Copy of Resentment

Extra 8

Bian Shengjian remained silent for a moment. At this moment, he even wanted to turn around and walk away, but when he looked at Kou Ming’s equally shocked face, he restrained himself.


“Oh, then I wish you happiness,” Bian Shengjian said with a forced smile through his teeth after a long pause.


“Excuse me, gentlemen, do you know…” The shopping assistant girl hesitated for a long time before weakly speaking, sandwiched between their auras.


“Don’t know,” Bian Shengjian and Kou Ming said simultaneously.


The atmosphere became even more awkward.


“…Damn,” Bian Shengjian muttered, and then he looked at Kou Ming for a while before pinching his mask on his with his fingers, as if trying to squeeze past him—


But that was too damn coincidental.


“Wait,” Kou Ming reached out and grabbed his arm, his expression still somewhat complicated. “How did you know…?”


Bian Shengjian didn’t even think about it. He just shrugged his arm and replied somewhat irritably, “Move aside.”


“No,” Kou Ming still held his arm and didn’t let go. “How did you know about me and him?”


“Why do you care?” Bian Shengjian shot him a sidelong glance, looking displeased. “Aren’t you in a hurry to propose to your partner?”


Kou Ming opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly caught sight of someone entering the store from the corner of his eye. The person was tall, and his figure looked familiar.


“Kou Ming!” Bian Shengjian shouted as soon as he saw someone standing at the entrance, his tone sounding almost like he was about to cry. “What are you doing?”


“Damn,” Bian Shengjian was startled by the shout, and he jumped to the side, nearly colliding with a glass cabinet. “Is he looking for you?”


“Ye Huai?” Kou Ming also froze for a moment, and then furrowed his brow. “Didn’t I tell you to…”


Ye Huai didn’t say anything more. He raised his foot and strode over to them, slightly lowering his voice as he grabbed Kou Ming’s arm. “Come…come with me.”


“Yo, I thought his stutter had been cured,” Bian Shengjian said reflexively in his shock. He looked at the matured Ye Huai in front of him, who had not only grown taller than both him and Kou Ming but also had a much more muscular physique. He was dressed in a slightly fitted gray short-sleeved shirt that clearly outlined his muscular contours. He was now a handsome and robust young man, completely different from the timid bean sprout he remembered. “You’re Ye Huai?”


Ye Huai, who was completely focused on Kou Ming, hesitated for a moment and then looked back at Bian Shengjian with a puzzled expression. “Do you… know me?”


“I don’t,” Bian Shengjian sighed.


Ye Huai looked at him in confusion but didn’t say anything else. Instead, he continued to pull Kou Ming’s arm. ” Kou… Brother Kou, let’s go.”


“Since we’re all here, why should we go?” Kou Ming said with a click of his tongue.


“Oh, I get it,” Bian Shengjian crossed his arms and suddenly wore a somewhat playful expression. “So, are you trying to do a marriage proposal now?”


“It’s not like that!” Ye Huai blushed upon hearing a few words, and with some effort, glanced at Bian Shengjian before speaking,” Ah… that’s not…”


Bian Shengjian endured for a while before blurting out the sentence “I will be the witness of your love”. After brewing for a long time, he fabricated a reason and spoke again, “I have a friend who knows you, and he mentioned you when we were chatting.”


“A friend? What friend… you have?” Ye Huai looked bewildered.


“What friend do you have?” Kou Ming paused and followed up, “Why don’t I know you have a friend who likes to gossip?”


“It’s not…” Ye Huai nervously waved his hands and his tone grew weaker, “I don’t… I don’t…”


“Oh, come on,” Bian Shengjian squinted at him and stared for a while, muttering under his breath. Then he pointed to the ring that had caused the conflict between the two and asked, “Do you still want this, I’ll buy it if you don’t?”


“Didn’t you just say you gave it to me?” Kou Ming said with a playful tone, “Are you in such a hurry to propose to someone kid?”


“None of your damn business,” Bian Shengjian said, not bothering to look at him.


“Heh, I should record your words and post them online for your fans to see what kind of person their idol is,” Kou Ming said, but before he could finish, he felt his arm being pulled even harder. “Kou Ming, let’s… let’s go.”


“Ye Huai,” Kou Ming’s face finally turned serious. “Didn’t you just say at the cinema that you wanted to marry me? Why are you changing your mind now?”


