Copy of Resentment

Four Corners Game (Part 2)

“Supernatural live broadcast? Where is it!”

Bian Shengjian stood up abruptly, his hands trembling a little.

“Someone posted a link on the post bar, Brother Jian, go and see it!” Zhou Li on the other end of the phone said anxiously, “It seems to be really our school…..damn this group of people are crazy about money!”

“What?” Lu Shen pushed the door open after hearing the noise, and looked at him with a frown, “What happened?”

“Zhou Li said that someone will do a supernatural live broadcast in our school tonight…” Bian Shengjian lowered his head and poked the post, and followed the link to find the original website of the live broadcast, clicked and found a footage of four people–

“This is…” Lu Shen frowned tightly after taking a look at the screen.

“The haunted building!” A few seconds later, the two yelled in unison, and Bian Shengjian jumped up and stuffed his phone into his trouser pocket. “A bunch of lunatics!”

“Tonight is the third day.” Lu Shen bit his lower lip hard, opened the door and was about to run out, but Bian Shengjian grabbed his arm, “Where are you going?”

Lu Shen turned his head to look at him, but didn’t speak.

Bian Shengjian and him looked at each other for a few seconds, then took a deep breath, “I’ll go with you.”

“Okay.” Lu Shen nodded, and expressed his thoughts without any concealment, “…If we don’t stop them, those few people may die.”


Standing in the darkness, Shu Xue felt that even her teeth were starting to tremble.

She wanted to yell, but when she yelled, even her feet seemed to be frozen to the ground, and she couldn’t move even a little bit no matter how hard she struggled.

“Sister, what game are you playing?” The voice next to her ear continued, with a hint of adolescent innocence in it. “I want to play, too. Can I play with you all too?”

“You…who are you…” Shu Xue finally trembled in her mouth.

“… Xiao Xue, who are you talking to?” Jin Tao’s voice sounded from a distance, and it sounded like it was full of fear.

“What’s the matter?” Chao Ma also talked a little bit, “Shu Xue, what’s the matter with you?”

“Ghost…” Shu Xue’s voice was weak, and she felt that the hand on her neck was tightening, but at this moment she was like a swan whose neck was about to be broken. Struggling desperately, she made a dying cry, “Ghost…..ghost!”

“What? What ghost!” Following Shu Xue’s terrified scream, Jin Tao also roared, followed by a flurry of footsteps. “Light…..where is the light? Light, light!”

“What are you panicking about!” Chao Ma roared. Although he could see the situation a little more clearly now, a burst of ecstasy surged in his heart. “Bu*****t! What ghost!”

Jin Tao was the first to run to the door. When he found that the light did not turn on as expected, he immediately stretched out his hand to the doorknob, but a few seconds later he uttered a desperate cry and shook the doorknob desperately. “The door is locked! Who locked it? The door, the door!”

“The door is locked?” Chao Ma’s smile froze, he turned his head and almost bumped into someone. “…Julian? Go and see what’s going on.”

“Okay.” Julian replied calmly.

Jin Tao ran back in panic, shouting Shu Xue’s name while running, “Xiao Xue? Where are you, Xiao Xue? How are you?”

Strangely, even though he shouted a few times, Jin Tao didn’t hear Shu Xue’s response, as if the whole person disappeared.

“Ma Chao, you sick! All of this for your nonsense broadcast! Find her quickly!” Jin Tao roared, shaking his hands before he remembered that he was carrying a mobile phone in his pocket, so he quickly took it out, tapped the built-in flashlight and looked for the person from all directions in the room–the sound of Shu Xue screaming just now probably came from a corner, and this time she should also…  

“Ah!” Jin Tao stepped back abruptly and let out a terrified roar. The phone fell to the ground, resulting in spider web-like cracks on the screen. “Xiao…Xiao Xue!”

“What?” Julian and Chao Ma also took out their mobile phones from their pockets and lit them up. They looked at Jin Tao’s perspective together, and couldn’t help but gasp when they saw the lump that collapsed in the corner.

It’s Shu Xue.

But when the light of the flashlight shone on her face, it was hard to believe the appearance of this young girl who was still alive a few minutes ago: Shu Xue was lying on the ground at this moment, with a pool of blood accumulating under her body, and most of the blood came from her head–because her face was smashed by someone.

