Crowning My Feral Prince


“Viscount Giuseppe… The couple.”


Leone spoke carefully. Trixie looked so fine, he was rather worried.


“I don’t even remember their faces. If you ask Adler, you’ll know? hen I wrote my employment contract, I said that even if I died, I would never give my inheritance to my family.”


“…I hate you?”


“Rather than hating. No feelings. It seems like I don’t know anyone.”


It wasn’t like they were strangers, they were real strangers, but Trixie calmly spoke.


“Just, uh… I had a dog before that I didn’t think of as family to anyone but him. Well, it’s not like my parents did anything bad to me. I think the connection was already broken when I left the house.”


Leone nodded his head as her voice flowed out as if she was talking to someone else. No matter how much he looked at her, she seemed to be sincere. Trixie looked at him and nodded.


“Do you have an answer now, prince?”




“Neither of us have families… The two of us can become a family, right?”


It was nice to hear Trixie’s voice.


“Hmm. It’s family.”


Leone grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her towards him.


“I learned that marriage is also a way to become a family.”


“Is this really a marriage proposal?”


“No, there is no way I would do it this laxly. They say a marriage proposal has to be grand.”


“I know everything, really.”


There were so many people talking about the romance of a marriage proposal that Leone was already thinking that if the proposal wasn’t beautiful, he would be in big trouble.


“So, what do you think about marriage, Trixie?”


This was a question he asked to check Trixie’s feelings. Was she willing to be bound by an eternal promise called marriage?


“The two of us getting married… Actually, it’s impossible.”


Trixie’s face darkened as she felt bad about clearly mentioning the possibility that she had tried so hard to ignore.


“But think about it, Trixie.”


Nevertheless, Leone asked again. Come to think of it, Trixie thought hard. Leone loved her like that and kissed her forehead. Then, her lips parted with a sound. Trixie’s face flushed slightly. She cleared her throat loudly and opened her mouth.


“To become Empress… It’s hard to imagine… It’s such a burdensome position.”


“What if you don’t have to ascend to the position of Empress?”


“You are the prince and the person who will become the Emperor.”


“I can hand over the throne to someone else.”


“Ha ha ha. The prince is full of thoughts of running away.”


The word marriage bloomed in Trixie’s mind. Now that she thought about it, she had never thought about marriage. Her desire to be with him was like a chimney. In fact, Trixie thought that without Leone, her life would be gray. Because for her, he was her only comfort and love in this world.


“So, what if you’re not the Empress?”


“If I don’t have to be Empress… Good. If that’s so, I’ll think about it a bit.”


Trixie chattered playfully. It would really be nice if they could be together, but in Trixie’s opinion, it was close to impossible. Still, if you think about it apart from the impossible… Trixie, who was lovingly looking at Leone’s smile, soon corrected her playful answer.


“The truth is, even if the position of Empress is burdensome for me, I will sit next to Leone. As we live, I will endure even if it is a burden.”


The seat next to him. It was her fate. Conversely, the seat next to her. That was his fate. 

Leone’s heart fluttered at her answer. Although she hadn’t formally proposed to him yet, she felt the same way. It was a moment when we were allowed to belong to each other. Trixie was calm, but Leone was not. Her chest felt tickling and strangely full, like a bird chirping.






“I want you to stand next to me, not behind me. I don’t want you to treat me with respect in front of others. I hope we can talk comfortably, hold hands, and move forward together. I want to dance like that without caring about anyone.”


“…I hope so.”


“Do you know that we haven’t seen fireworks twice?”


“Haha. I know. The first time, I was running away from the stud, and the second time, I was caught by the Ripper and the mansion caught fire.”


“I also want to see fireworks. Sit next to me.”


“I know. really. That would be great.”


Her hand went to Leone’s cheek. Her small hands gently caressed his soft skin.


“Damn caste system. The institution of marriage. It’s all annoying.”




After a brief moment of affection, Trixie suddenly let out a voice of anger. She deserved it. She was the one who suffered the most vivid damage.


“Does it make sense that I should have a hard time even dreaming of marrying the person I love because of my status?!”


She burst out in anger as if she was reminded of the past.


“Me too, uh! I don’t want to just sit back and watch other girls dance with you. Stand next to you, he’s mine! I want to do that!”


To Trixie’s anger, Leone thought she wanted to applaud. She was exactly like her own thoughts. Leone made up her mind. Now, she finally knew what she was thinking. The banquet was held three days later, so if we were to count the remaining time accurately, there were only two days. As much as she sent Adler on vacation, she had to make progress.


“Trixie. I briefly remembered something.”


“Huh? What? I will help you.”


“No it’s okay. You should enjoy your vacation.”


Leone gave a smile that could not be read. Trixie’s mood was getting a little weird.


“What are you thinking…?”


It was exactly the same feeling Adler felt. The child did things he didn’t do and made facial expressions he didn’t do before. Trixie looked at Leone with her disgusted face.




“Can I tell you later?”


