Dawn Sleep [Interstellar]

Crown of Golden Dawn (3)

Not only Rita and Xie Yuduo. More and more soldiers discovered this situation that could be described as seeing a ghost in broad daylight or a resurrection in the sea of stars.

Before their minds could even process this, Jiang Jianming’s next words were even more shocking.

“From this moment on,” that cold voice said, “I will temporarily take over Xie Yuduo’s responsibilities and assume full command of the Alpha Alien Star.”

Rita almost lost her eyeballs in fright. “Ma-Major General!?”

Xie Yuduo raised his hand, eyes fixed on the screen, “Shut up and let him finish.”

In the communication, Jiang Jianming’s voice paused, as if to give everyone a moment to absorb.

Two seconds later, he calmly spoke again. “Regrettably, I must inform you all that I cannot and will not lead everyone in a desperate counterattack or miraculous survival.”

“Recently, the latest research from Black Shark Base confirmed that the Crystal Cult is a heresy that communicates directly with the source consciousness of crystal particles. Her Majesty the Emperor has convicted all members of the Crystal Cult of treason against the country and species.”

“Following the latest instructions from the military department and Her Majesty’s secret decree, all imperial troops currently in the Alpha Alien Star have now been appointed as the new White Bird Expedition Force.”


Xie Yuduo’s Adam’s apple moved.

He heard Rita gasp behind him.

“In the name of the Empire, I assign this expedition task to the expeditionary force, to spare no cost… even at the price of the entire army perishing in the sea of stars.”

“We must annihilate all heretics in the Alpha Alien Star domain.”


In the dark underground, Jiang Jianming leaned against the pilot seat of the Crown of Golden Dawn, speaking while listening to the electronic voice of the mecha in his mind.

[Confirming energy source tube, remaining energy 28%] 

[Emergency charging system activated, starting to charge] 

[Remaining energy 28%… 32%… 39%…]

This was probably the biggest bluff of his life.

Jiang Jianming’s lips curled slightly, but there was no smile in his eyes.

He wasn’t actually someone who enjoyed high-stakes gambling, but he was always forced by various external pressures to seek victory in dangerous situations.

In any case, the bet had been placed. Whether the plan succeeded or not depended on whether the imperial army outside had enough courage to catch it.

[Third secondary cannon has awakened… beginning to gather energy…]

Energy light gathered in front of the Crown of Golden Dawn’s body.


On the top level of the fortress, a huge commotion had already erupted among the imperial troops.

Such turmoil, of course, couldn’t fail to reach the Crystal Cult’s camp.

Inside the starship, Su’s eyebrows twitched as he said with a grim expression:. “What’s the imperial army in an uproar about?”

… Never mind, the Bishop of Destruction shook his head. Since it was a large-scale direct transmission, it was destined to be impossible to keep secret.

As long as they pieced together the information seen by the “intelligent alien lifeforms”, accurate results would soon be transmitted.

Thinking of this, Su couldn’t help but glance at Gaius.

Outside the porthole was a dim expanse.

Under the night sky, the Archbishop’s expression remained calm and composed, even though Margaret had already perished.

In Su’s memory, Death had followed the Archbishop for the longest time, for many, many years.

All along, Margaret had been deeply attached to Gaius, trusting him like a daughter trusts her father, obeying him like a dog obeys its master.

But when that girl died as a monster, it seemed to leave not even a ripple in the Archbishop’s heart.

Was this what it looked like to be completely free of the seven emotions and six desires, to be rid of the inferior emotional fluctuations of humans? The Bishop of Destruction thought secretly.

“Are you wavering?” Gaius suddenly spoke.

Su snapped back to attention, lowering his head, “… No, Your Excellency the Archbishop.”

Gaius looked over with gentle eyes, “Disorder is the ultimate truth of the universe. It only takes a gentle push for order to collapse into chaos, but to rebuild order from chaos is as difficult as ascending to heaven, as you know.”

Su: “Yes, the imperial army has already been drawn into our rhythm. It’s almost impossible for them to regroup now.”

“Well said.”

Gaius nodded, “But you said ‘almost’.”

“Do you think it’s absolutely impossible?”

Gaius opened his mouth, seemingly about to affirm with a smile.

However, before that affirmation could be uttered, the smile faded from the corners of Gaius’s eyes and brows.

Something seemed to make the Archbishop hesitate.

The stillness in the air lasted for several seconds.

Gaius regained his calm demeanor, turned his head, and silently looked out beyond the starship.

There lay the curved horizon, steeped in night and blowing snow.


“Major General, please say something! What exactly… is the situation now!?”