It was deduced what the murder weapon looked like, but judging from the bloody mess on Shu Xue’s face at the moment, the murderer was probably heavy-handed, and the method was extremely cruel.

But the four of them have been in this enclosed space, how could Shu Xue suddenly die on the spot?

Chao Ma’s back felt cold.

“Ghost…ghost!” Jin Tao let out a scream similar to a woman, and while screaming, he crazily hit the door and slammed his fist on it. “Let me out! Please let me out!”

“What to do?” Julian was also shocked by the scene in front of him, and turned to look at Chao Ma, “…Brother Chao?”

Chao Ma froze on the spot for a few seconds without speaking, until Julian called him. Finally, he raised his head abruptly, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. He swooped to the side where the mobile phone stand was originally placed, looked at the barrage that went crazy, picked up the phone and pointed the camera at Shu Xue’s body, and let out a maniacal laugh. “Friends, have you seen it? This was done by a ghost! There are really ghosts in this world! Hahahahahaha…”

“Chao Ma, are you crazy?” Julian yelled and rushed to grab his cell phone. “Call the police! Why are you still filming this time?”

“Leave me alone!” Chao Ma’s mind seemed to be in a state of confusion, and he even wanted to step forward to zoom in on the camera–

“What are you doing!” Julian turned sideways to block his camera, his eyes turned red with anger, “…Are you still fucking human!”

“Scram!” Chao Ma stretched out his hand to push him irritably, but suddenly heard a burst of laughter that seemed to come from a distance, “…Who is laughing? Julian, did you hear that?”

“What?” Julian was also taken aback.

“Someone is laughing, didn’t you hear that?” Chao Ma put down his phone, with a look of confusion on his face, “Who is laughing…who is laughing…”

“Let’s leave here first!” Julian scolded him, then turned his head to find that Jin Tao, who was banging on the door just now, had calmed down, yet that the doors and windows were still closed–

“Support me!” Julian turned his head and felt his fingertips trembling. “Smash the window, quick!”

It was only after he yelled twice that he realized that he hadn’t gotten a response in time, and his tone became anxious, “Chao Ma, what are you doing? You…”

Julian paused for a moment and did not continue, but stared blankly at the hand protruding from Chao Ma’s neck in a daze.

“Big brother, you are also leaving?”

Behind Chao Ma appeared the figure of a girl, with short ear-length hair, wearing a school uniform, and a cute smile on her face, but it was a pity that Julian felt chills all over when he saw the smile on her face.”……..Who are you?”

“Me? My name is Jia Qi.” The girl was still smiling, and the slender and white hand on Chao Ma’s neck slowly tightened, but Chao Ma only stood still and did not move, his face even had an expression similar to obsession–

“What are you doing? Let him go!” Julian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, gritted his teeth and said to the girl, “Are you a human or a ghost?”

“Guess?” the girl said with a smile on her face, but in the next second she snapped Chao Ma’s neck in front of Julian, and threw him to the ground like a rag. “Okay, okay, you are the only one left. Do you want to play games with me?”

“Ahhh!” Julian watched helplessly as Chao Ma, whose neck became crooked and fell to the ground, lost his breath. Finally, the burst of fear that had been restrained all the time came out, “Scram…get lost!”

“Come…follow me.” The girl approached him step by step, stretching out her blood-stained hand, but the smile on her face was still as gentle as a spring breeze. “Living is too painful…Come with me, okay?”

“Get lost!” Julien flung his arms and retreated, but he staggered and fell to the ground, and instead crawled back on hands and feet. “You don’t come over, don’t come over! Ahhhh!”

“Why, come with me!” The girl named Jia Qi had already pinched his neck fiercely, and even her pores were distorted because of her anger, “This world is already rotten. Why! Why do you still want to stay here!”


The door was kicked fiercely from the outside, and it hit the wall with a loud noise. “Stop!”

Deng Jia Qi slowly lowered her hands, glanced at Julian who had been strangled unconscious on the ground, raised her head and smiled sweetly at the two people standing at the door, her tone was a bit coquettish, “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time…how come you’re only here now?”

“…Stop it.” As soon as Lu Shen opened the door, he smelled the strong smell of blood. After a pause, he said in a deep voice, “You are harming people again.”

