Copy of Resentment

Extra 1

“Awake?” A hoarse voice chuckled in Lu Shen’s ear, unpleasant to hear.

But after pausing for two seconds, he still opened his eyes. Without having to look down, he knew he was back on that boat, with the Wangchuan River flowing beneath it.

He sat up, staring in astonishment at the vast, dark river before him. The visibility was very low, and in the distance, the water was shrouded in thick fog, with countless dark shadows moving through it.

“I…” Lu Shen coughed, struggling, not knowing where to start. He leaned back against a broken piece of the boat’s plank and began a conversation with the ferryman, “Have you been busy lately?”

“Oh, indeed… many have died recently,” the ferryman replied hoarsely, chuckling a few times. He tapped the boat’s side with his oar and continued, “Just today, more than a dozen burned to death, followed by two hanged…”

Lu Shen remained silent, looking down at the trembling little ghosts huddled in the cabin. They were probably on their first reincarnation journey, and the sight had terrified them. They huddled together in fear as he woke up.

Lu Shen sighed. “You’ve worked hard.”

“I’ve gotten used to it,” the ferryman replied, still smiling. Half of his body was concealed in a black robe, making his face unclear, but his voice was increasingly piercing. “Why do I feel like I’ve seen you before?”

“Spirit envoy, returning after completing a mission,” Lu Shen replied casually.

“I see,” the ferryman nodded, extending a long, twisted finger to scratch his chin. “It’s not easy…”

Lu Shen didn’t say anything more, his eyes fixed on the water’s surface, which was now opening up to a broader view. A little further ahead was the Naihe Bridge.

“We’ve arrived, we’ve arrived…” the ferryman cackled, suddenly plunging his oar downward. The boat slowed down, gliding towards the open water ahead. “Time to be reincarnated, all of you… Don’t end up like this in your next lives…”

Lu Shen was the first to jump off the boat, his eyes fixed on the thin stone slab that made up the bridge’s surface. No matter how many times he came here, he felt that the Naihe Bridge was constructed too casually. If someone heavier stepped on it, it could collapse at any moment.

But this place was different. Each ghost that arrived here was judged based on the weight of their soul during their lifetime. Those who did good deeds were naturally heavier, while those who did wrong were lighter. In fact, even sitting on the boat was a risky proposition for some.

“Come here?” There was a cheerful voice up ahead. “Come, taste my Meng Po soup today and see how my skills have improved.”

“Meng Po,” Lu Shen said, eyeing the suspicious gray-black liquid floating in the milky-white bowl in front of him, “Is it milk tea today?”

“Yes, it’s caramel-flavored,” the voice replied with a smile.

Lu Shen had no doubt about Meng Po sometimes being a man, but he harbored a deep grudge against her for not making proper soup and instead brewing strange concoctions. Like the last time he failed to reincarnate, she had served a bowl of sago pudding that looked like feces…

Reincarnation was tough, and Meng Po’s soup was particularly tough to stomach.

“Your skills have improved,” Lu Shen complimented with a forced smile.

“Really? Then have a few more bowls later,” Meng Po said, delighted.

Lu Shen didn’t say anything more. Just as he was about to pick up the bowl and take a sip, he felt a sudden electric shock as soon as his hand touched the surface of the bowl. He winced in pain and dropped the bowl to the ground with a loud clang.

“Sorry,” Lu Shen said awkwardly.

“No worries,” Meng Po stopped him from reaching for another bowl and suddenly turned serious. She leaned in closer, staring at him for a few seconds, then furrowed her brow. “No, you can’t reincarnate yet.”

“Why?” Lu Shen was bewildered.

“Your fate… it’s very strange,” Meng Po said, frowning. “No, you haven’t died at all! You’re alive!”

“What?” Lu Shen was stunned in place.

“Damn it, how did a living person end up here?” Meng Po’s expression turned completely serious. She grabbed him and pushed him towards the Wangchuan River. “Old man! He’s your problem now!”

