Dawn Sleep [Interstellar]

A Promise of a Farther Place (4)

It was 2 AM in the deep of night when Ryann returned.

Heroic words spoken in wind and rain only sound exciting. In reality, having rainwater splashing onto one’s face was far from a pleasant experience.

By the time he carried Jiang Jianming back to the small hospital, they were both soaked like drowned rats, water droplets continuously falling from their hair tips and chins.

Jiang Jianming had been unconscious the whole way. Now inside, suddenly stimulated by the warm air, he finally opened his eyes slightly, vaguely murmuring “Your Highness”.

The hospital affiliated with the official residence, including Maria and other medical staff, had all been forcibly evacuated.

Ryann tightly gripped Jiang Jianming’s ice-cold hand, stripped off his soaked clothes, wrapped him in a blanket and put him into the treatment cabin.

“I’m here, I’m right here… Shh, don’t speak.”

In the darkness, the youth’s emerald green eyes shone intensely. “Don’t think about anything, just rest first. I’ll be here the whole time.”

Jiang Jianming couldn’t say much anyway. He was too exhausted, the backlash after days of overexertion completely exceeding what his sickly body could bear.

As the warm air slowly soothed his stiff limbs, he was hazily propped up to drink some hot water and medicine, then put back into the treatment cabin.

The glass door closed, muffling the outside noises.

At the official residence.

The heavy rain hadn’t stopped, fierce winds tearing at everything. But inside this building, lights blazed and no one could sleep.

Those who remained now were mostly powerless officials utterly devoted to Blue Mother Star.

However, with a pitch-black future ahead, some smoked harmless cigarettes silently, some sighed endlessly with their heads in their hands, the air heavy with gloom.

A soldier with thick eyebrows and big eyes leaned close to a cultured-looking civil affairs official, muttering softly, “Lord Bei, what do you think we should do in this situation?”

“I, Old Tang, am just a rough man. But even I know, we can’t rebel without an army, can’t flee without starships. Are we really going to starve to death on this star city?”

“Alas,” the civil affairs official shook his head with a wry smile, “Lord Tang, if I had any ideas, would I be here sighing?”

Tang scratched his head and said quietly, “Oh my, Lord Bei, I heard this migration plan was suggested to Fiennes by that young Aslan fellow.”

The military officer lamented painfully, “How, how, how could he propose such a terrible idea, it’s really going to be the death of us!”

“Oh, Lord Bei, do you think that Aslan might not have been on our side from the beginning… I mean, could it be that our prince trusted the wrong person?”

“Trusting the wrong person” wasn’t quite the right phrase, the civil affairs official thought with complex emotions.

Just look at the current situation – His Highness Kaios was staying with that person in the hospital and not coming out, as if he’d been bewitched.

“My lords, this won’t do!”

Suddenly, someone stood up and shouted, “We’re all resolved to face hardship and death, full of loyalty wanting to share the prince’s fate. But now we can’t even see the prince’s face, what’s this about?”

“Right, right! And that Dawn Aslan who appeared out of nowhere, what background does he have to dare meddle in official residence affairs? We must be given an explanation!”

The soldier surnamed Tang clenched his fist. “If that guy really has ill intentions and betrayed His Highness, I’ll give him a good clea- clea… uh, cleaning up!”

The civil affairs official: “…It’s called ‘purging the emperor’s court of treacherous advisors’, Lord Tang.”

Ten minutes later, these few people rushed into the small hospital behind the official residence, braving wind and rain.

His Highness Kaios appeared aloof, but those who spent time with him would find he had little pretense, quite unlike true royal nobility.

If offended by an uncouth brute, ordinary nobles would say “drag him away” for punishment or execution. But His Highness would just scowl and retort, considering the matter settled.

Thus, the group didn’t follow many imperial protocols, going directly to the lit hospital room door, knocking and loudly requesting an audience.

They expected to hear the familiar voice say “Enter.”

Unexpectedly, after a few seconds, the door simply opened.

Ryann came out himself, his luxuriously colored long curls still damp on his shoulders. The youth’s expression was stern. “What is it?”

The civil affairs official – Bei Luktan’s face grew even grimmer.

In that moment the door opened, he saw wet clothes and various medicines scattered on the floor inside, while the treatment cabin was activated.

…That mysterious black-haired young man lay inside, face pale, head and neck slightly drooping, black hair falling messily before his closed eyes, apparently asleep.

So, was His Highness coming out to speak with them personally to avoid disturbing that fellow?

