Dawn Sleep [Interstellar]

Starfire in Slumber (6)

It had to be said, the chief’s composure was quite well-founded.

Xie Yuduo and Jiang Sheng initially expressed great doubt about the idea of “letting His Highness try to change back on his own.”

But when the two saw those crystal blocks shrinking towards the center amidst white mist and steam until they disappeared, those tumors and mutated limbs reverting back to cells, then regrowing into a normal human shape…

They both exclaimed, “So this damn thing can change back too, as expected of His Highness.”

Until Ryann sat on the ground holding Jiang Jianming, his platinum curls cascading over his shoulders like silk, with crystal bones remaining only below his waist.

The Crown Prince looked up, his eyes still carrying a hint of that inorganic, profound aura, and his lips moved. “…Clothes.”


— When new humans released crystal bones, they released and condensed microscopic crystal particles into solid form, which normally wouldn’t damage clothing if controlled properly.

But the recent mutation was clearly fundamentally different from releasing crystal bones. The Crown Prince’s clothes had long been torn into countless shreds.

Over the next twenty-plus minutes, Xie Yuduo and the others acted as quickly as possible.

First, they found a new set of clothes for His Highness, provided a new wrist device, and even got a new coffin to put the Crown Princess’s remains back in — in short, they did their best to clean up the mess.

Even so, when Ryann and Sylph and the others arrived at the starship port, they were still late.

All the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

What did being a little late matter, as long as His Highness Ryann was alright.

“Your Highness.” Xie Yuduo personally escorted him to the boarding gate of the flagship White Jade, and saluted solemnly, “No matter what… You will always be the Crown Prince of the Empire, the glory of humanity. Please take care.”

The starship port was bathed in bright light, and the Crown Prince’s expression was complex, his black and gold cape fluttering on his shoulders.

“No need for such formalities, we’ll meet again soon.”

He left these words for the major general, and boarded the flagship White Jade under everyone’s gaze.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. There were some issues just now, but they’ve been resolved. No need to worry.”

Half a minute later, the Crown Prince’s voice came through the military channel, “All fleet prepare to depart, returning to the homeland.”

The alloy warships took off in formation, bursting out of the alien planet’s atmosphere.

The military emblem of the Golden Sun Wheel first gleamed brilliantly in the light of the star, then was engulfed by the darkness of the universe seconds later, before being illuminated again by the icy blue contrails ignited by the warships.

Still according to the original plan, Zheng Yue and other Golden Sun Wheel troops followed the Crown Prince back to report. The starships from Black Shark Base would accompany them to Omega Alien Star, with Jiang Jianming’s remains being taken back to the base by the chief.

Bei Man’er reclaimed her Silver Big Dipper military status and chose to stay on Alpha Alien Star; Yuan Changze sent a message from the Second Fortress, saying he wanted to adapt to the Far Star environment as soon as possible, so he wouldn’t be returning with His Highness either.

As for Jiang Sheng, he should have long since returned to the fortress with the Silver Big Dipper Third Army, but Major General Emma was understanding of his grief over losing his son and allowed him to temporarily follow the chief’s actions — after all, the fortress and the base were connected, so it didn’t make much difference either way.

And so, they each set off on their own paths once again.


Inside White Jade.

As the fleet moved away from the Alpha Star domain, the Crown Prince did not take his post in the main command room. Ryann dismissed all unnecessary personnel and entered his own room, pulling off his newly changed cape with one hand and tossing it onto the bed.

“Explain,” he said coldly.

The chief, back in her black long coat and black mask, followed him into the room.

“What explanation does Your Highness want to hear? I told you that you were special. From the very beginning… starting with Great Emperor Kaios’ original body, you were special. You’ll know everything once your memories merge.”

“By the way, Your Highness changed back to human form much faster this time. That’s really great.”

“So you see, although consciousness projection seemingly can’t carry the original body’s memories, some subconscious elements can still be brought over. This is what we call practice makes perfect.”


Ryann: “So, has he seen me transform like that before?”

Sylph: “Of course not.”

“I’m asking about the previous life.”

“Really, he hasn’t. You only went mad after you were about to lose him or had lost him.”

Ryann’s eyes darkened as he emphasized, “I did not go mad.”

Sylph: “Whatever you say, Your Highness.”


The starships came as reinforcements, their responsibility was to race against time to save lives, so of course they recklessly opened wormhole jumps to rush forward. Now returning in triumph, they could slow down a bit to conserve energy.

After Sylph left, Ryann sat alone by the spaceship’s large porthole, the stars behind him as if the universe was watching him.

He extended his left hand, concentrating for a moment. Soon, crystal scales covered his five fingers, his flesh and blood vessels twisting, turning into a terrifying sight.

…A monster, huh.

Ryann frowned, thinking to himself: If a person unknowingly became intimate with a monster for two lifetimes, how would they feel when they found out?

Even setting aside the topic of whether one is “looks-conscious” or not… saying one shouldn’t judge by appearances is all well and good, but at least one should be human first. Now that he wasn’t even human anymore, the problem was very serious.