For a moment, Ye Huai almost couldn’t speak properly, and he didn’t know how a casual remark had caused such a big reaction from Kou Ming. They had been together for so many years, and besides his mother, who had cut ties with him after he came out to his family, there were very few things that could touch his heart anymore.


But Kou Ming was different.


Kou Ming was the person he would cherish for the rest of his life.


He wanted to be good to him, very good.


Because Kou Ming was the only one left for him.


But Kou Ming was also very good to him, so good that he often didn’t know how to express his feelings. Just like now—


“I…” Ye Huai lowered his head and chose silence.


“Swipe the card,” Kou Ming said to the stunned saleslady, waving his hand. “We’ll take this pair.”


“Alright,” the saleslady swallowed nervously. “Do you need it wrapped?”


“No need,” Kou Ming said decisively.


Bian Shengjian hesitated for a moment, then looked at them with a complicated expression.


Although the fact that these two seemed like a married couple today and had a similar relationship pattern was surprising to him, he also had someone waiting for him at home tonight. If he continued to delay with these two, he might miss the most important moment of his life.


“Forget,” Bian Shengjian sighed. “Help me take out that pair and let me see it.”


“Alright,” the girl, sweating bullets, took out a pair of rings from the display cabinet. She was about to introduce them when Kou Ming boldly swiped his card and stood in place, saying in a low voice, “I’m sorry, can you turn around?”


“…What?” The embarrassed saleslady instinctively turned around.


“I, now,” Kou Ming shook the brand new ring box in his hand, “will propose.”


“Can you be any more impulsive?” Bian Shengjian couldn’t hold back any longer. “Is there anyone as domineering as you?”


“What about you?” Kou Ming retorted, looking at him askance. “Buying a ring in such a hurry, who are you trying to please? If you wanted to give someone a gift, you should have customized it properly two weeks in advance…”


“Kou Ming,” Ye Huai still spoke softly, “please… stop.”


Kou Ming paused, looking at him. It was then that he noticed Ye Huai’s ears turning red and his hands tightly clutching each other, as if he had reverted to the helpless appearance from over a decade ago, even though Kou Ming had “bullied” him plenty during that time.


“Ye Huai,” Kou Ming took a deep breath, his expression becoming more complex. “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.”


“Can’t you two have this conversation somewhere else?” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but comment. “What’s the difference between this and forcing someone to marry you?”


Ignoring him, Kou Ming continued to stare at Ye Huai, saying, “I’ve said it a long time ago, I want to be with you forever, and over these years, I’ve meant it.”


Ye Huai’s lips trembled suddenly, and he looked at Kou Ming with a hint of trepidation.


“I’m serious now, very, very serious,” Kou Ming said, slowly taking the ring out of the box, his tone becoming gentle. “Don’t explain what you said earlier as a joke. As long as it’s something you say, I’ll take it seriously.”


“Tch, childish,” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but mutter.


Ignoring him, Kou Ming, under the trembling gaze of Ye Huai, knelt down on one knee in front of everyone, wearing a radiant smile on his face. “But you see, I’ve been waiting for you for so many years. At this crucial moment, it shouldn’t be a problem if I force you a little, right? Hmm?”


Ye Huai was in a state of panic, and he looked at Kou Ming, who was kneeling on one knee, as if he had lost his reason in an instant. His heart was filled with sweetness, confusion, and a restrained expectation he couldn’t control.


“I know this might not be the most appropriate occasion… but I don’t want to wait any longer,” Kou Ming said, looking up at him while slowly taking out the ring from the box. “Ye Huai, marry me.”




As Bian Shengjian left the store with the ring in hand, he felt like a fallen leaf floating away in the night breeze, leaving behind not only the two men who had been hugging each other, but also Kou Ming’s challenging gaze. And when he thought about Ye Huai’s happy face, he couldn’t help but sigh.


These two idiots really were made for each other.




Bian Shengjian paused for a moment, gazing at the night sky illuminated by city lights, and he felt a sense of nostalgia.


Ye Huai was still alive. Kou Ming was too.


If nothing unexpected happened, their paths would probably continue smoothly for the rest of their lives.


The painful memories that had once haunted him had been forcefully rewritten and scattered in the past. Them, himself, and Lu Shen.


Bian Shengjian lowered his mask and took a deep breath, savoring the aroma of street food in the night air.


