Copy of Resentment


“I heard that…….someone jumped off the men’s dormitory building next door last night.” The boy who came to knock on the door held back his fear and said.

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak.

Downstairs was already full of people, and there were small screams mixed in between various discussions, as if a bomb had been planted in the crowd, which would trigger collective riots and fear at any time.

Bian Shengjian took a deep breath, and the hands at his sides began to tremble.

He had never seen so much blood.

An expanse of blood that had solidified appeared sticky on the ground, and its surface was a disgusting black red.

“Who died?” someone in the crowd asked tremblingly.

“I heard it’s someone from the sophomore science class…” someone muttered.

“I heard it from my roommate…’s from Class 8 next door, and he seems to be called Mu Xiao.” Someone immediately followed up and added a sentence, “It’s the one who was on the stage at the last theatrical evening, his performance was……”  

The moment Bian Shengjian heard the name, he was shocked, and interjected in disbelief, “…Are you sure?”

“Um, yes.” The man who spoke turned his head and glanced at him, as if he was taken aback by his face, he turned around immediately.

“You know him?” Lu Shen asked in a low voice.

“No……we talked for a few words.” Bian Shengjian rubbed the center of his brows, remembering that he bumped into Mu Xiao in the dressing room at the last theatrical evening. At that time, he unceremoniously rejected his request to make friends because he felt that the person in front of him might be interested in him.

But he didn’t expect that when they met again, he had already become a corpse.

An inexplicable emotion weighed on Bian Shengjian’s heart, making him almost out of breath, then he asked in a low voice with some difficulty, “Is it….a resentful spirit?”

Lu Shen didn’t speak, and there was almost no expression on his face, but Bian Shengjian could tell that he was in a very bad mood at the moment.

…Also, if it was really a resentful spirit who did it, Lu Shen was probably the most guilty person at the moment.

After all, it was a life.

“I heard that something also happened in the girls’ dormitory last night.” Someone looked down at the phone and exclaimed suddenly, “A girl from Class 4 fell down the stairs!”

“What? Who is it?” Bian Shengjian blurted out.

The crowd instantly became agitated, and the voices of discussions became more and more intense. Although Mu Xiao’s body had already been covered with a white cloth and transported away, and a cordon was drawn up around the scene, it still couldn’t stop the large group of students who kept watching around the scene. The police responsible for the investigation of this incident yelled loudly many times but it didn’t help, therefore they had to call the teaching director, who was already overwhelmed, to come to the scene immediately to maintain order.

“Students, don’t crowd around here! Go back to the classroom first!”

Bian Shengjian watched from afar as the personnel who quickly began to clean up the scene after collecting the evidence were holding a long water pipe and began to clean the blood on the ground. After the water washed away the frozen blood, a faint red mark remained on the ground, constantly indicating the tragic events that had occurred here.

The two of them didn’t eat breakfast, they just followed the crowd in silence and slowly moved towards the teaching area, the siren seemed to be still ringing in their ears. Only this time it was accompanied by the sharp scream of an ambulance.

“Excuse me, what happened in the girls’ dormitory last night?” Bian Shengjian finally couldn’t help but randomly picked a girl from the crowd and asked.

“I……I’m not from that floor, and I don’t know very well.” The short-haired girl responded in a panic, “I just heard that it was a person from Class 4.”

“I understand.” Bian Shengjian let out a sigh, “Thank you.”

He didn’t ask Lu Shen why so many things happened overnight, moreover it was even less than half a day since the Soul Bell was destroyed.

The panic was still spreading. When they returned to the class, almost everyone’s expressions were distorted, and they could faintly hear some words like “haunted again”, just like the gentle breeze of a growing flame about to start a prairie fire.

“Brother Jian, are you okay?” Zhou Li found out that this happened on the first day he returned to school, and his pale face, which had just recovered from some serious illness, turned ugly, “I heard that………”

“What’s the matter?” Bian Shengjian said lightly.

“I heard that the dormitory of the person who jumped from the building is in the building next to yours,” Zhou Li swallowed, his expression full of fear, “Could it be…”

“Don’t daydream, there can’t be ghosts in this world.” Bian Shengjian’s tone was a little blunt. Even though he didn’t believe what he said, he still couldn’t help sighing when he saw the terrified expression on Zhou Li’s face, then said, “Don’t be afraid, can you be a man?”

