Copy of Resentment

Four Corners Game (Part 1)

The moonlight was a bit dim tonight, even the street lights at the entrance were dim, and the elongated silhouette against the uneven road surface was somewhat blurred.

There was no one at the gate of Fourth Middle School, and no security guards were willing to stay on duty since the accident, therefore it was not an exaggeration to say that this area was a ghost town after seven o’clock in the evening.

But tonight, the ghost town seemed to be filled with people.

From far to near, a group of four people were approaching the entrance of the Fourth Middle School sneakily. The leader paused for a moment when facing the infrared camera at the door, and then quickly led the remaining three to switch routes. They circled around the periphery of the Fourth Middle School for half a circle and breathed a sigh of relief after finding a low wall that was easy to climb. “Go, climb in from here.”

“Chao….Brother Chao.” A girl’s voice sounded in the darkness, sounding timid, “Are you sure you really want to be here…..I read the news reports that people were really killed in this school? It’s scary at night……”

“Scary? Nonsense.” The leader said disdainfully, “It’s not like you don’t know how difficult it is to do live streaming these days. If you don’t make it exciting, which audience will be willing to acknowledge you?”

“That’s right,” one of the four echoed, “It’s okay Xiao Xue, if you’re scared, there’s still this big brother to protect you.”

“Then……” Shu Xue swallowed, “Then let’s make an agreement first, the money earned from the live broadcast tonight will be shared equally.”

“Okay~” the leader responded, leaning his hand on the wall and climbing into the school first. “Hurry up, who knows if there is anyone patrolling around here.”

When the group of four finally climbed into the Fourth Middle School one by one, the leader finally breathed a sigh of relief, and took off the black sweater hat that had been covering his face, revealing a slightly greasy countenance–this person looked quite plain and unremarkable, but anyone who often watched live broadcasts on X software should know that this person was a relatively well-known supernatural blogger on the xx platform and the society operating independently from the mainstream gave him the nickname Ghost Brother. He had also successfully attracted a group of fans by filming various supernatural game practices and exploring dangerous haunted locations in various parts of the capital, and promised fans that they would go to various haunted places from time to time for supernatural live broadcasts, hoping that one day they could really shoot some “unclean things”.

Let alone throwing away the pursuit of wealth, the person who dared to shoot this kind of thing had to be courageous, and must be a loyal atheist, or else he would have to pee his pants in fright before the ghost could even come out during the live broadcast—And this Ghost Brother just fits all the above assumptions, claiming that he was so courageous that he could scare ghosts to death, therefore he didn’t believe in the old saying “it is better to believe that something really happened, or that something really exists, than to believe that it does not exist”.

And for tonight’s supernatural live broadcast, he specially called his other three courageous friends to cooperate to complete the game.

The Four Corners Game.

The rules of this supernatural game were very simple, roughly finding an empty and pitch black room, one person standing in each corners of the room, then the first person would walk to the person standing in the next corner, pats the shoulder and stays in that corner, the person waiting to be patted would walk to the other next corner in the same way and then patted the shoulder of the third person, and so on in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

One thing that was not worth noting was that if a game participant walked to a corner where there was no one, he would first cough and then stay there for five seconds, then jump over to the other corner and continue to pat a person on the shoulder.

But according to some past players, when the Four Corners Game had been played for a certain period of time, there was no longer anyone coughing in the space, that was to say, there were people standing in every corner, but there was one person who was always walking, because the sound of footsteps could be heard.

So, who was the extra person?

“Good evening, friends!” Chao Ma smiled heartily at the camera, “It’s a long wait!”

A group of messages quickly flashed across the barrage, including “Ghost Brother 666” and “What are you going to amuse us tonight”.

“Tonight our spirit exploration location is at Fengmen Fourth Middle School,” Chao Ma said as he took a picture of the surrounding area with his mobile phone, and then flashed the faces of the other three people. “These are my three partners tonight—hey, say hello?”

“Hi everyone, I’m Xiao Xue.” Shu Xue smiled shyly at the camera.

“I’m Old Jin, you can call me Ah Jin.” Jin Tao waved his hand at the camera.

The last person left was aloof and just nodded at the phone, “Julian.”

“Okay,” Chao Ma put the phone back, and the camera turned to himself again, “You guys should have heard of the ghost school suicide incident before, right? Tonight we will find an empty room here to complete our Four Corners Game.’

-[Four Corners Game? Ghost brother is brave enough!]

-[Isn’t it, Fengmen Fourth Middle School? It’s really that ghost school!]

-[I heard that someone died before, is it true?]

