Copy of Resentment

Extra 5

“Although this holiday is very short, this teacher still hopes that everyone won’t let their hearts wander because of the holiday. After all, when we return from the holiday, we will all be facing the college entrance examination…”


Old Tan said on the podium, while the people sitting below put down their pens and sat up straight, listening to the repeated admonitions from the podium. “And during the Chinese New Year, don’t forget about your personal safety. Take care of your mobile phones and wallets when you go to crowded places, understand?”


“Understood,” the students shouted in unison.


“Well,” Old Tan paused for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face. “Then, this teacher wishes everyone a Happy New Year here, and that you all can successfully enter your desired universities in June.”


“Okay!” Zhou Li took the lead in cheering.


“School’s out.” Old Tan smiled and looked down at the students, then supported the podium and discreetly wiped his eyes with his hand.


“Ai, Mr. Cai!” Zhou Li immediately stood up and shouted loudly, “What’s wrong with you?”


“It’s nothing,” Old Tan immediately lowered his hand, but his tone was a bit unnatural. “It’s just that I’ve been with you kids for quite some time…”


“You’re feeling sad, aren’t you? Even after we graduate, we’ll come back to see you,” the class president smiled and stood up, handing a tissue to Old Tan. “But I’ve heard from former students that you’re sentimental about this area, and it turns out it’s true.”


“How can such a thing be faked? How many graduating classes have I been with?” Old Tan took the tissue and gently glared at the class president. “Especially you! You should do better in the next mock exam!”


“Yes,” the class president nodded with a smile, and then led the chant, “Old Tan, Happy New Year! We wish you prosperity every year!”


“Happy New Year!”


“We’ll come back to see you!”


“Old Tan, we’ll miss your nagging even after we graduate!”


“That’s right! We’ll definitely miss you!”


The people below echoed, and a few boys stood up and rushed to the stage, saying, “Alas, if you’re so reluctant to part with us, why don’t you give us a hug?”


“Hey,” Old Tan was taken aback and suddenly hugged, the wrinkles on his face furrowed with a smile. “Alright, alright, you kids…”


As he watched the scene unfolding before him, Bian Shengjian leaned back in his chair and couldn’t help but smile. However, when he scanned the entire class, his mood suddenly became more complicated. These people in the room, whether male or female, would likely never see each other again after graduation. Although meeting was a form of fate, even if everyone lived in the same small city, each person would continue along their own path, never to intersect again, even if they had brushed past each other once. Bian Shengjian wasn’t a particularly sensitive person, but when he thought about these things, he couldn’t help but feel a bit sentimental. Fate, it truly was a strange thing. You never knew when you would encounter someone, or when someone would encounter you.


“School’s out, right?”


With a warm tone, Lu Shen’s voice came through the phone. Bian Shengjian was stunned for a few seconds before answering, “Yeah, we just got out. I’m getting ready to come out.”


“Okay, I’ll wait for you at the entrance.”


“Alright.” Bian Shengjian responded and hung up the phone. He had just walked to the school gate when he saw a figure leaning against a car in the distance. Well, he looks pretty handsome today, with a long black trench coat and a tie, which was quite rare… Oh, he even put on glasses?


Bian Shengjian squinted his eyes and stared at Lu Shen for a moment, then walked over and tugged at his tie. “What, are you meeting the president today?”


“Get in the car,” Lu Shen said as he squeezed Bian Shengjian’s knuckles, then opened the car door. “Today, your Uncle Shen is treating you to dinner, showing you support.”


“Uncle Shen?” Bian Shengjian was a bit taken aback before realizing who he was referring to. He had an unwilling expression on his face. “You go ahead.”


“I want to bring you along,” Lu Shen said, trying to please him, and kissed Bian Shengjian on the corner of his mouth. “Mainly, because he also wants to see you.”


“See me?” Bian Shengjian pursed his lips and looked at him. “What’s there to see?”


“Because I told him that I adopted a son for free,” Lu Shen said with a smile as he fastened his seatbelt.


“…Damn,” Bian Shengjian stared for two seconds before leaning back and sighing. “Fine, you drive.”


Lu Shen smiled again, rubbed his head, and started driving.


The place they had dinner at today was a high-end restaurant, and as soon as Lu Shen and Bian Shengjian walked in, two waitresses in qipaos approached and greeted with a standard smile, “Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?”


“Yes, under the name Shen.”


“Alright, this way, please.” The waitress smiled and led them to a private room.


