Dawn Sleep [Interstellar]

Invincible Golden Blade (2)

News of the stationed troop’s attack quickly reached the main fleet. In the command room of the flagship Athena, Admiral Celine was greatly shocked.

The volume of the Imperial Golden Sun Wheel Space Station was almost equivalent to a small town. Inside, not only were there troops stationed from the Golden Sun Wheel, but it was also equipped with the Empire’s most advanced offensive and defensive systems.

The eleven retractable main guns, collectively known as the “Pangu’s Axe”, were the largest caliber guns in human existence. If used properly, they could even evaporate tens of thousands of warships in a second. In addition, the main core of the high-dimensional blockade barrier was also controlled by the space station. If it fell, the consequences would be unthinkable.

“Admiral, what should we do!?”

Inside the command room, several deputy officers were also scared enough, quickly looking at the general standing in the center.

Celine made a decision immediately, “Retreat, support the space station.”

Starships moved in the universe, and the overall situation was condensed into small light blocks on the 3D star map.

Celine, after all, was a general with rich military experience. She didn’t rush to let the starship turn around, but had the front row fight and retreat against the Crystal Cult, covering the rear row to turn around.

Suddenly, a communication request from the space station popped up in front of the large screen in the command room of the Athena.

“Reporting to the Admiral!”

The general on the other side looked anxious and embarrassed, and said as soon as he opened his mouth, “The enemy fleet that jumped over did not continue to attack the space station, they are heading in your direction!”


Celine suddenly turned her face to the 3D star map. Even though the starship maintained a comfortable constant temperature environment, sweat still oozed from her forehead.

She raised her arm to wipe it, her eyes staring straight at the screen. How could it be possible that the enemy actually gave up the great opportunity to attack the space station?

They were coming in this direction? This wasn’t right, could it be…

The urgent voice from the space station echoed in Celine’s ears, “Our fleet has suffered severe damage, we locked onto the enemy’s trajectory too late, now the enemy might have already——”

Suddenly, the command room was flashing red, and all the officers changed color in shock.

[Alert! Alert!]

[The rear of the fleet has detected an approaching fleet, star map coordinates are…]

“Damn it.” Celine stood up abruptly, her palms slamming on the command table, “We’ve been tricked…”

This always proud female general’s face turned pale, she gritted her teeth in anger, turned her head and ordered her deputy, “Contact the rear of the fleet, immediately stop moving towards the space station! Reorganize the formation, adjust the direction of the ship’s bow according to the data I sent, quickly!!”

But it was already too late.

This was one of the most astonishing turns of events in the famous Battle of Lan Xishi, even the Crystal Cult’s godly operation of using alien creatures to complete high-dimensional jumps had to be ranked after it.

After crushing the stationed troops of the space station, the Crystal Cult did not directly attack the Golden Sun Wheel Space Station, which was a “delicious cake” close at hand, but instead took a shortcut and directly attacked Celine’s fleet, which was fighting and retreating against the Crystal Cult’s main force, trying to return to aid.


The window on the screen was flashing, the general in charge of the starship squadron reported in a panic, “The rear flank of the fleet has been attacked, the unmanned fighters have been crushed, their speed is very fast——”

“Reporting to the Admiral, the enemy ship has launched a fierce attack on our front line, the formation can’t hold on!”

“Admiral! We have…we have been surrounded by enemy ships…!”

Bad news came in like snowflakes, Celine gritted her teeth in anger, the fluorescent light made her cheeks look ghastly.

At this moment, the imperial fleet was being attacked from both sides, completely becoming a turtle in a jar, a fish in a net.

Also because the rear of the fleet was in the process of turning around and retreating, the front and back structures were loose, and the formation was broken up before long.

The situation suddenly became chaotic, starships and starships were strafing at each other, mechas and mechas were firing at each other, madly bombarding everything in sight.

Soldiers were howling, debris was floating in the universe, and even alien creatures that could survive in a vacuum environment were shuttling through the battlefield, the entire universe was filled with the breath of slaughter.

Inside the Golden Sun Wheel Space Station.

Senior Colonel Lin Zhi, who was serving as the stay behind commander, looked grim.

The star map in front of him showed the battlefield situation of the Lan Xishi star system; the imperial fleet was like a trapped beast, organizing several raids, but could not break through the encirclement of the Crystal Cult!

Senior Colonel Lin swallowed, his voice dry, “Can we fire our main cannon?”