“Brother Jian, why don’t you just stop living on campus? Renting a house by yourself feels safer than staying at school.” Zhou Li also sighed, then lowered his voice and said, “Why don’t you come and live at my house , anyway, my parents are not at home all the year round, there are only me and my grandma in my house……”

“No need.” Bian Shengjian froze for a moment, then patted him on the shoulder helplessly, “It’s really fine, don’t worry.”

“Why won’t I be worried? Didn’t something happen to Xiao Yihan last night?” Zhou Li couldn’t help raising his voice, “This school is haunted! I’ve been here longer than you, don’t I know?” 

The class fell silent instantly, and several people turned their heads to look at him.

As soon as Zhou Li blurted out the words, he was a little embarrassed, and his voice became quieter again, “I’m not wrong……Is this not a haunted thing?”

“…There are no ghosts, stop thinking nonsense.” Bian Shengjian suppressed the surging emotions, “By the way, what about Xiao Yihan? How is she now?”

“This……” Zhou Li’s expression was a bit complicated, and said in a small voice, “I heard that she fell down the stairs alone in the evening and lay there until the morning when she was discovered…… Later on, she was immediately taken to the hospital, but there was a high possibility of paraplegia.”

Bian Shengjian was short of breath.

“Which hospital?” Lu Shen asked lightly.

“Renmin Hospital.” 

Lu Shen sighed, then pointed to a corner of the classroom, “Over there is her roommate, who has been crying all morning.”

Bian Shengjian looked in the direction he was pointing at, and sure enough there were a few girls gathered together, sobbing softly, their eyes were already swollen from crying–

“Okay, okay, be quiet.” The classroom door was knocked several times, and Old Tan walked in with a tired and ashen face, and even his voice seemed to be a few years older, “Everyone should already know about what happened this morning…but please don’t let this matter ferment too much, it will have a very bad impact on the school… Please believe that the school and the police will resolve these matters, please.”

After he finished speaking, Old Tan put down his textbook and bowed deeply to the whole class, which showed how far this matter had developed, but even though Old Tan used the way of bowing to appease the restless emotions in the class, there were still some who couldn’t help but question one after another, “Teacher! Is the school really haunted!”

“That’s right! I’ve heard rumors of someone committing suicide in school before… Is it really just an accident this time?”

“Did that person really commit suicide? Did a ghost push the person down?”

“Yes, teacher, did that person jump off by himself?”


“Enough!” Old Tan finally snapped, “These are none of your business! Let’s have a good class first, and the school will officially issue a notice after the police investigate and clarify. Please remain calm and not be impatient!”

The restless voices below the podium suddenly became much quieter, but there were still many people thinking about it, probably wondering whether Old Tan’s attitude was simply evading their questions, but more of them still had lingering terror emotions, causing the already dull class to become even more lifeless–

“That’s right.” Old Tan paused before the end of the class, and added in a very difficult voice, “Yihan from our class was still receiving treatment in the hospital because she accidentally fell down the stairs last night. After school, everyone can go to the hospital to visit Yihan… At the same time, pay attention to safety when going up and down the stairs, especially don’t think about running around in the dormitory building at night…….”

“Why would one fall down the stairs at night for no reason?”

Some people couldn’t help discussing it again. Old Tan inspected the students below, but he could only sigh helplessly, and left the classroom in a hurry with the lesson plan in his hands–because the school was in a mess because of this matter and there were also countless tasks to deal with. He could only do his best to appease the children in the class and wait until things stabilized a bit before holding a psychological class meeting.

It’s just that even he himself couldn’t quite understand why some students suddenly choose to jump off the building at night, moreover they were also sophomore students.

Is it really because of too much study pressure?

Old Tan sighed.

As for the haunting or something, he hoped it’s just a bunch of children daydreaming.

“Let’s go and have a look after school.” Bian Shengjian said after a long silence.

“En.” Lu Shen responded without making any further reactions. The surprisingly calm and silent nature of the two of them attracted the attention of other people in the class, but Bian Shengjian couldn’t do anything about these voices and strange gazes. There was no other reaction, except for silence.

And guilt.

If only………I could have done something by myself.

“It’s not good!” Suddenly someone ran in from outside, shouting while running, “There’s a parent at the gate of the school who is making trouble!”

