Copy of Resentment


It could be a dream.

It may be an illusion.

Perhaps he has a mental problem.

It may also be that his eyesight is blurred.


These ideas flashed through Bian Shengjian’s mind but were rejected by himself:

No, this is not an illusion.


This is the living Lu Shen.


Bian Shengjian stood firmly in place, watching the person who hung up the phone with an irritable expression and noticed his gaze, even though his face was the same, but from his demeanor and expression, it was completely different from the Lu Shen he used to know. “Hey, what are you looking at?”


Bian Shengjian: “………”


Although he had not yet recovered from the huge shock, action was always one step ahead of thought. Bian Shengjian stared at him without blinking, and slowly took a few steps forward.


Not a dream.

This is not a dream.


Then… who are you?


Lu Shen squinted his eyes to see this stranger who was slowly walking towards him. Although he looked handsome against the light, the way he stared at him somehow made him feel a little at risk. “Who are you? Are you sick?”


Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, and walked straight to Lu Shen, and he didn’t stand still until he was only two steps away from him.


“Speak, are you deaf?” Lu Shen frowned.


Bian Shengjian was completely unmoved by the provocative words. Instead, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in front of him, and then slowly let it out—


“…Crazy.” Lu Shen glanced at this person for a few more times before turning around decisively, but in the next second, he felt his arm being pulled back by someone with a huge force and before he could even open his mouth to curse, he suddenly fell into an embrace.


“Stupid, do you know how long I’ve been looking for you?”


“What…” Lu Shen froze for two seconds, then began to struggle frantically. By the way, he also began to yell unceremoniously at this psychopath. “Who the hell are you? Let me go! Are you sick?”


Bian Shengjian hugged him tightly, feeling that his whole mind was completely messed up.


This is the living Lu Shen.

Can run, can move, can breath, can talk, and also curse people.

Cursing quite harshly.


“Fuck.” After struggling a few times to no avail, Lu Shen simply raised his arm and punched the man’s back forcefully, and at the same time roared, “Let go of me! Do you hear me?”


Bian Shengjian let him go.


But before Lu Shen raised his head and stared at him, Bian Shengjian quickly stretched out one hand and grabbed his chin forcefully, and pushed him back against the lamppost with the other hand. The moment Lu Shen opened his eyes wide, he was kissed fiercely—


“Hmph…” Lu Shen looked at him in disbelief at a close distance, he felt the other’s arm held him and his whole body went stiff, and for a moment he even forgot to resist, and could only pant with a slight urgency.


“You fucking…” Lu Shen took a breath, and finally raised his hand and pushed him away fiercely, wiped his mouth, and then punched him, “Where did this lunatic come from!”


The shame and anger of the inexplicable forced kiss on the street made his heart burn, but when the punch was about to hit the face of the person in front of him, Lu Shen met his eyes–the kind of eyes he had never seen before. The sad look he had never seen before made his heart tremble violently for no reason, and his fist directly brushed against his temples–


Bian Shengjian raised his hand and squeezed his wrist, his tone imperceptibly trembling. “…you don’t know me anymore?”


Lu Shen’s eyes were a bit red with anger and should still hold a grudge against that kiss he just had. “Which ghost knows you? Fuck off!”


Bian Shengjian didn’t let go, but simply stubbornly confronted him. “You really don’t know me anymore?”


“I told you I don’t know you!” Lu Shen roared.


Bian Shengjian twisted his eyebrows, as if thinking, “You…you lost your memory?”


“Fuck you, why did you kiss me just now?” Lu Shen’s tone was upright, and he began to speak a little unscrupulously. “Sperm upper brain, you’re a pervert! I’m a straight man!”


(t/n: Sperm upper brain-to lose the ability to think rationally when driven by sexual impulse)


“I’m your boyfriend.” Bian Shengjian looked at him and said, “Don’t you remember?”


“Man…” Lu Shen was stunned for a moment, and almost bit his tongue, he then shook Bian Shengjian’s hand away with a sullen look on his face. “Nonsense! I don’t even know you!”


“Your name is Lu Shen, right?” Bian Shengjian was still staring at him closely, trying his best to completely suppress his turbulent emotions, and his tone was even a bit threatening. “Speak.”


“…How do you know?” Lu Shen also frowned, but subconsciously raised his arm to block the gap between the two. “Are you a pervert that was listening to my conversation?”


“How old are you?” Bian Shengjian continued to ask.


“16, why?” Lu Shen looked at him warily.


A confused look finally appeared on Bian Shengjian’s face, mixed with an unbelievable shock. “…you’re not lying to me?”


These inexplicable questions and answers made Lu Shen feel a bit confused, but his rationality told him that this person in front of him must not be up to good stuff, so he reluctantly responded and took a few steps back calmly. “16 years old, why, have I offended you?”


Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, and took a deep breath before forcing himself to calm down.


If Lu Shen in front of him was not lying to him, then everything can be strung together.


Bian Shengjian looked around, and for a moment didn’t know whether he should be in ecstasy or tears.


Here is… the past.

