Copy of Resentment

Couldn’t Find

When Bian Shengjian opened his eyes, he couldn’t help but gasp. He felt an indescribable soreness from his head to his toes—it wasn’t until he lowered his head that he realized that he was tied up on a broken chair, his hands were tied tightly, he had lost consciousness, leaving only a faint numbness.

He couldn’t help but bow his head and cursed before recalling what happened before that. Actually, the whole process was very simple, in short, after Lu Shen was let go, he was knocked out by that lunatic and carried here.

Or it would be more accurate to describe it as kidnapping.

Bian Shengjian gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, but soon found that his legs were also bound, and the way of binding was so strange that he almost had no room to struggle.


He could only look up and observe his current situation, and found that this was probably the rented house where Wu Lan lived. The layout of the whole house was very messy. Empty beer bottles and scattered miscellaneous things rolled everywhere on the ground. There was also a thick smell of smoke floating in the air that seemed unable to dissipate for eight hundred years. It was obvious how bad this person’s daily lifestyle was.

But these were not important.

Bian Shengjian took a deep breath, thankful his mouth was not sealed, and yelled in the direction of the door, “Lu Shen!”

 No response.

Bian Shengjian’s fingertips trembled, and he roared again, unwilling to give up, “Lu Shen! Where are you!”

No response again.

“Fuck!” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but struggled on the chair, feeling more like a crab that was tied up, or the kind that was about to be thrown into a steamer, “Is there any fucking person out there!”

Still no response.

The broken chair made a tooth-piercing creak when he shook it, but it still restrained him tenaciously. Bian Shengjian had no choice but to turn his gaze to a table full of messy things closest to the chair—although the room was dim, his eyesight was still good, and there seemed to be a utility knife among the things piled up on the table.

A knife next to the kidnapped person, this was unexpected.

Bian Shengjian was struggling to move towards the table, trying to lift the chair and grab the knife, however he heard a series of hurried footsteps in his ears, as if they were coming here quickly.

As the door was pushed with a loud noise, Bian Shengjian fell to the ground with the chair because of the excessive struggle. His forehead or other parts were in close contact with the floor,  it hurt so much that he hadn’t recovered from it all at once, “Fuck……”

“Third Brother!” 

He heard a familiar voice, and a person standing at the door almost paused for a moment before rushing over and carefully helped him up, “Where did you fall? Are you hurt?” 

“……..I’m fine.” Bian Shengjian coughed a few times, and after raising his head to see the person in front of him, he widened his eyes suddenly, “Lu Shen! You just now, where did you go? Are you alright? Where’s the bastard?”

“Here.” A lazy voice came from the door, “Hey, it’s not good to speak ill in front of others.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Lu Shen didn’t answer his question, but quickly untied the rope tied to his body with shaking hands, then hugged him vigorously and kissed the top of his hair, “I’m sorry…it’s all my fault.” 

Bian Shengjian was forced to put his head on his chest, listening to the disordered heartbeat in his ear, and said with some difficulty, “You first…..let me go, my hands are numb.”

Hearing this, Lu Shen immediately let go of him, and carefully held his arm and rubbed it for a while, “…Is this better?”

“Hey!” Bian Shengjian felt soreness and numbness in the place where he rubbed. Looking at the red marks on his arm, he suspected that if he was tied up for a while longer, the rope would have strangled into his flesh, “You fucking be gentle.”

“All right, all right, stop flirting in front of me.” Wu Lan said disdainfully with a cigarette in his mouth.

“Why did you tie me up?” Bian Shengjian yelled as he swung his arms.

“I went out with him to buy food for you. I was afraid you would wake up and run away.” Wu Lan said, throwing a plastic bag on the table, and then glanced at Bian Shengjian, “Why are you glaring at me? Don’t worry, there is no poison in the food.”

“Fuck you.” Bian Shengjian said, glaring at him.

“Little friend, don’t be so angry.” Wu Lan sighed, and squatted down in front of the two of them helplessly, “Look at me, do I look like a bad guy?”

“91, stay away from him.” Lu Shen quickly stretched out an arm to protect Bian Shengjian, “I agreed to help you solve this time, in exchange, don’t pester him again. “

“What? Solve what?” Bian Shengjian was at a loss.

“Okay~” Wu Lan clicked his cigarette a few times, “You two, get up, or will you continue hugging?”

“What do you want me to do?” After Bian Shengjian stood up with difficulty, he turned his head and found that Lu Shen was afraid to meet his eyes, and then quickly recalled the previous things and frowned, ” ………Help you catch the resentful spirit?”

“Yes.” Wu Lan casually hooked the toe of the broken chair tied to Bian Shengjian, and sat up with his legs crossed, “Well, to be more precise, what we’re going to catch is my girlfriend.”

“…What?” Bian Shengjian was so startled that he almost choked on himself, “Your girlfriend has become a resentful spirit?”

Before Wu Lan could speak, Lu Shen took up the topic, “Yes, that’s why it’s very troublesome.”

“You killed her?” Countless conjectures ran through Bian Shengjian’s mind, and his fingertips felt cold, “Is it because you killed her that she hated you and became a ghost?”

“It’s not right for you to say that. Am I the kind of person who kills people casually?” Wu Lan casually extinguished the cigarette butt on the table, and said in a tone as flat as eating and drinking, “She committed suicide .’