The Crown Prince couldn’t help but put himself in the place of victims in some legal shows about marriage fraud cases.

But before his imagination could reach the stage of judgment and sentencing, the wrist device on his other arm flashed.

“What is it?”

Ryann indifferently lowered his left hand, which had returned to human form. Someone was calling him on the military channel, addressing him as Your Highness, saying they had military intelligence to report.

For some reason, His Highness suddenly felt lonely. If possible, he wanted to turn into a monster and hide away, build a nest on some desolate star.

But now… without Jiang to cover for him and save the day, it wasn’t feasible to continue running around alone so willfully.

He walked towards the main command room.

Passing through the automatic door, Major Zheng Yue in his white and gold uniform was waiting, his expression somewhat grave.

“Your Highness, it’s about the space bandits.”

“There has been no response to the amnesty offer we previously sent to the Lava Space Bandits. Yesterday, technicians at the Second Fortress intercepted unusual data fluctuations. We suspect the Lava Space Bandits sent out a message.”

“An hour ago, the Lava Space Bandits as a whole began migrating away from Beta Alien Star, seemingly preparing to abandon their confrontation with the Empire. Look—”

Ryann paused, his expression inscrutable.

Two seconds later, he pulled back the corners of his mouth in a smile of extreme anger.

“Is that so? It seems the Lava Space Bandits have chosen the Crystal Cult again. They refuse the path to survival we offered, insisting on drinking poison to quench their thirst.”

He sat down directly in the command chair. “Can the message be decrypted?”

“No, the encryption technology is too advanced.” Zheng Yue shook his head, “If it weren’t for the people the Little Excellency left behind to keep watch, we might not have been able to intercept it at all.”

“Your Highness, shall we send troops to intercept them?”

Unexpectedly, the Crown Prince stretched out his arm to pull the star map in front of himself, glanced at it for a moment before closing it, “No interception.”

“It’s too far. In long-distance pursuit in space, the pursuing party is at an absolute disadvantage. We’ve already exerted our full strength in that battle in the Alpha Star domain, the Silver Big Dipper can’t fight anymore. Moreover, the Empire is about to announce the truth, we can’t create new problems at this time.”

Zheng Yue was taken aback. Given the Crown Prince’s usual domineering style, he thought His Highness would choose to pursue and eliminate future troubles.

Weighing benefits, minimizing military casualties, considering the situation at home… This kind of cautious decision with a touch of mercy seemed more like something the Little Excellency would make.

“Let the troops Jiang left behind continue to keep watch, follow at a distance but don’t get close.”

Ryann sneered, “I want to see the end of these space bandits.”


Zheng Yue responded, feeling a bit dazed.

At this moment, he seemed to see that slender shadow beside the proud Crown Prince.


Two days later, the fleet arrived at Omega Alien Star. Ryann ordered the fleet to land and rest at the fortress for half a day, then jump directly to the national border.

After landing, His Highness personally escorted Jiang Jianming’s remains into Black Shark Base.

He cleaned Jiang Jianming’s body one last time and arranged his uniform.

As he caressed the cold remains, that desire to swallow the person whole and hide him inside his own body welled up again.

Ryann restrained himself, and obediently dressed Jiang Jianming neatly.

“I owe you three years,” he said hoarsely, his eyelashes lowered, “I’ll give them back to you now. It’s reasonable to want some interest too, but don’t be excessive… Wake up soon.”

There was a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

Sylph entered carrying a light computer. “Your Highness, want to watch the live broadcast?”

She didn’t even wait for Ryann’s answer before projecting the virtual screen in mid-air.

Ryann turned his head, squinting at it.

Oh, so this day had already come.

On the screen, a dusky yellow twilight. It was exactly 6:30 PM in Aslan District Three.

Lin Ge, in her red robe and golden crown, with a charming and forceful roguish smile in her eyes, leaned against the railing of the highest floor of White Jade Palace. The crushed diamonds on her luxurious clothes reflected dazzling light in the setting sun.

“To our dear citizens within and beyond the Empire’s borders.”

To say it was solemn would be far from accurate; but to say it was improper, for this female emperor who was used to being unruly, she had done far more outrageous things hundreds of times before.

“To our dear citizens within and beyond the Empire’s borders.”

The Female Emperor repeated lazily.

“Tonight, Zhen has something to say to you all.”

Her voice spread across all nine star cities.

This kind of image of the emperor personally addressing the citizens was not broadcast on certain specific platforms, but sent directly to everyone’s wrist devices.

Just as the military had its military channels, now all citizens who had their wrist devices on were receiving information from White Jade Palace at the same frequency.

At this moment, countless nobles and commoners, new humans and disabled humans, all looked up from their daily lives, focusing their attention on the screen.

Lin Ge smiled, pursing her lips, her red prosthetic eye flashing.

“I believe you have all heard… Recently, our Empire’s brave soldiers achieved victory on the front lines, eliminating the heretics who dared to invade our territory, along with the alien creatures they controlled.”