“Yo, you’re here?” A voice greeted as soon as they entered, “Come, let me take a look…..Hey!”


“Uhm…hello, Uncle Shen,” Bian Shengjian felt like his expression had frozen and instinctively leaned against Lu Shen.


“Don’t be shy, come over here!” Shen Zui greeted them with great enthusiasm. “Don’t call me ‘uncle,’ just call me ‘big brother’!”


“…Hello, Big Brother Shen,” Bian Shengjian could only force himself to say.


“Okay, okay,” Shen Zui stood up and walked over, casually walking up to Bian Shengjian and staring at him closely, while secretly casting a glance at Lu Shen. “Pretty good Old Lu, is this the little child you mentioned?”


“Hmm.” Lu Shen quietly pulled Bian Shengjian towards him and said, “Move away. You’re scaring him.”


Bian Shengjian was choked by this sentence and gave him a silent glance, “…get lost.”


“Ouch, “Shen Zui laughed, trying to reach out and touch Shengjian’s head.” This child has quite a personality…what’s your name?”


“Bian Shengjian.” Bian Shengjian extended his hand to block his hand, and after a while, he choked out a sentence, “….Don’t touch me.”


“Okay, okay. Won’t touch, won’t touch.” Shen Zui took his hand back for a moment, but still smiled.

“Sit down first ah, what do you all want to eat?”


“Haven’t you ordered everything already?” Lu Shen stood up to serve Bian Shengjian a bowl of soup, then looked up and said, “You’re treating us tonight.”


“It’s just the three of us, it won’t cost much,” Shen Zui waved his hand. “But it was hard to get a reservation here. Fortunately, I knew someone and managed to get it for tonight.”


“That’s fine, then,” Lu Shen nodded. “We won’t hold back.”


“We’ve been friends for so many years, why are you still being polite…” Shen Zui was halfway through speaking when he suddenly stopped and looked at Bian Shengjian with surprise. During the pause while waiting for the food to arrive, he saw Bian Shengjian taking out a piece of paper from his pocket and spreading it out on the table to start writing. It was as if he hadn’t heard their conversation at all. “What are you…Xiao Jian, what are you doing?”


“Working on problems,” Bian Shengjian calmly replied, and only looked up reluctantly after a moment. “I’m in my final year of high school.”


“High…..oh right! If you didn’t mention it I would have forgotten!” Shen Zui laughed, but his smile seemed a bit awkward. He lowered his voice and asked Lu Shen, “What, are you his tutor?”


“Yeah,” Lu Shen’s tone remained calm, and he raised an eyebrow as he looked at Shen Zui. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have brought him out to eat. It would have been a waste of time.”


Shen Zui stared for a couple of seconds before responding, “Damn, Old Lu, you really are..”


“Doing great,” Lu Shen replied after taking a sip of tea, his expression showing a subtle sense of satisfaction.


“Okay you,” Shen Zui prodded him playfully, “before, you always kept your relationships secret and even insisted on staying single. It turns out you had a big secret hidden away, huh?”


Bian Shengjian cleared his throat lightly and left a mark on the paper with his pen.


“Sorry, you write what you need to,” Lu Shen replied without turning to look, leaning over to read what Bian Shengjian was writing. He gave a few quiet instructions before turning back. “That’s also to save your face, otherwise I wouldn’t want to show him to anyone.”


“Yes, yes, yes,” Shen Zui also smiled and took a sip of tea before lowering his voice again. “But, didn’t they say, Old Lu, you’re really a bit of an old ox eating tender grass…? How old is the kid?”


“Nineteen, what’s the problem?” Lu Shen raised an eyebrow.


“No problem,” Shen Zui threw a fist at him, “How dare I have any objections. Little friend, we’re really bothering you ah.” 


The ‘little friend’ had been holding back his voice, but when he finished writing in the paper and turned the page, his voice was particularly loud.


But overall, the meal was quite enjoyable. Apart from the drunken mouth that kept popping during the meal, Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but move a few more chopsticks – the dishes at this restaurant were indeed good, and even the side dishes before the meal were delicious.


After dinner, Lu Shen casually chatted with Shen Zui for a few moments before proposing to take Bian Shengjian back. However, before leaving the garage, Shen Zui suddenly pulled Bian Shengjian aside and spoke while Lu Shen’s back was still facing them, “Hey Shengjian, let me ask you a few things.”


“What’s the matter? “Shengjian raised his head slightly and looked at him. Although Shen Zui looked cheap, he was half a head taller than him, and his whole body barely revealed Lu Shen’s mature male personality.