-[Ghost Brother, did you sneak in? Don’t be caught by the security guards.]

-[Fuck, fuck, grabbing a front row first!]

A few lines of barrage flashed across the screen in an instant. After a cursory glance at the content and the number of viewers in the upper left corner, Chao Ma frowned indistinctly, but quickly switched to a skilled smile. “Friends, don’t worry! The game we are playing tonight will be live-streamed! But now we still have to find an empty room and set up our phones before we can officially start!”

“Where can we find an empty room in this pitch-black place?” Shu Xue whispered.

“Isn’t it best to find an empty classroom?” Jin Tao said.

“It seems to be a teaching building over there.” Julian pointed to an old-fashioned building that was hidden in the darkness in front of him. “No one should notice us there.”

“I say, this is a ghost school, where will anyone be on this big night.” After pausing the live broadcast, Chao Ma spat on the ground and pulled up the collar of his coat. “Damn…..this broken place is really full of chilly winds, really bad luck.”

“Hurry up and let’s go back after it’s over, I’m afraid.” Shu Xue shrank towards Jin Tao and said in a low voice, “Brother Ah Jin…If we really encounter a ghost, you have to protect me.”

Jin Tao smiled heartily, and wrapped his arms around Shu Xue’s slender waist. “Of course, if we encounter danger, I’ll be the first to protect Xiao Xue…..come and let this brother give a kiss?”

“Disgusting!” Shu Xue’s cheeks flushed, and she lightly punched Jin Tao in the chest. “I know you’re simply playing hooligans.”

“That’s enough, you two.” Chao Ma coughed, and glanced at the couple with some distaste. “I asked you to help cooperate, show off your love when you go home, turn off the lights, get under the covers, show off yourselves there!”

Shu Xue was so frightened by the sudden voice that she didn’t dare to speak, and secretly glanced at Julian who also had a bad expression. “I’m sorry, Chao………Tell me, how else can we cooperate?”

“Find an empty classroom first.” As Julian said this, he took the lead and took a shortcut to the old-fashioned teaching building that he saw at the beginning. “Hurry up, the audience will get impatient.”

“Okay~” Shu Xue smiled sweetly.

The luck of the four of them tonight was very good. Basically, they found a lot of empty rooms as soon as they entered this old-fashioned teaching building–it’s just that it looked like an abandoned teaching building. There was a strong smell of dust, as if no one had been here for a long time.

“Here.” Ma Chao shined with a flashlight through a layer of dusty glass. “The inside just happened to be empty……it should be an activity room?”

“En.” Julian responded, and went up first to grab the rusty doorknob and twist it, the door creaked and he pushed it open forcefully. “It’s not locked.”

“Go in.” As Chao Ma said this, he began to look down at the holder used to fix the mobile phone in his bag, and then restarted the live broadcast when everything was almost ready. “Hello! Sorry for the long wait, our game will be starting immediately.” 

-[Have you started yet?!]

-[Damn, I heard that the two students who died in Fourth Middle School died unjustly. They won’t come over soon, will they?]

-[Ghost Brother 666, first shoot a rocket to protect you from being caught by a ghost tonight.]

-[I have watched Ghost Brother so many times and have never seen a real ghost. Looking forward to tonight!]

-[Come on, if a ghost really comes tonight, I’ll wash my hair upside down.]

-[Person upstairs, make a bet?]

-[Just bet, come on?]

Chao Ma looked at the barrage that was gradually becoming lively with satisfaction, took a deep breath, and found a place to fix the phone on the ground. The camera just happened to be able to capture the situation in the entire activity room.

“Come on.” After installing the equipment, Chao Ma stood up and walked towards the other three people. “You should know the rules, right?”

“I know, Brother Chao, you’ve said it many times~” Shu Xue rushed to say.

“Well, but remember to say your name every time after you pat the shoulder.” Chao Ma reminded.

“Brother Chao, don’t worry, we all know.” Jin Tao occupied a corner of the activity room before he spoke. Because of the dim environment, he blinked hard several times before he could barely see the surrounding environment. “Now we start?” 

“Start,” Chao Ma also walked to a corner, “Remember not to look behind you when you walk.”

“Okay.” Julian responded and took the lead, walked behind Shu Xue slowly and stretched out his hand to pat her on the shoulder: “…Julian.”

Perhaps it was because the surrounding environment was too weird or she was too nervous, Shu Xue was so frightened by the light tap that she almost didn’t call out on the spot, but when she thought that everything they were doing was on live broadcast now, she gritted her teeth and pretended to be calm. She walked to the next corner, then reached out and patted Jin Tao’s shoulder lightly, “Xiao Xue.”