His deputy was in a panic, “No, Senior Colonel, the enemy fleet is closely aligned with our fleet formation, the ‘Pangu’s Axe’s’ damage range is too wide, once we fire, we will hit our own fleet!”

Senior Colonel Lin: “Can we still contact Admiral Celine!?”

The deputy’s voice choked, “The admiral… the admiral ordered us not to send troops to rescue, to guard the space station.”

“…” Senior Colonel Lin Zhi could no longer speak, he slumped back into his seat, pressing his temples in pain.


In the chaotic battle of the Lan Xishi star system, the flashing lights during the bombing rose and fell like tides.

A white flame-like cannon light flashed past, hitting the hull of the Athena. The large starship couldn’t dodge in time and tilted to one side, emitting thick smoke.

The flagship was hit!

Inside the starship, the alarm sound of the intelligence sharply pierced the eardrum.

The Athena was not completely destroyed, but the bombardment caused seven systems, including the gravity system, to become unbalanced.

The crew inside the ship screamed and fell all over the place, the collision sound was constant, and the female admiral also fell from the high command platform.

Thick smoke choked in, the high temperature immediately burned the skin of the nearby crew, a few people screamed and rolled in agony. Under the red light of the alarm, the scene was too horrible to look at.


Inside the Crystal Cult’s starship “Golden Wheat Ear”, the Bishop of Destruction sat in the command seat in a black cloak, revealing a disdainful sneer. “That’s all.”

“We have won.”

He muttered this sentence to himself, then frowned, as if recalling some unpleasant memory.

The communication of the main ship rang at this moment, and the gentle voice of Archbishop Gaius came out. “Destruction, you can start a new mission. Hand over the command of the fleet to others, you go to take charge of the Far Star battlefield.”

A look of surprise appeared on Su’s face. “Your Excellency the Archbishop, but here has not yet…”

In the projection, Gaius shook his head and said lightly. “You are good at layout, but not good at adapting. If the opponents are indeed Aslan and Kaios, it is not impossible to break your layout.”

“My Destruction, your distraction here is meaningless.”

Su first reacted to the meaning of Gaius’s words for a second, then his cheek muscles twitched twice, and a few frustrated expressions appeared in his eyes——

The meaning of His Excellency the Archbishop, could it be that if the opponents are the consciousness projections of the Emperor and the Commander in Chief, his careful planning is bound to fail?

So he is useless here, he should roll to the Far Star with the attitude of avoiding trouble, to help those muscular but no brain space bandits?

Gaius seemed to see through his emotions, thought for a moment, and then kindly added another sentence. “If they have not fully grown up, especially the Crown Prince——then your strategy can still win.”

“But this does not depend on you, so I say, your distraction here is meaningless.”


Su’s Adam’s apple moved, and he fell into deep silence.

Victory or defeat did not depend on himself, but on whether the opponent had grown up. When the Archbishop said this, it seemed even more frustrating.

A few seconds later, Su, controlling his emotions, bowed his head. “…I will follow the will of His Excellency the Archbishop.”

Gaius: “Go.”

But he did not believe that he would lose.

Until Su boarded a small starship and left the main force, leaving the flying flames of war fire behind him, he still believed that victory would be firmly held in his hands.

After activating the high-dimensional jump, it was impossible to observe the battlefield in real time. Before the jump, the Bishop of Destruction had a calm face for a long time, and opened the star map for the last time.

He still succumbed to one of the original sins of mankind…this useless curiosity and competitive spirit.

In theory, he should have seen the imperial fleet that had been crushed, and seen a large piece of wreckage floating in the universe.

But Su’s pupils contracted.

He incredulously murmured in a low voice, “How could it be?”


“Reporting to His Highness the Crown Prince! The flagship Athena has been hit, the hull damage is 21%, the casualties are being counted…Admiral Celine has injured her head, although her life is not in danger, but she has lost consciousness…”

The excited voice of the officer came into his ears, that was the excitement of finding the mainstay again in a desperate situation.

Sitting in the central command seat of the bridge, Ryann’s expression remained unchanged, he just instructed the fleet in a steady voice to take advantage of this sudden reduction in pressure, to quickly reorganize the situation.

They would certainly feel the pressure suddenly reduced.

Because, just like the Crystal Cult’s fleet that jumped in and attacked Celine’s fleet, now the main fleet of the Crystal Cult was also broken by another imperial fleet brought by the Crown Prince to reinforce.

It was hard for the Old Marshal Chen to really be able to patch together five hundred starships for him in such a short time.

