Dad Kidnapped the Obsessive Maniac

DKOM | Episode 73

Episode 73

Marquess Rohan, startled, looked at Yvonne, who was also gazing at him with a confused expression.

“That joke went too far.”

“Yes, it was just a joke. I noticed the atmosphere was a bit tense.”


Yurian laughed easily, checking Yvonne’s now pale face. As he had suspected, she seemed to remember nothing. Yet, her emotions remained, just like his.

He was certain that it was Marquess Rohan who had erased her memories.

Moreover, that name—Duke Rohan—was the same as that of a deceased tactician in the Bricesys Empire. Although many people from the fallen Kingdom of Rohan had taken the name with them when they settled in foreign lands, and although “Duke” was a common title, he didn’t believe in such coincidences.

The ring given to him by the king sparked tiny fragments of memory in Yurian’s mind, piecing together emotions like a puzzle. He remembered Marquess Rohan.

Although the connections were subtle, they were enough for Yurian to notice when he focused on them—like the faint scent of hydrangeas mixed with the usual rose fragrance emanating from Marquess Rohan.

It was said that the mad emperor of Bricesys loved that scent dearly because Princess Yvonne Ferrite Bricesys often gave him hydrangea flowers.

The mad emperor.

If Yurian could subdue that emperor, he intended to take the Duchess of Rohan, even if she was a false Yvonne. But as he pieced together the clues, he began to believe that the Duchess might indeed be the true Yvonne.

“My apologies. You see, we also had a Marquess Rohan in the Bricesys Empire. He wasn’t as refined as you, but for some reason, he came to mind suddenly.”


“That Marquess died in an accident.”

Yurian mentioned this to observe any subtle reactions from Marquess Rohan. And indeed, Rohan’s slight change in eye movement, posture, and the forced smile that followed were all telltale signs.

Yurian, much like Yvonne, had a keen sense for these things. He knew there was something significant that Rohan was hiding.

He just hadn’t realized it was something this monumental.

“After that Marquess’s death, His Majesty’s condition worsened considerably.”

“I don’t care to know about that.”

At that moment, the servants approached to clean up the spilled wine on the table. Marquess Rohan paid them no mind, keeping his gaze fixed on Yurian.

“He might pass away soon.”

“That’s not something you should casually mention to a foreigner.”

“If he does die, his only daughter will be needed.”

“So, the collateral line will inherit the throne?”

“Unfortunately, all those who could have rightfully claimed the throne were ‘accidentally’ killed when she ascended.”

Marquess Rohan knew that these “accidents” were orchestrated by Hildebrandt. His power was hypnotism, the highest tier of mental abilities, with vast magic reserves. During the New Year’s festival, he had ordered all the attending royals to commit suicide, resulting in their deaths. Though officially recorded as accidents caused by a terrorist attack, the reality was far different.

The few who survived were royals so weak that they couldn’t even attend.

“This isn’t the kind of conversation to have over a meal.”

Marquess Rohan smiled as if issuing a warning to Yurian, who responded with a twisted grin, taking a bite of his breakfast with a fork.

“My apologies. I’ll take my leave then.”

After Yurian left, Yvonne wondered if her supposed husband truly had the ability to manipulate memories. The more she thought about it, the more her heart turned cold, realizing that none of the words spoken by the man who just left were lies.

The only thing that seemed false was the claim that the emperor might die soon.

She thought this over, staring blankly at her utensils.

“My lady.”


“You know how much I love you, don’t you?”

Yvonne suddenly noticed that Marquess Rohan’s eyes were glowing red as he looked at her. The thick scent of hydrangeas wafted from him, even though she knew he usually wore rose-scented perfume.

“Yes. I’ll love you too. Even if I don’t remember, the fact that we’re married doesn’t change.”

“My lady….”

Yvonne smiled at him, hiding the discomfort that had not subsided.

Seeing her smile, Marquess Rohan realized that Yvonne was lying to him.