Inside the starship Tianshuhao, Deputy Officer Rita lost her composure in her anxiety.

In front of her, communication request windows were popping up frantically, with officers of various ranks trying to inquire about the situation from the flagship.

The higher-ranking officers even projected directly into Tianshuhao’s command room, with over a dozen holographic projections suddenly appearing behind Xie Yuduo!

“Major General!”

“Major General Xie!”

“What exactly is going on!?”

Everyone called out anxiously.

At the commander-in-chief’s seat, Xie Yuduo faced his circular screen, his hands interlocked and pressed against his forehead.

The Major General’s face was expressionless and silent.

The clamor behind him grew even louder:

“Major General Xie, has the Empire really issued an emergency order?”

“Did the military department order Colonel Jiang to take over your command, or was it an order from the White Jade Palace?”

“White Bird Expedition… how could it be so sudden! Major General, did you… did you know about this!?”

“Why does the communication source from His Highness Jiang show as that person? Where exactly are the two highnesses now!?”


Xie Yuduo suddenly burst out with a low roar. This shout echoed, frightening everyone behind him into silence.

The Major General closed his eyes and said word by word, “Stop making noise, all of you shut your mouths.”

What exactly was going on? Xie Yuduo didn’t know what was happening, he was also racking his brains trying to figure it out.

Damn imperial orders. Impossible, it must be His Little Excellency bluffing, but why?

The Little Excellency he knew was cautious, reserved, disliked showing off, strong inside but gentle outside.

If there really was a plan, the Little Excellency should have at least informed him first, rather than so rudely seizing his command in front of the entire army and telling such an enormous lie.

After finishing that speech, the other end of the communication remained silent, waiting for a response.

A long beam of particle cannon fire streaked by nearby, its trail reflecting on the glass porthole of the starship.

Xie Yuduo suddenly shuddered.

He understood. Jiang Jianming was buying time.

There was only one explanation. The Little Excellency had judged that something was about to run out of time.

The battle situation had been in chaos for a long time and seemed likely to continue, not like a fleeting opportunity had appeared.

So the more likely possibility was that Jiang Jianming’s own situation was not good, and he wanted to squeeze out his last bit of strength for a gamble.

Cold sweat slid down Xie Yuduo’s forehead. But should he gamble? Could he gamble?

The Little Excellency was just over twenty years old, had only been in the starship’s command seat for a short time, and now faced such a predicament that even he couldn’t handle…

Under the tense gaze of the officers, Xie Yuduo slowly extended his hand.

His gaze turned cold and hard as he grimly opened his communication channel, setting it to a one-way broadcast to the entire army.

A second later, the Major General’s hoarse voice reached everyone’s ears:

“Silver Big Dipper First Army Major General Xie Yuduo, respectfully following imperial orders.”

“All troops under my command will unconditionally obey superior orders. Awaiting instructions.”

Rita exclaimed in shock. “Major General!”

He had actually chosen to hand over command!

Xie Yuduo roughly rubbed his messy hair and grinned.

He had gambled. Looking at the name “Dawn Aslan”, he silently prayed for the blessing of the commander and the great emperor.

“Very good.”

A voice responded in the communication.

At the same time, a text message was sent to Xie Yuduo’s personal communication terminal.

“Send me the battle situation map and star map of Alpha Alien Star–Jiang.”


Xie Yuduo had been fired up a second ago, but now his breath caught in his throat as cold sweat poured down.

My dear Little Excellency Jiang, my Commander-in-Chief, you’re only now asking for the battle situation map to look at, are you really okay!?


“Very good.”

The communication echoed in everyone’s ears across the fortress battlefield.

In this fierce battle, there had been far too many changes and turning points, nearly numbing the nerves of the soldiers.

But Colonel Jiang, or rather His Highness Jiang, seemed to think they hadn’t suffered enough. That voice continued:

“You should all understand by now what the fate of previous White Bird Expedition Forces has been.”

“We carry out operations on the premise of sacrificing our lives. Next, I will require all of you to fulfill this.”

Tang Zhen rushed out of the temporary medical area in his mecha, angrily shouting into the communication. “Jiang Jianming, what the hell are you doing? Where exactly are you now!?”

“Tang Zhen!”

Bei Man’er’s mecha followed behind. She shouted over the wind. “I’ve tried, this is a one-way communication. Jiang may have only given Major General Xie access. He can’t hear us!”

The two mechas sped past, using cannon fire to clear the alien lifeforms along the way.

Tang Zhen clutched his head in despair. “This is killing me! What madness has Little Jiang gotten into this time? How can he openly say things like ‘sparing no cost’ and ‘sacrificing lives’!?”

