Copy of Resentment


It was a scorching hot summer.

No matter how thin the school uniform was, it couldn’t block the continuous heat from outside the window, accompanied by the creaking sound of the fan and the chirping of cicadas on the trees. The classroom was very quiet, the breeze blowing through the curtains and even the sound of chalk end skidding on the blackboard could be heard clearly.

Bian Shengjian turned his head and saw that Lu Shen was smiling at him, undid a button of his collar with a flick of his hand smoothly.

“It’s so hot.” Lu Shen said.

“I feel so hot too,” Bian Shengjian said, “That broken fan will never reach here.”

“After class, let’s go out and catch some air.”

Lu Shen smiled.

“Good.” Bian Shengjian looked at him with his chin propped up.

“Listen to the class.” Lu Shen lightly grabbed his hand under the table, “In any case, we’re almost  seniors, so be serious.”

“I read your broken notes every day.” Bian Shengjian twitched his lips in disdain.

Lu Shen smiled and squeezed the knuckles of his index finger, took a light breath and did not speak.

The cicadas outside the window gradually became louder, it was unknown whether the tree next to their classroom gathered all the cicadas in the school. Whenever one sounded, two or three followed, and it was always a bit heart-pounding listening to it, as if it wanted to cover the sound of the loudspeaker in class.

However Bian Shengjian didn’t feel a little restless in his heart, on the contrary, he was very calm.

Or in other words, since he cried that night, he had been very calm.

Going to class peacefully, finishishing class calmly, playing ball with Lu Shen undisturbingly, eating and going to the toilet, or taking a walk together after dinner to a place where there was no one, quietly kissing, and then hold hands and go back to the dormitory together.

It seemed to be the way of how old married couples get along in their seventies and eighties, but Bian Shengjian thought this was a matter of course, something that two lovers would do.

It’s a bit mushy to say lovers, it’s more appropriate to call them boyfriends.

“Husband,” Lu Shen laid on the bed with one foot up while playing with his mobile phone, and said casually, “Bring me the water bottle.”

“Huh?” Bian Shengjian looked at him in shock, “What did you specifically call me?”

“Baby, be obedient, and bring me my water bottle and give me a drink.” Lu Shen got up, although his eyes were still fixed on the screen, but his tone was very dog leg, “By the way, if the water inside is cold, help me and go out and heat it up, love you.”

(t/n: dof leg-It is also a metaphor for a person who runs around for his master and accomplices.)

Bian Shengjian took a deep breath and picked up the water bottle on the table and threw it directly into his arms, “Screw you.”

“Hey hey,” Lu Shen was thrown back by him, and he was a little dissatisfied when he got up, “Don’t do sneak attacks.”

“Will you die if you don’t feel mushy for a day?” Bian Shengjian walked over and pinched his chin viciously, “Huh?”

“Yes.” Lu Shen smiled, stretched out a leg and hooked Shengjian’s ankle. “Hey, third brother.”

“What’s the matter?” Bian Shengjian picked up the water bottle and tasted the water in it, frowning, he put on his slippers and went out to refill a cup and handed it to him, “Will walking two steps kill you?”

Lu Shen smiled and didn’t speak, took a sip from the water cup and then squeezed Bian Shengjian’s waist suddenly, “…come or not?”

“What are you doing……don’t pinch my waist!” Bian Shengjian stepped back quickly, but Lu Shen accidentally grabbed an arm and pulled it forward forcefully. Staggering under his feet, the whole person almost fell on him, then he said. “You idiot!”

“Come or not?” Lu Shen looked at him with a smile.

“What come?” Bian Shengjian looked at Lu Shen with some difficulty, leaning on his elbows on the side of Lu Shen’s face. After a pause for a few seconds, he suddenly realized when a hand touched his waist along the hem of his clothes.”………here? Are you sick?”

“Yes.” Lu Shen grabbed the smooth and delicate skin on his waist, and said in a soft tone like that of a feather. “Otherwise…..I’m afraid I won’t have a chance in the future.”

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, and suddenly lowered his head and kissed his lips forcefully, licking his two sharp canine teeth back and forth with the tip of his tongue, then touched his cool lips tentatively, until Lu Shen quickly responded, wrapping his arms around his waist, deepening the kiss.

“Fuck……………….are you a dog ?” Bian Shengjian lowly gasped.

“Third brother,” Lu Shen was also panting lightly, with a thin layer of sweat on his face, but his eyes were particularly bright, “Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are particularly beautiful?”

“You’re the only pervert who stared at me in the face just a few days after we met…” Bian Shengjian gritted his teeth and said.

Lu Shen took a breath, but still insisted on the previous topic. “I think your eyes are very beautiful, but when I first saw you, your eyes slightly tugged at me.”

“Which part of my body doesn’t look good………you fucker, I told you to be gentle!” Bian Shengjian glared at him, and bit him hard on the shoulder, “You’re excited, aren’t you?”

