Dawn Sleep [Interstellar]

Conquering the Sea of Star Clusters (1)

In the 55th year of the Old Imperial Calendar, the Blue Mother Star uprising broke out.

The envoy delegation brought a total of about seven thousand starships. After subduing them, the Blue Mother Star rebel army disguised themselves as having completed the migration mission and advanced towards Woll Star City with their entire army.

This was a very risky move.

The rebel army’s soldiers were mainly composed of nomads from the wild areas. Many of them had never been to outer space before, and their understanding of mecha warfare and starship battles in the universe was limited to one year of secret training.

For such an army, even Jiang Jianming had to put a question mark when estimating their combat effectiveness.

But they had no choice but to gamble.

Under the coercion of the rebel army, the captured imperial envoy Bin Fiennes sent a communication to Woll Star City: requesting Woll Star City to dispatch forces to escort the fleet through the high-risk space domain ravaged by alien creatures.

Woll Star City did not suspect anything. Thus, the fleet carrying the rebel soldiers swaggered into the empire’s second star system – The space domain where the four major star cities of Woll, Watson, Eden, and Albourne were located.

“Sir, isn’t it a bit unreasonable for so many starships to all land in our Woll Star City…”

In the communication projection, the city lord of Woll Star City hesitated, “Last time, didn’t they head to various star cities accepting the migration separately?”

“An emergency situation, city lord. Our fleet encountered an attack by rebel troops on Blue Mother Star… hmph, a bunch of ungrateful lowlifes.”

Sitting in front of the communicator, Fiennes wiped the beads of sweat from the tip of his nose with an unpleasant expression, as if still shaken from the attack, “Your Woll Star City is the closest to Blue Mother Star. The migration fleet requests to regroup and resupply here.”

“What, is Wll going to refuse?”

“No, no, no, we wouldn’t dare. It’s an honor for Woll Star City to receive you, Your Excellency the Envoy…”

What the other side couldn’t see was that just beyond the door, Ryann had his five fingers curled, with a golden true crystal suspended in the air behind Fiennes’ neck.

Soon, Woll’s starships sailed alongside the “Great Migration Fleet” towards the direction of the star city.

“Will it work?”

The bridge of the starship “Jindinghao” was located at the very front of the ship, like a glass dome suspended in the universe.

Lin Ge stood upright, looking up, allowing the vast darkness and points of light to envelop her.

This was also the first time that this “little trash” from the wild areas had come to the cosmic starry sky. As a female general of the rebel army.

“What answer do you want to hear? Since we’ve already come this far, there’s no need to waste energy and time hesitating.”

Jiang Jianming sat in the command seat, looking at the blue three-dimensional star map projection, and said gently, “Don’t worry, General Lin. The process will be somewhat difficult, but victory will be ours.”

In a moment, he looked down as if sensing something, and through the steel alloy-built bridge command platform, he could see soldiers walking in an orderly manner.

Among them, one person was secretly looking up at this young, pale commander, with an expression half curious and half reverent, only to be caught red-handed.

The soldier immediately broke out in a sweat on his nose, nervously saluting, “Commander!”

Jiang Jianming nodded lightly. “Relax.”


He didn’t know if it was the right choice to conceal his identity as a crystal disorder patient and a remnant crystal human to take on such a heavy responsibility.

But since Ryann was willing to give him a chance, he would try to move forward as much as he could, until he truly couldn’t go any further.

At least, get through this hurdle first.

Jiang Jianming raised his right hand, fingers spread.

The blue three-dimensional star map fell under his palm.


Lin Ge realized what he was about to do, “Aren’t we waiting until we land in the star city? Starship battles are disadvantageous for us…”

Jiang Jianming shook his head. “We won’t be able to land. Our ships aren’t loaded with resources, the starport’s security system would expose us with one scan. It has to be now.”

“—Open fire.”

When the first cannon fire echoed above Woll Star City, the poor Woll fleet commander had no idea what was happening.

