Copy of Resentment


No one knew how Mu Xiao died.

However, after the forensic identification, it was judged that the person did commit suicide.

Despite the evidence presented in black and white in front of them, Mu Xiao’s family still find it difficult to accept this result.

And because the monitoring system in the men’s dormitory was only installed at the stairway entrance, it was impossible to record everything that happened in the corridor. This could be regarded as poking a hornet’s nest. 

After repeated visits and investigations, the police officially released the notice, but there were still a large number of news media hyping it up, and it became the headlines of the local evening newspaper overnight, coupled with the crazy attitude of Mu Xiao’s family at the school gate, who were persistently fighting and even threatening to bring their son’s body, the school could only make concessions – in simple terms, losing money.

But even though it had been less than half a month, the students at the same time were still in a state of anxiety. Many parents who originally worked in other places rushed back to the local area to handle the transfer procedures for their children–in the eyes of many people, even transferring to a school that was much worse than the Fourth Middle School was better than staying in such a bloody ghost school. (TL: I’ll be changing it to Fourth Middle School from No.4 Middle School)

That’s right, no matter how badly you mess around when you go out in the future, it’s always good to be alive.

But compared to Mu Xiao’s case, Xiao Yihan from sophomore Class 4’s case was the source of the students’ fear.

The reason was that the video of her falling down the stairs was somehow exposed, and caused an uproar in the whole school and even the society. Although the police had made every effort to search for the culprit behind the leaked video, but the video had already spread beyond control, that even the net police were completely unable to suppress the reality, including those increasingly restless voices on the Internet–

The leaked video was very short, only about 30 seconds, but it completely recorded the whole process of Xiao Yihan falling down the stairs.

Since the monitoring pixels were not very high, the video was also somewhat blurred, but it could still be clearly seen that a girl in a nightgown stumbled into the monitoring range in the early hours of the morning. Although the expression on her face at this moment couldn’t be clearly seen, judging from her movements, she should be very flustered at this moment.

But when it came to the movements, it was even more eerie, because from the video, when Xiao Yihan entered the monitoring range, her hands were stretched straight forward, and her five fingers were also in a state of being clenched together, as if she was pulling someone invisible, or being led by someone.

But it was clear that she was the only one in the video.

The following shot was even more bizarre. The entire process from Xiao Yihan entering the monitoring range, walking towards the stairs, and finally falling down the stairs made the viewers tremble with fear.

Even if they didn’t believe their eyes anymore, the viewers could clearly see that Xiao Yihan was pushed down.

So here came the question: Who is the “person” who pushed her?

Or rather, are there really ghosts in this world?

All of this could only be answered by the person involved, but Xiao Yihan had been in a deep coma since she was sent to the hospital that day. Although it was a fluke that she was able to save her life, due to the severe impact on the brain, the diagnosis given by the doctor still indicated the risk of becoming a vegetative person.

Xiao Yihan’s parents were already in tears.

Because there were fewer people in the class, the atmosphere became even more silent.

Bian Shengjian looked around and found that there were only 25 people left in the class.

It was also really unheard of before for such a small class existing in a high school.

But what disturbed him more than these was that the remaining two resentful spirits had not been found so far.

“Is there no other way to draw them out?” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help asking.

Lu Shen was silent for a while before slowly shaking his head, “No, unless they want to come out themselves.”

“…Damn it.” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help cursing, then said, “Did you also see that video?”

“Mn.” Lu Shen frowned slightly, “I didn’t expect…that they have reached the point where they could turn into entities.”

“Then…” Bian Shengjian hesitated for a moment, and then remembered that there were still people living in the school, thus he couldn’t help but feel nervous, “What about the rest of the people?”

“It’s okay, I’ve already figured out a countermeasure.” Lu Shen suddenly coughed, lowered his head and started to take out something from his school bag. “Put this on the door of each dormitory.” 

Bian Shengjian stared blankly at the blood talisman Lu Shen handed him, he let go out of reflex, and the talisman floated lightly to the ground, “You…..”