The ferryman responded with a hoarse laugh, “It’s quite a sight to see a living one here… Dead can still turn into a living…”

Lu Shen stumbled as he was pushed, but he managed to say, “What’s wrong with my fate?”

“It seems like it has been forcibly rewritten…” Meng Po said, her brows furrowing even more. “This is a disaster. I need to consult the elders and check the Book of Life and Death.”

Lu Shen struggled to swallow a lump in his throat and was about to speak when he was suddenly pushed hard again. “26, go back.”

“…” Lu Shen widened his eyes and, the next moment, plunged into the dark waters of the Wangchuan River. As he lost consciousness, he could hear someone laughing sinisterly above him. “This is going to be a big mess…”

Lu Shen felt his breath hitch, as if invisible hands were pulling him deeper into the water, and eventually, even his soul seemed to merge into nothingness.


Midsummer, cicadas were chirping.

Lu Shen opened his eyes, and what met his gaze was a room he had once been very familiar with. Light-colored curtains framed the window, and beyond the glass stretched branches of an eggplant tree he had planted himself over a decade ago. The flowers were in bloom, and were a pale pink.

Lu Shen stared blankly at the pale pink petals for at least ten minutes before finally accepting the reality that he had somehow been reborn.

Getting out of bed, he looked at his reflection in the mirror, knowing that something had changed within him, even though it wasn’t visible.

In his future life, he was no longer just sixteen.


Lu Shen lowered his head, and it was evident that his fingertips were trembling.

He remembered what Meng Po had said when he was below, “Your fate has been forcibly rewritten.”

So, who had done this?

After much contemplation, Lu Shen finally decided that the key to this matter was himself. Why was he now sixteen, not twenty-six, thirty-six, or forty-six years old?

There must be some critical point that existed within this age range.

Lu Shen suddenly raised his head, and in his haste, he accidentally bumped his ankle against the bedpost. However, he didn’t feel any pain.

The car accident!

He rushed out in response, and the first person he encountered was his mother, whose face startled him. “What’s wrong, son?”

“Mom, how’s grandma?” Lu Shen asked, his voice trembling with effort.

“Didn’t she just have surgery last month?” His mother’s tone turned serious when discussing the matter. “Are you daring to bring this up now? After we repaired the car, you thought your dad didn’t punish you severely enough?”

“Repaired the car?” Lu Shen was puzzled, only now realizing that he had been beaten up earlier. That explained why he had felt a bit off when he woke up.

But since his mother mentioned that his grandma’s surgery was already completed, and he was now alive and well, it meant that the car accident from thirteen years ago… had never happened.

The current future, along with his and dozens of other fates, had all been rewritten simultaneously.

Lu Shen remained silent for a while, finally understanding what Meng Po meant by “a big mess.”

Nevertheless, he now had a chance to have a fresh start. His own life. With a family, friends, and love.

Lu Shen hugged his mother tightly, holding back the tears. “Mom, I miss you so much…”

“What’s gotten into you?” His mother was taken aback, patting him gently on the back and softening her tone. “Aren’t you the rebellious one? Why are you acting so clingy now?”

Lu Shen didn’t say anything. After wiping away a tear that went unnoticed by his mother, he said, “Mom, when Dad comes back, remember to tell him that I love him.”

His mother’s reaction to hearing this was even more surprising. “Oh! What’s happened to you today? Your words are strange. Did you meet a girl again?”

“No.” Lu Shen smiled, wiping away a tear from the corner of his eye. “I’m just… so happy, it makes me want to cry.”

“Is it because you found a girlfriend?” His mother teased. “Don’t let your dad find out, or he’ll break both your legs when he gets back.”

Lu Shen froze for a moment, and the joyful expression on his face instantly stiffened. His hand, which was by his side, also grew cold.

That’s right. That thing. He had tried so hard not to remember it. He was afraid that if he thought about it, he wouldn’t want to go back. He was afraid that if he thought about it, he wouldn’t even want to drink Meng Po’s soup.

But the one who had changed his fate must be him.

Third Brother.

I miss you so much.

Do you miss me?

Will you forget about me?

