Dawn Sleep [Interstellar]

A Promise of a Farther Place (3)

The situation unfolded just as Jiang Jianming had predicted.

In an instant, public discontent erupted throughout the Blue Mother Star, with over twenty riots breaking out in just three days. The progress of resource auditing also slowed to a crawl, with errors in calculations here and logistical issues there.

The entire delegation led by Fiennes was in a state of utter chaos, but unfortunately, no one could see through Lin Ge’s hidden role—after all, no one had previously imagined that the lofty official residence could have any connection with a lord from the wild areas.

On the night of the fifth day, the dark-eyed Fiennes finally snapped, kicking over a dozen light computers in front of him. “Bring Kaios to me!!”

As the guard was about to follow the order, Fiennes waved his large hand again. “—No, wait.”

Under the lamplight, the brown-haired, green-eyed middle-aged nobleman pondered for a moment. Perhaps realizing he couldn’t afford to offend the prince, a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. “Never mind, go bring that young staff officer who’s always by the prince’s side.”

Everything that followed went smoothly.

A dozen armed guards burst into the room in the dead of night. The two who were sleeping in the same bed were startled awake, both instinctively realizing that their last—and only—chance had arrived.

The prince, who slept on the outer side, suddenly sat up and activated his crystal bones, making a show of angrily rebuking the guards for their impudence. Meanwhile, Jiang Jianming, shielded by Ryann’s body and crystal bones, quickly pulled out a tranquilizer from his inner pocket and injected himself.

The guard said, “Lord Fiennes wishes to see His Excellency Dawn Aslan. Please come with us.”

In just a few seconds, Jiang Jianming had already hidden the empty syringe in the bedding and got up as if nothing had happened. “Please allow me to wash up and change.”

The atmosphere had been tense these past few days, and the two had been extremely cautious even with their food and water, sleeping fully clothed at night. Therefore, Jiang Jianming only put on his outer garment and quickly washed his face with cold water to wake himself up before saying he was ready.

As Ryann was about to follow, the guards blocked the space between them, nervously gripping the weapons at their waists. “Your Highness, please stay here.”

The prince’s face immediately darkened. Jiang Jianming gave him a look and said softly, “Your Highness, it’s alright.”

…Ryann secretly gritted his teeth and took half a step back. He also knew that only if he wasn’t present would Fiennes possibly let his guard down.

But Jiang Jianming’s body, if something were to happen… These past few days, he hadn’t dared let this person leave his sight, and now he was supposed to send him to the enemy’s side!

Jiang Jianming emphasized his tone slightly. “Your Highness.”

Those black eyes were calm and gentle, clearly saying “the greater good” and “trust me.”

Ryann was unwilling to meet such a gaze and coldly snorted, turning his face away. “Tell Fiennes that at nine o’clock every morning and evening, I want to see my person safely appear in front of the window of the official residence office.”

“This is the final bottom line.”


On the way from the prince’s bedroom to the main office of the official residence, the corridor was shrouded in darkness, with only the cold footsteps of the guards on either side.

Jiang Jianming was sandwiched in the middle, his eyes lowered and silent. His downcast face was pale, appearing excessively frail, even fragile.

Ryann’s choice to remain on Blue Mother Star had already compressed his options to the extreme minimum.

Even the cleverest cook cannot prepare a meal without rice. He actually didn’t have much confidence in being able to negotiate a way out for Blue Mother Star from Fiennes.

But he had to try his utmost.

The guards stopped at the familiar door. After identity verification, the automatic sensor door of the office opened.

“Please enter.”

The moment he stepped into the office, Jiang Jianming’s pupils contracted slightly, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably. Not from fear, but…

Crystal bones.

In this not-so-large office, four tall guards stood on either side, releasing crystal bones as tall as a person behind them.

Fiennes sat behind the desk with a cold smile, the moonlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows illuminating the nobleman’s golden robe.

No one could have guessed that the visitor would be a remnant crystal human, but the rank suppression of crystal bones was a humiliation for new crystal humans and could bring continuous pain, more intimidating than being held at gunpoint.