“In the end, the Crystal Cult was driven beyond the Far Stars, and the Lava Space Bandits, fearing the Empire’s military might, voluntarily withdrew from the Beta Star domain… This is great news of victory!”

“Zhen is very pleased, very pleased, and Zhen believes you are all very pleased as well… So next, I’ve decided to take advantage of this good mood to tell you all a story.”

At this point, Lin Ge paused.

“Zhen is a bad emperor. Zhen know that the story Zhen is about to tell will cost you an entire night’s sleep—”

“That’s right, don’t doubt it, I chose this time deliberately to prevent you from sleeping.”

“For so many years, for this secret, and for the nameless sacrifices behind this secret, I’ve spent countless nights tossing and turning, unable to sleep, crying miserably in the deep of night… Now, hehe, the tables have turned, it’s your turn to taste what I’ve been through.”

“To the elderly and children, the sick, pregnant women, and those with mental frailty, I’ll use my last bit of conscience to give you ten seconds.”

“Turn off your wrist devices and go to bed. When you open your eyes tomorrow, you’ll see a brand new world.”


Deep in the base, Ryann and Sylph looked at each other wordlessly.

The emperor was still the same emperor, obviously doing this on purpose.

Curiosity is human nature. After saying it like that, who could put down their wrist device… And besides, at 6:30 PM, who would be sleeping at this time!

On the contrary, those who weren’t watching their wrist devices might have been dragged over by friends and family to watch together.

In the image, the setting sun merged the woman’s silhouette into a shadow. Lin Ge leaned against a pillar and began to count down slowly, as if humming a tune.

She dragged out her tone. “Ten…”

Aslan Star City, Military Department.

Led by Old Marshal Chen, Luther, Celine, Tang Bohai… The generals currently in the capital had all gathered together.

They stood solemnly at attention, paying their respects to the emperor, their figures like rows of sharp swords.


Kaios Military Academy.

The setting sun slanted through the windows, a few white doves fluttered across the sky.

With five minutes left in this class, Kevin secretly hid his earpiece under his hair and took out his wrist device to watch under the desk.

Instructor Luo Hai looked at the students with their heads lowered and sighed.

He tapped the desk. “Alright, I know your minds have already wandered off. Take them out and watch, just be careful not to hurt your necks later.”


In the Sekt family’s mansion, Xie Yinxing hid under the covers, her big eyes fixed unblinkingly on her wrist device, the screen’s light illuminating her little face.


Silver Big Dipper.

The frigid winter night enveloped the First Fortress, with soldiers huddled beneath the large screen. Normally, Silver Big Dipper did not allow contact with the homeland, but today was an exception.

Tang Zhen and Bei Man’er stood shoulder to shoulder, holding hands tightly. They both knew the truth in advance, but were still nervous.

Xie Yuduo stood behind them, hands in the pockets of his military coat, his phoenix eyes gazing at the starry sky as he softly exhaled a white mist.


At Black Shark Base.

The base members, who usually seemed detached from worldly affairs, also gathered together, waiting for the emperor’s confession.

Diana sat next to a cryogenic sleep pod, with a hovering smart light illuminating the label. She lovingly touched it with her fingertips – it bore the name Audrey Lance.

“Brother,” the female researcher whispered, “Do you know? We’re avenging you, taking revenge against the crystal particles.”


At the Second Fortress, the former Yuan Changze master and servant were not watching the live broadcast with the soldiers, but were hiding indoors.

“I appeal to all non-crystal compatriots… to inherit His Highness Jiang’s will… in the future, in the…”

The former little young master held a stack of papers, muttering to himself while pacing around the room.

Whenever he turned, the gun given to him by Jiang Jianming at his waist would occasionally appear beneath his coat.

Suddenly, he took a deep breath and threw the papers on the ground. “I’m not memorizing this anymore.”

Lopez widened her eyes. “Huh?”

“I’ll speak on my own when the time comes. It’ll definitely be better than reciting a script!”

Yuan Changze grabbed Lopez’s arm. “Let’s go watch Her Majesty the Emperor’s live broadcast first!”


Lights came on in the windows of every household. The myriad lights rose up, overpowering the sinking red glow of the setting sun, as if the starry universe had been inverted.


The female emperor smiled, tilting her head and raising her voice.


In the distance, the Crystal Nest still silently emitted a faint glow.

It had been there, unchanging for tens of thousands of years. The only change in these few hundred years was the addition of foreign objects on that expanse of white crystal-crossed land.

Wreckage of warships, fragments of firearms. And human remains torn apart by crystal particles, deformed pieces of bone and flesh all sealed within crystals, their original appearance indiscernible.

Even so.

The Crystal Nest still silently emitted a faint glow.


Ryann kissed Jiang Jianming’s forehead.

In his heart, he silently said: Good night, my love.

If the sun rises again tomorrow, please allow us…to meet again.

“First,” the female emperor’s voice drifted from the screen, “Let us pay the highest respect to the heroic souls who, at the cost of their burning lives, sought answers up and down in the darkness during these desperate and chaotic five hundred years.”



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