“It’s okay.” Lu Shen coughed again. Bian Shengjian realized that Lu Shen’s face was a little pale today, and after seeing the scarlet traces on the blood talisman, he finally realized what he had done last night without telling him. “……..are you fucking crazy? How many talismans did you draw?!”

“Not much, just simply donating blood once.” Lu Shen forced a smile, bent down to pick up the talisman and wanted to stuff it into his schoolbag, but Bian Shengjian snatched it quickly and took a look inside. –Sure enough, a large stack of blood talismans was packed tightly and placed in a corner. The tip of his nose seemed to still smell the faint bloody scent, as if it carried a fragrance.

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak for a moment.

Even if only a few strokes were needed for each piece, so many talismans add up to a lot of blood.

He seemed to be able to see the scene of Lu Shen resolutely cutting his skin with a knife and then catching the gushing blood with a small bowl. His nose felt a little sore for a while. “Stupid…are you a fool? With so much blood, aren’t you afraid of turning yourself into a corpse?”

“That’s not enough.” Lu Shen sighed, and added as if remembering something, “By the way, this kind of blood talisman is for soul dispelling,…the one I gave you last time was different.”

Bian Shengjian was stunned for a moment before realizing what he was referring to, and slapped him on the shoulder angrily, “I know.”

“Show me your hand.” He said and quickly pulled Lu Shen’s arm. He was also curious why he was still wearing a long sleeve today when it was already past the beginning of summer. When he rolled up the sleeve suddenly, he saw the two long knife wounds, which made his eyes sting a bit immediately.

The overall appearance of the wound was pale pink, and there was only a thin layer of scab on the surface, as if it could be cracked open again with just a force.

“Don’t look.” Lu Shen struggled to withdraw his hand.

Bian Shengjian didn’t let go of his hand, and it took a long time before he said softly, “Does it hurt?”

Lu Shen quickly thought about which answer would satisfy Bian Shengjian more, between pain and no pain, but after a few seconds he still said the truth, “It hurts.”

“It hurts yet you still harm yourself?” Bian Shengjian roared in a low voice. Fortunately, there were not many people left inside the class at this time, and the confrontation between the two would not be too eye-catching. “Are you a fucking idiot?! Are you not afraid of reincarnating in advance due to wound infection?”

Lu Shen was taken aback for a moment before laughing. “How could that be possible……”

“No s**t!” Bian Shengjian continued to roar.

Only then did Lu Shen notice that Bian Shengtong’s eyes were a little red, he quickly pulled his hand back and rubbed Bian Shengjian’s back a few times. “Young Bian, don’t cry, don’t cry.”

“Scram.” Bian Shengjian brushed his hand away with a hoarse voice.

“Are you distressed?” Lu Shen couldn’t help laughing a few more times, and comforted him softly, “It’s really all right, losing some blood really won’t kill me.”

Bian Shengjian frowned and was about to refute, when Lu Shen said again in a very soft tone, “But if I really don’t do anything, some people will die.”

“Therefore,” Lu Shen sighed, and stretched out his hand to gently scratch Bian Shengjian’s palm twice, “Every dormitory door where people still live must have a talisman pinned on it.”

“Okay.” Bian Shengjian could only nod, and began to listen carefully to Lu Shen’s explanation of where to put it on the door so that it would not be easily found by others.

“The girls’ dormitory also has to be posted.” At the end, Lu Shen emphasized a sentence emphatically.

“Ah?” Bian Shengjian was taken aback for a moment, but could only bite the bullet and respond with a stiff face, “Okay.”

He imagined in his head two big men sneaking into the girls’ dormitory, and secretly pasting something on the door of the girl’s room… If they were found out, they might be regarded as perverts who installed pinhole cameras and be beaten to death, right?

“It’s okay, let’s pick a time when no one is there.” Lu Shen smiled.

“Okay, I just think it’s so obscene.” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but support his forehead.

But…Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but glance at Lu Shen.

If the blood talisman could have been taken out earlier, is it possible that those two accidents wouldn’t have happened.

“Sorry.” Lu Shen seemed to have guessed what he wanted to say, he only sighed lightly but didn’t continue.