“Your Excellency the Envoy.”

Jiang Jianming’s lips visibly turned pale. He spoke hoarsely. “I don’t believe there are conflicts between us that warrant this treatment.”

Intense pain quietly pierced every bone. If not for that tranquilizer injection, he would have already collapsed and vomited blood by now.

“No need for pretenses at night, young man.”

Fiennes interlaced his fingers into a tower shape. Clearly, Jiang Jianming’s display of weakness pleased this great nobleman.

He narrowed his eyes to observe the “staff officer’s” performance and chuckled, “You and I both know the current situation… I hope you’re a smart person.”

…It had begun.

The moonlight swept across the eyelashes of the black-haired youth who was enduring pain. The game had already started, and every word from now on would be a risky gamble for survival.

But he had no room for error. If he made one wrong move and Fiennes saw through his intentions, everything would be over.

He had to be careful, extremely careful.

“I consider myself far from foolish, Your Excellency.”

Jiang Jianming took a step forward. Thanks to years of enduring chronic crystal disorder, he could still speak normally, “And indeed, I am well aware of the situation… perhaps even clearer than you might expect.”

“I not only know that at this moment, your subordinates can end my life at any time, but I also know that right now, the Empire’s cannons are all aimed at Blue Mother Star.”

“I know that by now, Blue Mother Star has become a huge burden for the Empire. It’s like… the garbage transported to the wild areas year after year, month after month. The Emperor can’t wait to burn us all to ashes, but is only held back from taking that final, extreme step due to reputation and public opinion.”

“How dare you!!”

Fiennes slammed the table and stood up, his face filled with shock and anger. “You dare to speculate wildly about the holy will, slandering the merciful and loving Emperor—”

In an instant, eight sharp crystal bones from the guards pointed like long spears towards the black-haired youth in the center.

Jiang Jianming slowly raised his face, his expression fearless and stern.

He didn’t back down, but instead stepped forward towards the crystal bones, “I know even more that if the Great Migration fails due to Blue Mother Star’s resistance, the Empire will immediately have an excuse to annihilate Blue Mother Star—”

A crystal bone pierced that porcelain-like neck, and a thin line of blood quietly flowed down, disappearing into his collar.

“Lord Fiennes, I am His Highness Kaios’ advisor, and more importantly, a Blue Mother Star native who grew up here.”

Jiang Jianming continued as if unaware, saying gravely, “Whether for public or private reasons, for loyalty or righteousness, I have no reason not to cooperate with you.”

“In fact, I hope more than anyone that the Empire can successfully complete the migration, and that no rebellion breaks out on Blue Mother Star. At least this way, my star city can avoid the fate of evaporating into ashes under cannon fire. Because while survival still holds hope, death can only mean all is lost.”

His voice echoed. The young man looked directly at the great nobleman before him, then lowered his eyes and bowed, placing his hand on his chest.

“Please give me a chance, Your Excellency, to assist you in completing this migration task.”

Fiennes stared at the young man before him in shock, his mind reeling from Jiang Jianming’s words.

In fact, he had previously considered that if this young advisor, whom Kaios valued, came in trembling and bowing, fawning over the Empire while his lord was deprived of power and under house arrest, it would most likely indicate ulterior motives.

But the young man’s words were truly unexpected.

Smart, bold, and pragmatic. Indeed, he had some ability and was worth cooperating with. Fiennes thought to himself as he adjusted his posture and waved his hand, ordering the guards to retract their crystal bones.

“Your words better be true, young man.”

Fiennes said leisurely, “Tell me your name again.”

“Dawn Aslan.”

“Very well. I need Blue Mother Star to organize the first batch of starships to take off within five days, and complete the entire migration project within three years. Can you do that?”

“We can try, provided you trust me.”

“Hmph, trust is built on sincerity. First, tell me your suggestions.”

From that night on, for a full five days, Jiang Jianming – or rather, Dawn Aslan – was detained in the official residence office.

