Copy of Resentment


“I’m……..I’m sorry,” Ye Huai whispered while curled up on the ground, “I’ve caused you……trouble.”

Bian Shengjian looked at his body that gradually became transparent, and was silent for a while before finally saying a word.

“…I am the one who should say sorry, Ye Huai.” Lu Shen squatted down, looking straight into his empty eye sockets, “If it wasn’t for that car accident, you won’t be separated from the person you like.”

Cough…cough cough.” Ye Huai coughed suddenly, and as the resentment resolved, he disappeared faster and faster, but when he almost disappeared entirely, faint whispers could still be heard, “I don’t know, he…….he may have……..have forgotten…….forgotten about me…I really…a little bit…..miss him.”

Bian Shengjian watched his somewhat sad side face, and remembered the phrase “I don’t want to leave” that Ye Huai said at the beginning, took a deep breath and said slowly, “If you really like him, wouldn’t it be better to just forget about him?”

Ye Huai paused for a moment, and the corner of his mouth actually opened a terrifying arc and smiled at Bian Shengjian, “Yes… yes, if Kou Ming still remembers……remembers me, he must be very…very sad.”

“I hope he……has forgotten about…..about me long ago.” After Ye Huai stammered this sentence, he seemed to let out a big sigh of relief, but just when Bian Shengjian thought that he was going to disappear in a gust of wind, he suddenly opened his eyes in a hurry, With his almost transparent hands, he grabbed Lu Shen, “Right…that’s right! Three……in three days, she will come out!”

“Who?” Lu Shen’s expression froze, although he had already realized who Ye Huai was referring to, he still couldn’t help asking, “The last resentful spirit?”

“It’s her…you must…you must stop her!” Ye Huai said with a hint of fear on his face. “She…she wants to kill….to kill, she wants to kill a lot of people!”

“What?” Bian Shengjian raised his voice, “Why did she want to kill people!”

“I don’t….I don’t know…” Ye Huai’s voice gradually quieted down, and the missing part of his body had been reduced to scattered fragments, but he still persisted at the last moment and said, “But she…she is very pitiful, remember to be gentle… be gentle when you catch…..catch her.”

Bian Shengjian subconsciously wanted to step forward and ask Ye Huai a few more details, but before he could stretch out his hand, Ye Huai’s body automatically burst and disappeared in front of him like embers left after burning paper scraps. When a gust of cool breeze blew by his ears, he could faintly hear a sigh——

He stared blankly at the light spots left behind after Ye Huai disappeared, and didn’t speak for a long time.

The message left by Ye Huai was very important, and it also made him………feel despair.

Three days later…..Will Lu Shen also disappear like him?

It seemed that a dream that he didn’t want to wake up had finally come to an end. Although he had already made preparations, he still didn’t expect…it to be so fast.

Bian Shengjian felt that someone gently hugged his waist from behind, and a warm breath hit his neck. But in such an intimate and ambiguous posture, neither of them spoke, and each other’s heartbeats could be heard through their clothes.

At that moment, Bian Shengjian even wanted to say ‘nothing else fucking matters to me, Lu Shen, just follow me and hide in a place where there are no more ghosts and monsters, or any bullshit resentmentful spirit. Anyway, as long as your mission is not completed, you won’t be able to reincarnate…..if you can’t reincarnate, you can always be with me’.

……………….One more day is fine, please.

“Sorry, third brother.” Lu Shen tightened his grip on his waist, “Still absolutely, absolutely no more should die.”

Bian Shengjian’s throat tightened, and he felt so bitter that he couldn’t speak.

Xiao Yihan’s pale and weak appearance wearing an oxygen mask and all kinds of complicated scenes flashed before his eyes, some people were crying and some were screaming, but what was mixed in these clips was still the kind of strong feeling that came from every day. A feeling of fear and despair that almost couldn’t be resolved in the hearts of the people in Fourth Middle School–

“Are we………going to die?” He suddenly remembered that Zhou Li had asked him this question not long ago, and of course he answered in negatively, but the terrified expression on Ye Huai’s face before he disappeared was definitely not a disguise: that is to say, after three days, the remaining extremely dangerous resentful spirit will definitely attack again, and this time according to what he said, “she”, would kill a lot of people.

Who? How? How many?

Bian Shengjian felt that the breath he exhaled gradually became cold.

If he could, no matter how much he was asked to make a choice, he didn’t want Lu Shen to be placed on the tray on one side of the balance. This person was already deeply ingrained in his bones.

But there was really not much time left for him to choose.

