Copy of Resentment

Extra 6

“These days, just relax, don’t stay up late, and have lighter meals…”


Lu Shen said, chatting away, but before he could finish, Bian Shengjian interrupted him, “Alright, I get it, I’ve heard it so many times that my ears are calloused.”


“I’m just worried that you’ll forget everything you hear,” Lu Shen flicked his earlobe.


“Don’t bother,” Bian Shengjian brushed his hand away, “Read a book for a while.”


“Well, okay,” Lu Shen replied and stopped talking. He placed his phone on the table and picked up a book from the shelf.


Bian Shengjian casually flipped through the key points in his notes that he easily forgot, while repeating important question types derived from the knowledge points in his mind. When he finished flipping through them from beginning to end, he couldn’t help but lean back and yawn.


“Feeling sleepy?” Lu Shen’s page-flipping paused, and he immediately asked.


“Yeah…a bit,” Bian Shengjian rubbed his eyes.


“Do you want some late-night snacks tonight? I can make something for you,” Lu Shen asked again.


“I don’t want to eat,” Bian Shengjian said with another yawn, and reached out to pinch her stomach. “I gained five pounds in the past few days… all thanks to you feeding me like a pig.”


“That’s because of my excellent cooking skills,” Lu Shen raised an eyebrow.


“Get lost,” Bian Shengjian was about to yawn for the third time but felt a hand reaching from behind and wrapping around his neck. “Look. The exam will be in a few days. A calm mindset is the most important.”


“No way,” Bian Sheng paused and frowned. “I still have a few more…..”


“Sleep.” Lu Shen reached out and rubbed his head. “It’s already very late.”



“You can sleep on your own first. ” Bian Shengjian still refused, reaching out to reach for the notebook placed in the corner of the table, but the next second he froze in place and he suddenly felt himself lifted off the ground. “You fucking… Lu Shen, let me down.”


“Sleep,” Lu Shen held him steady and, to prevent any excessive struggle, he didn’t waste time and tossed Bian Shengjian onto the bed, which thankfully was soft enough to avoid any injury.


“Are you sick? “Bian Shengjian got up and glared at him. “I said you can go to sleep yourself.”


“It’s almost half past twelve. ” Lu Shen raised his hand and patted out the light in the corner of the table,”Sleep.”


“I need to review!” Bian Shengjian continued to roar.


“I’ll call you on time tomorrow, “Lu Shen insisted. “Now go to bed first.”


“…Then call me half an hour early tomorrow morning.” Bian Shengjian stared for a few more seconds before finally compromising and angrily slammed down onto the bed. “Still not coming yet?”


“Coming.” Lu Shen smiled and reached out to tuck in the corner of the quilt before lying down with him. “Young Bian.”


“Don’t call me, I’m asleep,” Bian Shengjian closed his eyes.


“I know you’re not asleep,” Lu Shen smiled and touched his leg. Even though he was wearing thin sleep pants, the touch still made Bian Shengjian shiver. “Hey! No fooling around before the exam.”


Lu Shen hesitated for a moment and then said, somewhat resigned, “I’m not as dirty-minded as you think.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bian Shengjian let out a cold snort from his nose.


“I mean…” Lu Shen leaned closer to him, and the faint scent of shower gel on his body inexplicably made Bian Shengjian feel at ease. “Whether it’s the college entrance exam or any important decisions you’ll face in your future, I hope everything you work for is for yourself. What kind of person you want to become, what you want to achieve, and how you want to change…You don’t need to prove it to anyone, including me.”


Bian Shengjian opened his mouth in the darkness but couldn’t find any words to say.


Lu Shen actually saw through his thoughts at a glance, and he knew this about himself too.


But when he heard those words, “You don’t need to prove it to anyone,” he couldn’t help but feel his eyes moist.


“Sleep,” Lu Shen whispered gently.


“Hm,” Bian Shengjian responded softly, but after a moment, when Lu Shen thought he had fallen asleep, he added in a low voice, “I’ll do my best.”


“You’ve always worked hard, darling,” Lu Shen, whose consciousness was becoming blurry, reached out and found Bian Shengjian’s hand. He gently squeezed his fingers, a comforting gesture they had shared for a long time. “I know.”