Fiennes still hadn’t completely let go of his suspicions and wouldn’t allow the advisor to meet with his lord. He only allowed him to show his face at the window twice a day, morning and evening, to exchange a few seconds of distant glances with Kaios to confirm his safety.

Even during this process, Fiennes would send his trusted men to supervise, absolutely forbidding Jiang Jianming from speaking or making any large movements.

He could only nod or smile slightly at Ryann, trying to reassure the increasingly agitated young prince on the other side.

Meanwhile, he was discussing specific strategies for the Great Migration with Fiennes almost day and night. Orders were issued from the official residence and executed after being passed down through the ranks.

Time was of the essence, with the ten-day deadline drawing ever closer.

“Lord Fiennes, first we must clarify this point: our goals are aligned. First, to fulfill His Majesty the Emperor’s will on schedule; second, to prevent rebellion on Blue Mother Star.”

“Hmm, not bad.”

“Then, if I may speak frankly, the residents of Blue Mother Star’s cities do not hold complete loyalty to the Empire and the Emperor. The migration is bound to face obstacles, and rebellion could break out at any time.”

“Therefore, you need to put some effort into the order of migration. His Majesty the Emperor demands the first jump be completed within ten days, but he didn’t specify what should be migrated.”

Fiennes frowned. “What do you mean?”

Jiang Jianming smiled and said gently, “What we need to do is to remove the firewood from under the cauldron, my lord.”

“When the first fleet leaves, we can leave the resources for now. Please first evacuate the military, officials, and the nobles you wish to evacuate. Especially the city guard, which must be completely withdrawn. This is crucial.”

“Without the military, we first eliminate the possibility of large-scale riots breaking out on Blue Mother Star. Even if His Highness Kaios is valiant, he would be fighting a lone battle.”

“Moreover, the city guard is after all on the Empire’s payroll. Moving to a better star city is something they would desire. The poor of Blue Mother Star have always resented the military and officials, so this evacuation won’t face much obstruction.”

“We must be thorough. Of course, all weapons must be removed as well. Mechas and firearms can be left for later, as these things require high skill to operate, and civilians couldn’t learn to use them in a short time. But the starships should all be taken away by the city guard, otherwise it would be disastrous if a new batch of space pirates were to emerge…”


At the military starship port.

The sky was ashen gray, with thick clouds threatening rain and wind. Two military officers stood in front of the steel starship, looking up at the gangway in the distance, with rows of city guards behind them.

An imperial soldier ran over, stood at attention, and saluted, “Commander, the headcount is complete!”

Chen Hanke took off his military cap and exhaled, nodding. “Good, board the ship. If we don’t hurry, it’s going to rain.”

The officer beside him looked troubled and said in a low voice, “Xiao Chen, are we really just leaving like this?”

Chen glanced at him. “What else can we do? You want to rebel? Now, here?”

The officer was startled and quickly covered Chen’s mouth. “You! Shh, are you trying to get me killed?”

Chen Hanke patted his comrade’s shoulder forcefully. “What are you afraid of, Luther? Heh, I’ve always said you’re just short on courage…”

Luther: “But what about His Highness the Prince?”

Chen shook his head. “His Highness doesn’t need you to worry about him. Let’s go. The future is still uncertain.”

“Moreover, after the great migration occurs, the lower classes will inevitably riot. If the nobles stay behind, bloodshed is bound to happen. If you have anyone you hope to protect, please make sure they leave in the first batch.”


Fiennes frowned, glancing sideways at the young man beside him, trying to find any suspicious traces on that pale face.

But Jiang Jianming was just earnestly typing on the virtual keyboard, displaying the derived simulation data without reservation.

So Fiennes had to admit. “Not bad, indeed a good strategy. Let’s do as you say. Um, also…”

The noble envoy cleared his throat for cover, the flesh on his cheeks quivering, “Cough, I will leave with the first fleet of starships, fulfilling my duty of supervision along the way.”

