Copy of Resentment


In the middle of the night, the girls’ dormitory was completely silent.

Topics of gossip before going to bed had long since ended, the room became dark after the curtains were drawn, and not even the slightest bit of moonlight could penetrate. But it was a little too quiet tonight.

There was no sound of wind, no creaking sound of the bed board when turning over, so much so that…not even the sound of breathing could be heard.

Xiao Yihan suddenly opened her eyes, and opened her mouth wide with sweat dripping from her body, but she couldn’t make a sound–she had another nightmare again.

And it’s still a very, very horrible nightmare.

Trembling all over, she wrapped herself more tightly with the quilt, she could almost hear the sound of her teeth colliding. This should have been a long-forgotten thing, but for some reason it had been repeatedly appearing in her dreams these days. She remembered that during the day, a classmate she didn’t know asked her what the nightmare was about. At that time, she faltered and didn’t say it. In fact, this question really made it very difficult for her to speak up.

When she was about six years old, on the way to school alone, she was suddenly dragged into an alley, and the assailant was a middle-aged greasy uncle who tightly covered her mouth while reaching into her skirt in an attempt to molest her, but fortunately, a passer-by happened to pass by and rushed up, shouting and not letting the beast succeed.

But after that incident, it still became Xiao Yihan’s lingering nightmare for a long time. It was not until she was in junior high school that she gradually forced herself to forget this unbearable incident.

But why is it that……

Xiao Yihan couldn’t help biting her lips and shed tears, recalling the face that kept approaching and grinning at her in the dream just now, she couldn’t help trembling, as if she had returned to the dark and smelly little alley in an instant. In the alley, no matter how hard she struggled, she could only be at the mercy of the other in horror and despair.

Sob sob sob…..….” Xiao Yihan became more and more frightened as she thought about it, and finally couldn’t help biting the corner of the quilt and crying softly, but she was afraid of waking up her roommates, thus she could only desperately suppress her own voice and whimper in a low voice.

After crying for a long time, she finally regained her senses from that terrified state, thinking that she would definitely not be able to sleep tonight, or that she might as well get out of bed and squeeze in with Han Yimeng, who shared the same dormitory with her. Sleeping together would make her less afraid.

But she must have already fallen asleep, right?

Xiao Yihan carefully propped up half of her body, and glanced out through the mosquito net.

Indeed, everyone should be already fast asleep by this point.


Just as she was hesitating whether to get out of bed, there was a sudden sound of a creaking bed boards below, probably someone sat up from their bed—

Xiao Yihan was overjoyed, and quickly poked her head out of the mosquito net, but after thinking about it, she shrank back, lest Wang Hui, who was sleeping on the bed under her, would be frightened by her when she looked up. “Huihui, Huihui!”

Wang Hui ignored her whispered calls, and just stood up from the bed, with her long black hair hanging over her shoulders, standing with her back to her.

“Huihui?” Xiao Yihan was stunned for a moment, but still insisted in a low voice, “Are you unable to sleep too? Can I come and squeeze in with you?”

Wang Hui didn’t speak, just stood with her back to her.

Xiao Yihan stared blankly at her back, and suddenly remembered Xiao Hui’s strange appearance during the day, and for some reason, a hint of coldness rose from her body, “Hui…” 

“Yihan, are you awake too?” Wang Hui asked suddenly, but still didn’t turn her head.

“Ah, yes.” Xiao Yihan nodded quickly, and felt relieved when she saw that she spoke as usual, and lifted the mosquito net with one hand, “I… I had a nightmare again, and I was a little scared.”

“Don’t be afraid, it’s just a dream, it will be fine after waking up.” Wang Hui said.

“Yeah.” Xiao Yihan responded, but still felt a little strange, “Xiao Hui, can you turn around and talk to me?”

Wang Hui fell silent again. After a long time, she suddenly lowered her head and let out a few sobs, even her shoulders shook, “I’m scared……”

“What’s wrong? Did you also have a nightmare?” Xiao Yihan became anxious all of a sudden, sat up from the bed and was about to crawl down, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I’m coming.”

“Mn.” Wang Hui sobbed a few more times before she put down her hands covering her face, her tone suddenly calmed down again. “The moonlight is so beautiful today, let’s go and see it together.”

“Ah?” Xiao Yihan froze for a moment, “What kind of moon will you look at in this dark of the night?”

“Let’s go and have a look together.” Wang Hui didn’t seem to hear what she said, and suddenly jumped towards the door, opened the door of the dormitory with one hand, letting the cool night wind come in for a moment. It blew on Xiao Yihan, who was only wearing a thin nightdress, making her shiver all over, “Xiao Hui, what are you doing? You……”

Before she finished speaking, she stopped her voice as if someone had choked her throat, and her eyes suddenly became extremely frightened—

There was someone in the bed.

There was someone on Wang Hui’s bed.

Xiao Yihan held back her fear and took a closer look, only to see Wang Hui sleeping soundly on her bed through a layer of mosquito net, with a faint blush on her fair face. She was in a state of deep sleep.

……If Xiao Hui is sleeping on her bed, then who is this person in front of her?

Xiao Yihan instinctively wanted to scream, but when she opened her mouth, she found that she couldn’t make a sound at all. Then large, crystal clear tears dripped from her eyes due to excessive fear—

“The moonlight is so beautiful today, let’s go and have a look together.” The person with long hair in front of her with her back to her repeated it softly, then she turned her head slightly to look at her, “Okay? Yihan.”