“I’m very energetic every day.” Lu Shen smiled, almost speaking close to his ear, “I especially like the way you smile…….It’s really pretty, but I’m a little unhappy when I think of you smiling at others in the future.”

“Shut up.” Bian Shengjian simply took a sharp bite of his Adam’s apple, forcing back what he wanted to say, “Are you looking for a beating?”

“I’m serious.” Lu Shen touched his sweaty back, and his voice was a little hoarse, “Baby, please smile more, how nice your smile is…”

“……don’t.” Bian Shengjian said.

“Hm?” Lu Shen looked at him.

“If I can’t see you in the future,” Bian Shengjian said and turned his head to the side, “I won’t be able to smile.”

Lu Shen’s hand around his waist unconsciously tightened, “Young Bian……”

“I say, if you want to do it, just do it and stop talking so much nonsense, okay?” Bian Shengjian pinched his face fiercely, and said in a threatening tone, “There’s so much nonsense, why, can’t do it?”

Lu Shen was stunned for a moment and raised his eyebrows, and at the same time decided to show his precious boyfriend whether he could do it or not, “I say, Young Bian…will you not know if you give it a try?”

Bian Shengjian shivered inexplicably, but he cleared his throat and  calmly said, “Come on, who is afraid of whom?”

Lu Shen bit his shoulders with his teeth, and smiled a bit cunningly, “Hey, what you said, don’t go back on your word.”

It was really hot this summer.

Coupled with the non-stop chirping of cicadas, everyone sitting in the classroom unconsciously became a little irritable, and even their buttocks began to twist and turn on their seats, wishing they could rush out to catch some air after class.

The truth was indeed so, and as soon as the class bell rang, there was no one left inside the classroom, even the teacher put down the chalk and hurried to the office to turn on the air conditioner.

“It’s so hot.” Lu Shen leaned his back against the railing and shouted in a drawn out voice.

“This broken school is really a broken school. Damn, can’t even bear to install an air conditioner.” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help fanning his collar and said.

“Let your awesome father donate a few sets to the school, it can also benefit the younger brothers and sisters.” Lu Shen looked at him with a smile.

“Shut up.” Bian Shengjian clicked his tongue, but he couldn’t move his eyes for a moment when facing Lu Shen’s deeply smiling face.

……To describe it using the mushy lines in Mary Sue TV series, it is a smile as warm as the sun.

The sun.

Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but look at Lu Shen again.

Hmm…..It’s kind of like that, but this guy seems to be kind of crazy sometimes?

Tsk tsk.

“Third Brother,” Lu Shen suddenly stretched out both hands, made a frame against the sky and placed it in front of his eyes, “Look at that cloud over there, doesn’t it look a bit like a rabbit?”

Bian Shengjian stared blankly at his movements, remembering that he liked to play such childish little tricks when he was ordered to stand outside the classroom in class, he couldn’t help laughing, “Damn….are you childish?”

“Hey, look quickly, the cloud will float away in a while.” Lu Shen urged while still maintaining this posture.

“All right…” Bian Shengjian could only helplessly put the frame in front of his eyes, looking at the blue sky from Lu Shen’s angle. “Let me see…where is the rabbit cloud?”

“Over there, the one a little higher up.” Lu Shen stuck to him and said.

“Where……Oh, I saw it.” Bian Shengjian blinked his sore eyes, and finally saw clearly the rabbit cloud that Lu Shen said. “Damn, this looks like a shit. Is your eyesight not working?”

“It’s not? I think it looks like it?” Lu Shen couldn’t help laughing.

Bian Shengjian put down his hands a little speechlessly, seeing Lu Shen laughing loudly while holding on to the railing with one hand, he couldn’t help but laugh as well. “Foolish.”

“It feels like I haven’t been this happy for a long time.” Lu Shen smiled and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, “Alas.”

“Foolish people have silly blessings,” Bian Shengjian breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the railing, squinting his eyes slightly to feel the cool wind blowing across his cheeks. “If you are reincarnated as a fool in your next life, you will drool every day and have no one to care about you.”

(t/n:Foolish people have silly blessings- A simple and honest person naturally has his good luck and blessings.)

“Then forget it, you’ve specified that you disliked me.” Lu Shen put one hand on his neck and pinched it, and said briskly.

“You’re shameless.” Bian Shengjian snorted, but didn’t speak as he cast his gaze towards the distance.

Lu Shen also calmed down, stopped and looked into the distance with him.

“……..Next summer, will I come back?” Bian Shengjian suddenly asked without thinking.

“Hm, what’s the matter?” Lu Shen looked at him.

“Nothing.” Bian Shengjian shook his head, forced back the brewing emotions in his heart, and left the railing pretending to be relaxed, “Let’s go to class.” 

“Okay.” Lu Shen responded, and at the same time, the wind blew his clothes from behind, and this angle of backlight added a little softness to the outline of his face.

Bian Shengjian sighed lightly.

Will come back next summer.

But in that next summer, there will be no Lu Shen.


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