* * *

Yvonne didn’t return to her room but instead took a walk in the back garden, so Marquess Rohan went to her room first.

He was searching through her belongings, consumed by the thought that perhaps she had exchanged secret conversations or letters with Yurian behind his back.

Marquess Rohan’s eyes had turned a vivid red again.

He felt like he was going mad with anxiety.


He rummaged through Yvonne’s wardrobe, opened her drawers, and even searched the nightstand by her bed and the cabinet where she kept her glass ornaments.

Then, he found a small note hidden beneath one of the glass ornaments. It seemed like something she had set aside, perhaps intending to give it as a gift.

Marquess Rohan noticed a glass fish lying alone in the corner of the cabinet. He unfolded the note that was beneath it.

*[“I’m sorry for speaking thoughtlessly. I had already bought the gift, but unfortunately, it turned out to be a fish.”]*

Marquess Rohan couldn’t understand what this message meant. It seemed to be something she had written to Yurian, and the thought that they might be exchanging such casual remarks made his heart feel like it would burst.

But it was a misunderstanding. The note was something Yvonne had written before Marquess Rohan had fallen into the water, intending to buy a gift as thanks for him accompanying her on a boat ride despite his fear of water. She had purchased it through one of her maids, and the note was an apology she had written the day after he had fallen in, as a gesture of remorse.

She had simply forgotten to give it to him because she had been too preoccupied.

However, in his unhinged state, Marquess Rohan couldn’t fathom that the note was intended for him. His heart pounded painfully, as if he had caught his wife in an act of infidelity.

Could he live without Yvonne?

He couldn’t recognize that something was crawling into his mind, something he couldn’t identify as his own emotion. Since the moment he had fallen for Yvonne, his life had belonged entirely to her. He had worked as a tactician, striving to make her happy and to earn her love. Being a tactician allowed him to see her at least once a week.

When Yvonne, who always appeared with her face covered, showed her bare face to him, he forgot how to breathe and fell in love with her all over again.

Now, he couldn’t imagine a life without Yvonne. She was so precious to him that he would willingly cut off his own arm if she asked. He felt there was nothing he couldn’t do for her as long as she didn’t leave him.

That was why he had erased her memories.

He feared that the Yvonne he loved would disappear, but even after erasing her memories, she was still Yvonne. She was still so lovable, and every time their eyes met, his heart felt like it would explode.

Yet, the thought of her looking at another man made his heart…

Made his heart…

Boil with displeasure.

The thought of killing Yurian was not difficult to reach.

Yurian possessed enhanced physical abilities, and his second awakening ability was to dispel mental powers. Moreover, Yurian had been famous from a young age for his natural talent. It wasn’t surprising that he could dispel Marquess Rohan’s power.


Perhaps he had been pretending not to remember while secretly meeting with Yvonne? Had that been the reason he attended the tea party where Yvonne was and tried to stay close to her while pretending to be Yurian?

But Yvonne said she liked him?

What if that was a lie?

Could it be a lie?

*”I like you too, Kes.”*

But every time he remembered Yvonne’s expressions of affection, they always felt false. She would give him chances, stay by his side, but that love had never been real. She only distanced herself from him, feeling burdened by his feelings.

If she truly thought of him as her husband, they would have bonded long ago.

As he recalled that the reason he hadn’t yet consummated their marriage was because he loved her, his heart ached as if it were on fire.


Marquess Rohan’s vision blurred, and when it cleared, he wiped his face with the back of his hand. Tears fell heavily, and the sense of loss grew even larger.

Yvonne had never loved him, not even once. Accepting that fact was too painful.

But hadn’t she followed him even though she didn’t love him?

He thought of this as he clasped his trembling hands over his face. He tried hard not to cry, but it wasn’t easy.

And at that moment…

With a soft click, the door opened. Yvonne stood there, looking startled.


Marquess Rohan realized at that moment the one way to ensure she could never leave him, even if she didn’t love him.

The only way was through the bond that forever ties a guide and a special ability user—the bond of imprinting.



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