After Jin Tao got the order, he immediately raised his foot and walked forward, and almost tripped over a small fragment on the sole of his foot halfway. After breaking out in a cold sweat, he patted Chao Ma’s shoulder with shaking hands. “Jin…..Jin Tao.”

While the four of them were playing the game, the popularity of this supernatural live broadcast gradually increased, probably due to the influence of previous news reports. Many people had already heard about the Fengmen Ghost School, but now there were actually people who dare to play a supernatural game here at night, which naturally attracted more thrill-loving and curious people to watch, making the barrage gradually become more lively.

-[Fuck, it looks so exciting!]

-[Where is this place? An abandoned classroom?]

-[Is there really a ghost in Fourth Middle School? Is there any divine person coming out to answer the question?]

-[Hahahaha It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Ghost Brother do a live broadcast, sure enough, it’s really a big one as soon as he plays, awesome!]

-[Don’t make noise on the barrage, I am paying attention to see if there are any ghosts inside.]

-[There must be, right behind you! Hahahaha]

No matter how heated the barrage discussion was, the players in the game definitely were not able to see anything at this moment, but even though they couldn’t see it, their ears and eyes could still catch the small rustling sounds from the surrounding environment. These noises were amplified unprecedentedly under the already tense mood, so that after walking back and forth a few times, Shu Xue’s legs began to feel a little weak–

After patting Jin Tao’s shoulder again, she barely heaved a sigh of relief: Fortunately, nothing happened until now.

“Who?” Jin Tao suddenly asked nervously.

“Me, it’s me.” Shu Xue was stunned for a moment before realizing that she hadn’t said her name yet. After hearing Shu Xue’s voice, Jin Tao breathed a sigh of relief and continued walking towards the next corner.

“…..What?” Shu Xue pouted in the darkness, and muttered to herself, “The stinky man even said he wanted to protect me, but he was already half scared to death……As expected, no man or anything can be relied on!”

“Chao Ma.” Chao Ma patted Julian’s shoulder, and after he walked forward, he stood still and squeezed his arm.

The game has been going on for at least ten minutes, and so far, everything has been uneventful.

“Alas.” He sighed softly.

In fact, sometimes he really wanted to make some noise, so that his popularity on the Internet would skyrocket in the future…It’s a pity, how could there be ghosts in this world? If it weren’t for earning some money to support his family, he wouldn’t be willing to do such boring supernatural live broadcasts everywhere….

It got windy? 

Chao Ma was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his eyes vigorously to see that the windows in the activity room were closed tightly at the moment, and the door had already been closed when they came in, logically speaking, there would be no wind.

But the coolness on the arm just now was not an illusion.

“What’s going on?” Ma Chao frowned. He who was always bold was rarely a little nervous, but when he remembered that the taboo of this game was that people must not look back before stopping, he stood still for a while and still held back.

Shu Xue was a little tired when the game lasted for half an hour, and even her legs were a little sore. It happened that there was no one in the next corner she walked to, so she took advantage of the five seconds between coughing and squatted down to rub her legs—at the same time, she heard footsteps again.

“…how did Julian walk so fast?” She was stunned for a moment and quickly stood up, walked to the next corner that belonged to Jin Tao, patted him on the shoulder and quietly stood there waiting.


A series of fine footsteps sounded behind her, which seemed particularly ethereal in the dark space.

Shu Xue waited, but was inexplicably uneasy.

She didn’t know if it’s her illusion, but the sound of footsteps coming from behind at this moment was actually slightly different from the sound made by Julian wearing sneakers…..For example, when landing, the force seemed to be lighter than before, and when walking forward, there was no deliberate use of the sole of the shoe to rub against the ground.

Shu Xue swallowed with some difficulty, trying desperately to comfort herself with the excuse that she was just too nervous–until a hand patted her shoulder lightly.

She was shocked, and waited for two seconds but did not hear anyone speak.

“Brother Ju…Julian?” Shu Xue was so frightened that she was about to cry, and asked cautiously in a trembling voice, “You……….Why are you not talking?” 

“Hee hee hee” 

Someone was laughing.

Shu Xue stood there as if struck by lightning, feeling that the hand on her shoulder was not light, but pressed harder on her shoulder, almost pushing her to the ground.

Then before Shu Xue could react, the owner of that hand slowly moved its palm towards Shu Xue’s neck, and the cold touch made her tremble all over.

She heard a voice ringing in her ear, as if speaking slowly with a lengthened tone. “Sister……My name is Jia Qi.”


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