Dawn Sleep [Interstellar]

Reunion in Snowstorm (3)

Similar to the last interstellar conference, the confidential pre-battle discussion this time also utilized interstellar remote projection sharing.

When Ryann and Jiang Jianming entered, everyone else’s projections had already arrived.

The setting was the black virtual space, with a towering dark blue screen. The three-dimensional star map projection had unfolded, casting a cold light that illuminated the faces of those present.

There weren’t many attendees. Xie Yuduo and Jin Min sat on either side, with Lieutenant General Jin selecting two trusted and capable go-getter. Beside Major General Xie was Liu Rita, temporarily managing the First Army of the Silver Big Dipper in his stead.

(t/n: go-getter=A general who dares to fight and charge; a metaphor for a capable backbone in the work.)

“Sorry for the delay, everyone,” Jiang Jianming sat down in his seat. “We are a bit late.”

“Little Excellency, where do you get that from?” Xie Yuduo raised an eyebrow with a smile. “Late? No, we just came in.”

Lieutenant General Jin and Lieutenant Rita’s eyes twitched almost simultaneously.

Both of them said in unison, “…That’s because you were late again, Major General.”

Xie Yuduo chuckled, “Heh.”

Knowing the situation was tense, and with no outsiders present, they quickly skipped the pleasantries and formalities.

Ryann maintained his usual decisive style and took the main seat, looking at Xie Yuduo.

“Let’s address your concerns first, Major General,” the Crown Prince raised his chin slightly. “Report on the fleet’s status, and then discuss how to return?”

“The current situation is acceptable.”

Xie Yuduo sat with his legs crossed, his expression becoming serious. “The main losses this trip occurred in the Crystal Nest area. We returned carefully, with no further casualties among personnel, but some of the ships sustained significant damage along the way, which isn’t ideal.”

“As for the return… we can only perform a long-distance jump, there’s no other choice.”

In the past, the fleet could have alternated between jumps and navigation to slow down the return. However, with the Crystal Cult now entrenched in the Far Star, it wasn’t feasible to let this elite squadron of the Silver Big Dipper return home easily.

To avoid fighting all the way back, the safest method was to jump directly from near the Crystal Nest outside the Crystal Cult’s controllable range to the airspace above Beta Alien Star, denying the enemy any opportunity to attack.

Jin Min nodded, “No objections there. Is the jump energy sufficient?”

“No problem,” Xie Yuduo raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Before I left, I took thirty percent of the engineers and equipment from the fortress energy zone. We harvested quite a bit of real crystal ore along the way, so the energy balance is basically maintained, which is enough.”


Upon hearing this, Lieutenant General Jin first gasped in shock, then turned his head away in sorrow and distress.

Xie Yuduo, what a character! Not only did he take away capable generals on the expedition, but he also took away the energy production system. No wonder the first fortress couldn’t hold on…!

While the Crystal Nest Expedition progressed, the frontline of the Silver Big Dipper was lost. If they couldn’t regain the fortress, wouldn’t this major general end up in military court for a tea session?

Pretending not to notice, Xie Yuduo chuckled twice, “So, the headache is yours from now on.”

He gestured with his fingers, tapping twice on the screen in front of him.

In the dim light, the blue three-dimensional star map buzzed and changed, with the red twin-circle symbol of the “Jump Wormhole” appearing on the coordinates of the Beta Star System, spinning round and round.

The expedition fleet was about to pass through this wormhole, returning from the nearby Crystal Nest domain to the Silver Big Dipper’s stationed alien star.

“The Lava Space Bandits are manageable; we have an old friendship. The trouble lies with the Crystal Cult. If they launch an attack, how will the second fortress respond?”

Xie Yuduo looked at Lieutenant General Jin and the Crown Prince in turn, asking in a deep voice, “Lieutenant General, Your Highness, are you prepared to ‘attack’ or ‘defend’?”

Attack or defend.

To those unfamiliar with interstellar warfare, it might sound like a nonsensical statement.

But everyone present understood the two strategic options Xie Yuduo was referring to.

