Dawn Sleep [Interstellar]

Crown of Thorns (5)

The weather had warmed up a bit.

It had just rained a little. It was no longer snow, but rain, with droplets bouncing on the brick surface of the road, and the soil was moistened.

When the rain stopped, a pair of simple boots stepped on a secluded path. A brown-haired, black-eyed boy in simple clothes looked up and then put away his umbrella.

Kevin stood in front of a secluded mansion. After a while, he sighed with a sense of loss.

This mansion was one of the properties of Prime Minister Gerhard Laurent.

The prime minister’s residence was still strictly sealed off and couldn’t be approached at will. This place was a small courtyard, which was thoroughly investigated by the Golden Sun Wheel after the recent turmoil. Nothing was found, and now it was completely abandoned.

Prime Minister Laurent just disappeared like this.

Kevin didn’t know what kind of mood he was in when he came here.

A few years ago in winter, his family owed debts that they couldn’t pay off. He was forced to do odd jobs in the cold winter to supplement his family’s income, and he only dared to eat one meal a day.

It was the prime minister, who was not yet the prime minister, who happened to meet him, who was almost fainting from hunger, on the corner of the street. He brought him here and ordered the chef to cook him a fragrant meat porridge and golden fried bread slices.

Laurent helped his family pay off their debts, encouraged him to study hard, and take the military academy exam. That day, his tears flowed down dirtily, fell into the steaming porridge, and he secretly vowed to make a name for himself and repay the prime minister.

Kevin knew that he was not the only one who received assistance. Over the years, Prime Minister Laurent had always been the hope of the common people, especially the poor.

He liked to see His Excellency the Prime Minister standing among the people, shouting with his arms raised, or bending down kindly to the poor. That was a kind of longing. When the prime minister passionately described the blueprint of a paradise where “everyone was equal and happy”, those people in distress would also raise their smiles, their hearts filled with hope for the future.

So, were all those things fake?

Kevin clenched the handle of the umbrella, the young man’s Adam’s apple moved, and a long pain came from his chest.

He knew…these two days, the video of Senior Jiang had been spreading wildly on the smart network, and there were all kinds of comments.

Some feel sorry for Colonel Jiang who was suffering from a terminal illness, some admire his unyielding will, and some were surprised by his “true nature”. Negative attacks focus on the so-called “collapse of persona”, and question the ability of a disabled person who had achieved rapid promotion by climbing noble relationships.

In short, it was a mess.

Looking at the polarized comments, Kevin suddenly realized that for some confused people, perhaps illusory hope was more necessary than cruel reality.

Just like himself now, knowing…Laurent might be a traitor, a companion of the Crystal Cult who resort to cruel means.

But he still missed the past, missed the days when he could simply follow someone, and believe in the future with clear love and hate.

Kevin shook his head hard. He should go back, after all, he shouldn’t have come here.

But just as the young man turned to leave, suddenly, his gaze froze on a small path in the courtyard.

Perhaps because of the rain, there was mud there, and the mud was uneven.

Ordinary people might not realize anything, but Kevin, as a military school student, his face changed immediately, he threw down the umbrella and rushed over, squatted there and looked carefully for half a minute, and confirmed.

It was a footprint, a footprint stepped out by boots.


Kevin’s heart started beating rapidly, and he licked his dry lips.

Could it be that someone came to this mansion last night in the rain!

He checked around again and roughly determined that there were two people.

One was the owner of these boots, most likely a male. The other should be a woman, he recognized the high heels of a noble lady.

What kind.…What kind of people could it be?

Kevin stepped lightly and quietly walked into the depths of the mansion.


Before the ceremony began, Jiang Jianming did not go to the Golden Sun Wheel Building or the Military Department, but personally inspected the White Jade Palace.

The ceremony was Her Majesty’s birthday ceremony, and it also required the crown prince to go through the form of re-establishing the heir. It not only involved royal personnel, but also had a strong political significance at the imperial level, so it was naturally necessary to prepare thoroughly in terms of security.

The fresh and moist air filled the Aslan Star City, the sky was very blue after the rain, which was refreshing.

The majesty of the palace remained the same, water droplets hung on the golden red small flags, and the rich fragrance of roses seemed to be stronger than ever.

Along the way, Golden Sun Wheel soldiers saluted him, but some people also showed contemptuous eyes from a distance. This was of course due to the disturbance at the street corner a few days ago.

Jiang Jianming didn’t care much, he confirmed that there were no omissions, and gave instructions to the palace.

Soon, changes occurred at the top of the highest palace of the White Jade Palace.

Accompanied by a slight creaking sound, its outer wall slowly opened outward like a disassembled machine. The structures originally hidden in the palace were revealed at this moment——

Jiang Jianming raised his hand to block the light, squinted and looked up. The first thing he saw was the carved railing made of white bricks, and the space behind was temporarily covered by a dark red thick curtain. The sun was slowly shining on it, making the solemn color more beautiful.