Lu Shen sniffed, turned around, and hugged his mother tightly again before letting go. “Mom, I’ll be right back.”

“It’s so hot outside. Where are you off to?” His mother called after him.

Lu Shen didn’t look back. After descending the stairs, he ran all the way to the roadside. As he pushed open the door, a wave of heat hit him, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead. However, after taking a few steps forward, he suddenly stopped.

This wasn’t right.

Lu Shen finally remembered something he had forgotten for a long time—he was now sixteen.

The sixteen-year-old Lu Shen could not possibly meet up with the nineteen-year-old Bian Shengjian. There was a thirteen-year gap between the two points where they had met. And since he was now sixteen, that meant Bian Shengjian was… only six years old.

Lu Shen stood still by the roadside, feeling his expression slowly shatter and then piece itself back together. He vigorously rubbed his face with his hands, and his reluctant smile surfaced. “Now, Bian Shengjian probably won’t recognize me. We’ve returned to the starting point of all our encounters, and the wheels of time will start turning again. I’ll find my love in the vast sea of people.”

But no matter what, for both of them, this was already the best outcome.

And he had gained thirteen more years of life. This trade was a definite win for him.

Lu Shen let out a relieved sigh, looked up at the clear blue sky above, and the shop owner from the nearby convenience store waved a fan at him while shouting from a distance, “Hey, haven’t seen you in a long time, boy. Where have you been?”

“Hey!” Lu Shen replied from a distance, returning her wave with a faint smile.

Not bad. This trade, he definitely came out on top.


Lu Shen glanced at the time displayed on his old-fashioned phone and his expression stiffened. Today was May 12th. If he remembered correctly, this date happened to be the anniversary of Bian Shengjian’s mother’s death.

In an instant, memories from the past flooded into his mind, and it all settled on the image of a little boy sitting alone on a hospital bench, lost in thought.

Was it a coincidence? It must be a coincidence.

Lu Shen took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, then waved down a rental car by the roadside.

This time, I’ll come to rescue you, my dear.


Surrounding him was the unmistakable scent of disinfectant, mingled with the overpowering smell of blood that clung to Bian Shengjian’s nostrils.

So dirty.

He tried to curl up as much as possible on the cold bench, feeling his nerves gradually numb.


In the next moment, he suddenly widened his eyes, noticing a shadow cast in front of him—a stranger, a big brother, bending down and smiling at him. “Little one, what are you doing here?”

Bian Shengjian didn’t say anything, silently hugging his knees even tighter, clearly indicating his reluctance to engage in conversation.

Lu Shen’s smile was forced; he couldn’t help but find this chubby-faced child with a hint of baby fat incredibly cute, wanting to scoop him up and spin him around. However, it was this adorable child who had to endure hardships beyond his age. Losing one’s mother was a terrifying experience for anyone, let alone a child as young as him.

“Don’t be afraid,” Lu Shen gently patted his head. “This big brother here will stay with you.”

Bian Shengjian didn’t know who this suddenly appeared big brother was, but at this moment, he was willing to be held by him. The warmth of the embrace was comforting and reassuring, so he simply collapsed into Lu Shen’s arms, crying as if releasing all the fear and anxiety that had accumulated within him. His tears flowed, “I don’t know why Daddy hurt Mommy. I’m so scared. I’m really scared. Waaah…”

“Don’t be afraid, you’re strong,” Lu Shen comforted him while patting his back gently, his heart feeling a pang of sadness. Then, he extended a little finger, “Big brother promises that he’ll protect you forever.”

After a while, Bian Shengjian managed to stop crying, and with his innocent, bewildered eyes, he asked, “Who are you, big brother?”

“When you grow up, you’ll know,” Lu Shen smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid; big brother will always be with you.”

“Okay.” Bian Shengjian tilted his head and timidly reached out, hooking his little finger around Lu Shen’s fingertip. “Then… let’s pinky swear.”

“Pinky swear,” Lu Shen echoed, hooking his finger in return. “We won’t break it even for a hundred years!”


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