Crowning My Feral Prince


“I feel weird, keep going.”


“Are there too many people?”


“No, this is the first time that the seat next to you is mine in front of so many people… I think this is why Leone said he wanted to keep me by his side, not behind him.”


She muttered with her head down. Leone’s hand came over the armrest of his chair and held her hand.


“Next to you is my seat. Next to me is your seat.”


Leone whispered while looking ahead.


“It’s okay if it’s lower than this or if it’s not like this chair.”


“Of course.”


It was a joke mixed with laughter. She took it seriously, and Leone was satisfied. The consistent heart he gave her felt especially reassuring today. She felt like she had a side in the world that would never change. She looked forward, holding his palms together, which felt large and strong, as if they could cover her entire body at once. She straightened her back to be proud. The grand banquet hall was visible at a glance. People were glancing at them, and someone was whispering. Meanwhile, she saw a number of ladies walking towards her, as if they were aware of her existence and were making an effort to approach her. However, the ladies came closer and when they saw Leone holding her hand tightly, they turned around. She felt a strange sense of victory. Now, the days of jealousy when she saw other ladies coming behind Leone flowed through her mind.


‘This spot is mine now, hahaha. Ha ha ha!’


She was so satisfied that she couldn’t handle it and her expression became more and more mean.


“Ah. An angry person is coming.”


Leone sounded like he saw something interesting. She looked ahead and saw Adler coming this way. Leone seemed to think it was fun that Adler was his subordinate, but she was a little scared. This was especially true because the table at the head of the table was high and the border surrounding the guard was wide, making it impossible for people to hear the conversation at all. She was afraid of what she would hear. Adler, dressed immaculately from head to toe, had blazing eyes.


“I greet you, His Highness the Prince.”


Regardless of whether Adler did it or not, Melody next to him gently grabbed her skirt and greeted her gracefully. She looked so calm and polite that Trixie couldn’t believe she was the same person who was curious about the relationship between her and Leone and was scolding Adler.


“It’s been a while, sweetie.”


Leone responded to her. Melody, Leone and Adler, who gritted their teeth, were calm in front of her.


“Yes, Your Highness. How have you been?”


“Well, of course. Thanks to your hard work.”


“Ho Ho. I also had a good time thanks to His Majesty’s pleasant way of asking me how I was doing.”


Leone said he had contacted Melody to ask her to calm down Adler at the banquet, and she seemed to be retelling the story from that time. They seemed like a strangely fitting combination.


“Mel… Now I.”


“Adi. You remember what I said, right? Excitement is prohibited. It’s not okay to be sad.”


“Yes, I know, Mel. This is a banquet hall. I’ll take care of myself.”


“Is it so.”


It was quite an interesting scene from her point of view, the sight of Melody, who seemed to be half the size of Adler, scolding him sternly and Adler responding obediently. Melody smiled and nodded her head in satisfaction. Then she stepped forward as if Adler had given her permission.


“Mr. Leone. What is this… Is it work?”


Adler suppressed his emotions and lowered his voice. What was so funny about Leone was that she was smiling brightly, shining brighter than jewels. It was the same with Melody. She looked back and forth between Trixie and Leone, smiling ecstatically. In this feast of laughter, she felt like she was the only strange person watching Adler.


“Didn’t you know that we were like this, Adler?”


“But… Participating in a place like this together. The thing is…”


Adler gritted his teeth. He frequently stopped talking and clenched his fists, as if his voice was constantly getting louder. She became a little nervous. She knew how good Adler’s voice was. She saw Adler running towards Leone while calling him, or Adler fighting General Beed before. She prayed for him to calm down.


“I wanted to run, but I held back. Mr. Leone… You were so reckless. And how can you not even consult me one word-”


“Adi. You decided not to be disappointed.”


“Huh, huh. Yes, that’s right. Yes. But Mel.”


“In the first place, isn’t it because you were so strict and so tight-lipped that Your Majesty couldn’t tell you? Please do some self-reflection during this time.”