Absurd, just who was this Aslan kid to deserve such treatment from the prince?

“Your Highness,” despite his complex feelings, Bei Luke bowed respectfully, “The situation is special tonight, we had no choice but to disturb you so late, please forgive us…”

“The migration starships have confirmed leaving Blue Mother Star’s atmosphere. The most urgent matter now is suppressing widespread panic and avoiding riots. I humbly request Your Highness make an appearance and say a few words to comfort the people.”

“What’s there to comfort about?”

Ryann was clearly irritated, “The ones who angered the masses were the imperial envoys and upper-class people who abandoned their compatriots, haven’t they already left? This star city is under my control now. If anyone wants to make trouble for me, let them come.”


Good grief, this was an approach they’d never imagined.

The group looked at each other, mouths twitching. Finally, someone couldn’t hold back and raised his voice, “Your Highness! We believe—”

Before he could finish, they saw the young prince suddenly turn alertly, like a wildcat hearing a sound.

The room’s door flew open, Ryann stared inside for a few seconds, his voice icy. “…You’ve woken him up.”

…At some point, the treatment cabin had been pushed open from inside, and the black-haired youth stood by the rain-streaked window.

He wore a loose white long shirt inside, with the prince’s fur-collared cloak over it, his thin ankles exposed, looking even more frail.

“Your Highness, your excellencies have come as well.”

Jiang Jianming walked towards the door, his manner gentle. “That’s excellent, I’ll explain the subsequent arrangements.”

He was awake.


Ryann silently watched him, halting his initial thought of simply picking him up and throwing him back into the treatment cabin.

What kind of person was this, he wondered.

Just moments ago he seemed on the verge of death, yet who would have thought that warm air, medicine, and less than half an hour of sleep were enough to revive him, restoring him to clear-minded state.

Moreover, Aslan was no longer the disabled human he kept – nor should he be. He couldn’t just pick him up like a pet in front of others anymore.

“Such big talk, subsequent arrangements? You kid lost all the troops to the enemy, what arrangements could you possibly have!?”

The chief of security for Blue Mother Star’s official residence – Colonel Tang Ren – was so angry his mustache bristled, shouting loudly without regard for being in front of His Highness.

Civil affairs official Bei Luke eagerly craned his neck. “What are the subsequent plans?”

Jiang Jianming’s answer was concise.


Suddenly, thunder roared in the distant sky, rumbling loudly.

It sounded like wheels rolling across the clouds.

The crowd was so startled they couldn’t speak.

Only His Highness Kaios seemed unsurprised. He helped Aslan sit on the edge of the bed and pulled a soft pillow behind his back.

Jiang Jianming said softly, “Get me a glass of water.”

Ryann immediately turned and went, obeying like he had become a different person.

Tang Ren’s group watched in astonishment. Previously, their impression of Dawn Aslan had not been good. The optimists thought he had failed in negotiations with Fiennes; the pessimists believed he had sold out Blue Mother Star.

As for his relationship with His Highness Kaios, the optimists guessed he was truly the prince’s advisor, though his abilities were questionable; the pessimists thought he was the prince’s male lover, and a destructive one at that.

However now, the aura Aslan exuded didn’t match any of their guesses.

Tang Ren was the first to puff out his chest. “Hey, you’ve got some nerve saying that. You sent away all the troops, so what are you going to use for the uprising?”

Jiang Jianming smiled. “Does His Excellency Tang believe that Blue Mother Star’s original meager forces could have amounted to anything against the Empire’s millions of starships?”

“Everyone knows the Great Migration would cause public resentment. So as long as Blue Mother Star had city guards for even one day, the Empire’s heavy artillery fortresses and interstellar fleet would be watching this place for one day. With such a gap in strength, direct warfare would be suicide.”

Tang Ren was suddenly at a loss for words. “This…”

“So, since we can’t fight, we might as well voluntarily disarm and appear weak to others.”

Jiang Jianming said in a deep voice, “The withdrawal of large numbers of city guards and starships will divert the Empire’s attention. Now is Blue Mother Star’s opportunity.”

“…I see. Retreat to advance, using one’s own disadvantage to remove the opponent’s advantage. Clever move.”

Ryann’s voice sounded from above. Jiang Jianming took the glass handed to him by the youth, seeing honey dissolve inside. He took a sip, but unfortunately still couldn’t taste anything.

“Your Highness, please sit as well.”

Jiang Jianming nodded lightly to Ryann, knowing the other had understood his intention, then turned his gaze to the still confused others.