“Just… is Old Lu usually good to you? He doesn’t beat you or scold you, does he? “Shen Zui asked in a low voice.


“…no,” Bian Shengjian said to him after less than three seconds before feeling a bit speechless and unable to continue. “He is very kind to me.”


“That’s good.” Shen Zui laughed, his eyes narrowed into slits like a fox. But he quickly changed the subject, extending a hand to pat Bian Shengjian’s shoulder. “Anyway, Xiao Lian, then you must also be good with him. I have been friends with him for many years, and I may know a little more about how he came along this way than you do.”


Bian Shengjian paused for a moment and didn’t say anything, but his mood became more complicated in an instant after Shen Zui’s words. He hesitated for a moment before speaking, “In the end…”


“Hey, Shen Zui, what are you muttering about there with him?” Lu Shen drove out and shouted through the car window.


“Nothing, nothing,” Shen Zui quickly pulled Bian Shengjian aside and began speaking. “I was just chatting with Xiao Jian. You two go on ahead, it’s getting late.”


“You should hurry back too,” Lu Shen said, glancing at Shen Zui. “Or else sister-in-law will call me again.”


“Hey, you still have her number?” Shen Zui immediately protested. “Quick, go home and delete it!”


Lu Shen couldn’t be bothered to argue and turned to Bian Shengjian, beckoning him to get in the car. “Let’s go.”


“Goodbye, Big Brother Shen,” Bian Shengjian turned to look back before getting in the car.


“Good luck on your college entrance exam!” Shen Zui waved energetically. “I’ll treat you to dinner after you finish the exams!”


“Get lost,” Lu Shen honked the horn twice without hesitation. “We’ll talk about it later.”


“Damn,” Shen Zui laughed and tapped on the car window. “I didn’t know you had such possessive tendencies, Old Lu.”


Bian Shengjian had been contemplating Shen Zui’s earlier words but was interrupted by Shen Zui’s comment and almost choked. “What…”


“We’re leaving,” Lu Shen closed the car window and hit the gas, driving away from the parking lot. After a moment, he turned to Bian Shengjian with a smirk. “It’s nothing, don’t listen to his reckless nonsense.”


“Hey,” Bian Shengjian listened to his difficult and vulgar remark, raised his eyebrows and looked at him. “Did he poke your sensitive spot?”


“What did he just tell you?” Lu Shen responded and continued to ask, “hm?”


“What are you talking about? “Bian Shengjian turned his head, but inexplicably wanted to laugh. So he simply took out the exam paper and started laughing. However, Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but chuckle a few times and said, “Damn…”


“Why are you laughing?” Lu Shen drove the car back to the garage in the community and parked it steadily before unfastening his seat belt and kissing him. He spoke slightly solemnly, “Did you speak ill of me behind my back?”


“No. “Bian Shengjian smiled and pushed him away.


“Then what was it?” Lu Shen put one arm around him and walked into the elevator before entering the door. After setting up his shoes, he simply hugged the person and rolled towards the sofa. “Speak up quickly, or I’ll bite you,”


“Don’t make a fuss, I’ll still be reviewing tonight.” Bian Shengjian scratched his chin, “I said that you’re a troublemaker.”


“Really, “Lu Shen smiled and bit his thumb, “what else?”


“I also said that you’ve been waiting for me for many years,” Bian Sheng said with a simple smile.


Lu Shen was stunned, and for a moment there was no response.


“Lu Shen,” Bian Shengjian put his arm around his neck and gently spoke after a while, saying,” Don’t you think you will regret it?”


“…what?” Lu Shen also stared at him and spoke in a daze.


“I, I may not be very good.” Bian Shengjian frowned as he spoke, “There’s nothing special or deceptive about it. The cooking is not very delicious, and studying…..That’s all I can do. You keep an eye on me all day and help me out, won’t you…”


“No, “Lu Shen said to him, answering very quickly and firmly this time.” I don’t regret it.”


“Why? “Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but laugh.


“Because… ” Lu Shen paused and leaned down to gently kiss his lips, “You will always be my pride.”


Bian Shengjian trembled, but his arm around his neck tightened instantly.


As if afraid that he might not have heard clearly, Lu Shen leaned slightly in his ear and firmly repeated, “I don’t regret it.”


“Because you are my pride.”



  1. Mariakki says:

    It must be so weird to suddenly see your lover being a decade older, but to have your lover turn back into a kid and then have to wait more than a decade for them to become legal again is horrifying D:

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