Seeing Adler, who was always nagging at everything, unable to move because Melody was blocking his speech, she found it amusing and surprising. She thought there was someone other than Leone who could catch Adler. No. Leone also lost to Adler sometimes. That’s how much power Adler’s power output and nagging bombs had.


“Of course, that’s why I like Adi.”




The skill of holding out a carrot after a whip was remarkable. She felt like she too would fall in love with Melody’s sweet voice.  Adler nodded his head and knelt before Leone as if he had made up his mind.


“Lord Leone. I will become more flexible. Please consult with me in the future as well. I’ll try my best.”


In contrast to his pledge to be flexible, his form was extremely honest and rigid, as if he were taking a knight’s oath. Melody, standing next to him, had the corners of her mouth twisted as she tried to suppress her laughter. Adler looked cute.




“Yes, Leone.”


“I also like you the way you are.”


Leone began to comfort Adler.


Even when she thought about it, she felt like I would have regrets if he didn’t comfort the man who looked like he was about to explode with sadness. It was a wise decision.




“Today’s matter is a very personal matter for me, so I felt sorry for having to hand it over to you, so I just handled it myself. You know, right? Anything I want to do for the one I love with my own hands.”


‘He can’t help but appease him like this…?’


She was even more surprised by his eloquent speaking skills. They said they were sent on vacation out of fear that Adler would rip them off… The sadness that had settled on Adler’s face slowly disappeared due to his gentle comfort.


“Yes, that’s right! When it comes to the person you love, you want to do anything yourself, even if it means making a mess. I’m really glad that Leone found out about it.”


“Okay, Adler. That was just the reason, it was by no means ignoring you. Also, I understand because I love her. Isn’t love something that makes you want to see it even with your eyes closed?”


“Leone…! To know such things…!”


“I’m sure you’d like to see Miss Merlidi, but I felt like I’d been bothering her too much. That’s why I wanted to give you a vacation. Wouldn’t you and I be fools in front of love?”


“Huh…! Leone, you are absolutely correct! When you love, you become a fool. You are so in love!”


Eventually, Adler’s voice grew louder. At the same time, a satisfied smile spread across Leone’s face. She knew what he meant. It was truly killing two birds with one stone. He could also appease Adler and promote the story of the ‘prince in love’ to the nobles attending the banquet using Adler’s loud voice. After a few more words about love, the conversation ended with Adler, with a touched face, swearing, ‘I will protect Leone’s love.’ As she glanced towards the banquet hall, she saw two or three ladies leaving the banquet hall with despairing faces.


“Then Adler. I understand this to mean that you will bless me and Trixie, right? I can’t thank you enough for taking our side and supporting us unconditionally.”


“Yes, of course! In fact, I had already decided not to say anything about the relationship between the two of them. However, in these matters, we must approach with a little caution-”


“Okay, Adi. Isn’t this what flexibility is all about? Ho Ho.”


The nagging was about to begin again when Merlidi interjected with her deftness. Adler, whose arm was tightly held by Melody, was left speechless.


“The lady is very wise, and will be of great help to Adler in the future.”


“That’s too much praise, Your Majesty.”


“Please take good care of Adler from now on. Miss Melody.”


“Ho ho ho. If you or Trixie need my help, please let me know. How long have I been rooting for you two…? I’ll help you with anything!”


“Thank you.”


“Okay, thank you.”


Just like that, Leone and Melody’s crazy rally ended, and Adler left, dragged by Melody. She was also slightly dazed.


“Leone. You didn’t have time to become friends with Melody, right? Today is the second time seeing her, right?”


“Huh. Surprisingly, this young lady can communicate quite well.”


“So, that’s right. You two fit together so well…”


Since they probably didn’t have time to become friends, she trusted that they weren’t friends. She looked blankly in the direction where Melody had disappeared.


“…Are you jealous?”




When she looked back at Leone, he was looking at her with sparkling eyes. She wasn’t jealous, she was just curious, but the anticipation on his face when he asked her if she was jealous was so overflowing.


“Because I get along well with Melody.”





Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released tomorrow.

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