The power of a thousand starships firing simultaneously was enough to destroy a city. Woll’s star fleet was cut in half, the explosions blooming like blood foam in outer space, one after another.

The city lord of Woll Star City was still in a dazed state.

Because in the projection, Lord Fiennes suddenly began to shout righteously. “Woll Star City is plotting rebellion! The evidence is irrefutable. On behalf of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, I now order your starships to cease fire, the star city to disarm, and all soldiers to surrender…”

The city lord cried out in injustice. The general beside him stomped his foot and said, “We’ve been tricked, Your Excellency the City Lord! Those people are the real traitors!”

“This, this… General Zhou, but that’s Lord Fiennes of the Fiennes family…”

The general of Woll Star City was a burly man, but his mind was quite clear. He was now sweating profusely with anxiety.

“Ah, city lord! If Woll had really committed a crime, the empire would naturally send a fleet specifically to arrest us. How could they come from Blue Mother Star!?”

“Even if we take a step back, if Fiennes were truly an envoy here to punish us, he would have shown the imperial edict long ago! If we hesitate any longer, it’ll be too late. Quick, order the fleet to counterattack!”

The city lord finally came to his senses, filled with regret, and immediately ordered the fleet to counterattack and capture the rebels.

Finally, Woll’s starships began to hastily counterattack. In the universe, tens of thousands of starships from both sides fired at each other. From afar, it looked like two waterfalls of light colliding.

A look of disdain appeared on General Zhou’s face. “Fiennes must have been controlled by Blue Mother Star. However, please rest assured, city lord.”

“The traitors from that barren star city could never have trained a regular starship army. We can completely annihilate them in Woll’s star domain.”

“Yes,” the city lord said, at a loss, “We must annihilate them, we must win a great victory. Otherwise, when His Majesty the Emperor punishes us, you and I will be in big trouble…”


Woo— Woo…

The emergency alarm wailed above Woll Star City, and the city’s protective shield rose shortly after. People fled in panic on the streets, and doors closed tightly one after another.

“What’s happening? Are the alien creatures coming again?”

“Shh, I heard it’s the rebel army! Those abandoned humans from Blue Mother Star are coming to attack our Woll.”

“Quick, everyone go home…”

As time ticked by second by second, the fierce battle in the universe intensified.

The starship fleets of both sides formed a huge semicircular membrane pressing down on the residential hemisphere of Woll Star City, countless points of cannon fire forming a dazzling spectacle.

First, a large number of unmanned combat aircraft were deployed into the battlefield, clearing the way for smart missiles to fly; interference waves, high-energy shields, rail guns… various cutting-edge weapons and corresponding tactics were thrown at the opposite side as if they cost nothing.

Several hours later, the technological advantage of the Woll fleet gradually reversed their initial disadvantage from the surprise attack, and they began to open their bloody maw towards the Blue Mother Star rebel army.

“Very good, very good.” The commander of the Woll fleet wiped the sweat from his forehead. The high-grade military intelligence in front of him had already calculated the enemy’s defeat time and predicted their route. “This is good…”

“Attention all troops, find the enemy’s flagship. We must capture the traitor Fiennes and the rebel leader alive!”

Just then, the commander heard his subordinate’s exclamation through the communication.

“Left wing, sir! Our left wing is being outflanked and ambushed!”

“What!?” The commander was shocked, “It’s not showing on my star map. Could it be stealth ships… How many enemy ships are there?”

“Se-several hundred… no, a hundred… maybe not even that…”

The commander laughed in anger. “Bullshit, what nonsense are you talking!?”

But the other side let out a miserable cry. “It’s no use, they’ve cut in! We can’t hold them off, requesting supp—”

The communication was cut off. The commander was both shocked and puzzled. Less than a hundred starships, barely noticeable on the reduced 3D star map, how could they cut through the flank?

