Dawn Sleep [Interstellar]

Reunion in Snowstorm (1)

When the emperor’s reply reached Jiang Jianming’s hands, he was surprised at Lin Ge’s unexpectedly gentle attitude.

Lin Ge didn’t even focus on discussing the matter with the space bandits or the issue itself; her attitude seemed to say, “Can’t be bothered, do as you wish.”

Most of the reply was about how cunning and ruthless the space bandits were, repeatedly cautioning Jiang Jianming to be careful—not to do something reckless and end up in trouble.


It was afternoon on Beta Alien Star, and Jiang Jianming sat alone in his newly assigned office. He stared at the reply, once again lost in thought.

Something seems off. He doubted whether his “little lover’s” speculation had entered another mental misconception, but he couldn’t find a clue.

With a creak, the door opened.

Steady and orderly footsteps approached.

“Don’t think too much. Trying to guess the thoughts of someone like Lin Ge, who’s so erratic and unpredictable, is pointless.”

Ryann walked in and placed a cup of hot tea beside him. “You’d be better off looking at something promising, it might cheer you up.”

“Your Highness.”

Jiang Jianming looked up and saw Ryann place another document on the desk, pushing it toward him and tapping it to indicate he should read.

Jiang Jianming picked up the tea cup, blew on the hot liquid, took a sip, and glanced sideways at the paper.

When he saw the heading, his fingers trembled, splashing two drops of tea on the back of his hand.

The paper was a military confidential document stamped with a red seal. It stated that the military had passed a resolution and, by order of Her Majesty the Emperor, would gradually implement a mental manipulation system in the empire’s military mechas, making it a third method of control alongside manual control and crystal manipulation.

The Third Army of the Silver Big Dipper stationed at the third fortress on Omega Alien Star would be the first to receive the updated mecha systems, serving as the initial trial batch.

If everything went smoothly, the second fortress could have the new control systems as early as next month, with a responsible person coming to guide them, as per the orders from the Imperial Military Headquarters to prepare for the related work at the second fortress.

“This is…!”

Jiang Jianming hurriedly placed the tea cup down. “When did this happen?”

“Just received the command, sent to Jin Min. I brought it over for you to take a look.”

The Crown Prince remained calm and collected. He leaned in, reaching out to wipe away the tea stain on Jiang Jianming’s hand with his thumb.

“Crystal manipulation has been in place for decades, and under normal circumstances, a new operating system wouldn’t be implemented in such a short time. The rush in this decision indicates that the military is dead set and has truly entered a comprehensive state of preparedness for war. Judging by this situation… the next step might likely involve non-crystal humans joining the military, perhaps starting with the new types of mecha you mentioned before.”

“As for whether the Third-Generation Tranquilizer can support regular non-crystal humans in interstellar combat, it’s hard to say, but they can at least free up some of the imperial forces stationed domestically to provide reinforcements for interstellar missions. Chen isn’t foolish; he will definitely try.”

Ryann leaned closer, earnestly staring at Jiang Jianming’s face, his voice low and magnetic, “You see, as I’ve said, everything you desire will come in due time. It’s just a matter of sooner or later.”


Jiang Jianming couldn’t stand his overly direct and intense gaze, so he took a step back, but his lips curved into a smile.

Carefully, he picked up the paper document and read it again, sighing softly, “Yes, good things will come in due time…”

Throughout history, frontline generals feared the surrender-minded factions in the rear causing trouble. If there was no unity from top to bottom, wars couldn’t be waged. Even though the future was uncertain, receiving such news from the empire was already uplifting enough.

Whether it was victory in the racial war or a brighter, more liberated future for humanity, there was reason to be hopeful.

“—But,” Jiang Jianming regained his composure, tapping the document against Ryann’s chest, “it’s still not right to steal Lieutenant General Jin’s documents without permission. Please return them, Your Highness.”

Ryann frowned, “Who said I stole them?”

Jiang Jianming was taken aback, “Didn’t you?”

Ryann replied, “I directly took them.”


“Did you snatch them…please return them, Your Highness.”

Ryann chuckled. He grasped Jiang Jianming’s forearm and pulled him closer, motioning him to come along, “You too, Jin Min wants to see us.”


Now that the temporary expulsion of the Lava Space Bandits had been completed, the next issue facing the Second Fortress was the return of the expedition fleet and the recapture of the First Fortress.

Both of these tasks became more pressing the longer they were delayed. So, when Jiang Jianming heard that Lieutenant General Jin wanted to see him and Ryann at the same time, he naturally thought it was to discuss these matters.

However, as soon as the automatic door opened, Jiang Jianming sensitively sensed that something was off.

Inside the lieutenant general’s office, besides Lieutenant General Jin, stood a burly man.