“Harming people?” Deng Jia Qi froze for a moment, gracefully brushing the slightly long hair around her ear with her blood-dripping fingers, “Who did I harm?”

“Aren’t you responsible for what happened to those three people before?” Lu Shen was still staring at her closely, and the spell in his palm was almost drenched in cold sweat.

“That’s right, it was me.” Deng Jia Qi laughed, “Why, do you want to catch me now?”

Bian Shengjian didn’t see clearly what kind of tragedy the room was like, but he was nauseated by the bloody smell, and subconsciously shouted, “Why are you killing people!”

Deng Jia Qi was slightly taken aback when she heard the sound, then turned her head to look over, and said softly, “…Who are you?”

“Still caring who I am!” Bian Shengjian’s eyes were a little red, “I’m asking you, why are you killing people!”

“Hahahaha!” The girl didn’t respond to his question, but turned her head and let out a crisp smile, “Because they deserve to die.”

“Jia Qi, your resentment is too heavy.” Lu Shen took a step forward and showed the spell in his palm in front of her, “Let us help you.”

“Help me? How can you help me?” Deng Jia Qi was still smiling, but her smile was cold, “Do you want me to be as obedient as that little fool? Dream on!”

“He has already left.” Lu Shen said and took another step forward, “Before he left, he also told us to be gentle when meeting you.”

“Tch.” Deng Jia Qi twitched her lips disdainfully, “That idiot.”

Lu Shen had already walked two or three steps away from her, and suddenly knelt down on one knee, “I’m sorry.”

Deng Jia Qi watched him say something, but the expression on her face showed a moment of confusion.

“I was the instigator of that car accident,” Lu Shen said, “I’m sorry for making you lose the chance to live.”

“If you want to hate someone, then hate me, and if you want to vent your anger at others again…” Lu Shen breathed, and looked at her with deep and sad eyes, “… just treat it as me begging you, okay?”

“Shut up!” Deng Jia Qi screamed suddenly, and when she opened her mouth, she revealed a mouthful of gleaming fangs, and bit hard on Lu Shen’s arm, instantly puncturing a whole row of blood holes, “Shut up, shut up! You don’t know anything!”

“Lu Shen!” Bian Shengjian roared and was about to step forward, but Lu Shen raised his hand to stop him. “…Come.”

Lu Shen breathed, and held her in his arms in this position, and gently patted her back with the other arm. “Tell me…..what is your resentment?”

“I hate you…I hate all of you!” Deng Jia Qi was still screaming, and with her frantic struggle, her appearance gradually changed, her whole body seemed to shrink, revealing her original decaying body. Even the exposed skin was pale and swollen, as if it had been soaked in water for a long time. “I want to kill everyone in this world!”

“Why?” Lu Shen asked while holding back the pain.

“Because…” Deng Jia Qi was hugged tightly by him, and finally gradually relaxed after struggling to no avail, and let out a faint sigh from the corner of her lips, “Because this world is really rotten.”

“Jia Qi,” Lu Shen said softly, brushing her soft short hair gently with one hand, “No matter what happens, be desperate, because the more desperate you are, the more gaps will appear, allowing the light of the sun to come in from there.”

“You don’t know everything!” Deng Jia Qi’s sharp nails had already scratched Lu Shen’s arm creating bloodstains, and the blood dripped on the ground along her fingers, but Lu Shen still comforted her softly, as if not feeling the pain in his arm.

“Enough.” Bian Shengjian walked up, unable to bear it, squatted down and hugged Lu Shen and the girl in his arms, his body trembling slightly. “If your resentment is too heavy, just bite me, don’t bite him.”

Deng Jia Qi didn’t speak. Miraculously, she gradually calmed down from the double embrace, and uttered a vague babble, “You guys don’t  know everything…”

Lu Shen raised one hand slightly, and smoothly overlapped Bian Shengjian’s hand on the top of the girl’s fluffy hair, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, “Don’t be scared.”

Bian Shengjian watched helplessly as a ball of white light slowly lit up from the place where their palms overlapped, and quickly spread along the palms, and finally enveloped the three of them.

Consciousness began to become blurred, then he seemed to hear a girl’s sigh.

She said: Thank you.


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