People weren’t war machines. Even in the military, not all soldiers were always obedient.

Suddenly being assigned to a one-way expedition by the Empire, suddenly being sentenced to death by superiors – how big of a blow was this?

Tang Zhen thought blankly: How could they expect everyone to willingly go to their deaths based on one high-handed order?

If the soldiers mutinied, if morale wavered, everything would be ruined. Even he understood this logic, so what was Jiang Jianming trying to do?

At this point, Tang Zhen still held a glimmer of hope that perhaps Little Jiang had another plan and was just bluffing now.

But that hope was quickly shattered.

Because Jiang Jianming really started giving orders.

“In three minutes, all Imperial forces on the fortress surface: All mechas ascend vertically.”

Jiang Jianming calmly said, “Please ensure that you and others do not develop crystal disorder. Extreme measures may be taken if necessary.”

After these two short sentences, Tang Zhen’s face turned pale as he exchanged looks with Bei Man’er.

All ascend vertically? What was this? Who commanded like this!?

Moreover, having all mechas ascend meant withdrawing all forces from the fortress battlefield.

Forget about losing the two hard-won major areas, what about the wounded behind them? What about the squads entangled with alien lifeforms who couldn’t quickly disengage? Were they really being abandoned?

Ensure no crystal disorder? How to ensure that?

There was only one method, as the severely wounded had already demonstrated.

Jiang Jianming was even more ruthless, saying to ensure “yourself and others”.

What did “others” mean?

If you saw a comrade about to develop crystal disorder, should you “take extreme measures” to attack them?

If you saw an enemy about to launch a suicidal crystal disorder attack, should you stop them even at the cost of mutual destruction?

Tang Zhen and Bei Man’er both stood there stunned, seeing the bewilderment in each other’s eyes.

Why… why give such an order?

This was Jiang Jianming, the same Jiang Jianming who had insisted on strategic withdrawal to preserve the main force of the Silver Big Dipper First Army.

Had they really been pushed to this point now?

Tang Zhen felt drained, leaning limply against the pilot seat, his heart racing and palms sweating.

He wasn’t afraid of death, but he feared hearing vile curses erupt from all around the next moment, dragging his friend’s name through the mud.

“Keep going, say something else, Little Jiang,” Tang Zhen stared frantically at the now-silent communication window, muttering, “Aren’t you good at talking? Are you really planning to just wait for three minutes to see how many people will die with you?”

The world seemed to have been muted. The howls of alien lifeforms faded in the wind as mechas passed through the long night, brushing past fellow comrades’ mechas.

Through the alloy glass, Tang Zhen saw the agitated faces of the soldiers.

What were they shouting? What were they arguing about? The three minutes felt as long as three centuries.

Absolutely no chaos could be allowed. If anyone tried to cause trouble, even if it meant “execute on the spot” bloodshed, they had to keep control.


Tang Zhen had already prepared for the worst in his mind.

But gradually, the surroundings grew quiet.

The soldiers raised their heads and gazed into the distance with stunned looks. The pitch-black main cannons stood there silently, while the night sky was as gentle as the bottom of the sea.

“Tang Zhen,” Bei Man’er called softly from behind.

Tang Zhen turned around. He saw Bei Man’er’s chestnut hair swaying in the wind and snow, her expression sad yet peaceful.

“It’s alright, what you’re worried about won’t happen. Because…”


At another corner of the fortress, Zheng Yue and Wilson found a mecha suitable for replacement. It was an M-type mech that could accommodate two people.

“It’s fine. Although I still can’t guess what the Little Excellency wants to do, don’t worry, the morale won’t be disrupted,” Zheng Yue said while pulling on the safety belt. “Do you know what’s most effective in boosting morale when facing a crisis on the battlefield?”

“Lecturing about patriotism? Promising posthumous honors and care for families? Neither. Those work before the war starts.”

“When facing death, all is empty. In the face of death, both material and spiritual things become unreal. What’s most real?”

“It’s leading by example.”

Zheng Yue revealed his crystal bones and tested the mecha’s control system. His blood-stained face was reflected in the transparent crystal bones. “I’m a general, but I dare to die before the soldiers. Just this.”

“…I understand now.”

Wilson said, looking enlightened.

No wonder, he thought to himself. No wonder when he heard that order, he felt shocked, confused, and even absurd, yet didn’t feel any resentment or complaints.


In this fortress recapture battle, Major General Xie’s starship fired the first shot of the surprise attack;

When the Bishop of Death mutated and the crystal disorder tide erupted, plunging the entire army into despair, it was Crown Prince Ryann who risked his life;

And now Colonel Jiang, who was giving orders? He was the Crown Princess, not staying in the White Jade Palace but coming to the frontline, a disabled non-crystal trapped in a high-density crystal particle area. He didn’t mention his own situation, but couldn’t others guess?

