Crowning My Feral Prince

The guild leader was excited about their request, and bargained until the moment he left, heating up the calculations. The sound of his head rolling seemed to be heard outside, as if he had a conscience to ask for more while being protected by Leone, or if there was nothing more worth taking while giving the maximum discount. It was the look of a person who was crazy about money, to the extent that at some point, the eyes seemed to change into the shape of gold coins.

‘I’m confident.’

His last words were full of confidence. The Archduke in the original work tended to look down on everyone under his feet and did not trust their work. So, rather than entrusting the task to one person, he tended to entrust several people with the same task and compete with the quantity. So she also liked Leone’s plan. But Adler was a little nervous.

‘No matter how much you think about it, buying people with money… He doesn’t have faith… I wonder if things will work out.’

Even if she said so, what could she do since it was the name of His Highness the Prince? 

Adler, who seemed to have become a moral textbook, compared Leone’s method with the way he thought, and Leone’s method was much more flexible. How come more than Adler… Feeling like a person. That’s how he entrusted the request to the guild leader, and he repeated the process of visiting the imperial palace several more times. As expected of Verbena, the work progressed very quickly, and a week passed just like that.

The day they wanted to come came, but she was anxious because it seemed like it was coming too soon. The day of the welcome ceremony for Leone’s socialite debut in the capital had arrived.

“Miss Trixie!”

Leone’s preparations were so militant that Adler and she were kicked out. Just like that, the door to the room where Leone was waiting for her was thrown open. A maid with a flushed face stood there.

“Has Her Highness finished the preparations?”

“Yes! Finally.”

It’s a face she saw yesterday, but she was nervous because it was the day. What would it look like? She ran down the hallway and without hesitation, she opened Leone’s door.

“Leo… yes?”

As she called out to him with a smile on her face, she stopped.


Recently, he had been wearing pretty neat clothes. So she thought she had adapted. But today’s Leone… This man with deep purple eyes, this man with a beautiful yet dangerous smile that looks like he would be swallowed up if she got sucked in… The way he always ran around barefoot and on all fours with his messy hair just couldn’t match. The dog she used to know was now completely gone.

“Trixie. Good morning.”

A man approached her with his long legs outstretched, and without hesitation grabbed her hand. She always thought he was beautiful, but once he decided and decorated himself, he was truly a perfect handsome man. The black frock coat that was worn over his jacket suited him as if he was born wearing it. Inside, the double vest emphasizing the wide chest and slim waist, and the multi-layered cravat, were bright and clean white. The brooch he had attached to fix the vest kept opening was studded with an amethyst that gave off a beautiful light, though less than his pupils. To be honest, he just put a purple jewel on his black and white clothes, so why is it so dazzling?  His hair was tucked back and a few strands cascaded down the front of his forehead. that famous… It was half a head.

Lou was… she was a genius.

To be honest, even she thought, ‘It’s still a welcome ceremony, shouldn’t it be fancy and stand out more than anyone else?’ She chose bright and colorful clothes, but the child was adamant. Leone’s face shines the most, so the clothes should be simple and fit beautifully. She saw one person well.

“Leone… really… So cool.”

She was just appreciating it with her mouth wide open, but she finally spat out the words after a long time had passed. Leone closed his eyes in satisfaction with her words and smiled. Seeing Leone dressed in formal attire gave her a new feeling. Was it because she remembered the past days when Leone and she struggled… 

‘To think that our puppy will become His Highness the Prince… To think a day like this would come.’

She knew it, but it was the day when she would appear as a prince in front of the aristocrats of the capital. Maybe that’s why she was so emotional. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she held Leone’s hand.

“Trixie. Are you crying?”

Leone stroked her cheek with surprised eyes. She shook her head and took his hand.

“It’s fine. I’m crying because I’m moved. You’ve really grown up…”

It seemed that she could understand the heart of her parents once again. It was not funny. She recognized him as a man a while ago. It seemed that the guardian’s heart would not disappear at all.

“There is nothing I can do for you now.”

There was still work to be done, but somehow it felt strange to think that something to do with Leone would disappear soon. But that kid will get married someday and live well. How long could someone like she be by his side…? When she thought of Leone getting married, her stomach twisted slightly. No, on a day like this, this feeling was just an impurity.

She gently stroked Leone’s cheek with a strange face mixed with pride and pointless sadness.