“After the college entrance exam…” Bian Shengjian’s consciousness was also becoming hazy, but he continued, “After I go to college and find a good job, I’ll earn money to support you…”


“Sounds good,” Lu Shen smiled and closed his eyes. “I’ll be waiting for you.”




When the day finally arrived, Bian Shengjian wasn’t as nervous as he had expected. Instead, he felt excitement the moment he opened his eyes—as if a blade that had been sharpened for too long could finally meet its enemy. He jumped out of bed and shouted, “What time is it?”


“What…” Lu Shen had just turned around and was startled. He hurried over to Bian Shengjian, rubbing his arms. “It’s not late, just in time. You can have breakfast now and then slowly make your way there.”


Bian Shengjian didn’t say anything but glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. He gradually relaxed—perhaps it was because he had read so many bizarre news stories about latecomers being stopped by security outside the exam room or missing the exam due to incorrect timekeeping. When he woke up, he couldn’t control the panic.


But now he wasn’t anxious anymore.


Bian Shengjian lifted the covers and jumped out of bed, casting a sidelong glance at Lu Shen. For some reason, he suddenly felt grateful to him.


“Eat more.” Lu Shen put another boiled egg in his bowl and said, “Come on, eat slowly.”


“Hmm.” Bian Shengjian sat down and began to eat the noodles after washing his hands. Although Lu Shen made clear soup noodles this morning, the taste of the noodles was unexpectedly good. This mouthful should be remembered for a long time.


“Are everything ready? Don’t forget to bring it.” Lu Shen instructed while washing the pot.


“Ready. ” Bian Shengjian put down her chopsticks and started drinking soup.


In fact, there were not many things to prepare. A transparent pen, a bag containing ID cards and stationery, as well as a small bottle of mineral water with torn packaging, have been checked twice before going to bed last night and would never be missed or forgotten.


“Good.” Lu Shen shook the water off his hand and sat down with a smile.” I’ll be waiting for you outside after the exam is over.”


“Okay,” Bian Shengjian glanced at him, but inexplicably, he sighed.


In preparation for the exam, he had already met with his father before, and his father had talked to Lu Shen for quite a while. Bian Shengjian didn’t ask what they had talked about, but since then, his father’s opposition to his relationship with Lu Shen and their cohabitation had turned into silent acceptance, if not approval. However, when he asked Lu Shen what they had talked about, Lu Shen refused to tell him.


Stingy person, drink cold water, and you turn into a demon. (TL: This expression is often used humorously or sarcastically to imply that someone becomes unpleasant or mean when they act miserly or selfish.)


“But I promise your dad that I will take good care of you,” Lu Shen looked at him.


“I know,” Bianshengjian clicked his tongue. “I have truly lost to you.”


“Let’s go,” Lu Shen tidied up the dishes and casually put them in the sink, then picked up the car keys from the entrance. “Is everything ready?”


“Yes,” Bian Shengjian stood up after putting on his shoes. As Lu Shen approached, he leaned in and gave him a kiss without hesitation. “Go…”


“Have a safe journey, and may you pass the examination,” Lu Shen smiled, his eyes and lips shining brightly.


Due to the early departure, there were not many traffic jams on the road, except for the section of the road near the examination hall that became slightly chaotic due to the chaotic traffic flow. Bian Shengjian smoothly arrived at the school entrance of the examination hall – the school teacher who welcomed the students waited at the entrance early in the morning. The female teacher was wearing a red qipao, and the male teacher was wearing a red short sleeved shirt. Looking out at the red flames, he was dazed, oh no, it should be said to be festive and auspicious.


To put it more artistically, it was like the rise of a red sun, radiating brilliance.


Bian Shengjian walked on the red carpet that extended from the school gate to the exam center. He hesitated for a moment, turned around—Lu Shen was leaning against the car, waving at him. “I’ll be cheering you on! Have a successful exam.”


He took a deep breath and was about to turn back, but then he heard Lu Shen say with a smile, “Go inside, I’ll be waiting for you outside.”


Bian Shengjian didn’t say anything more, and with a nod, he turned back.