Now that he had obtained communication means and contacted the army, he didn’t give his coordinates or ask for help, but immediately ordered everyone to attack, asking everyone to face death.

How would the soldiers react?

At this point, what reaction could they have?

Zheng Yue checked the time and said softly, “Last thirty seconds.”


“Why are you staying behind!?”

Bei Man’er shouted with a pale face when there were twenty seconds left. “Can’t you still operate the mecha? It’s just a minor injury, come fight with me!”

Tang Zhen shook his head. “No, I’m injured. I’ll only slow everyone down if I go. It’s fine normally, but now that Little Jiang has given that kind of do-or-die order…..You don’t want to have to shoot me yourself, do you?”

Bei Man’er: “But…!”

There was a commotion all around as the Imperial army was contracting, trying their best to break free from the entanglement of the alien creatures. The mechas were switching forms, with the sound of metal collisions continuing endlessly.

“Man’er, if I die here, you need to explain clearly to the Tang family. Don’t let them blame Little Jiang,” Tang Zhen sighed. “No matter what, giving this kind of order… He’s prepared to be the sinner.”

Ten seconds left.

Bei Man’er suddenly bit her lower lip, tears welling up in her eyes.

Through a haze of tears, she stubbornly glared at Tang Zhen and said in a trembling voice. “Are you really sure? Do you really want to stay behind….Will I be able to see you again?”

Tang Zhen nodded firmly at her. “I’m sure.”

Five seconds left. Four, three…


Bei Man’er lowered her head and gritted her teeth. A tear fell as she gave Tang Zhen a military salute.

The next moment, the cockpit slammed shut.

…Two, one, zero.

Wild winds swirled in all directions as the mecha took off!


Suddenly, Tang Zhen tilted his head back and shouted towards the sky.

Bei Man’er looked back from the ascending mecha. The surrounding noise and rapidly increasing distance made it impossible for her to hear Tang Zhen’s words clearly. She could only make out a few vague words.

“I — … you!”

The young man left on the ground looked up at her, showing a bright and clean smile. “If…would you be willing to… —!!”

Bei Man’er was stunned for a moment, but she had no time to think it through.

Because it was time.

In an instant, tens of thousands of mechas rose from the fortress on the north and east sides, like a flock of black crows magnificently flying away from a forest, rushing towards the boundless snowy heights!

It was at this moment that the edge of the horizon flickered, and the first beam of light appeared.

“Dawn has broken…”

Bei Man’er wiped away the moisture from the corner of her eye as she muttered to herself.

Suddenly, a vibration came from the central area of the fortress.

First, there was a cannon blast. The surface of the fortress, made of black iron alloy, suddenly cracked open with more than a dozen fissures. Intense golden-red light flowed like lava, and within just two seconds, the alloy exploded!

The flowing fire hung like an inverted celestial river. A giant steel behemoth rose from the flames, with the dawn of ten thousand rays behind it.

The soaring griffin roared to the sky, its eight pairs of dark golden wings blotting out the sky. Hundreds of energy light arrows gathered around its body, falling like a torrential rain in an instant!

The world shattered.

The central area of the fortress was directly bombarded into a sea of fire. Countless alien creatures rolled and screamed, their lives extinguished.


Inside the starship Tianshuhao, Xie Yuduo pressed against the screen in disbelief, his eyelids twitching.

Among the airborne troops, an old soldier tremblingly called out, “The Crown of Golden Dawn — that’s our Crown of Golden Dawn!!”

The super S-class mecha L-Crown of Golden Dawn flashed past in the gap between dawn and dusk.

It switched forms, reassembling from beast mode to humanoid, transforming into a towering giant.

Five fingers extended from its mechanical arm, energy gathering between them, forming a laser long sword.

In the first cockpit, Jiang Jianming leaned back in his seat.

In the dim light of dawn, half of his face was illuminated extremely brightly, only his eyeballs remaining dark and deep.

His gaze swept over the real-time battle map. Finding the situation much better than expected, the corners of his eyes finally showed a hint of a smile.

After three minutes of silent free rein, Jiang Jianming finally deigned to speak on the communication channel, giving the entire army a few words of encouragement.

“The mecha Crown of Golden Dawn has awakened. The immortal spirit of Emperor Kaios and the countless heroic souls since the founding of the new empire will protect our fearless soldiers.”

“Do not fear the shadow of death. The stars will remember that we were here.”



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