This was a light ship fleet that combined the tactics of surprise attacks to the extreme.

The vanguard was the B-class mecha “S-Yishuihan” mecha formation, the mecha with such an ancient name, but it was a disposable model used for suicide attacks.

Their interiors were unmanned, the battle was completed by the uniformly assembled advanced intelligence “Epiphyllum”, the damage rate exceeded 40% and the self-destruct device was activated, except for burning money, there were no other shortcomings.

The Crown Prince personally sat in the flagship, his fingers unconsciously stroking the two bracelet-style folding mechas on his wrist.

One of them was his usual “Slash Comet”, this was the third one. After returning to the Empire, his mecha scrapping rate had risen sharply.

And the other one…

Ryann suddenly clenched the glowing white Snow Dove, under his platinum curls, his stunningly handsome face was clearly tinged with a murderous aura.

Before the triumph, he would personally bring his Crown Princess back.


At the same time, inside the Imperial Golden Sun Wheel Space Station.

Led by Senior Colonel Lin Zhi, the officers experienced a roller coaster of emotions in just a few minutes.

A moment ago, they had seen their own fleet fall into a heavy encirclement, many soldiers had even completely given up, staring blankly at the screen, falling into despair.

But the next moment, reinforcements fell from the sky, the reinforcement fleet inserted into the enemy formation like a sharp knife, the seemingly one-sided situation was subtly shaken!

Before they could rejoice, the Crown Prince’s command had also reached here.

His Highness Ryann’s expression was cold and stern, without any unnecessary words, he said directly, “Space station, prepare for battle, listen to my command.”


Senior Colonel Lin Zhi’s spirit was lifted.

But the next moment, his heart contracted uneasily, he wondered if the Crown Prince’s iron-blooded wrist was going to abandon Celine’s fleet, fire the space station’s main cannon “Pangu Axe” to go down with the enemy?

Or send troops to rescue? But the space station has already lost a wave of troops, if they go out again, the defense force of the body will be too weak…

The Crown Prince on the other side looked at him, and said indifferently. “Don’t think about it, none of what you’re thinking is right.”

Sometimes, there are solutions. As long as you break out of the limitations of thinking, be bold, you will see a completely different scenery.

Ryann raised his chin, his emerald eyes seemed to be burning with a wildfire that was bound to win. “Retract all external structures, let the space station rotate, and directly hit the enemy ship.”


Suddenly, Senior Colonel Lin Zhi’s eyes almost bulged out, he was so shocked that he almost fell off his chair.

“What did you say!?”

Use the space station to hit the enemy ship!???

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Zhi’s back. He was about to shout out that it was impossible, but when he thought about it, the shell of the space station was a crystal particle alloy, indeed…indeed it was indestructible.

If the space station was used to hit the starship, whether in terms of volume or hardness, the one that would be destroyed would be the latter!

And, directly moving the space station to crash into the enemy formation, at least the soldiers were all inside the station, they could react on the spot.

It’s better than pulling out all the troops to support, and leaving a hollow space station body in the universe…

But…Lin Zhi’s eyebrows were knotted in frustration, his mouth twitched twice, but my god, this is a space station!

Who else but His Highness the Crown Prince of the Empire could have the audacity and madness to order the space station to hit the enemy?

A few seconds passed without a reply, Ryann frowned. “Answer?”

Lin Zhi shuddered. “Obey the command!!”

The senior colonel closed his eyes and steeled his heart, thinking to himself, well, let’s fight with His Highness.

Soon, the situation in the Lan Xishi star system changed again.

The white space station maintained a tilted angle, the blue tail flame continuously pushed it. It was like a small mountain-sized spinning top, and like a snowman troll, it howled towards the Crystal Cult’s starship!

The fighters of the Crystal Cult were terrified to see the rapidly approaching behemoth.

At first, people thought it was some kind of illusion, until all the starship’s radar systems confirmed its physical existence. Small celestial bodies along the way hit the iron wall of the space station, shattering in sparks, the white giant was getting closer and closer——

“Scatter, scatter…disperse the formation!!”

The commander of the Crystal Cult roared out an order.

But it was too late.

When the alloy giant wall hit the hull with a terrifying acceleration, the starship, which should have been hard, was like a handful of gray-black melon seeds that had been smashed, unable to withstand a single blow!

A chain of explosions began, as if a volcano submerged in the dark star river began to erupt, one after another, the steel warships were shattered, the red fireballs lit up and then extinguished one after another, forming a silent flowing oil painting.