That statement meant more to him than any good luck wishes.


“Shengjian, do your best!” Old Tan shook his hand vigorously and encouraged him. “Have a good exam! This teacher believes in you!”


Bian Shengjian looked up at Old Tan’s smiling face, suppressing an inexplicable urge to tear up, and nodded. “Yes, I will.”


“Go inside quickly,” Old Tan patted his back with a smile. “Relax and do your best.”


“Okay,” Bianshengjian nodded, and he could see people he knew or didn’t know smiling at him, their smiles warm and filled with encouragement and support for every high school graduate.


This scene would probably be etched in the memories of many, including his own, for years to come.


Smiles, the hot breeze on his face, and the sound of cicadas.


Bian Shengjian took a deep breath and began to stride towards the examination center.


The bell rang.


The weather was truly beautiful today.




The moment Bian Shengjian walked out of the exam room, he felt his legs were a bit weak. He instinctively raised his hand to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight.


The exam was calmer than he had imagined, and unexpectedly, during the gaps between solving questions, he could occasionally see flashes of Lu Shen’s figure in his mind—after all, they had spent that night of review together. It seemed natural to have such images, like when you listen to a song before the exam, and the lyrics suddenly play in your mind during the test.


Lu Shen reading the questions under the lamp, Lu Shen cooking him late-night snacks in the kitchen, Lu Shen gently covering him with a thin blanket when he fell asleep exhausted on the table, and Lu Shen carefully carrying him back to bed.


These memories didn’t significantly affect Bian Shengjian’s problem-solving process, but they made him feel:


Hey, this is probably what youth is all about.


People were moving all around, some laughing, some whispering, and some stifling tears quietly. All these chaotic sounds smoothly entered Bian Shengjian’s left ear and exited his right. He followed the edge of the crowd and quickly squeezed his way to the school gate. He couldn’t help but tiptoe and look into the distance, searching for the most familiar figure.


From the moment he walked out of the exam room until now, he finally felt anxious for the first time.


“Over here!” he heard someone shout.


Bian Shengjian quickly turned around.


“It’s been tough, future university student,” Lu Shen smiled.


Bian Shengjian stood in place for a moment, staring at him, and the bouquet of fresh and vibrant roses in his hand.


…Sending roses? Isn’t that a bit old-fashioned?


“I… It’s my first time giving someone flowers too,” Lu Shen rubbed his nose and surprisingly sounded a bit embarrassed. “But I’ve…done it before…”


Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the teenager who had been standing still suddenly sprinting towards him. Amidst the crowd of candidates and parents, he extended his arms and tightly embraced Lu Shen, flowers and all, hugging him tightly.


“Are these for me?” Bian Shengjian hugged him for more than ten seconds before letting go, his eyes slightly red. “Damn, why did you choose roses? You’re such an old-fashioned guy…”


“Don’t like them?” Lu Shen smiled and handed the nearly dislodged flowers back to him.


“…It’s okay,” Bian Shengjian said, fiddling with the plastic wrap on the flowers with his fingers. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw many people looking in their direction and felt a bit embarrassed. He quickly moved to the side of the road. “Damn, why is everyone looking at us?”


“Let them look, you’re not bad-looking,” Lu Shen smiled.


“Hm,” Bian Shengjian rubbed his nose and, still feeling a bit embarrassed, said, “So, what are we doing tonight?”


“We’re doing whatever you want,” Lushen replied.


“…Did I fucking hear that correctly?” Bian Shengjian paused, staring at him.


“Get in the car. ” Lu Shen smiled and didn’t respond, turning around to open the car door.


“Lu Shen, you fucker must say it once! “Bian Shengjian lowered his voice and roared.


“I said…” Lu Shen cleared his throat lightly.


“Forget it, you shut up,” Bian Shengjian said with an annoyed expression and directly covered his mouth with his hand. But after a few seconds, as if he had been electrocuted, he suddenly pulled his hand back. “Damn… Are you a pervert?”


“I said…I hope that in the future, we’ll be together for a long time,” Lu Shen couldn’t help but laugh.


“Foolish,” Bian Shengjian said, looking at him.


“In love,” Lu Shen said, looking at him too.







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