Copy of Resentment

Breaking Point

“Are we………..going to die?” Zhou Li asked tremblingly.

Bian Shengjian sat silently in his seat, Lu Shen put his thumb on his lower lip with a pale face, biting his nail with his teeth tightly, which was a typical expression of emotional anxiety.

Ma Xiaoming’s body was found early the next morning, and the cause of death was asphyxiation.

This was the third.

It was also said that the two roommates who lived with Ma Xiaoming had mental problems because they were too strongly stimulated by the corpse, therefore when the ambulance came that morning, they took three of them away at once.

It was natural. The people had long since died, but the only that were still alive suffered mental torture.

But this time the result was quite different from the last time. Ma Xiaoming’s parents, including relatives, seemed to accept his death calmly. Not only did they not come to school to make trouble, but even the method of handling the funeral was simple and cruel – adopting the principle of proximity, they received one-stop service at the funeral parlor in front of the school. It’s only been two days since the accident happened yet it already turned into a handful of light and ethereal ashes, simply so calm and restrained that it made people feel a bit chilly.

The atmosphere surrounding the supernatural events in the Fourth Middle School had gradually shifted from initial curiosity to fear, but there were still some people who were not afraid of death trying to dig out the surveillance video of the dormitory like last time, but this time the school suppressed it very hard, and did not leak the slightest bit of information, thus the few scumbags who wanted to get a wave of enthusiasm sacrificing others while benefiting themselves had to give up and wait for the campus tragedy to continue to ferment.

But in fact, if one looked at this whole matter from the point of view of a materialist, there’d no doubt at all, because the forensic doctor judged that the deceased in this case also committed suicide. Apart from Ma Xiaoming’s own reasons, the police were completely unable to find any unnecessary clues from the surveillance, and could only declare the case closed.

The case was closed, but the shadow of death would not dissipate, and under such the triple blow, the campus of Fourth Middle School was filled with dead silence.

The only good news was that Xiao Yihan, who was at risk of becoming a vegetable person, finally woke up.

Bian Shengjian went to the hospital to see her once, but her mood was very complicated, because although Xiao Yihan regained consciousness, her mind was still in a very chaotic and frightened state, and when she saw the people around her, she would subconsciously struggle and even broke the hanging bottle of IV and stuffed shards of glass in her mouth, thus in the end, the entire person was needed to be tied to the bed with a restraining strap to ensure her safety.

Xiao Yihan’s parents were heartbroken by this, they couldn’t figure out how their daughter, who was originally as beautiful as a flower, turned into such a crazy appearance, except for shouting “don’t” and “don’t come over” she seemed to have lost her language expression ability, and even her eyes became dull. When she wasn’t crazy, she would only stare at the ceiling and murmur some words that others couldn’t understand.

Bian Shengjian put down a bouquet of flowers in silence, then turned around and left the hospital. When he left the door, it happened to be raining, and the wet and sticky rain poured down, but he didn’t even open an umbrella, he just kept walking silently through the rain curtain until the rain stopped overhead–

He numbly raised his head, facing Lu Shen’s calm black eyes. “Going back.”

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, turned his head and continued to walk forward mechanically.

Lu Shen reached out and grabbed his forearm.

Bian Shengjian stopped and stood there looking at him, while rainwater streamed down his temples.

After a long time, he spoke in an incredibly gentle tone and said, “…we can save him, right?”

Lu Shen’s complexion turned pale in an instant, his lips quivered a few times before he said, “Yes.”

Ma Xiaoming really didn’t deserve to die.

If he hadn’t opened the door.

But he did.

Bian Shengjian closed his eyes in pain, and opened them slowly after a long time. “Let’s go.”

He didn’t even know how to communicate with Lu Shen now. After all, the relationship between the two of them needed to be stabilized after that incident, but before this opportunity came, the tragedy happened first. Emotions had taken over his heart one step at a time, so much so that he was now confused.

He is obviously only 18 years old, why should he bear all this for no reason?

“Are we going to die?” Zhou Li asked again tremblingly. 

Bian Shengjian took a deep breath and replied, “No, idiot.”

“But why are there accidents happening one after another in school these days?” Zhou Li’s face was a little pale. Although he didn’t stay in the dormitory, he couldn’t resist the rumors that spread more and more violently in the school. Various fresh ghost stories had been released one after another. Adding it all up, it was almost enough to make a series that’s prohibited under 18 to watch that would be banned immediately. “Two people have died, and after that……”

“Stop talking.” Bian Shengjian pinched the bridge of his nose wearily.

Zhou Li looked at the expression on his face, and suddenly remembered something. He took out his mobile phone and knocked it on the table. “By the way, I forgot to tell you, recently the Fourth Middle School has set up a new supernatural post bar. There are many people discussing things about the past few days in it.”

“What are they discussing? About whether there are ghosts in this world?” Bian Shengjian’s expression was a little gloomy.

“Not all of them,” Zhou Li said as he lowered his head and poked his phone a few times to show him. “For example, if you look at this, someone sent details about Yihan’s incident last night…….”

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly stopped, and after a few seconds, Zhou Li’s face suddenly became very horrified. “…Fuck!”

“What’s wrong?” Bian Shengjian frowned and leaned forward.