Currently, the main force of the Crystal Cult was in the Alpha Alien Star, too far from Beta. If they wanted to attack the fleet, they would also have to use the jump method.

—The tactical game of jump against jump had become the crucial point.

“If our army takes a defensive stance, it means setting up defenses at the jump point in a conventional manner.”

Lieutenant General Jin Min frowned and pondered, quickly manipulating the screen, “Arrange in a three-dimensional sphere centered around the wormhole.”

In the center of the red twin-circle on the three-dimensional star map, the character “谢” appeared. (TL: Xie)

And the white blocks symbolizing the Imperial Army swiftly moved, dispersing into a spherical formation, enclosing the red twin-circle in the center.

Ryann said, “But while the formation is set up, it also reveals the position of the jump point. The enemy can also jump over.”

Next to him, Jiang Jianming understood and marked a second red twin-circle on the star map, simultaneously deploying black pieces representing the enemy.

Continuing from Ryann’s point, he said, “The spherical formation is not efficient defensively. It’s suitable for encirclement but not defense; it’s easy for the enemy to concentrate breakthroughs from the outside using a conical formation.”

Ryann instinctively extended his right hand, fingers spread, and moved the black blocks.

With the same forces, the white pieces dispersed into thin spheres, while the black pieces condensed into a tight cone.

The latter quickly pierced through the former’s formation, like black arrows puncturing a white bubble, breaking through the central “谢” character.

A military officer behind Jin Min sighed in frustration, “The enemy can’t predict our jump time and coordinates; originally, we had the advantage. But now, it’s turned into an advantage for the enemy… This won’t do, this won’t do!”

Another person suggested, “Then, how about adopting an offensive strategy?”

If defensive posturing aims to protect one’s own jump points, then offensive strategy is aimed at blocking enemy jump points.

Large-scale wormhole jumps capable of accommodating hundreds of starships require sufficient energy and preparation time. If the enemy can be restrained, preventing them from opening the wormhole, it achieves a defensive effect through offense.

Xie Yuduo asked, “How are the Crystal Cult and the fortress at Alpha Alien Star now?”

“I organized the fortress before departing.”

Rita replied, “We cleared the real crystal ore warehouse, shut down the Stele of Heroes and sank it underground. On the surface, we activated the automated defense systems to the highest level, deployed all combat intelligences, making it difficult for outsiders to intrude easily.”

“That’s also why, when we expelled the Lava Space Bandits that day, the Crystal Cult didn’t come to support in time—they were probably busy trying to attack the first fortress with all their might.”


Xie Yuduo knocked on the table with his fist, “At most, it can hold out for three or four days.”

Once the Crystal Cult truly captured the first fortress, the situation would be much harder to handle.

Someone said, “So we need to plan the return of the expedition fleet as soon as possible, preferably within these two days!”

“But here’s the problem: since the Crystal Cult is attacking the fortress, won’t they actually not be prepared to divert their focus on ambushing the fleet? Taking the initiative in the attack would be a waste of resources, wouldn’t it?”

“In my opinion, since Major General Xie’s expedition fleet is still in good condition, why not plan for the recapture battle of the first fortress first, and then welcome the fleet’s return?”

“How can that be!? We don’t know how long the recapture battle will last. What if something happens to the expedition fleet? Who will bear that responsibility?”

Soon, the discussion shifted towards brainstorming, with intense debates flying around like scattered pieces of paper.

Jiang Jianming stopped speaking halfway through. The blue light of the three-dimensional star map kept jumping, tactical simulations flowing like water from his eyes.

“On the Lava side, they also need to allocate resources. How about a combination of offense and defense, with one team of starships to distract the bandits while the rest stay on Beta Alien Star for defense…”

“What a terrible idea! This weakens the defense at home even further. The Crystal Cult might not have been interested initially, but seeing us spread our forces, they might immediately decide to jump over and attack us!”

“Major General Xie, if your fleet is truly in good shape, could we consider, uh, self-sufficiency…”

“…Old Jin, are you trying to get someone killed?”