Nonsense, with the city guards withdrawn and bloodshed unavoidable, he certainly couldn’t stay in this place of trouble.

Fiennes calculated in his mind while saying, “Of course, I will continue to monitor the situation on Blue Mother Star and will soon personally lead the second fleet of starships back. You’d better not have any clever ideas.”

Jiang Jianming lowered his eyes. “Actually, lord, you could stay. I would do my best to ensure your safety. With you here, many things would be much easier to handle.”

Fiennes became angry from embarrassment, slamming his hand on the table. “Don’t you understand? This envoy is acting on the orders of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. I have a duty of supervision!”

“…Alright, I understand.”

Compared to the orderly military port, the civilian starship port of Blue Mother Star City was a completely different scene.

The news of the migration couldn’t be suppressed, and the sight of the “upper class” successively boarding ships was impossible to conceal.

Large numbers of Blue Mother Star residents rushed out of their homes in panic. They flooded towards the nearest urban areas, blocking the starship port. Desperate cries shattered the sky.

“Please, take my child with you. He’s still so young, he’s so smart…”

“Mommy, wu wu wu, I want to be with Mommy!”

“I have relatives in Yongle Garden! Really, I have relatives who are noble lords. Let me up, let me up!!”

“Fine, if you won’t take me with you, none of you bastards are leaving either—”

The clouds in the sky squeezed out the last remnants of light, and raindrops like millions of sharp needles fell accompanied by thunder.


The thunder drowned out people’s shouts.

Facing them were heavily armed mecha troops, their heavy machine guns sweeping fire at the unarmed civilians. In an instant, red mist splattered and screams arose.

Some new humans directly revealed their crystal bones and charged towards the army, while the disabled humans preferred to die crashing into the electric net raised in front of the starship port. Blood-stained arms stretched towards the sky one last time before finally drooping down, smashing into the muddy water.

And just a few hundred meters away, ladies lifted their skirts, gentlemen leaned on their canes, and servants hurriedly carried large and small packages, their portable rain shields opening virtual umbrellas for them.

They were rushing to board the ships.

Outside the starship port, continuous gunfire accompanied agonizing wails. These privileged upper-class people couldn’t bear to listen and turned their heads away.

“My goodness, it’s too tragic.”

“Alas, so many innocent people.”

A lady put noise-cancelling headphones on her son and dabbed her intricately made-up eyes with a handkerchief. “It’s so pitiful, so pitiful… May the Lord have mercy on those suffering souls, amen.”

Then she picked up her child and, weeping sorrowfully, boarded the starship without looking back.

Half an hour later, the commotion at the starship port finally reached the official residence. Prince Kaios was furious, his crystal bones destroying half the building, demanding Fiennes immediately order imperial troops everywhere to stop massacring civilians.

Fiennes refused to withdraw troops, citing civilians obstructing imperial plans as justification, claiming that unless the prince had a way to persuade the rioting crowds to retreat.

—Thus, that became the moment when the future Emperor Kaios first etched his voice into history.

…Contrary to Commander Aslan, the Emperor’s “reluctance to give speeches” was almost universally acknowledged.

Some analyzed that the Emperor had a bit of “neo-humanist” tendencies – compared to encouraging citizens to unite against enemies, he preferred charging in to defeat enemies himself, leaving citizens to applaud in bewilderment; others said the Emperor was too tsundere… no, too proud, unable to say certain things; even more people complained that it was clearly the Commander’s overindulgence that spoiled His Majesty.

But regardless of the analysis, later generations had to admit that Kaios didn’t really need any oratory skills.

His very existence carried an aura of willfulness, arrogance, and unreasonableness, enough to generate unparalleled cohesion.

Just like on this rainy night, the prince spoke to the entire city district through the communicator for two full minutes, but amidst such chaos and despair, only a few sentences were truly recorded.

“What are you staring at those cowardly runaways for? I’m still here.”

The youth’s voice was cold, not gentle, but firm. “Blue Mother Star is my star city. You’re here, I’m here; you’re not here, I’m still here.”