The man appeared to be in his forties or fifties, with a short beard and sharp, solemn eyes. The rough, darkened skin of his hand, which he used to salute at the door, indicated he was a seasoned warrior.

In an instant, Jiang Jianming and Ryann exchanged a lightning-quick glance, then each proceeded to enter nonchalantly.

“No need for formalities,” Ryann nodded to Lieutenant General Jin, gesturing to continue, “What’s the matter? And who is this?”

“Your Highnesses.”

Lieutenant General Jin also lowered his head, “Forgive this subordinate’s presumption, but I’d like to request Your Highnesses to come with me, there’s… something I’d like to discuss.”

He pointed to the man beside him, “This is Allen Wilson. Although he’s not the most agreeable person, I pledge on the emblem of the Silver Big Dipper that he is the best mecha operator I know within the Second Fortress.”

Wilson looked somewhat excited, “Greetings, Your Highness Crown Prince.”

Ryann’s response was notably calm; he simply acknowledged with a “Hmm.” On the other hand, Jiang Jianming’s interest was piqued, and he stepped forward, saying, “I’ve heard about Your Excellency during my military academy days.”

He nodded slightly at Wilson, acknowledging him, “Your demonstration videos on the basic movements of the five mecha groups are still mandatory materials at the Second College.”

Wilson seemed surprised that the pale and frail-looking Crown Princess would initiate a conversation with him. After a moment of hesitation, he bowed slightly to Jiang Jianming and saluted.

“It’s an honor. I’ve also heard of the accomplishments of Your Highness Crown Princess… I heard that you once assisted the Crown Prince in combat as a mecha operator.”

Wilson’s expression turned serious, “To be honest, I initially thought it was just a rumor. I never expected that even disabled humans could…”


Jiang Jianming smiled without saying a word, listening attentively. Ryann’s gaze, however, began to turn dangerous.

“Cough!” Lieutenant General Jin suddenly coughed loudly from the side and kicked the desk leg with his boot.

Wilson, realizing his mistake, immediately lowered his head, “Forgive my indiscretion, Your Highness the Crown Princess.”

“I just thought that, given the current state of Your Highness Crown the Princess’s health, it might not be suitable for you to personally operate a mecha in combat—”

At this point, Jiang Jianming finally couldn’t hold back his laughter. Internally, he exclaimed that things were going south; he could sense that His Highness was getting angry.

As expected, Ryann’s expression turned cold in an instant.

However, Wilson didn’t seem to notice anything amiss. His face turned back towards the Crown Prince, his expression lively again, no longer the perfunctory respect he showed to Jiang Jianming earlier.

He pounded his chest, “With the impending war, Wilson is willing to operate a mecha for Your Highness!”

“If Your Highness has time today, please allow me to demonstrate in the mecha training ground…”

Le’an suddenly spoke, “Lieutenant General Jin.”


Lieutenant General Jin was already sweating profusely, looking pained.

He glared at Wilson with frustration, as if he wished he could engrave the five big characters “done for, screwed up” on his forehead for people to see.

The Crown Prince gave a smile devoid of warmth, “Lieutenant General, perhaps there’s been a misunderstanding. A mecha operator is not necessary for me.”

With that said, Ryann naturally hooked his arm with Jiang Jianming’s and sat down together on the only sofa in the room.

“Instead of worrying about these matters,” he reached for a snack from the tray on the small coffee table, frowning as he picked up a candy, “what about the Xie’s fleet and the First Fortress… Can’t you think more about these?”

Lieutenant General Jin hesitated, “Well…”

“Your Highness!” Wilson was stunned. While he had anticipated the possibility of being rejected, he hadn’t expected His Highness to not even bother trying out his skills.

Desperately, he said, “I come from a military family and have been studying mecha theory since I was four, operating mechas since I was seven. I’m confident that in any aspect, I won’t be inferior to…to His Highness Crown Princess!”


Jin Min’s expression of pain was even more pronounced; he wished he could cover his face with his hands.

Anyone could tell that Wilson had almost blurted out something like “this inexperienced military school student” or “this disabled human without crystal bones and can’t even use crystal manipulation.”

Jiang Jianming remained calm. Since joining the military, he had to go through a phase of being “questioned by everyone” every time he arrived at a new place.

After arriving at the Second Fortress, perhaps due to the change in his status, this phase had significantly weakened. A person should be content with what they have.

“In fact,” he quietly tugged at His Highness’s sleeve and whispered to Ryann, “Lieutenant General Jin’s concerns aren’t unreasonable. Trying to coordinate with His Excellency Wilson wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

Ryann pulled Jiang Jianming’s hand down, glaring at him as if to scold him, “Shut up.”

Meanwhile, Wilson was still trying anxiously. He hurried a few steps and stood in front of Ryann, “Your Highness, please forgive me. The reason I’ve been staying at the Second Fortress is because my crystal bone is only B-level.”