“Now?!” The whole class was shocked, and several people stood up immediately, “I’ll go and see.”

“Yeah, I heard that there was a lot of commotion, they even put banners and other things on the ground…saying that the school should pay for their life.” The person who ran back from the outside said while panting.

“Fuck.” Bian Shengjian scratched his hair irritably, and his already depressed mood became even more and more depressed, until a palm lightly covered his and rubbed his fingertips, “This is not your problem. “

“I know, but…” Bian Shengjian kicked the empty chair in front of him again irritably, “but I didn’t fucking hear anything last night, why is it like this?”

“Perhaps because it was suppressed for too long before…now, some riots occurred as soon as the restriction was lifted.” Lu Shen lowered his eyes and spoke in a low voice.

“Then what should we do?” Bian Shengjian was so irritated that he wanted to bite his nails, but he couldn’t help standing up as he saw the whole class running out because of the news just now. “Forget it……let’s go over and see what’s going on first.”

The school gate was already boiling.

From a long distance, Bian Shengjian could hear someone crying bitterly, and when he got closer, he saw a woman kneeling on the ground, with a big banner with black characters on a white background placed in front of her. It was very shockingly written in big bloody characters “Return my son’s life”, and at the same time, she couldn’t help grabbing her head and cried desperately, “I sent my son in well! He is only 17 years old! Why would he jump off a building for no reason? Who will give me an explanation? My poor son, wuu wuuu..”

“This parent, can you get up first, please? You will disturb the normal order of the school…” There were a few people who looked like school leaders who were in a state of desperation, surrounding the mother to persuade, there were also a large number of students joining in the fun through the gate. Many people couldn’t help but sigh something, and even make some sarcastic comments, all of which would only make the scene more chaotic–

“You don’t say, but isn’t there a crematorium right in front of our school? It’s so convenient to simply pull the dead people in and burn into ashes.” Someone laughed jokingly.

“Shut up, you!” Zhou Li was standing next to Bian Shengjian, watching the development of the matter with a sad face. He immediately exploded when he heard the heartless words, and pointed at the person with one hand and shouted, “Do you have any conscience? Are you happy when someone dies?”

“I never said that,” the man frowned, and was about to say something but was interrupted by Zhou Li, “Damn it, someone like you with a bad mouth, be careful not to get entangled with ghosts one day.”

“What did you say?” The man’s face immediately changed, and at the same time he took a step forward and stared at Zhou Li, “Are you looking for a fight?”

“Stop making noise!” A girl screamed, “Can you please be quiet! The mother is still here!”

Bian Shengjian closed his eyes hard, trying to put these chaotic voices behind his ears, but no matter how he resisted, they still came in like surging waves, beating him that he couldn’t almost stand steadily—

Lu Shen held his hand.

“…Do you want to go to the hospital to have a look?” He asked in a low voice.

“En.” Bian Shengjian nodded slightly.


Xiao Yihan was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, with a ventilator, and there were hardly any ups and downs in her chest.

As if already dead.

Someone’s cries flowed to his ears, probably Xiao Yihan’s roommates in their dormitory. There were also several other classmates around them, and almost everyone’s faces were filled with deep pain.

Bian Shengjian looked at the girl lying inside silently through the glass for a while, and it took a long time before he turned around silently.

“Where are you going?” Lu Shen followed.

But before he could speak again, Bian Shengjian stopped suddenly, and punched the hospital wall hard, which made Lu Shen’s heart go numb, and at the same time subconsciously rushed forward and grabbed his wrist, “What are you doing!”

“Why……” Bian Shengjian’s voice was a little hoarse, “Why did it become like this?”

Lu Shen tightly held his bruised hand, and gently rubbed it with his fingertips without saying a word.

“Why!” Bian Shengjian suddenly threw off his hand and roared, “Tell me why things turned out like this!

“This is the hospital, don’t shout.” Lu Shen sighed.

Bian Shengjian fell silent.

“But I promise you…we will surely find it.” Lu Shen breathed and suddenly hugged him, but it was a hug that had nothing to do with any emotion, just a hug of pure comfort. “I swear.”

“Not surely,” Bian Shengjian also hugged him, and at the same time forcefully breathed and sniffled, “It is a must.”


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