“No……” Xiao Yihan subconsciously wanted to back away, but was extremely horrified to find that she couldn’t control her body and only walked forward tremblingly, “No………I don’t want………”

“Come on.” Wang Hui turned around, the night wind blew her long black hair, and the eyes watching her were extremely gentle, “Come…..come to me…”

Xiao Yihan stared at the face of “Wang Hui” in front of her with tears, shaking her head desperately trying to back off, “No…you are not her.”

“Why not?” said “Wang Hui” and gently took her hand, but the temperature in the palm was as cold as a dead person, “Look at me, I am your Huihui.”

“Let go of me……Please let me go.” Xiao Yihan just shed tears and struggled to look back at the rest of the sleeping people inside the dormitory. However, no matter how much she talked with this person in front of her, she didn’t wake up even one person, and the dormitory still maintained a deathly silence.

“Come on, how beautiful the moonlight is outside.” “Wang Hui” said softly, then took her hand and walked outside the dormitory without any doubt, “Aren’t you also unable to sleep? Just stay with me.”

Xiao Yihan was forced to be dragged out by her, her footsteps were so sloppy that she almost fell down, but she was held by “Wang Hui” considerately and continued to move forward.

She originally wanted to try to pull her hand out of that cold hand several times, but failed several times.

The strength of “Wang Hui” at this moment was simply not like that of a weak sophomore girl.

Xiao Yihan suppressed her fear, only feeling that the bones in her hands were about to be crushed by the person in front of her.

“Look, the moon is very round tonight, right?” “Wang Hui” looked up at the sky, and a faint smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Sob sob sob.……..” Xiao Yihan just cried out of fright, unable to respond to her question at all.

“What are you crying for?” “Wang Hui” suddenly withdrew her smile, and turned her head to stare at her expressionlessly, “What are you crying for?”

“I……” Xiao Yihan was so frightened that she burst out in tears and hiccuped in an instant, “I……I am not crying.”

“Wang Hui” sighed, stretched out her hand suddenly, gently wiped away the teardrops on her face, and finally slid her fingertips under her long eyelashes, “Don’t cry. “

Xiao Yihan was so frightened that she stopped crying, but even such a soothing gesture made her feel cold, even the fingertips that slid across her face were also cold.

This is definitely not the body temperature of a normal person.

“Oh, that’s right. I’ve been whispering to you all the time.” “Wang Hui” withdrew her hand, and rolled his eyes at her again, “Is that okay? Yihan.”

Xiao Yihan couldn’t speak at all due to the fright, but she was afraid of what this “person” in front of her would do to her if she wouldn’t agree, so she could only tremblingly nod, “Yes.”

“Great.” “Wang Hui” laughed, and suddenly took her hand and ran forward, bouncing, “Then let’s go!”

“Where are we going?” Xiao Yihan looked at the long hair fluttering in the wind, and was scared out of his wits by her actions, “Hui, Huihui, we can’t leave the dormitory.”

“The secret must be told at the entrance of the stairs.” “Wang Hui” finally stopped and turned to look at her with a smile, “There is no one here.”

“Ri……right” Xiao Yihan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and took a step back subconsciously.

The stairway at night was also pitch black, and in her eyes, the scene in front of her at this moment was more like of a monster with its bloody mouth open, which could swallow her at any time—

“Come here, why are you standing so far away?” “Wang Hui” muttered, and pulled her to her side again. After a while, the two of them were almost standing next to the steps.

Xiao Yihan felt her legs tremble crazily, like two thin noodles.

“Let me tell you…”Wang Hui” pressed close to her ear, even the breath she exhaled was cold, “I really, especially like you.”

Xiao Yihan’s face went pale, and when she stood there, the expression on her face was almost numb with fear. 

“So, my dear Yihan…”Wang Hui” was still speaking softly, but the original gentle tone suddenly changed. In a second, it became extremely sharp and piercing, with a pathological madness, “Come down and accompany me!”

Before Xiao Yihan had time to turn around, she felt that someone pushed her back hard, and the moment she fell down the stairs, she let out a long scream.


Bian Shengjian suddenly opened his eyes, couldn’t help but sat up against the head of the bed, panting heavily.

The sticky cold sweat on his back made him very uncomfortable, so he simply got out of bed and turned on the faucet to wash his face quickly, but after the cold touch on his face disappeared, he immediately returned to the previous muddleheaded state.

He took a few more breaths before wiping his face and walked back. Just as he was about to go out to find Lu Shen, he heard the door of the dormitory being pushed open and hit the table next to the door with a loud noise, “Shengjian!”

Bian Shengjian became stunned, raised his head, and found that the person standing at the door was a boy from their class, probably from next door, but he seldom interacted with these people on weekdays, at most, he would just pass by and say hello, “What’s wrong?”

Before the boy could speak, Bian Shengjian heard a sound from behind him.

Is this a sound…of a siren?

As soon as his face changed, he quickly ran from beside him to the corridor, confirming his guess at the same time.

It’s a police siren indeed. 

…what are the police doing at their school?

Someone patted his left shoulder lightly, Bian Shengjian simply turned around and relaxed his tight body upon seeing the person then turned back again. He was then patted again impatiently. 

“What are you doing?”

Lu Shen silently stood with him and looked downstairs, and it took a long time before he said slowly, “Last night, someone died.”

Bian Shengjian suddenly froze.


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