The spectacle of double encirclement was thus formed.

Now, in the Lan Xishi star system, the outermost two forces were the five hundred elites brought by the Crown Prince, and the Golden Sun Wheel space station that was crushing the formation like a meat grinder.

The middle layer was the Crystal Cult’s main fleet, and the second fleet that had just joined the battlefield through high-dimensional jumping.

Originally, they had Celine’s Golden Sun Wheel fleet surrounded in the middle, but at this moment the situation reversed, and they themselves became the ones who were attacked on all sides!

“We can win…”

Inside the space station, Senior Colonel Lin Zhi looked at the star map with ecstasy. His face was flushed, and he waved his fists, “Long live His Highness, we can win!!”

The deputy rushed into the command room. “Senior Colonel, the fleet and the mecha formation are in place!”

Senior Colonel Lin Zhi gave an order. “Go into battle!! Assault——”

With the protection of the fleet and the mechas, the space station rushed at high speed, and the explosions were continuous wherever it passed!

On the other end of the battlefield, the S-Yishuihan mecha opened the formation and launched a desperate attack.

Slash Comet drove out of the flagship at this time. Soon, the red gold color of the bombardment became the only unextinguished bright flag in the melee.

Just like alien creatures could survive in the universe, for the powerful new humans who have “merged” deeply with crystal particles, the vacuum environment was not fatal.

Even so, from a rational point of view, there was no reason for the Crown Prince of the Empire, the highest commander on the current battlefield, to leave the flagship and fight in a mecha himself.

But there were people in the world who were not bound by “reason”.

It was unknown how many times he blocked the starship’s cannon fire, the Crown Prince blasted the alloy hull to pieces.

The fire of the nuclear fusion engine explosion burned on the crystal bone, but the owner of this pair of terrifying crystal bones didn’t even blink his cold green eyes.

He seemed to know no pain, nor fatigue.

He fell back into the cockpit, and Ryann calmly locked onto the next target.

Is it to kill a few more high-risk alien creatures, or to bomb a large starship? Simply connect the route and solve it all at once.

Now, the communication system of the mecha had been temporarily closed by him… Just like a damaged listener, as long as it does not accept communication, the enemy cannot remotely threaten.

Next, as long as he can exert enough deterrence on the enemy, forcing the other party to have to come face to face with the hostage for negotiations…

At that time, Jiang Jianming will be brought to him.

Actually, this is indeed a good plan, isn’t it?

Ryann thought so almost self-deceptively.

He perfectly calculated the enemy’s psychology, won the battle, and also figured out the important information of the Crystal Cult.

Finally, the disabled human who planned all this will also return to his side…Very good, it’s worth a little reward.

What to reward? What would make him happy?

His Highness suddenly clenched his teeth, suppressing the trembling unease in his heart, but this emotion still gave birth to sharp claws, almost tearing his chest apart.

He could only vent all this violently, even if it was at the cost of draining himself.

Under the sweep of the crystal bone, the wreckage of the starship scattered everywhere in the explosion of fire.

Ryann gasped with red eyes, cold sweat slid down his forehead… Damn it, damn it, why is the unknown premonition so heavy!!

Where is it…

If he couldn’t see that person again, he would really lose control.

A starship came into view.

The porthole of the starship was not covered by a light curtain, and the glass alloy reflected the scene inside.

On the highest bridge, Laurent stood there in a deep blue dress, calmly saying, “Your Highness the Crown Prince, please stop.”

Behind him, two members of the Crystal Cult dragged a thin figure up, one on the left and one on the right.

Ryann hadn’t completely shaken off the boiling killing intent, when he instinctively raised his head, the killing intent in the corner of his eye had not yet faded.

…Across the vast starry sky and the war fire, across the distance of two glass alloys.

He couldn’t look into those calm black eyes as he wished. The first thing he saw was a corner of the Golden Sun Wheel military uniform stained with a large patch of blood.

That body was dragged onto the bridge by two members of the Crystal Cult, and the blood dripped down the hem of the clothes and trousers, forming a winding deep red on the ground.

Jiang Jianming’s head was always drooping, his body trembling weakly from time to time, as if the wound was so painful that he didn’t even have the spirit to struggle.

“I’m sorry, my friend was… a little rough with His Excellency Jiang.”

Laurent showed a bit of apologetic expression, “But rest assured, when we used the crystal bone, we gave him a tranquilizer, a little overdose, but not fatal…I hope you won’t mind.”


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