Crowning My Feral Prince

CHAPTER 147: Special Chapter 7

She had no way of knowing whether the reason why Leone was always happy to see the emperor’s poor health was because he had witnessed the incompetence of the royal family while reorganizing the empire for two and a half years, or whether it was because of his feelings for the former Emperor. Even if you ask, the only answer was ‘I’ve never done that.’ Everyone had something they didn’t want to say, so she didn’t ask any more questions.


“Do you really like hearing about the Emperor’s troubles?”


Adler grumbled as he entered the living room.


“Good. You’re just getting some punishment, I guess. He was not the one to sit on the throne.”


Leone answered in a cheerful voice. We sat down in the meantime. Deoksun continued to whine, but she was quieter than before, perhaps because she was still scared of Leone. It also seemed pitiful, so she ended up bringing Deoksun back into her arms. She too was at a loss with no answer.


“…That’s true, though.”


Adler nodded his head with difficulty. It was an affirmation that I never thought would come from someone who was practically a corpse except for his loyalty to the imperial family.


“Oh my god. Mr. Adler responded positively to all of His Majesty’s insults.”


“Our Adi’s perspective on the world has also broadened.”




As she spoke loudly, Merlidi narrowed one of her eyes. She cautiously held out her hand to see how cute Deoksun was, calmly held in her arms. She said, ‘Try to smell it first. I gave him coaching like, ‘He’ll like it even if you stroke it slowly starting from the chin.’


“Hmm. I heard something unexpected from you. Let me ask Kim. Adler. Why were you so loyal to the imperial family?”




“Two and a half years. I was busy studying and searching through the imperial system. Meanwhile, I became more and more aware of the worthlessness of this country’s imperial family. In particular, His Majesty the Emperor was in the most serious situation.”




“If it were me, I would have lost my affection. Even if the Wickingham family, which has many enemies, is a loyal family that has been passed down from generation to generation.”


Adler pursed his lips. The emotions on his face seemed quite complex.


“I am deeply grateful for the loyalty and affection you have shown me. I also plan to repay you for the rest of my life. But, I often have doubts. Why did Adler do that?”


“Ha… There is nothing to think about complicatedly. Don’t you know?”




“I am a person who is stuck in front and back. I had to do the things I grew up knowing were just, and since the purpose of life was loyalty, I lived with only that in mind. Well, if the empire had really fallen because of the Archduke, maybe I would have changed too.”


In the original work, Adler ultimately made a choice for the country, so it was correct. He seemed to know himself quite well.


“You’ve changed a lot too.”


Leone smiled softly.


“The person I serve is this radical, and I can’t stay the same.”


“I know, right? You’re really radical. Not only Leone, but also Trixie. Which royal family in the world holds a wedding so simple?”


Melody interrupted the prolonged conversation at an appropriate place. The atmosphere changed in an instant.


“No, that’s…”


“Even if you two don’t have any greed, you don’t care. Even if I try to buy luxury items and a mansion, I am now a servant and don’t feel the need to increase my wealth even more!”


“You know it’s true that you don’t need it, right? Melody.”


Leone interrupted Melody with a calm voice. Melody’s real complaint wasn’t actually that. She asked why she went to live so far away in the countryside. She didn’t really want to distance herself from her friends, but… The capital was boring. It’s noisy, there’s a lot of people, there’s a lot of incidents and accidents, and the old nobles are struggling. To begin with, the countryside was perfect for Leone, who didn’t like people very much, and her, who hated incidents.


“Melody, I’ll come sometime. It’s because the capital city is so difficult.”


“It’s because I feel sorry. What a joy it is to see you two.”


She felt very grateful. For no reason, she held Melody’s hand and brushed the back of his hand with her thumb and spoke affectionately.


“But I think I need more assets now.”


Then she withdrew her hand again and calmly refuted her words.




“Well, if the three of us, including Deoksun, live together, the money we have now is enough. I want to start a big business.”








It just occurred to her, so she didn’t even mention it to Leone. Leone looked unusually embarrassed. Neither did she, Melody or Adler.


“Shelter… I want to do it.”


Now that Deoksun was found, it was clear to me that the dogs of this world would be trampled. Now, with her status, she didn’t have to look away. Then, you will see other injured and injured animals wandering around. Coincidentally, the land near the house where Leone and I live is not all mine. If they were that big, it wouldn’t be enough to raise a few of them.


“Shelter? Daycare? It’s a good thing, but why suddenly-”


“No. An animal shelter.”


Adler and Melody were still perplexed. Only Leone had a calm expression on his face again. I felt reassured by the attitude that seemed to say, ‘I will be with you no matter what you do.’


“Oh, and there’s something else I thought of.”




“How about using Deoksun as a flower girl for the wedding?”