Gradually, the gunfire subsided. As the rain grew heavier, streams of blood were washed away to distant places outside the civilian starship port in the city district.

Finally, on the tenth day, the last day of the deadline.

Starships loaded with upper-class people began to leave the ground, heading towards the distant sky.

When the citizens of Blue Mother Star looked up and saw the azure trails of the starships, they instantly realized everything.

The great human migration was ultimately carried out as scheduled. They were abandoned here by the empire’s rulers, with no person or force able to prevent this disaster.

Even with Prince Kaios’ promise of “I’m here,” large numbers of civilians still broke down watching the starships.

They ran futilely, chasing after them, waving their arms and wailing, their cries of sorrow shaking the clouds.

It was also on this night that Jiang Jianming walked out of the official residence.

…It was over.

The black-haired young man was soaked through by the rain.

These five days, he had been maneuvering against Fiennes, depleting all his mental and physical energy, now looking like a paper figure that could be torn apart with a single pull.

And what he managed to save in the end was too limited. The starships had left after all, taking away many of His Highness’ confidants. What next? What next…

Jiang Jianming no longer had the strength to think.

He felt cold, felt suffocated. The pouring rain seemed like the planet weeping, the sound of rain engulfing him, the distant cries also engulfing him.

Jiang Jianming closed his eyes and exhaled, suddenly swaying before collapsing to his knees, splashing water as they hit the ground.

He struggled to raise his head, opening his eyes, staring blankly at the departing starships in the sky, feeling as if he was about to drown in this sea of rain.

Those blue trails were like the last remaining oxygen, being extracted from this decaying land, moving further and further away from him.

…Just ten days ago, he was still planning for this star city with the young prince.

If Blue Mother Star had been given more time, everything wouldn’t have been so passive. Why was it always too late, why could they never reach it in time.

As his consciousness gradually blurred, the sound of rain became distant then close. Jiang Jianming suspected he was about to faint.

Therefore, when hurried footsteps splashing through water sounded behind him, he thought it was an auditory hallucination – until a coat suddenly covered his head, shielding him from the cold rain.


“Aslan, wake up, look at me!!”

In the pouring rain, the youth’s calls were sharp and piercing.


Ryann was panting heavily, his chest filled with maddening rage and killing intent.

Jiang Jianming had completely collapsed in his arms, barely breathing, cold as a corpse. His black eyes were half-open, unfocusedly following the trails of the starships, softly muttering words like “so far away”.

Rain droplets matted their black and golden hair together. Ryann held the disabled human’s limp body, feeling as if he was holding a pile of fleeting foam.

The youth’s breath trembled with anger. He heard the sound of his own reason crumbling, for the first time truly experiencing a desire for destruction.

This rotten empire, this heavy rainy night…!

If he could destroy it all with his own hands, would Jiang no longer be sad?

Suddenly, the desire for destruction soared like a raging fire.

Ryann forcefully pulled Jiang Jianming up. The youth’s arm strength was so formidable, easily supporting the disabled human’s weight.

“—Get up! Stand up!”

“What are you looking at… Don’t look at them, look at me!”

“Where do you want to go,” Ryann held Jiang Jianming tightly, pressing his cheek against his, gritting his teeth, “Tell me where you want to go, I’ll take you there, I can take you there!”


Jiang Jianming blinked his eyes. The disabled human breathed shallowly, raindrops continuously sliding down his cheeks.

Against the onslaught of wind and rain, the young prince’s emerald eyes blazed as he shouted at the person in his arms, “I’ll take you somewhere farther than those starships!!”

Jiang Jianming felt that he must have wanted to say something at that moment.

No one in the world could remain unmoved faced with such a scene, and he was no exception.

Or at least, he should have calmed down the emotionally unstable young prince, clarifying that he wasn’t tortured to near-death by Fiennes or mentally broken by the impact, just a bit tired.

But Jiang Jianming couldn’t say a single word.

He fainted in Ryann’s arms.



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