As if sensing his pain and struggle, Lu Shen hugged him even harder, and at the same time Bian Shengjian also felt a few drops of warm liquid falling into his neck. “I’m sorry third brother, really………….really very sorry.”

“How many times have you said that?” Bian Shengjian took a deep breath before reluctantly putting away his emotions, turned around and held his face and said fiercely, “If you say sorry again, I will tear your mouth apart “

“I’m actually quite similar to Ye Huai.” Lu Shen didn’t look into his eyes, but the breath exhaled during his speech caused the thin skin around Bian Shengjian’s ears to tremble, “I’m afraid you’ll forget me in the future……but I’m even more afraid of you still remembering me.”

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, and after closing his eyes forcefully, he finally grabbed onto Lu Shen’s back. “Foolish.”

“In three days, we’ll stop her no matter what.” Lu Shen continued, with a hint of earnestness in his tone. “I want you to accompany me, can you?”

“If you ask me to accompany you, I will accompany you. Won’t I lose face if I don’t.” Bian Shengjian said with his eyes closed, his voice a little muffled.

Lu Shen hesitated for a moment, and said helplessly, “There’s nothing we can do, anyhow I’m a dying person, I…”

“Shut up.” 

Bian Shengjian interrupted him somewhat rudely, “You are already dead, dead people don’t talk.”

“…okay.” Lu Shen patted him on the back comfortingly, pretending that he didn’t see Bian Shengjian’s red eyes for a moment, “Then I won’t talk anymore, let me accompany you.”

“If you go over there, will it be cold?” Bian Shengjian put his arms around him, talking almost in a daze, “…Will you be hungry? How long will you have to wait for reincarnation? Will you be reincarnated as an adult in your next life? Don’t be a fucking cat or dog. I won’t be able to find you when the time comes…If I can’t find you, what should I do……”

“Third brother, third brother.” Lu Shen hurriedly interrupted him, forcing out a joke, “Next life or no next life, you look particularly like a fool now, doesn’t this not fit your arrogant personality?”

“You want me to mind my own business?” Bian Shengjian said in a nasal voice, “I am willing to wait for you, what can you do about it!”

“Hey, Young Bian, what I mean….” Lu Shen keenly sensed that Bian Shengjian’s emotions were on the verge of collapse, he lowered his head just as was about to touch his face, when suddenly he felt that Bian Shengjian’s head hit his chest forcefully, and his riveted hands pulled his back hard. This posture made it difficult for him to stand, and he was afraid that if he loosened his strength, they would roll straight to the ground–

It took quite a while for Lu Shen to finally feel the release of the hand on his back, but before he could take a breath, he suddenly heard a suppressed, ferocious cry—not too heart-piercing, but one could hear that the voice was filled with sadness.

In addition to sadness, there was also discomfort and dissatisfaction because the emotions couldn’t be fully vented.

Bian Shengjian probably only tried this crying method for the first time. He cried with his eyes closed, crying without rhyme or reason, crying without purpose, until his head started to ache from crying. It felt as if he was back in his infancy, and because he’s unable to speak, he could only express his demands through crying.

This was also the case at present.

But this way of crying was too aggrieved, he couldn’t help but punched Lu Shen hard in the chest, and growled in a crying voice, “Lu Shen, I’ll go with you, you fucker!”

“I love you.” Lu Shen said while hugging him.

Bian Shengjian felt that the warm tears continuously flowing down from the swollen eye sockets from crying, were touched carefully by Lu Shen’s soft lips, “…I love you.” 

Before he could respond, Lu Shen whispered in his ear like a babble in one’s sleep, “Young Bian, I love you.”

Bian Shengjian trembled violently all over, closed his eyes and finally stopped crying. “……….I know, idiot.”

The bed with people stacked above it finally made a noise when the two separated slightly. The thing that was heard first was Cheng Sheng’s somewhat confused voice, “Huh? Why am I here…”

“Who are you? Why are you on my bed?” Wei Shen’s terrified voice followed, subsequently a chaotic dispute broke out between the two.

When Lu Shen and Bian Shengjian took advantage of the chaos and walked out, the tears on the latter’s face were still wet, and was a bit cold from the night wind.

“Go back.” Lu Shen’s fingertips gently brushed his face.

“Mn,” Bian Shengjian responded, but remained standing still, “Lu Shen.”

Lu Shen turned around to look at him.

“Next time,” Bian Shengjian looked at him and said slowly, “Remember to walk slower, or I won’t be able to catch up with you.”

“Okay.” Lu Shen smiled slightly, and just as he was about to speak, he heard a slight nasal murmur from the night wind.

“………………….I love you too.”


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