“In fact, the withdrawal of the regular army may be a desperate situation for other star cities, but not for Blue Mother Star alone.”

“What does this mean? Does Your Highness have a secret combat-ready force hidden away?”

Ryann laughed. “We haven’t hidden anything, nor is it a secret.”

He sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled the blanket up over Jiang Jianming’s waist, and gave the officials a meaningful look. “You all know about it, you’ve all seen it. Guess.”

Jiang Jianming didn’t give the little excellency a chance to tease the others present. He calmly revealed the answer. “It’s the new humans from the wild areas.”

“In most of Blue Mother Star’s wild areas, even some remote urban areas… people there are still living in an environment of survival of the fittest. They’re used to running in scorching heat and freezing cold, fighting alien creatures with only their crystal bones and flesh, battling to the death over half a moldy hard biscuit.”

“They lack the discipline and quality of regular troops, but in terms of ferocity and combat awareness, they’re no less than the city guards who are accustomed to comfort.”

“The Yongle Garden Star City has no wild areas, no harsh environment like Blue Mother Star, so neither the emperor nor the great nobles could think of this point. Even if someone remembers the existence of wild areas, they would only think of the conflicts between wild area refugees and urban rulers.”

Jiang Jianming looked deeply at Kaios beside him, his expression softening slightly. “So they won’t imagine that the lords of the wild areas would become His Highness’s confidants.”

Luktan exclaimed in disbelief, “What, lords of the wild areas?”

Outside the window, the storm had not abated, and the night was long. Jiang Jianming glanced at the time, then tilted his head to whisper to Ryann, “…I told her to come over after the starfleet withdrew. Calculating the time, it should be soon.”

Just then, the sound of running through puddles came from outside. The door of the ward was roughly pushed open, and a figure rushed in with a chill, full of vigor—

It was a young woman who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed simply, with black hair tied up at the back of her head. Surprisingly, her left eye was a red prosthetic eyeball.

She entered the room, took a sharp look, and immediately raised her eyebrows and started cursing, “Kaios, you bastard! How did you make Dawn sick again? This old lady beat you to death!”

Everyone was dumbfounded. “…”

Ryann stood up with a cold face, seemingly about to let the newcomer know who would beat whom.

Jiang Jianming calmly reached out to grab the platinum blonde curls hanging over the little highness’ shoulder, pushing him back to the bedside. “Lin Ge, she claims she wants to use me.”

Lin Ge took off her rain cover and casually tossed it on the ground, jumping to the bedside with high spirits. “Hmph, I did pretty well this time, didn’t I?”

Jiang Jianming: “I just escaped from under the nose of the imperial envoy. You need to tell me what you did yourself.”

The one-eyed girl lifted her chin, “Six out of nine wild areas of Blue Mother Star are now under my control.”

Jiang Jianming: “Passing grade.”

Lin Ge complained, “Isn’t it because the time was too tight? You had me harass the imperial army’s work, hide factories in the wild areas, and send people to hide the tranquilizers we’ve been secretly producing all these years. I was busy to death!”

Jiang Jianming chuckled, “Alright, then let’s call it good.”

He took another couple of sips of water and handed the cup to Ryann. “Moreover, the Empire withdrew the upper class and the army in one go, but the cost is that they barely touched the resources, which is enough to support the logistics of the uprising; eight-tenths of the mechas and military equipment were also left behind… I told Fiennes to come back for a second batch to move these.”

“Next, the grief and indignation on this star city will become the first flame.”

…Indeed, grief and indignation.

Everyone’s hearts were already stirred by huge waves.

At this point, even the slowest minds should have figured it out.

Letting all those “upper-class people”, especially those related to imperial nobles, leave ensures that everyone on this star city now is loyal to His Highness, while also letting the public see the reality clearly.

They have manpower, mechas and artillery, food and energy, and public support.

They have time to plan, and the enemy has let down their guard.

It seems… they really could fight?


Tang Ren’s eyes widened, so impressed he didn’t know what to say. “This, was all this planned by Your Highness from the very beginning?”

Ryann: “…No, I didn’t know about it.”

He stared at Jiang Jianming’s profile, suddenly leaning closer with one hand on the headboard, saying softly, “Actually, now I also want to know, since you’ve planned to this extent — why did you put on that half-dead act outside earlier?”

Jiang Jianming shook his head. “Don’t misunderstand, Your Highness. These are all unavoidable measures, just seeking life in the face of death.”

A poor man using his few copper coins to trick a wealthy man into gambling with him — it sounds thrilling, but if possible, who wants to be poor, and who wants to take such risky moves at every step?