“But Your Highness must know that a proposal was put forward by a military official before the new year to redefine mecha types. If the proposal goes through, I’ll be the empire’s strongest single mecha unit…!”


The Crown Prince narrowed his eyes, his expression enigmatic, “I am indeed aware.”

Wilson’s face quickly reddened because he saw the Crown Prince lower his head and smirk, which made him feel a sense of shame as if he were being mocked.

Of course, in reality, Ryann was just trying to hold back his laughter. Jiang Jianming understood.

The Crown Prince just found it amusing that this Wilson seemed to look down on the Crown Princess while being grateful to the mysterious “official” at the same time.

The Crown Prince cleared his throat, smiled silently, and then composed himself to regain a bit of dignity.

“Hm, you have good intentions.”

“But I really don’t need a mecha operator. On the battlefield, having someone beside me often causes more disturbance than assistance…”

Ryann leisurely unwrapped a candy and stuffed it into Jiang Jianming’s mouth, “He’s an exception.”

“So, if Colonel Jiang can’t operate a mecha for me in the future…”

Ryann said softly and glanced at Lieutenant General Jin, who was standing awkwardly nearby, “I’ll just return to my previous state.”

In a sense, the Crown Prince not bursting out laughing, not getting angry, and patiently explaining to Wilson was already a great improvement.

Jiang Jianming was pleasantly surprised, he didn’t mind Ryann being so intimate with him in front of everyone. He gave the Crown Prince a praising look before chewing on the candy.

“Yes, yes,” Jin Min felt relieved, grateful that the Crown Prince was in a good mood today and not making a big deal out of it.

The general quickly turned to Wilson, “The Crown Prince has made up his mind, you can go for now. We’ll discuss this matter later.”

However, no one expected Wilson to suddenly erupt.

The middle-aged mecha soldier stood up straight, his face turning red, “Your Highness! As the Imperial Crown Prince, your safety is a matter of national importance…”

“How can it be entrusted to a disabled human who won’t live long!”

—With that statement, it was all over.

Jiang Jianming and Jin Min both felt a tingling sensation at the back of their heads almost simultaneously, knowing that trouble was about to happen. But before they could do anything, a reddish-golden silhouette flashed before their eyes.


Wilson cried out in pain. A burly adult man like him was thrown out by the crystal bone, crashing into the wooden shelf in the office, causing the porcelain on it to shatter all over the floor.

“Your Highness!”

“Your Highness, calm down—”

Clang…The broken porcelain pieces spun on the floor, finally hitting the table leg and stopping.

The atmosphere in the office dropped to freezing point.

The reddish-golden crystal bone stood still in the void, forming a whip-like curve, but its tip was firmly held by a hand wearing a black glove.

Jiang Jianming had already stood up, breathing slightly heavily, and stood between Ryann and Wilson. “Your Highness, please don’t do this.”

The Crown Prince remained seated on the sofa, unchanged in posture and expression. If one ignored the crystal bone protruding from his left shoulder, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

“Jin Min,” he said, “you go out first.”

Lieutenant General Jin was tongue-tied, his back soaked in cold sweat. He was afraid that when he left, he would only come back to collect Wilson’s body.

But Jiang Jianming shook his head slightly at him, “It’s okay.”

Jin Min breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left the room.

In the messy office, Wilson’s face was pale, groaning as he tried to get up.

“Allen Wilson.”

Ryann lifted his chin slightly, his green eyes cold. “How dare you say such things in front of me…”

“—It proves that Your Excellency Wilson is a straightforward person,” Jiang Jianming interjected.

He looked calmly at Ryann and slowly released his grip, “A monarch should not get angry or resort to violence because of the advice of his subjects.”

“Are you going to lecture me again?”

Ryann said coldly but retracted the crystal bone, “You’ve forgotten one thing, now you are my spouse and also his monarch.”

“A subject disrespecting the monarch deserves punishment.”

—It took so much effort to make him a bit happier today. His Highness thought darkly, just now I was saying that all good things will come in the future….only to return disappointed like this.

Jiang Jianming sighed, “I know Your Highness has already shown mercy, but you almost scared Lieutenant General Jin half to death…can’t you show more restraint?”

With that, he turned his gaze to the back.

Wilson reluctantly stood up, sitting on the ground unable to get up. His Highness the Crown Princess was about to show grace, he thought to himself

“As for you.”

However, surprisingly, Jiang Jianming showed no intention of helping him up.

He even changed from addressing “Your Excellency” to “you.”

“If you’re concerned about His Highness’s safety, the Crown Prince should not personally go to the frontline.”

Jiang Jianming raised his chin towards Ryann, then glanced at Wilson, “So, since he won’t go in the future, do you think that’s acceptable?”



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