The commander hurriedly pushed away the virtual projection of the star map and looked at the optical image he had long ignored. When he saw it, he almost cried out in shock—

He saw crystal bones piercing through starships.

To be precise, it was small starships encased in golden S-class crystal bones, ramming through the fuel compartments of large starships.

After a terrifying explosion, that small starship, wrapped in intense fire, charged towards the next target at maximum speed, followed by another explosion.

Behind it were less than a hundred Blue Mother Star warships, leisurely widening the gap cut by the former.

Like fierce tigers in the depths of the jungle, hunting wild cattle or black bears far larger than themselves, using their sharp teeth to precisely tear open the gaps between bones.

They were actually trying to split the flank of the Woll fleet—in this inconceivable way!

The commander was dumbfounded.

He had long heard that the city lord of Blue Mother Star, that mysterious young prince, had monstrous power, but he never imagined…

That he could destroy starships with the power of crystal bones!?

Was this even human!?

But the horror didn’t stop there.

Soon, Woll’s left wing fleet began to experience a chilling sensation.

Because whenever they tried to regroup, they would always see the rebel fleet’s orderly advance right in front of them.

The numbers weren’t necessarily large, but the timing was always so perfect.

It was as if you were taking an afternoon stroll and turned a corner, looked up, and right there in front of you was someone else also turning the corner.

Before you could react, they would smile and pull out a knife, stabbing you in the gut with a “swoosh”.

One hour passed, then another.

The Woll fleet was still at an advantage, but absurdly, they were flustered by these tactics of cutting and harassment, unable to regroup into a formation capable of launching a charge.

In the military command center of Woll Star City’s official residence, General Zhou’s face changed as he muttered. “Who is commanding this!?”

If the rebel leader with the golden crystal bones and his personally led starship fleet were like fierce tigers, choosing their prey to devour – ferocious, sharp, and unstoppable.

Then at this moment, the Blue Mother Star commander controlling the overall situation from behind was more like a giant whale in the deep sea. Mysterious and enormous, its form unfathomable.

The city lord anxiously pounded his chest. “Quick, quickly dispatch the remaining garrison fleet in the star city to ascend and support the universe domain! General Zhou, you go…”

He was certainly anxious.

The war had been raging for so long that news of the Great Migration plan being obstructed, the Blue Mother Star uprising, and the attack on Woll Star City had long since reached the imperial capital of Yongle Garden.

Odin II was furious and ordered Woll Star City to annihilate the rebels on the spot, including Fiennes. All traitors were to be killed without exception.

But with almost a day passed and still no sign of victory in sight, the situation was already quite bad.

General Zhou didn’t dare to be arrogant anymore and repeatedly said, “Yes, yes, this official will go to mobilize troops right away.”

“Your Excellency the City Lord need not worry. Woll Star City still has eight thousand starships unmoved, of which two thousand came from Blue Mother Star and cannot be trusted. The rest of the troops can all be deployed. This official will personally lead the troops!”

“No matter how capable that commander behind them is, once we form an absolute numerical superiority, eliminating the rebels will only be a matter of hours.”

The city lord: “Good, then go quickly!”

On the rebel flagship, the Jindinghao’s command room.

The scene of starships majestically rising from Woll Star City fell into a corner of the large screen.

“Your Excellency, you’ve worked hard. Come back and rest. They’ve taken the bait.”

Withdrawing his gaze from the three-dimensional star map, Jiang Jianming suddenly frowned.

He swiftly covered his microphone with his left hand and used the back of his right hand to cover his mouth, suppressing his voice as he coughed lowly for a while.

Up until now, the fierce battle had been deadlocked for an entire day. Due to the rebel army’s innate disadvantages being too numerous, he didn’t dare to rest for long periods. By now, he clearly felt his physical strength failing, and the familiar demon of illness also came knocking.

After the brief pain subsided, Jiang Jianming lowered his hand, breathing heavily. He stared at the few spots of blood on his black leather glove, his gaze somewhat unfocused.

Just one last step.



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