Bian Shengjian inexplicably felt pain in his heart, thinking of Lu Shen’s eyes looking down from upstairs that day, and thinking of his knife wounds, he also fell silent.

He probably really wanted to do something.

But from the discovery that the Soul Bell was artificially destroyed that night…..the speed at which things deteriorated was indeed beyond the two’s expectations.

“Forget it.” Bian Shengjian also sighed.

In fact, it was an excuse not to say too much, but since the facts that had already happened couldn’t be changed, it’s better to strive to do what they could do now and to hope that there would be no more accidents.


Ma Xiaoming opened his eyes in the darkness, but suddenly felt a little out of breath.

He was scared, very, very scared.

Speaking of which, he was the first person who found Mu Xiao’s body, and he couldn’t get rid of the tragic scene he saw until now.

Originally, after the incident happened, he wanted to go through the day-study formalities immediately, or simply transfer to another school, but he was a person who had suffered a lot from his childhood. After his parents divorced, they didn’t want to take care of him at all. They simply gave his uncle and aunt some money and asked them to take care of this worthless son, and then he patted their buttocks and each went to a distant place. During the holidays, his dad would reluctantly come back to see him.

But since the accident in the Fourth Middle School that day, his mother who he thought had disappeared from his life suddenly showed up and  promised to come and pick him up and live with him at her place of work after she finish her work during this period of time. He could also transfer to a nearby high school to continue his studies, but he had to live in the dormitory of the school for a while, so as not to trouble his uncle in the last days.

Ma Xiaoming agreed without even thinking about it, and was so excited about the upcoming new life that he could hardly sleep at night.

He’s not unwanted! He’s not an orphan!

Ma Xiaoming was very excited.

But now there were only two other people left in the dormitory where he lived, and when he slept back at midnight, he still felt a little creeped out looking at the empty bed board. After all, the dormitory where the dead people lived was not far from them.

Don’t think about it anymore.


Let’s go to sleep soon.

Ma Xiaoming closed his eyes forcefully, but couldn’t help wrapping the quilt tightly around his body.

He didn’t know why, but he felt very cold tonight. The thick mattress under his body seemed to be frozen, and little by little, a cool breeze was blowing on him.

Mu Xiao’s death flashed before his eyes.

Ma Xiaoming buried his head in the quilt almost tremblingly, trying his best to drive those terrifying images out of his mind.

Just endure it for a few more days.

Just endure it for a few more days, and you can leave here forever.

A new life is beckoning to him.

So, go to sleep soon.

Please, go to sleep soon.

Ma Xiaoming suddenly opened his eyes.

Someone was calling him.


Ma Xiaoming huddled himself into a ball desperately, feeling so frightened that the blood in his whole body was flowing backwards. 

What’s going on? 

Who is calling him?

“Xiaoming? Xiaoming, what’s wrong with you? Are you okay?”

The person was still calling him, but his voice fluctuated from far to near.

“What are you doing?” 

This time, the voice suddenly sounded as if it was speaking close to his ear.

“Ah!” Ma Xiaoming yelled in horror, threw off the quilt, sat up and yelled almost out of control. “What thing! Get out of here! Scram!”

“……Fuck.” The person in the lower bunk seemed to have been woken up by him, and cursed angrily, “Ma Xiaoming, what are you going fucking crazy in the middle of the night! Get out if you don’t want to sleep!”

“I……” Ma Xiaoming flinched, but found a little sense of security from this curse, “Haochen!”

“What’s wrong?” Sun Haochen muttered with sleepy eyes.

“Can I come down and sleep with you?” Ma Xiaoming whispered.

“……….Fuck you. “Sun Haochen was stunned for a moment, and cursed again very bluntly, “Don’t come here, I’m not gay, who wants to sleep next to you, idiot. “

“Just for one night.” Ma Xiaoming gritted his teeth, and jumped off with the blanket in his arms, “I…I’m a little scared, I can’t sleep.”

“Are you a fucking sissy?” Sun Haochen was speechless, “This fucking bed is so small, even if you were cut in half, you wouldn’t fit in!”