“Right? Then I have to go back to the dressing room.”




“Deoksun should match her clothes too. I won’t let her get caught like that this time. Hmm…  She’s outside.”


“There’s no way Lou can’t find me. No. If Trixie wants to, let’s do it.”


Leone forcibly pulled up the corners of his mouth and nodded his head. To be honest, she was also scared of the dressing room. Still, if they wanted Deoksun to be a flower girl, they needed a skilled tailor to make her look pretty. Up until now, she had thought that she would just go with the flow with Leone. That was what she wanted, and she thought she would be very happy with that life. But suddenly there were a lot of things she wanted to do. She was planning on doing something so big that she couldn’t help but be tired, but it’s strange. Strangely enough… 


“If it’s what you want, it’s what I want.”


Leone was so calm as he held her hand. Deoksun was so warm and soft in her arms that her anticipation rose higher than the thought that she would be tired. Leaving Adler and Melody unable to clear their embarrassed faces, she held Leone’s hand tightly. He kissed the back of her hand. As if it were a very natural thing.


* * *


The wedding was incredibly dazzling. Than Leone’s succession ceremony to the throne, or even the wedding of Adler and Melody. Even though they didn’t prepare for every detail, it felt like they prepared with great care.


This was it.


It was prepared by people who loved them. In a pure white hall, white silk was draped from the ceiling to the floor. Red-orange flowers and green leaves that resembled the color of my hair were decorated, and golden powder that resembled Leone’s hair was sprinkled on the wedding road. Every time the sunlight poured in from the window, the golden powder sparkled like glitter. It was truly a wedding venue for the two of them. Between them, Deoksun, wearing what looked like a white lace cape, ran. Flower petals fell from the light basket strapped to his back. Leone and she felt the greatest blessing as we walked on it. Mixed among loved ones. They vowed to belong to each other forever. If he and she could be together until the moment they die and close their eyes, there was nothing to be afraid of. like that. She swore.


* * *


The first prince, Leone Atarta, to whom the late emperor abdicated the throne early on. One day, the prince, whose presence had been vague, suddenly appeared in the capital like a comet. And the year he came to the capital, he ascended to the throne. The empire was shaken by the presence of a young new emperor. However, like his spectacular appearance, the emperor’s actions were not as flashy. After his accession to the throne, the emperor stayed in the imperial castle and concentrated on something. Of course, since the country was well taken care of, life was considerably better than when the former emperor ruled. However, the Emperor’s presence was minimal. Meanwhile, enlightened ideas began to flow among the common people. As the concept of the republic spread, dissatisfaction with the evils of the caste system grew. And the Emperor, Leone Atarta’s unstoppable move began. The Emperor announced that he would disband the imperial family, abolish titles, and abolish the class system itself. Before anyone could protest, he completed the composition of the parliament and quickly vacated the imperial palace. Naturally, the empire was turned upside down.


The parliament created by the emperor was a temporary body formed to hold a referendum to elect a ‘real parliament’. They searched through marriage vows registered in temples and land ledgers, and dispatched personnel to determine the identities of imperial citizens.


The people in the council were all brought in by the Emperor, from the Marquis of Levi, the conqueror of the north, to the popular lord who managed a remote fief in the corner of a very deep mountain valley, to the commoners who distinguished themselves in rural schools, and to those who were considered illegal in an empire where the imperial family existed. Even the group that studied and dreamed about the inevitable republic. Thanks to this, Verbena, the information network that helped the prince, became even more famous. Surprisingly, the country changed quickly. This was because there were people who moved quickly even through the hectic gaps in accepting change. They were lower-ranking nobles. For those who were depressed by the caste system as their titles became useless, this change was the opportunity they had been waiting for. After that, everything went quickly.


It took a full month to conduct a vote for all citizens across the empire. Still, a parliament was formed by voting as fairly as possible, and the Prime Minister of the first parliament was elected as the Marquis of Levi. The Emperor stayed in the capital until the election of Prime Minister, assisting the Parliament, but disappeared after his marquess was elected Prime Minister. There were many rumors circulating in the world, but the most common was a bizarre sighting that the emperor lived in a small house in the countryside, taking care of dozens of stray dogs and cats. And at the end of the eyewitness account, it was said that there was a small, lovely woman next to him.


The story of the last Emperor, Leone Atarta, has long circulated in the newly established Republic of Atarta.


<Crowning my Feral Prince> Side story End.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

This was the last chapter of this novel. It was not my favourite but since I gave my word to translate it, here you have it. I would have liked a different end, or different special chapters to be sincere, but I suppose they are in the line of the story in general. Thank you for reading it!!

There are more stories in my patreon page; please don’t gesitate to ask for any of them. See you in another translation!!


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