Jiang Jianming gradually furrowed his brows.

No, he thought to himself.

This isn’t right. The current line of thinking hasn’t fundamentally found the direction yet.

Defense, offense, defensive offense, jump blockade… Their tactical planning still remains within the realm of normal thinking.

However, dealing with the Crystal Cult, this kind of heresy, can normal thinking suffice?

They’ve always tried to confront the enemy with an inertia-driven mindset.

But the tricks of the Crystal Cult: manipulating alien lifeforms, causing crystal disorder, infiltrating the empire’s internal affairs… all far exceed the “normal” realm.

So when facing the Crystal Cult, they often can only react passively.

First, they get hit hard by the enemy, bloodied and battered, and then they scramble to find a way to break through and retreat.

Jiang Jianming lowered his eyelashes, lightly stroking his ring finger. Through the black leather glove, he felt the slender yet hard texture.

During the Battle of Lan Xishi, the reason he dared to venture deep into enemy lines was because of the crystal bone ring, his trump card. Directly beheading the “Bishop of Chaos” Laurent with one strike caught the Crystal Cult “off guard.”

But now the trump card is exhausted. To once again surpass the expectations of the Crystal Cult, it can only rely on psychological maneuvers…


At a certain moment, Ryann spoke up, interrupting the ongoing discussion among everyone.

Jiang Jianming looked up and coincidentally met the Crown Prince’s gaze.

Their eyes briefly met, and then Ryann calmly said, “Intermission. Take a moment to cool down before continuing.”

In the virtual space tinged with dark blue light, the tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Jiang Jianming also breathed a sigh of relief. The next moment, Ryann leaned forward, grabbing his wrist, exerting a bit of force that caused some discomfort.

With a stern look, the Crown Prince lowered his voice, “You better be aware of yourself.”

“If you get sick during another meeting, you can forget about coming ever again.”


Was my expression really that bad just now?

Feeling guilty, Jiang Jianming dared not speak and could only nod quickly.

On the other side, Rita was reporting her work from these days to Major General Xie in an orderly manner, but Xie Yuduo had already started discussing the wonders he had seen in the Crystal Nest.

Jiang Jianming didn’t join the small talk. During the intermission, he took a pill, wrapped himself in his coat, leaned back in his seat, cleared his mind, and stared at the platinum hair of the Crown Prince, watching the curve it formed.

What should be done to catch the Crystal Cult off guard?

Was it because Major General Xie’s fleet was too important, and the first fortress was also too important, that they always sought stability, thereby limiting their options?

“By the way, I have something to say.”

When everyone had relaxed a bit, Ryann spoke up again, glancing at the two officers brought by Jin Min.

Lieutenant General Jin immediately understood, “Oh, you two, please leave.”

“No need, since you’re here, you might as well listen together.”

Unexpectedly, Ryann said, “It’s something you all need to know sooner or later.”

After saying this, the Crown Prince pondered for two seconds, then leaned forward, intertwining his fingers into a steeple shape and said in an elegant tone, “Let me tell you about a new discovery regarding crystal particles.”

Jiang Jianming, noticing his posture, felt like a bolt of electricity had run down his spine.

“Your Highness?”

He thought, wait a minute, are you thinking—

Ryann slightly raised his head, the sharpened corners of his eyes revealing a hint of a sharp smile—

Whenever this person was about to do something unconventional, he would show this kind of triumphant expression.

“While the Empire hasn’t officially announced it yet, given the current war situation, I believe it’s best to be candid.”

The Crown Prince calmly said with an elegant tone. Crystal bone formed on the back of his left hand, while his right hand nonchalantly curved his index finger, making a “ding ding” sound twice.

“This thing…crystal particles, they are alive, and they are a form of life that is currently conducting racial colonization on humans.”

Ryann continued softly, “As for the Crystal Cult, they worship crystal particles and are a heretical organization that hopes for the extinction of our race.”

“The conclusion is clear: what you all carry is the future of humanity. So, gear up mentally for the upcoming battles.”