“No, but we still don’t have starships!”

Someone couldn’t help but speak up. “How can we revolt without starships, just relying on mechas? How can that possibly give us a chance of winning?”

Jiang Jianming smiled. “We will have them.”

“When the time comes, be it starships or chances of victory, what we need… we will have it all.”


In fact, their luck was better than Jiang Jianming had imagined.

Between the first migration and the second migration, there was a gap of about a year, which was quite ample.

After the first two months passed, the imperial fleet blockading Blue Mother Star indeed began to withdraw gradually, leaving only a few remote monitoring devices to keep an eye on Blue Mother Star’s movements.

Faced with a situation where communications and broadcasts could be monitored at any time, and large-scale outdoor activities were under surveillance, a “call to arms with thousands responding” was impossible.

The rebel army chose an old, simple, but effective method to communicate with the people – passing notes.

During that period, any commoner on Blue Mother Star might find small notes anywhere.

It could be tucked in a newly bought paper book, hidden in half a bag of rice sent by a neighbor yesterday, written on a restaurant menu, or even posted on the wall of a public toilet…

They would be shocked, excited, and moved to tears by the handwriting on the paper. Then they would start looking for new comrades and quietly pass on the next note.

This low-efficiency method of communication had an exponentially accelerating effect in the face of the huge population base. Later on, some people would even receive more than a dozen notes in a month.

Who were the rebels? Who was passing the messages?

Everyone was a rebel, everyone was passing messages.

Later, people came up with a method: those who had joined the rebellion would place a bottle of yellow flowers on their window sill.

And so, even later, in the White Jade Palace of the new empire, golden roses that never withered in all four seasons would always bloom.

After stabilizing public sentiment, Jiang Jianming set about arranging to disguise military exercises as public riots, and to disguise new recruits as miners to send them to underground bases for training.

Factories secretly produced large batches of new crystal weapons, while mechas were disassembled for transport, to be reassembled after reaching their destinations.

“How does His Excellency Aslan even know how to do this kind of thing!?”

Gradually, such voices became more frequent in the official residence.

To this, Jiang Jianming smiled without speaking.

Counting back, he was from the Snow Dove Red Leaf Society. Helga had told him too many bedtime stories about how to secretly stage an uprising.

At the same time, as the empire’s monitoring of Blue Mother Star weakened, tranquilizers could finally be distributed on a large scale.

Dedicated personnel were responsible for free distribution, prioritizing crystal disorder patients, followed by soldiers who would later go to the battlefield. The destination of each dose had to be recorded.

A storm was quietly brewing in this star city that should have been shrouded in despair.

In the early days of the 55th year of the New Imperial Calendar.

The second migration was about to begin.

On the highest observation deck of the official residence.

Jiang Jianming sat wearing a thick coat, looking up at the small blue dot magnified in the night sky.

Tang Ren stood eagerly behind the young man, alternately asking if he was cold or hungry, his attitude vastly different from what it had been initially.

Jiang Jianming said helplessly, “Colonel Tang, if you have something to say, can you just say it directly?”

“Haha, I can’t hide anything from you, Little Excellency Aslan. You truly have keen insight.”

Tang Ren scratched his head sheepishly, “I’m just curious. Now you should tell me where the rebel army got their starships from, right?”

Jiang Jianming smiled slightly, his eyes deep and profound.

He pulled his coat tighter and lifted his chin, gesturing towards the sky turned blue by the fleet’s trail. “The starships, aren’t they here now?”

Tang Ren was stunned. “Aren’t those the Empire’s fleet!?”

“Yes, and they will soon land at our starship ports.”

Jiang Jianming stood up and said calmly, “Whether the uprising succeeds or fails, whether you and I live or die, will be decided…tomorrow.”

The first Great Migration took away all of Blue Mother Star’s native starships. For the second migration, the Empire naturally had to dispatch a large fleet again.

According to the plan Jiang Jianming gave to Fiennes, this time they were to transport large amounts of heavy industrial equipment, cutting-edge technological devices, as well as resources like metals, oil, and coal.

So, more starships came from afar than the first time.

Hundreds of thousands of starships slowly descended onto the starship ports in various regions of Blue Mother Star.

The imperial flags waved elegantly and proudly. They were like farm owners coming to harvest, leisurely carrying their butcher knives, waiting to select the livestock for slaughter.

Little did they know, the beasts determined to break free from their cages had long sharpened their claws and fangs, watching in the dark night… this batch of arriving prey.



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