This is Lu Shen’s past.


Bian Shengjian remembered that Lu Shen had told him a long time ago that resentment could be attached to a certain person, but compared to these, Bian Shengjian felt unbelievable: how could he enter the time of Lu Shen’s resentment?


If he had told himself early in the morning that he also had resentment, then while he was still alive, the two of them together could……




Bian Shengjian raised his head abruptly.


He overlooked one of the most important points: in order to enter the time of resentment, the object must be dead.


However, although Lu Shen died more than ten years ago, he still “lives” as a spirit. In fact, it is not a real death in the strict sense, so that’s why he didn’t mention the reason for resolving his resentment before, because he hasn’t “died”.


But ‌it’s not the same.


After Lu Shen’s task was completed, he was truly dead.

Therefore, his residual resentment was stored to an accessible status.

On that tombstone.


Bian Shengjian stared blankly at his palm, his throat was filled with bitterness, and there was still a faint hope that there’d be a breakthrough soon.


He didn’t believe in miracles before, but judging from the fact that he was able to enter the time of resentment alone, he believed in it.


…Lu Shen, is this the miracle you gave me?


Bian Shengjian rubbed his face vigorously with his hands, forcing himself to get rid of all unnecessary emotions and think about the last remaining question:

Then, my dear, what exactly is your resentment?


The answer lies in the person in front of him.


He just said that he is 16 years old.


16 years old, 16 years old, 16…


Bian Shengjian held his breath fiercely. At that moment, he felt as if his whole body had been thrown into an ice bucket, and there was a slight chill from head to foot.


When the car accident happened ten years ago, Lu Shen was just 16 years old.


“It’s all my fault.”


Lu Shen’s painful face flashed before his eyes.


The answer was already obvious.


Bian Shengjian’s chest heaved violently, and his face became pale. He couldn’t help bending over and coughing a few times, then slowly squatted down on the ground, hugging himself with both hands.


“Hey… What’s wrong with you?” Lu Shen was taken aback by this reaction, and reluctantly took a step forward, “Hey, speak ah?”


Bian Shengjian didn’t respond, but was still in pain and soberly thought:


Lu Shen’s resentment must have come from that car accident.

In other words, he is about to witness his death again.

Since the moment he entered the time of Lu Shen’s resentment, it was also doomed to be a dead end.


Because death is an important node that can’t be crossed, and he won’t also be able to resolve the resentment, and get lost in the past time.


Beads of sweat dripped from the corner of Bian Shengjian’s forehead, and he tightly covered his abdomen with his hands.


At this moment, the strong cramping pain in his stomach made him unable to speak a word, but his mind was terribly clear.


But he won’t be able to do anything.


“What’s the matter with you?” Lu Shen frowned and looked at the pale face of the lunatic in front of him. Just as he was about to speak, he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate, and when he took it out, he found that it was his father. After taking a few more glances at the squatting person, he hesitatingly picked up the phone and said, “…Dad?”


“Unfilial son!” An angry roar came from the other side of the phone, “You get back here immediately!”


“What’s wrong?” The person on the phone with Lu Shen yelled for a moment.


“Your grandma, you were so angry that she had a heart attack!” His dad’s furious voice came from the microphone, as if every word hit his heart hard. “Quarreling with your grandmother! Now, are you satisfied!”


“What…” Lu Shen’s face turned pale in an instant, and his tone changed. “I’ll be right back! How is she doing?”


His dad on the phone was still yelling, but Lu Shen couldn’t care less about it anymore. He put down the phone with shaking hands and ran straight home. What kept flashing back and forth in his mind were scenes of his argument with the old lady. Although he really misses the old woman very much whenever he thought of these things, no matter the case, the old woman was also a person with the same blood flowing in his body. If something really happened, he would also feel guilty for a lifetime.


Lu Shen felt that someone had grabbed the corner of his clothes from behind, and he yelled without responding, “Let go, lunatic! What do you want to do again?”


“Don’t…” Bian Shengjian struggled to stand up, still holding the corner of his clothes with one hand. “Don’t go…”


“Scram!” Lu Shen shook his arm violently. He never thought that the man would jump up and put his arms around his waist. “I said, don’t go!”


“Didn’t I just gave you face?” Lu Shen hit his stomach hard with an elbow, Bian Shengjian swayed, and his face became even uglier, but he still gritted his teeth and did not let go. “Lu Shen, you are not allowed to go! Do you hear me!”


“Let go!” Lu Shen roared.


“You will die.” Bian Shengjian did not relax, but his tone became extremely light. “Lu Shen, you will die.”


“What?” Lu Shen was originally furious, but was taken aback by his cold words.


“It was hard for me to find you.” Bian Shengjian’s voice choked up. “Why don’t you even know me at this time?”


But no matter how the desperate mood spread, Lu Shen’s body temperature through the clothes at this moment was so clear. 




Bian Shengjian took a deep breath, and forcibly suppressed the turbulent water in his eyes.


If this is destined to be an unsolvable stalemate, then he has to find a way to break it no matter what…


To stop this car accident.



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