He finished speaking.

Ryann retracted the crystal bone as if he had just given a routine instruction.

Even because the audience had no reaction, he frowned slightly, displeased.

“Well? Where are the responses?”

Unfortunately, there were none.

Those who were drinking water were still holding their cups; those who were chatting were still with their mouths open. Except for Jiang Jianming, who knew the information, the others looked at the Crown Prince with blank expressions.

They weren’t even shocked because they didn’t understand, their minds hadn’t caught up yet.

Seven or eight seconds later, Xie Yuduo trembled and spoke, “Huh?”

Jiang Jianming was stunned for a moment, his Adam’s apple moved.

He suddenly pinched his brow, smiled as if deflated, casually stuffed the pill bottle into his front pocket, and stood up from his seat.

Right, almost forgot, the person with the ability to “surprise” is right here.

“…My good Highness, this isn’t acceptable.”

Jiang Jianming took three quick steps and turned to face Ryann directly. “Even if you decide to be frank with the generals, please consider the normal capacity for acceptance.”

Ryann raised an eyebrow, “Jiang?”

“But.” Jiang Jianming placed both hands on Ryann’s shoulders, his eyes shining brightly, looking down at his lover from a superior position…..like an eagle fixated on its prey.

He took a deep breath, eagerly saying, “Let’s have more ideas with this ‘unacceptable’ style.”


Ryann gave a look that one would give to someone unreasonable. “…Who are you saying is unacceptable?”

“No no no, you’re acceptable, very acceptable, everything is acceptable!”

Jiang Jianming quickly changed his tone, feeling his blood vessels pulsating in his head as the fingertips on Ryann’s shoulder turned cold and slightly bruised.

He was just about to open up some new ideas when…

He shook Ryann vigorously, as if expecting something good to fall off the Crown Prince, “Don’t worry about possibilities, don’t worry about how to implement it. Anything is fine, just give me some ideas.”

Ryann replied, “…Calm down. If you get so excited again, I’ll remove your terminal patch.”

Meanwhile, the other officers were still bewildered.


Xie Yuduo stared numbly at the two figures struggling, his tongue frozen, “Your Highness, Little Excellency. After you’ve finished discussing what’s acceptable or not…”

“Can you please explain to me first, what ‘crystal particles’ and ‘racial colonization’ are all about!?”


On Alpha Alien Star, the first fortress was still plagued by snowstorm.

It no longer resembled its former self. Half of the watchtower had collapsed, and numerous bizarre alien creatures lay around its broken walls, some charred by the fortress’s electric beams, others killed by the mechas’ artillery fire.

As one alien creature fell, more of its kind climbed over the frosted corpses, continuing to ram against the iron walls. Explosions rang out every ten minutes or so, and flames and black smoke blurred in the snow curtains.

The soldiers had withdrawn, but the fortress continued to fight on.

Inside a starship high above, a man in a black robe walked through an automatic door into the deepest room.

The room was dimly lit, with only a white-haired girl sitting on the floor, cradling a piece of real crystal ore the size of a human head, gnawing on it with her crystal bone-covered teeth.

Apart from the sound of her chewing, there was an eerie silence in the air.


The Bishop of Destruction furrowed his brow and called out.

She didn’t hear him, so the man approached and called her again, “Death.”

Margaret looked up, making a “Hmm” sound. Her eyebrows furrowed with pale marks, and her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

The man in the black robe bent down and took the real crystal ore from her, saying, “Stop eating. Where is His Excellency the Archbishop?”

As he spoke, steady footsteps echoed from the inner room.


A dim light and a silhouette appeared in the darkness. Gaius was dressed in a white linen robe, holding a floating illuminator, and walked out unhurriedly.

“What is it?”

“Your Excellency the Archbishop,” exclaimed the white-haired girl Margaret.

“Your Excellency the Archbishop,” Su deeply bowed, “The Lava Space Bandits have expressed their dissatisfaction with us.”

