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DVMM Chapter 05.1

DVMM Chapter 05.1


I hurriedly looked around to put on the navy shawl that I had taken off earlier, but it seemed that the maids had already put it away.


As I fumbled, Julion entered the room.


“What are you doing?”


“What? Oh, I haven’t….”


I wasn’t fully dressed.


Well, it’s not like I wasn’t dressed at all, but my attire was embarrassing.


Julion and I were in a contractual marriage, so there were no plans for a first night like this. 


But the maids and servants are listening, so I can’t say it properly.


Julion watched me for a moment, then took off his robe.


“You look cold, put this on.”


In an instant, his robe was draped over my body.


I felt a rush of warmth.


I didn’t bother to say no.


“Thank you.”


Julion’s hair seemed damp, as if he had also taken a bath.


He was better dressed than me, though. Nonetheless, his attire was more composed than mine. He had taken off his robe for me, but underneath, he had proper, smooth undergarments on.


“You may all retire.”


At Julion’s command, the servants and maids left the room.


When the door slammed shut behind them, he strode over and plopped down on the bed.


“In case you were wondering, Hemion Martin is alive and well.”


The wedding had been followed by a reception, so there was no way I was going to find out about Hemion, who was being protected at the crown prince’s palace.


I was going to ask, but I thanked him for speaking up first.


“Thank you for letting me know, and by the way, may I bring him to my palace tomorrow?”


“Do as you please.”


I breathed a sigh of relief at Julion’s easy acceptance.


I had given her the antidote, but there were still many additional medicines to be administered.


Her condition was so severe that other complications could arise if left untreated.


While I was thinking, Julion pointed to the space next to me.


“Aren’t you going to lie down?”


“I’m ……?”


“You’re not going to sleep?”


“Oh, no. I’m sleeping.”




The awkwardness was enough to make me squirm.


Whether he realized it or not, Julion slipped under the covers with a nonchalant expression.


I cautiously approached, pulled back the covers, and lay down next to him.


‘It’s a good thing the bed is big.’ 


If I didn’t spread my arms too wide, I wouldn’t touch him.


As the cozy blanket wrapped around my body, I drifted off to sleep.




I would have been fast asleep if Julion hadn’t suddenly called out to me.


I rolled over once and answered.


“Yes. Say it.”


“……that bruise, it looks like it’s gotten worse.”


I reflexively pulled the covers up around my neck.


“You know, they always look worse over time.”


“How do you know so well?”


“It’s just common sense…….”


“Not that.”


Julion’s voice became serious.


He took a deep breath and went on slowly.


“I’m talking about the incident involving Hemion Martin.”


I could feel the pressure in his voice alone.


I was choosing my words when he spoke again.


“There are few people in the Empire who can recognize severe poisoning at a glance, and even create an antidote quickly enough.”


Julion’s suspicions were justified.


In fact, the severe poison was famous for being a tricky poison.


I replied, rubbing the back of my head against the pillow unnecessarily.


“That’s what it would be like in the Empire.”


“What do you mean?”


“You see, my mother was a princess of the Kingdom of Yalon, and she was well versed in medicine.”


Julion listened without moving.


I pulled the quilt a little higher.


“The Kingdom of Yalon fell because of its weakness, but when it came to medicine, it was better than anywhere else on the continent, though the Empire tends to downplay it as the study of a fallen place.”


“I’ve heard of it, yes. There are a few doctors from the Kingdom of Yalon in the Palace infirmary, and they’re quite good.”


“Well, that’s a quick story, then. I grew up learning a lot of things from my mother, so…….”


Naturally, I started talking about my childhood.


I kept it simple, hoping he wouldn’t get bored.


While tossing and turning, my fingers brushed against something warm.


I don’t know if he flinched or not, but he was still.


This truly marked the first night of our perfectly executed union.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


“Your highness, wake up.”




“It’s almost time for lunch.”


I couldn’t open my eyes.


Maybe I pushed myself too hard yesterday.


Gradually, Zenid’s words started to register in my groggy mind.




I asked sleepily.


To think I had woken up at lunchtime on my first day as the Crown Princess.


I struggled to sit up.


I made a wry face, and Zenid arched an eyebrow.


“Is there something wrong? Shall I call a doctor?”


“No. How about his highness, Julion?”


“He said he had some urgent business to attend to this morning.”


“Right, then please help me with my attire. After eating, I need to meet the Empress as well.”


Then, if circumstances permitted, I planned to stop by the palace garden.


The purpose of becoming a crown princess. If I could find an Aperium and pluck a few leaves to cure my illness, it would be a successful day.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


As I finished my meal and headed out of the palace, a knight came running up to me in the distance, panting.


“Your highness!”


He was a very striking knight with blond hair tied back in a low tail.


He approached, panting, and then offered a deep smile.


His scarlet eyes, which could have been red at times, softly crinkled.


“I have been ordered by His Highness the Crown Prince to closely escort your Highness, starting today.”




“Yes. One of me would be better than several knights.”


The man smiled confidently.


He stood casually behind me.


“You may call me Ares if you wish, your highness!”



  1. Sena says:

    I’m confused. Hemion is she or he? 🧐

    1. Sienna says:

      A She. It was mentioned in chapter 2 that she’s a girl.

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