Looking at it this way, it didn’t seem too bad.


When the elevator door opened, Bian Shengjian felt a sudden tension. He decided that after opening the door, he would pretend not to know that Lu Shen had sent over a dozen messages to his WeChat account, including several missed calls…..




Bian Shengjian tiptoed to the door and, like a thief, leaned his ear to the door to listen, only to hear the silence inside.


But like several high-end soundproof and anti-theft doors, if one could really hear something, then there’s a ghost.


Bian Shengjian took a deep breath and placed his thumb on the fingerprint lock. With a gentle click, he slowly pushed the door open, and his mind was still thinking about how to answer Lu Shen’s questions later. Like where did he go tonight……….Hm?


Stunned, he stared at the pitch black living room after opening the door. Even the small lamp in the hallway, which was always on, had been turned off. The entire house seemed eerily empty.


“Lu…” Bian Shengjian started to speak, then stopped, feeling somewhat annoyed with himself.


Damn it, could it be that Lu Shen is angry with me?


Did he go to a bar to drown his sorrows? Or did he go to find Shen Zui for comfort?


Bian Shengjian stood nervously at the entrance for a moment, then turned around and slowly closed the door before touching the switch nearby.


Damn it, if it’s a big deal, just go out and find someone to coax you back. Many people are still so childish….


Bian Shengjian was thinking, but suddenly the whole person froze in place.


“Don’t move.”


Suddenly, a low voice came from the darkness, and something pressed against Bian Shengjian’s lower back. “This is a robbery.”


Bian Shengjian, who had been about to reach for the light switch, bit his lip and didn’t say anything. He felt that the nerve in the back of his head was tingling due to the sudden surge of blood.


Damn. Could there be a burglar in his house?


Bian Shengjian gritted his teeth without saying a word, and his brain began to run at full speed to figure out how to quickly get out of the predicament:


But now several thieves should be right behind him, and turning around directly can easily lead to being trapped. Pressing him directly onto the ground or wall is even more disadvantageous if the current stiff movements are reversed.


Bian Shengjian gritted his teeth, regretted not bringing any basic self-defense tools when he left home today, except for his phone. And he had run into such unmanageable thieves – he hadn’t even noticed when the person got close.


“…What do you want?” Bian Shengjian spoke with a hoarse voice. “If you want more money, I’ll give it to you.”


The person behind him didn’t speak, but the next move completely caught Bian Shengjian off guard:


The person leaned in and pressed against Bian Shengjian’s body. The slight airflow from the corner of his clothes made Bian Shengjian feel a bit cold, but what was even more chilling was that the person’s hand crawled up along his hem and vaguely and coldly touched the smooth skin on his waist.


Bian Shengjian felt like his entire body had gone through two cycles of blood transfusions in an instant. He didn’t care if the person behind him was holding a knife; he just tilted back and delivered a fierce elbow strike to the person’s chest. “Where the hell are you touching!”


However, his movement had been perfectly anticipated by the person behind him, who effortlessly caught his wrist. Their breath brushed against Bian Shengjian’s neck as they spoke, with a hint of teasing in their tone. “I don’t want money. Can I take you instead?”


It took Bian Shengjian about five seconds to finally react. He reached for the light switch, turning on the living room lights, and immediately turned within the person’s grasp. In an instant, he wished he could tear apart the smiling face in front of him and said. “Lu Shen, are you messing with me?”


“Alas.” Lu Shen let go after a few more moments, patting Bian Shengjian’s back soothingly. “Alright, I won’t tease you anymore.”


“What the hell were you using to press against me just now?” Bian Shengjian glared at him and shouted.


“My hand,” Lu Shen replied, reaching out and making a gun gesture against Bian Shengjian’s waist. “This is a robbery. Give me your heart.”


“You idiot,” Bian Shengjian said, utterly exasperated. He pushed Lu Shen aside and tried to go further into the room, but when he passed by the dining table and saw the spread of dishes, he couldn’t help but pause. “You…”


“Where did you go tonight?” Lu Shen came up behind him, wrapping his arms around Bian Shengjian’s waist and planting a kiss on his neck. “You didn’t reply to my messages or answer my calls.”


Bian Shengjian paused for a moment but couldn’t speak, so he let him hugged him completely


“Have you forgotten what important day it is today? “Lu Shen hugged him and rubbed against him for a while before speaking, with a tone that was not obvious of grievance.