“Someone posted a surveillance video about Ma Xiaoming’s suicide in the bar!” Zhou Li couldn’t help shouting in a low voice, his fingertips trembling a little. “Is this the same person as last time…”

“What?” Bian Shengjian was stunned, and immediately grabbed his mobile phone to take a closer look, only to see that the video had already climbed to the top of the bar’s popularity in a short period of time. It was directly highlighted in red on the homepage, the title was even blatantly written: Do you still believe that there are no ghosts in this world?

Bian Shengjian frowned tightly, and together with Zhou Li, he quickly opened the video, and at the same time couldn’t help holding his breath.

In the video, Ma Xiaoming’s face was full of horror visible to the naked eye from the moment he opened the door, and he seemed to be talking into the air with his mouth open. The video was obviously pressed forward by someone, and within a few seconds, his whole body could be seen. Afterwards, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his own neck, struggling painfully on the spot, leaning his back against the wall, he kicked his feet on the ground unconsciously, until his eyes rolled up and fell to the ground with his hands hanging down naturally.

He strangled himself to death.

Zhou Li took a step back abruptly, with cold sweat dripping from his face. “How…how is this possible?!”

People really couldn’t strangle themselves to death. This kind of self-protection mechanism from ancient times wouldn’t make normal humans do this kind of behavior.

Unless Ma Xiaoming’s situation in the video made him no longer a normal person.

Do you still believe that there are no ghosts in this world? 

The discussion under this video had been boiling, most people already believed that Ma Xiaoming was killed by a ghost, and only a few people still maintained a neutral opinion.

–My God! Is he possessed by a ghost? He must be possessed by a ghost!

–Person upstairs, it could also be sleepwalking. (TL: person upstairs-referring to comment before him/her)

–Nonsense! You can’t strangle yourself even if you’re sleepwalking!

–That’s right, this is being possessed by a ghost!

–Is there anyone involved present? Who found the body first?

–Anyone who is still studying in Fourth Middle School? Come out and tell everyone about it?

–I heard that if a person is killed by a ghost, he will turn into a fierce ghost in the first seven days after death and come back to seek revenge from others……

–Stop it! I’m going to fucking transfer to another school tomorrow! I really can’t stay in this dead school!

–Damn, take me too!

Bian Shengjian looked at these incongruous comments and fell silent. After returning the phone to Zhou Li, he returned to his seat. After being dazed for a while, he couldn’t help but take out his phone. After registering a post bar account, he searched and clicked on the Ghost Bar of Fourth Middle School. The homepage was still the video just now, but within a few minutes, dozens of comments had been added, and the cumulative number of reposts had even exceeded 5,000–

“Look.” Bian Shengjian handed over the phone.

Lu Shen looked at the video on the screen and didn’t speak for a long time, but he clenched his fists tightly, and after a long while said softly, “Mn, should be it.”

“What to do now?” Bian Shengjian felt a splitting headache, “Can’t we fix that broken bell?”

“…Can’t.” Lu Shen’s tone was hoarse.

“Then is there any other way to keep them from going out at night?” Bian Shengjian continued to ask, but felt that it was futile to ask this question.

“I don’t know either.” Lu Shen pressed his temple, “Unless someone is watching over them.”

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak.

Even if the two of them would not sleep all night, it was impossible to watch the people who live in several dormitories at the same time.

What’s more, after the accident, even the remaining dormitory management aunt in the school was so frightened that she resigned, and now the entire Fourth Middle School dormitory building was empty and unattended.

“Brother Jian, you still want to live in the dormitory?” Zhou Li gave him a ghostly look, “Aren’t you afraid?”

“Don’t worry, I have a hard fate.” Bian Shengjian sighed, “Even if there are ghosts, they won’t come find me.” (TL: hard fate-refers to often encountering various ups and downs, but they can always overcome them, and they will not die no matter what.)

“You’re just bragging.” Zhou Li’s original nervousness was inexplicably relieved by his words, he clicked his tongue twice and continued to wander in the bar. After swiping a few times, he suddenly let out a surprise “ah”.

“What’s the matter?” Bian Shengjian frowned.

“Look at this,” Zhou Li turned his phone towards him, and couldn’t help cursing, “This person is fucking crazy!”

Bian Shengjian stared at the screen and was stunned. There was a new post posted on it.

–Everyone stop arguing, it is already a fact that there are ghosts in the Fourth Middle School.

–But if there are still people who don’t believe me, I will play Pen Fairy at 603, Building C, male dormitory at 8 o’clock tonight, to see if I can invite the ghosts from the school. If you are interested, you can chat with me in private, and maybe it will become popular if I also shoot a video.

“Idiot, this person!” Zhou Li couldn’t help being furious, “Fool! You’re courting death!”

Bian Shengjian quickly flipped through the comments on that post, and unexpectedly, there were still a few sporadic people following the post, and even some people from their school left a message below.

–Room 603, waiting at the agreed place and will not leave until we meet.

Therefore he couldn’t help but cursed, “Fuck, Are these people tired of living? Do they want to die so much?”

“But what if they really invite ghosts?” Zhou Li said, biting his lip.

Bian Shengjian froze for a moment and didn’t answer.

He used to think that the psychic game of Pen Fairy was just a trick to deceive people. It was impossible for a real ghost to be invited by a pen casually, thus it seemed a bit too cheap. But after all, today was different from the past, if the resentful spirits could really be invited in……

When he thought of this, he couldn’t help but glance at the ID of the poster: Niu emergency hotline 12306

Bian Shengjian: “……..”

Ah, this brother Niu is really brave.


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