“Then I……” Ma Xiaoming was still hesitating, but suddenly heard several knocks on the door. 


“Who!” Ma Xiaoming immediately shouted out of fright, “It’s already in the middle of the night, who!”

“Me.” A familiar voice came from outside the door.

“Damn.” Ma Xiaoming breathed a sigh of relief, “Song Guan, what are you still doing outside so late?”

“The door is locked, I can’t get in.” Song Guan said calmly.

“Impossible, not all the dormitories have the habit of locking their doors?” Ma Xiaoming was a little surprised, but when he turned around, he found that Sun Haochen had fallen asleep again at some point, and there was even a soft snoring sound.

“Oh.” Ma Xiaoming sighed helplessly, threw the quilt back on the bed and walked towards the door. “What are you doing wandering around in the middle of the night….It’s not that I don’t know how noisy it is at night because of…..”

Before the word “ghost” was finished, Ma Xiaoming’s hand on the doorknob suddenly stopped, and then he looked back very quickly, almost twisting his neck for a moment.

Song Guan was lying on the bed and fell asleep, as if he was ignorant of everything that was happening outside.

Ma Xiaoming contorted his face and opened his mouth to scream, but in the next second he found that his throat could not make any sound at all, and even his hand seemed to be glued to the doorknob, unable to move even a little bit–

“Xiaoming,” the voice of the person outside the door was the same, but it was quite different from Song Guan’s usual tone, it was so soft that it was like dripping honey. “Open the door, it’s me.”

Ma Xiaoming struggled and wanted to let go and run back to the bed, but in desperation he found that his hand was uncontrollably slowly turning the doorknob to the right.


As the door slowly opened, Ma Xiaoming was so frightened that his whole body turned cold, and at the same time he closed his eyes firmly.

“Xiaoming?” the man said softly, “What’s wrong with you? Open your eyes and look at me.”

This tone is a bit like a girl’s voice.

Ma Xiaoming still kept his eyes closed, but felt a drop of water fall on his face.

Sticky and ice-cold.

“Look at me, open your eyes and look at me.” The voice began to act coquettishly, and at the same time grabbed his clenched fist and shook it lightly. “Don’t you hate people so much?”

Ma Xiaoming finally couldn’t help but open his eyes, and suddenly found a smiling girl standing in front of him.

She had short hair and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face, but her nose and mouth were small, her face was also small. She looked like a cute girl who came out of an anime.

It was the type that Ma Xiaoming likes.

“You……” Ma Xiaoming was stunned on the spot, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, “This classmate, what are you doing in the boys’ dormitory so late at night?”

“I’m here to look for you.” The girl smiled slightly, and at the same time stretched out her hand to him, “I know you are often bullied, right?”

Ma Xiaoming was taken aback for a moment, then recalled the childhood nightmares he had dreamed a few nights ago, and under such circumstances, his nose still turned sour a little bit. “Mn.”

“Therefore, come with me.” The girl said with a smile, then pointed to the side. “See, he will be with you, and the two of you will be together.”

“What……” Ma Xiaoming was confused for a moment before looking along her white fingertips, but the whole person froze in place instantly.

“Let’s go together.” Mu Xiao said with a smile, and at the same time, bright red liquid continued to drip from his shattered head. “Xiaoming.”

Before Ma Xiaoming could react, Mu Xiao suddenly stretched out an arm that seemed to be broken, put his five fingers together and was still able to firmly pinched Ma Xiaoming’s neck. “Let’s go…..Come with us. Let’s go together!” 

Seeing this scene, the girl giggled immediately, but her originally sweet voice became sharper and harsher——

“Hahahaha! Let’s go! We—Let’s go together!”

Ma Xiaoming’s breathing became difficult, and his eyes gradually rolled up to reveal the whites of his eyes

The girl was still laughing, and the strength of her hand around his neck was getting stronger and stronger.

“Mom will come to pick you up.”

Before his consciousness completely disappeared, he heard his mother’s voice in a trance, so soft, just like when he was a child.

Tears trickled down from the corners of Ma Xiaoming’s eyes.

……….I’m sorry, Mom.


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