“Huh. Trixie doesn’t have to do anything.”

Leone laughed lightly and rubbed his face on her palm.

“What? Aren’t you sad to talk about it so easily?”

“From now on, I intend to do everything.”


“Trixie is my… No, because I am the master.”

Leone’s unique low voice flowed into her heart. Her clenched hands were strangely itchy and she tried to remove them, but Leone wouldn’t let go. The surroundings were busy, and he whispered. That gap made her feel a little weirder. No one knew what they were talking about. Rather, he interlaced it between her fingers, and he took a step towards her.

“Trixie. I didn’t know that before, but standing on my own two feet and living like a human is surprisingly- I like it.”

It was a whisper so small that no one else could hear it. Originally, he was insensitive to skinship, but he was careful in front of others. Was he excited today? This… It’s her fault for getting into contact with him without hesitation. It’s become a habit.

‘I will teach you properly again.’

Leone was also… Now, as a prince, he must have known that he had to be careful with his manners.


“I can face Trixie.”


“I can hold your hand and walk, or I can hug you.”

The voice rang low.

“More than anything…”


“I can talk to Trixie.”


“I belong to Trixie.”


The whisper tickled. She smiled and gently pushed him away. He easily took a step away from her.

“How do you belong to me? You’re not really a puppy.”

It was a remark that broke the mind that she thought she was all grown up. She guessed she needed to get independent soon.

“It’s okay. Trixie’s dog.”

“Leone. If you are a person, you should live with people.”

“I just need you.”

She thought she had taught him everything, but it seemed like he still had a long way to socialize.

“Haha. That’s great. Let’s get ready now.”

After giving a rough answer, she stopped to stroke his hair out of habit. She didn’t want to dishevel his hair, so she stopped her hand and turned around to go to someone else. Today was a busy day, so there was a lot to check. Of course, she was not the one who organized the event, so it was the other side of the check.


It was as if he heard Leone’s small spit. But the sound…

“Wow, Lord Leone!”

“Huh. Lord Leone…”

“Your Highness the Prince! You are beautiful!”

“Oh my god! It looks like I’m going blind!”

They were drowned out by the cheers of Benjamin, Gourden, and the guitar teachers who ran to see Leone dress up. Well, it must have been nothing.

“Mr. Adler.”

The person she was looking for caught her eye and quickly approached. She was about to ask if there were any changes to today’s plans, but Adler frowned.

“What are you doing without getting ready?”

“What am I preparing for?”

“You’re going to disguise yourself.”

“Ha! I don’t think it will take that long.”

“If you do it too roughly, it will stand out just like that.”

‘With or without a rough disguise, a lady-in-waiting accompanied by four knights would stand out…’

She was accompanied by four knights disguised as attendants to attend the welcome ceremony. It was a decision that Leone made by asking her to follow him because she couldn’t always be by her side. Actually, she thought it would stand out more if she accompanied the knight. She couldn’t help but nod her head at Leone and Adler’s strong insistence that she choose safety even if she was noticed because the Archduke wasn’t someone who wouldn’t be able to find her at all even if she was in disguise. Well, if she entered in a conspicuous manner anyway, it’s better to at least prevent other nobles from recognizing and laughing at her. Adler probably meant that he didn’t want her to be noticed by the nobles. She nodded meekly.

“Here, take the therapist and get ready.”

“Yes, Count.”

“Wait a minute, Adler. I came to ask if there are any changes to today’s schedule and plans, but just answer that-”

“No, no.”

Adler gave a pretty rough answer and disappeared. It looked pretty insane. Left behind, she was dragged into the hands of the ladies-in-waiting again. On an important day for Leone, why did she keep getting dragged away? Before the door closed, Leone’s eyes met hers. He seemed to have no mind at all. Still, he smiled slightly at her. As if to reassure her.

“Trixie. We’ll make you pretty!”

The lady-in-waiting who was dragging her said so cheerfully. It’s a disguise to wear lady’s clothes anyway, but she wondered what else to do besides being pretty. She wore a soft-bristle chestnut wig, which was braided into two pigtails differently than who she usually combed her hair. It took a surprisingly long time to change her impression by putting on her glasses and adding in freckles and dots.

“Tricky. You really look like a different person!”

“Really, I see…”


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR, thank you very much for reading!

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Next post will be released on July, 21.

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