The same snow-white as the railings and floor tiles is the staircase, the wide long steps extend all the way to the bottom of the palace, each step is under the sunlight. This is a combination of classical luxury decoration and high technology, but the effect is almost holy.

After the ceremony began, the red curtain would rise, and the emperor, the crown prince, and the ceremonial officer would stand there.

Gradually, people gathered.

“Colonel Jiang, you’ve worked hard.”

“Good morning, Your Excellency.”

During the ceremony, the area outside the palace was open to the public. But Jiang Jianming looked down at the time on his wristwatch, it was still early.

So those who could come in now were either big nobles or important military and political officials of the empire.

Soon, Jiang Jianming saw the Lance “siblings”, Audrey was still in men’s clothing, Diana was still timidly sticking to Audrey’s back, pulling at the “brother’s” clothes corner.

“Jiang, the ceremony is about to begin.” Audrey said with concern, “Your position…”

Jiang Jianming: “In the back, I won’t go forward with you, it’s more comfortable to sit.”

Diana’s eyes immediately lit up. “Brother, I also want to sit in the back with Jiang.”

Audrey rubbed her head, wearing a ruthless smile. “No, little princess.”

…The empire’s grand ceremony had always been like this, that long, long staircase had ninety-nine steps, in fact, the first eighty-one steps were used for people to stand, symbolizing the height of status.

Behind were five hundred seats, divided among ordinary nobles, millionaires, scholars and other figures, as well as officers like Jiang Jianming.

Further back was the area outside the palace, where the public was allowed to stand and watch. When the time came, it would inevitably be crowded with people.

Jiang Jianming was ready to sit down.

If His Highness wanted to make it convenient for himself, he could also move forward. But recently there had been a lot of public opinion about him, and if he broke the rules at this time, he was afraid it would affect the reputation of the Crown Prince.

And Ryann did not object, probably worried that his body could not stand on the high steps for two or three hours.

More and more people, Lieutenant General Luther, the heads of the Tang and Bei families and other acquaintances were also among them.

Jiang Jianming chatted casually with the Lance sisters, and a cold and glamorous noblewoman passed by them, it was Donna von Sekt, the “green hat” wife of Major General Xie.

Jiang Jianming couldn’t help but take another look at Madame Donna, and said in a low voice, “Why does she look so bad?”

Audrey thought for a moment. “The ceremony will also use interstellar long-distance projection technology, Major General Xie will also come.”

Jiang Jianming understood, and thought that Donna probably didn’t know that Xie Yuduo was in the expedition fleet at this moment, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly for this couple who had a hard time expressing their love and hate.

After a while, the Lance sisters waved at him and went up. And the projections of the generals from all over the place appeared on the steps one after another, the difference was that there was no virtual sensory sharing this time.

The generals in Aslan Star City personally came to the front of the palace and walked up to their positions one by one.

“Colonel Jiang.”

Celine passed by Jiang Jianming. This female general who controlled the Golden Sun Wheel Starship showed a contemptuous look, “How can a person who is favored by His Highness the Crown Prince sit in such a back position?”

Jiang Jianming directly ignored the hostility in it, and said indifferently, “It’s already very good.”

“Indeed.” Celine flicked her golden brown curly hair and said indifferently, “My soldiers, no matter how hard they train, fight bravely, and even lose their lives in the sea of stars, they can’t climb to your height. Maybe because they don’t have the ability to climb relationships, they only have loyalty to the empire.”

She looked at Jiang Jianming: “Do you think I’m jealous of you? Yes, I am indeed jealous. I have seen too many real geniuses buried, dying namelessly, but a weak, sick, and inexperienced disabled human has received an unconventional appointment, which is called virtue does not match the position.”

“Now, the people all know your true face, how does it feel?”

After saying this, General Celine did not wait for Jiang Jianming’s answer. She held her chest high and walked towards the high white staircase.

Behind her, Jiang Jianming was still sitting there. His expression was as calm as an ancient well, and the wind could not stir up waves.

The time was ten in the morning.

The rebuilt magnificent cathedral rang the bell, and a group of white pigeons were released into the blue clear sky.

Sure enough, the crowd formed a sea, and in the tail of this winter, it stirred up a very hot atmosphere.

The periphery was the most lively. There were girls sprinkling petals into the sky, old people singing military songs in memory of heroes, and more people have necklaces with pictures of the emperor hanging around their necks.

The dark red curtain was hooked open by the ceremonial officer from both sides, and the first thing people saw was the famous portrait of the founding emperor and empress hanging on the wall, symbolizing the blood and fire of the founding of the country, hardship and glory.

Then, Empress Lin Ge, wrapped in a satin dress, appeared in front of everyone, and then raised her right hand to salute.

The sea of people formed by the public instantly reached that boiling point, and they all raised their hands and cheered——

“The glory of the empire will not fall!!”

“Long live the Emperor!!”

“People of the empire, today is a good day.”