“Red Dragon blames us for not informing him promptly of the true situation of the Imperial Army, which led to him being deceived by the Silver Big Dipper’s bluff.”

Gaius smiled calmly.

“Is this important?” he asked lightly.

“It may affect our cooperation.”

“Yes, my Destruction. But is this important?”

Su choked up and could only close his mouth.

He looked up at his archbishop.

In the dim light, Gaius’s face remained inscrutable, the light from the illuminator unable to penetrate his eyes, which were like an opaque deep sea.

This man didn’t care about allies, didn’t care about the congregation, and didn’t seem to care about the success or failure of plans. He showed no clear likes or dislikes towards anything, only a desire for the extinction of the entire human civilization—

Sometimes Su would wonder if the archbishop was the consciousness of the crystal particles’ race itself.

Su lowered his head. “…No, it’s not important, Your Excellency the Archbishop.”

Gaius reached out his hand, fingers spread slightly curved.

Su realized what he meant. He handed the real crystal ore in his hand to Gaius.

Gaius turned and placed it back into Margaret’s hand.

Margaret looked at the archbishop with her pure and innocent blue eyes, picked up the real crystal ore, brought it to her mouth, and bit down on it, continuing to eat in pain.

Gaius turned back, gave Su a faint smile, and asked, “Do you know why Chaos died?”

“…It was Jiang Jianming who killed him. We didn’t anticipate that he would possess the crystal bone weapon of the Imperial Crown Prince.”

“Is that so?” Gaius shook his head, “I ordered you to retreat early, yet I left him at the crumbling front lines, assigning him the task of holding Jiang Jianming hostage.”

Su’s body jolted, looking incredulously at the archbishop.

He felt a chill run through every pore of his body, his hair standing on end.

“Even if the crystal bone weapon hadn’t appeared, he would still have faced the wrath of Kaios.”

Gaius chuckled. “I killed him.”

“…!” Su heard his own voice come out harshly from his throat.

He asked His Excellency the Archbishop, why?

“Because he loved humanity.”

Gaius said.

“He begged the crystal particles, believed in the ultimate inevitability, and his ultimate goal was nothing but to use the racial characteristics of the crystal particles to seek a paradise of great love and harmony for humanity.”

“But you are different.”

Gaius took a step closer to Su, gently brushing his forehead, “Do you remember what you once said to me?”

“I,” Su’s face turned pale, feeling as if he was being stared at by the depths of the sea, “I remember, Your Excellency the Archbishop.”

It was many years ago. A remote orphanage, on a Sunday, in the church where the bell rang.

A nihilistic young man out of place with his peers met the gentle and smiling archbishop.

“A heap of garbage.”

The young man described his own race like this, “narrow-minded and arrogant, hypocritical and despicable… a heap of garbage that has accumulated for nearly ten thousand years, already sour and stinking.”

“Even if someone who thinks highly of themselves tries to clean it up, pouring a few bottles of perfume in the garbage heap will only make the stench more nauseating.”

“For such a hopeless garbage heap, the best destination is self-immolation.”

“Yes, perhaps human civilization is only beautiful at the moment of choosing self-destruction, it is heroic, leaving a dazzling brilliance in the universe.”

That day, the archbishop’s smile was as gentle as it was today, and devoid of emotion.

“Good child. Ignite the fire.”

That day, Gaius gently stroked his hair, taking him from the orphanage, promising to let him witness the flames of the garbage heap.

Until today.

Inside the starship, the Bishop of Destruction in black robes and white hair lifted his head—

“Destruction, I truly like you.”

Gaius said.

A “fissure” suddenly cracked on his face.

Right in front of Su, the archbishop’s flesh twisted, cracked, transformed into crystals, which continued to fracture, causing the entire body to disintegrate.

Those crystals fell under gravity, rapidly disintegrating and shrinking, with most of them disappearing before hitting the ground, turning into crystal particles.

“So, please don’t disappoint me.”

Archbishop Gaius, who was smiling just now, turned into crystal particles and disappeared within the starship, leaving only his voice echoing in Su’s ears.



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