Dad Kidnapped the Obsessive Maniac

DKOM | Episode 48

Episode 48

The emperor smoothly embarked on his tour.

Yvonne and the Marquis planned to escape tonight. They also needed to bring Yurian along. She touched the three drop-shaped sapphire earrings on her right ear. She could faintly sense some magic within them.

If they were enchanted, she wouldn’t be able to remove them with her power.

As Yvonne moved to her room, the Marquis followed her.

“There is magic on my earrings.”

“It’s not tracking magic.”

“How do you know that?”

Yvonne asked as Marquis Rohan responded immediately.

“If it were, this would have reacted.”

He showed her the ring he was wearing. It was enchanted to react loudly if it came into contact with an object imbued with tracking magic.

“Are you sure?”


That meant it wasn’t tracking magic. But what kind of magic was it then?

“Can you investigate this? No, never mind. It doesn’t seem like an important spell.”


Yvonne considered examining the earrings further but decided against it. As long as it wasn’t tracking magic, it didn’t matter. Most of the hypnosis she was under would break when she distanced herself from Hildebrandt.

“Your Highness.”


“I will meet you at midnight at the door where it is.”


Yvonne said this and parted ways with the Marquis. Even though she returned to her room, she couldn’t shake a feeling of unease.

Knock, knock.

“Come in.”

Yvonne was surprised to see Ebony enter, carrying a bunch of paper hydrangeas.

“What is all this?”

“His Majesty asked me to give these to you, Your Highness.”

They looked similar to the paper flowers she had made for him.

“Did Papa make these?”

“Yes. He made them before he left for the tour.”

For some reason, she found these hydrangeas amusing. She knew what had happened to the paper flowers she had made for him.

She was tired of Hildebrandt’s fickleness. He would treat her well one day, only to throw everything away when he was in a bad mood. She was tired of living like a candle in the wind, constantly on edge. Being treated like trash for not awakening was nauseating.

She was sick of walking on thin ice every day, being threatened with death, and going through unwanted experiences.

“Thank you. You may go.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

After Ebony left, Yvonne considered crumpling the paper hydrangeas but left them as they were. For some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Yvonne had to endure until nightfall.

* * *

Everything was ready.

Yvonne had prepared meticulously for her escape. From the moment she found herself in this novel, she had planned to flee.

She had found a craftsman to make tranquilizers, secured a few mineral mines under a third party’s name, and kept some blank checks as a princess. She also had some jewels to take in case of emergency.

Even if she lived alone after escaping, she would be financially secure for life. Thus, she needed Marquis Rohan and Yurian only until they parted ways, but she ultimately planned to separate from them as well.

Yvonne packed everything she had prepared into a small bag, including a change of clothes.

Next, she went to find Yurian.

She mixed the antidote for the magic suppressant with the memory-erasing potion the Marquis had given her.

“How pretty.”

Yvonne shook the clear potion in her hand. The red liquid inside looked as beautiful as a jewel.

Once he drank this, he would be able to use his powers again.

And he would forget everything about her.


She smiled, satisfied with her preparations.

Yvonne looked around, satisfied with her surroundings. For some reason, the wolf was nowhere to be seen.

She felt relieved and thought it best to leave before encountering the wolf.

The clock showed 11:50 PM.

Fully prepared, she descended to the basement. Oddly, her steps felt heavy. She wore low-heeled shoes and the lightest, thinnest dress she had, yet each step felt burdened.

She tried to ignore it and continued her descent.

What weighed down her steps was likely a mix of love and hate.

The emperor, who claimed to love her yet tormented her, and even while tormenting her, continued to look at her with longing.

Without her, he would live well. Besides, with Francis by his side, he could see her anytime he wished through him.

Yurian would return too.

The two people destined to be together in the original story might end up loving each other and could even kill each other.

But she wasn’t sure if Yurian, who had lost his memories of her, would kill the emperor.

Even so, it didn’t mean the two wouldn’t end up together as in the original story.

She tried to convince herself of this as she stood before the door.

Two Esper guards stood there, their telepathic abilities at the ready.

“For the Empire of Bricesys…!”


She interrupted the saluting guards.

“Stand down.”

“But, Your Highness…”

“If you stay here, you’ll hear what’s happening inside.”


Yvonne knew that the basement door was enchanted with a soundproofing spell. However, since the door was sometimes left open during conversations, she understood their confusion.


“It’s an order. Don’t you know what I’ll tell Papa when he returns?”


They glanced at each other and then bowed their heads.


“One hour will be enough.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Yvonne was relieved that she didn’t have to harm them. She had brought items to knock them out if necessary.

The door was enchanted with a soundproofing spell, but the two guards, unable to get close to the door, didn’t know this. Only someone in Ebony’s position would be aware of the spell.

Thinking this, she stepped inside.

The sound of footsteps echoed as she walked, followed by the clinking of chains as Yurian moved.

When she opened the door, she saw Yurian walking toward her.


His smile was so bright that she felt a twinge of regret, knowing that Yurian would soon lose it completely.


“Yes, Yvonne. I’ve been waiting. May I hold your hand?”

“Go ahead.”

Yurian smiled again, pleased that Yvonne willingly let him hold her hand. His bright red eyes gleamed as he couldn’t take his gaze off her.

“It’s today.”

“Yes, today.”

He knew today was the day she had mentioned. With Hildebrandt’s frequent delays in leaving for the tour, the exact escape day had been uncertain.

“Are you really going to come to my estate after we escape?”

“Of course.”

“That’s a relief.”

Yurian felt a bit suspicious as Yvonne looked him in the eye and answered, but he decided to trust her. Based on how she had treated him, he believed she was trustworthy.

Yvonne was someone who kept her promises as long as he didn’t cross the line.


Yvonne handed him the potion with her free hand. Yurian assumed it was simply a magic suppressant.

“Wait a moment.”

As Yurian was about to drink it, Yvonne stopped him by holding his hand. He liked the feeling of her hands on his and obediently stopped as she instructed.

“This potion will make you sleepy. If you drink it now, it will be difficult to take you with us.”

“I see.”

Despite his words, Yurian wanted her to keep talking. There was something about her sweet scent and the way her pink lips moved that made him want to.

Taste her.

He thought he was out of his mind but justified his desire to monopolize the guide, believing that such a longing was natural given his immense magical power.



“I’m feeling anxious. Could you hug me just once?”


As Yvonne hugged him, he held her tightly and sighed in contentment.

He planned to make her experience the same things he had endured while waiting for her all day in this place.

He knew this was an abnormal thought. However, he believed that if she experienced what he had, she would understand his feelings, and the Yvonne who once opened her heart to him might share his emotions.

Even while thinking this, he worried that Yvonne might end up hating him. Still, his plan to keep her with him at his estate remained unchanged.

He did intend to restrict her interactions with others.

If the princess who had ventured outside flew far away like a bird released from a cage…

He wouldn’t be able to bear it.



“Hold me a little longer.”

“I can’t. We need to start getting ready.”

He felt a pang of urgency as she began to let go of him, and he quickly embraced her again.

This act…

He hoped she might reciprocate in the future under different circumstances.

“Just a moment longer.”

He pleaded.


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