“How could I possibly forget it? “Bian Shengjian sighed and turned around, “Happy Birthday.”


“I’ve been waiting for that few words all night, “Lu Shen chuckled and pinched his chin. “I’ll deliver your punishment here right now.”


“Lu Shen, you fuck… “Bian Shengjian glared and he was about to speak, his mouth was covered by a hand, “Hey! Can the birthday star stop being mean, you fucker…”


‘Fine,” Bian Shengjian sighed and brushed away his hand. He held his breath but didn’t know how to speak. He simply sat down and picked up his chopsticks to eat. Anyway, even if he wanted something, he could wait until dinner.


“Where the hell did you go tonight? “Lu Shen picked up a chopstick of food for him and asked.


“Tell you after dinner,” Bian Shengjian said, biting into the ribs and suddenly putting down his chopsticks hesitating.” So that….when I went out today, I met Kou Ming and Ye Huai.”


“Really?” Lu Shen peeled a shrimp for Bian Shengjian and asked, “How are they now?”


“They’re so happy it’s sickening,” Bian Shengjian said in disdain, curling his lips.


Though he couldn’t help but think that Kou Ming’s challenging expression was begging for a beating.


“That’s quite a coincidence,” Lu Shen said with a touch of nostalgia. “Buying a ring can also lead to encounters.”


“How did you know I was buying a ring?” Bian Shengjian suddenly lifted his head and instinctively touched his pocket.


Damn it, it’s empty.


“Give it back!” Bian Shengjian glared at him. “Lu Shen, were you a thief in your previous life? How did you find out?”


“I noticed when I touched your waist earlier,” Lu Shen said and took a sip of water.


“Give it back to me!” Bian Shengjian’s face turned red with anger. “Listen to me!”


“But wasn’t it originally for me?” Lu Shen tried to hold back a smile from the corner of his mouth.” Young Bian, are you planning to propose to me after dinner?”


The plan that he had been wandering for a long time was suddenly punctured by someone, causing Bian Shengjian to almost jump up in anger. “Nonsense! I bought it to wear it casually.”


“Yes, nothing’s engraved on it yet, “Lu Shen said as he pulled out the ring box from his pocket with a smile on his face. “Let’s engrave something on it in the future.”


“Don’t.” Bian Shengjian responded in a rough voice, feeling slightly feverish looking at Lu Shen’s face as he made several movements. “It’s embarrassing… ”


“I know people are easily shy, ” Lu Shen smiled and blinked. “Actually, I was planning to buy a ring too…I didn’t expect someone to beat me to it.”


“Shut up,” Bian Shengjian said, glaring at him.


“Young Bian,” Lu Shen suddenly became serious and put on a solemn expression.


“What?” Bian Shengjian was puzzled.


Lu Shen took a deep breath and then, right in front of Bian Shengjian’s astonished gaze, he opened the ring box, knelt down on one knee, and beamed. “Young Bian, marry me.”


Before Bian Shengjian could respond, Lu Shen continued, “But, I also know that this is just a formality. As long as we’re together, no matter where or how I propose, even if I propose to you in the restroom, you’ll definitely say yes.”


“Nonsense,” Bian Shengjian chuckled and couldn’t help but reach out and wipe his eyes.”Stupid.”


“Marry me,” Lu Shen smiled and looked up. “If you don’t marry me, I’ll run away with someone else.”


“Try running away, you’re mine,” Bian Shengjian reached out and pulled him up. He picked up one of the rings and gently placed it on the left finger of Lu Shen’s left hand. Although he didn’t say much, he was still very satisfied with the exact size of the ring.


They both felt their body went numb, including every cell in the whole body.


Lu Shen smiled and picked up another ring and gently placed it on his fingerless finger. His gaze turned to his slender knuckles and said, “It’s quite beautiful…you have a good eye.”


“Nonsense. ” Bian Shengjian sniffed, “I have always had good eyesight.”


“That’s right, otherwise how could you fall in love with me? “Lu Shen raised his eyebrows.


Bian Sheng hesitated for a moment before speaking slowly, “It’s not a problem of liking or not, because we are…”


Halfway through, he suddenly paused and looked up at Lu Shen.


“A perfect match.” Lu Shen smiled and held your hand.








  1. Qiaoyi says:

    Aiyooo! Eating dogfood at 5 in the morning bruh!!! 😂😂

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