Her Majesty the Emperor spoke casually, she smiled, “Today is Zhen’s birthday, ninety years old.”

Her thick black hair fell on the black fox fur cloak, her crimson prosthetic eye, her tender red thin lips…This demeanor was a kind of unconventional beauty, like the rich colors spilled after knocking over a cinnabar and black ink.

“But Zhen still feels very young, far from old.”

Lin Ge raised her chin, and her domineering momentum naturally revealed, “Zhen is not old, Zhen’s empire is not old either.”

She suddenly raised her arm, and the black fox fur flew up a corner. “The empire is a human empire, the empire is not old, the human civilization born in this corner of the universe will not grow old–never grow old!”

“Her Majesty the Emperor is not old, the Empire is not old!!”

“Human civilization will never grow old!!”

The celebrating people had tears in their eyes, the sound waves rolled, and the cheers shook the sky.

And when the second figure appeared at the top of the palace, the sound rose again, and some people even started to scream crazily, crying and shouting.

“His Highness Ryann——”

“Long live His Highness the Crown Prince!!!”

The heir to the empire, Ryann Kaios, came up and stood next to the emperor.

The crown prince’s eyebrows were sharp and compelling, like a half-blade frosted knife. He had loose platinum curls, and a freshly cut golden rose was inserted in the pocket on the front of his dress. His appearance and temperament almost coincided with the founding emperor behind him.

In the sound wave, Jiang Jianming looked up at his Little Highness.

To be honest, the moment Ryann came out, he was really stunned.

It’s no different from three years ago, and even because of a more mature appearance, maybe even better in momentum.

He always knew that this person could pretend, but this time…maybe because the crown prince stood so high and was too far away from him.

Jiang Jianming, who was so open-minded, actually had an illusion that the distance between the two was truly unreachable.

Three ceremonial officers bowed deeply, each with a golden tray in their hands.

Inside the tray, there was a crown, a scepter, and a royal robe.

“Our Little Highness is back.”

Lin Ge spoke. “Your Highness Ryann, put on your glory again, pick up your responsibility, and shoulder the future of this empire.”

“Then…for these three years, officially give your people an explanation.”

This was a predetermined process.

Even Jiang Jianming knew that next, Ryann would be awarded these three items symbolizing royal power, then he would roughly recite the prepared script, and then he could leave the stage.


The crown prince slightly turned his face, he looked at the ceremonial officer, but his feet did not move.

One second, two seconds.

The ceremonial officer was a little flustered, and urged in a low voice. “Your Highness?”

Jiang Jianming frowned tightly.

Five seconds passed, eight seconds passed. The excitement of the crowd gradually subsided, and many people showed confusion in their eyes.

“What’s…going on?”

“Why isn’t His Highness Ryann moving?”

The ceremonial officer’s forehead was already sweating. Standing below, Old Marshal Chen twitched his mouth and said in a low voice. “Your Highness!”

The emperor’s expression was a bit gloomy, she looked at Ryann, but did not speak.

Jiang Jianming was also a bit flustered, and there were whispers all around now. This is in front of the whole empire, live broadcast in nine star cities, what is this person doing!?

Forgot the words…it shouldn’t be. Jiang Jianming’s heart sank, and he thought to himself: it can’t be that he regretted it on the spot.

Ryann still stood there, the small diamonds on the dress shimmered with the sunlight, reflecting the golden rose on his chest.

He was like an exquisite statue to the extreme, his gaze looked down at the dark crowd below.

And suddenly remembered, when he first came to the empire.

The chief asked him to inherit the name Ryann, and he was both furious and amused, and threatened to “expose the truth in front of the people”.

He really thought so. If according to the original plan, he would be here at this time——

Facing the people of the entire empire, he would show a gloomy and mocking sneer, loudly saying things like “Ryann Kaios has been dead for three years, his bones are rotten, and his ashes are so damp that mushrooms can grow on them”.

But now…

Now he understood that the chief and the emperor must have foreseen everything that happened later, and foresaw that Jiang Jianming would ignite the fire in his heart.

He really didn’t want to be played by a group of people.

He hated the feeling of being controlled by others the most, and there was only one person in this world who could make him willingly submit.

So the crown prince smiled slightly, and he finally spoke.

“Before the ceremony begins, there is an important matter.”

Crown Prince Ryann turned his head, the sunlight fell on his young face, and the perfect features were depicted even more deeply and stunningly. Those pair of emerald green eyes seemed to be dyed with a light golden color, giving them more divine-like aloofness.

At this moment, the prince’s gaze was cast downwards. There was no hesitation, he locked onto a certain position all at once.

Jiang Jianming was frowning imperceptibly, his lips tightened, and there was some sharpness in his eyes.

That seemed to be urging, telling the crown prince not to make trouble, not to show his temper in such a public place.

When the fresh breeze brought the fragrance of golden roses again, the next thing happened just as easily and naturally.


Ryann Kaios calmly announced. “My lover.”


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