.


‘You demanded my mother because of the poisonous beetles?’


This seemed to require further investigation.

Just then, Bvel served me perigrass tea.

I picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then threw it to the floor with a violent toss of the teacup.

Everyone’s jaws dropped as they watched the purple-colored perigrass tea spread across the grass.


“It’s too bitter. Bvel, is your tea-making skill really this pathetic?”

“Miss, that’s quite an accusation.”

“Bring another one.”


With my firm demand, Bvel’s breath became slightly rougher. 

However, as the Duke didn’t object, he had no choice but to brew another cup.

Without even tasting it, I overturned the freshly brewed tea again.


“The color is not right. Even without tasting it, I can tell it’s too weak.”


Bvel brewed another round, and once again, I overturned it.


“This time it’s too strong. Again.”


By this point, dissatisfaction permeated every aspect of Bvel’s actions.

However, the Duke, instead of objecting, spoke with a gentle smile.


“Rohiriel, I think we’ve had enough of this.”


His tone wasn’t speculative or suggestive.

It was an assertive statement, indicating his certainty that I was deliberately stalling for time.

I swallowed dryly and clenched my fists under the table.


‘As expected, he knew everything.’


The Duke must have found the situation interesting and was playing along with me, but it was hard to tell anymore.

As Bvel looked at the new batch of tea, the Duke spoke up.


“Rumor has it you’re skilled with poison. Did you think I would invite you without any precautions?”


“Well, your performance was quite entertaining. But if you wanted to fool me completely, you should have stabbed me right here.”


It happened in an instant.

By the time I realized the Duke was moving, the tip of the sword was already pointing at my mother’s neck.

I clenched my fist, watching blood drop from the sharp edge of the sword.

𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


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