He cooed, looking longingly at her with his puppy-like eyes. He didn’t do anything, but his gaze alone sent an earthquake through his heart and shook her. Trixie let out her sigh. She thought she would never be able to beat Leone in her life.


“…okay, then.”


“Thank you. I’m resting well here. Trixie. Let’s eat dinner together. I’ll be right back.”


“No! I can just go to my room and rest.”


“That room is too small. It’s far away.”


Although she was named Healer, she did not receive her title like a Gurden or Benjamin, so she was still a commoner. Gurden was made a baronet by her, and Benjamin was made a viscount considering the level of the family. The two men pooled the money they had earned and bought a mansion in the capital. I naturally commuted to work. When Leone’s classes increased, she would stay in the guest room of the emperor’s palace. That was her treatment as a noblewoman. Trixie, however, stayed in a small mansion attached to the emperor’s palace where those who served the imperial family stayed. Although she wasn’t as flashy as a nobleman’s mansion or palace, she was simple, clean and nice. Trixie was very satisfied. Didn’t she sleep in a dust pit just six months ago? This was heaven.


“Small? Leone may not know because he’s so tall, but it’s big enough for me.”


It contained a bed, stool, desk, and closet, and was large enough to fit about five or six people. It was definitely not a small room.


“Actually, the bed in my bedroom is the best, so I hope you can rest comfortably there, but you won’t like that.”


Leone answered, easily ignoring Trixie’s protests. Trixie was momentarily speechless. This was because she saw in Leone’s eyes the will to ‘take him back if he gets out of here.’


“Whew. okay. I’ll rest here.”


She couldn’t win anything.


“See you later tonight, Trixie.”


“Uh, yeah. Bye.”


Trixie kissed his cheek one more time and waved at Leone as he disappeared through the door. She continued to feel strange for no reason, but after the tray full of the sweet desserts she had ordered earlier arrived, she didn’t think about it for long. Leone’s mind was very busy after leaving the room. He immediately called his servant and prepared his horse. He rode it a few times, but the carriage was too slow for him. While his horse was ready, he scrawled a letter to Verbena, sent it to her, and mounted his horse. The horse saddle had the imperial seal painted on it. Leone checked his belongings carefully and then stamped his feet. When all the horses saw Leone, he got scared and changed his words several times. So he finally found the right word for Leone. A horse with an extremely foul temper ran obediently and obediently like a gentle sheep under Leone. Those who wanted to join as escorts were bitten, and after being bitten again, only five people followed suit. The escorts’ horses had a hard time keeping up with the speed of the horse Leone was riding. The distance widened, Leone waited, widened, and then decreased repeatedly, until we arrived at the place.


“Woe, woe, woe, woe, His Royal Highness, uh, for some reason…!”


“I came here because I have something important to say. Please keep my visit today a secret.”


“Yes, yes, yes…!”


It was the Giuseppe family.


“Oh, inside…!”


There was no way that the Viscount Hanmihan family had ever welcomed the prince’s visit. They hurriedly led Leone to the best living room. Even when Viscount Giuseppe and his wife attended the prince’s welcoming ceremony, they only glanced at each other and did not even think about approaching the prince. He also saw General Bede’s commotion that day from afar. He arrived late at the courthouse today and couldn’t even go inside. He returned to the viscount, who had no ears to hear, and had been cursing the prince for ordering the commoners and nobles to watch together, thus making the space insufficient. He was there before their eyes. The couple both trembled because it was their first time seeing the prince’s face properly.


“Say it in a big way.”


Their fear was clearly visible, but it was none of Leone’s business. If Trixie had told him that they were still a beloved family, he would have reconsidered, but it’s a good thing she didn’t even remember their faces. They kicked Trixie out as soon as she married a commoner and then left her rolling in the mud. Without doing their duty as her parent. Even if they kicked her out because he was worried about the family’s prestige or the possible marriage of other brothers, wouldn’t it have been possible to support his living by secretly giving her money afterwards? So, to Leone, this couple was very annoying. Trixie could have been a little less tired, but he pretended not to notice. As soon as Leone sat down on the sofa, he opened his mouth. He didn’t even want to drink tea. His only purpose was to intimidate.


“Viscount. Do you remember your third daughter, Beatrice Giuseppe?”


“Yes, yes…?”


The first thing that came out of the prince’s mouth in two years was the name of his third daughter. Embarrassment appeared on the couple’s faces. The prince and the third daughter who was kicked out. Nothing was connected.


“Forget it forever. Forget it and live. Even if you catch her eye, don’t pretend to notice her, and don’t even breathe in her direction.”


He didn’t know what the purpose of the request was, but the content was clear. Even if he saw his third daughter, he should never pretend to know her. The threat felt so sharp that the couple held their hands together and held their breath. I was already afraid of the words that would follow.


“Because you won’t be able to live like you do now.”


Leone snapped his neck with the force of killing anyone. There was a clicking sound and the couple nodded their heads frantically at the same time.


Leone smiled.


‘One solution.’


It was a smile full of joy, but the Viscount and his wife were even more frightened. It was because Leone’s beautiful face felt like he was a reaper.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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