Before Shengjian could ask, Wu Lan suddenly stood up and unzipped his coat, “She’s a lunatic. Here, these scratches were from her.”

Bian Shengjian looked at the horrific black scars on his arms and neck, and said nothing for a while, “She……”

“I mentioned breaking up with her while we’re still together,” Wu Lan continued to narrate in a flat tone, “The crazy woman disagreed, so I didn’t bother to care about her and went directly with someone else. She ran to the rooftop and threatened me that she would jump off if I didn’t break up with that woman, but as a result, she actually jumped, do you think it’s not funny?”

Bian Shengjian didn’t find it funny at all, but was shocked by Wu Lan’s reckless attitude. “You’re crazy.”

Wu Lan shrugged his shoulders, not denying it, “Yes, I’m not only a lunatic, but also already dead.”

Bian Shengjian didn’t say anything for a while, and it took a long time to hear the other side continue to say, “Okay, get up and eat quickly, she should come tonight.”

“She? Come to look for you?” Bian Shengjian suddenly felt terrified, “Tonight?”

“Lu Shen, you haven’t told him anything, have you?” Wu Lan was stunned for a moment, and finally called Lu Shen’s name for the first time, “Why does it feel like this little friend doesn’t know anything?”

“He doesn’t need to know this.” Lu Shen said bluntly.

“What?” Bian Shengjian looked at him.

“You don’t need to know this.” Lu Shen also looked at him.

“Okay, I don’t want to take care of your affairs.” Wu Lan said impatiently, knocking on the table with her fingers, “Come and have dinner.”

Bian Shengjian stood up silently. Although he hadn’t figured out what happened until now, Lu Shen’s attitude made him feel more uncomfortable than being tied up here all night.

That car accident, the origin of the lunatic in front of me, the resentful spirit, and Lu Shen’s own past…………….

“He doesn’t need to know that.”


Lu Shen has been observing the expression on his face, and he was also very careful in his words, “Third brother…let’s have some food first.”

“Ah, so abducted people can still have the privilege to eat food?” Bian Shengjian curled the corner of his mouth coldly, but when he glanced at the marks on Lu Shen’s neck from the corner of his eye, his heart couldn’t help but jump violently, “…….he really, could kill you?”

“Don’t listen to his nonsense.” Lu Shen shaved off the burrs on the wooden chopsticks before handing them to him, “Let’s eat.”

“My hands are numb, I can’t eat.” Bian Shengjian said bluntly.

“Then I’ll feed you.” Lu Shen immediately picked up a chopstick of food, while reaching out to support it, “Open your mouth.”

“I’m not hungry.” Bian Shengjian stared at him: “Lu Shen, tell me, who the hell is he?”

“Don’t speak ill of me, I’m listening.” Wu Lan said slowly beside him.

“……He is the same as me, he is also a spirit emissary, but the areas we are in charge of are different.” Lu Shen put down his chopsticks and sighed softly, “I, I don’t know when he started observing you and how long he had followed you……It’s my mistake, I didn’t protect you well.”

“Don’t be so stingy, what’s the matter with just borrowing him?” Wu Lan couldn’t help interjecting again, “Isn’t it because I can’t deal with this crazy woman that I came to you.”

“Shut up.” Bian Shengjian said coldly, looking at the indifferent smile on Wu Lan’s face, he couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart: this man really exudes the aura of a perverted murderer from head to toe, the kind of pervert who smiles one second and can take out a knife and chop you into several pieces the next.

“I’m serious, as long as you help me appease her tonight, I will never trouble you again.” Wu Lan said solemnly.

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, he opened his mouth to take a mouthful of the food that Lu Shen fed, and chewed for a long time but couldn’t taste the food.

According to his statement, Wu Lan should have been following him before.

Why did he never notice it?

“…Why is she coming for you?” Bian Shengjian asked again.

“Why do you have so many questions?” Wu Lan impatiently lit another cigarette, “You’ve been asking all night, aren’t you tired?”

“Because some resentful spirits have a strong revenge mentality, and will automatically seek out the person who makes them resentful within a period of time.” Lu Shen sighed, “You can also understand it as revenge.”

“But I really don’t understand why this crazy woman has to come to me even if this fucker is already dead.” Wu Lan bit his cigarette and leaned back on the chair impatiently, “Damn, it’s really bad luck.”

“How powerful is she, that even you can’t handle her?” Lu Shen said coldly.

“Damn, you’ll know when you see it, that stinky old lady…” Wu Lan stopped suddenly in the middle of his speech, and looked up at the clock on the wall, “Hurry up! There’s only one hour left.”

Bian Shengjian took a bite of his meal and then glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already eleven o’clock in the evening, which meant that he had been tied up here for at least five or six hours… If it wasn’t for Lu Shen still by his side, there’s no doubt that he’d be tortured to death by this lunatic.

But when he remembered the scene of Lu Shen being strangled by him before, Bian Shengjian didn’t dare to act rashly at all.

Very hateful.

Noticing the change in his mood, Lu Shen took a piece of tissue from the table and carefully wiped the corner of his mouth, his tone still guilt-ridden, “I’m sorry, Third brother……It was my fault.” 

“I don’t want you to admit your mistake.” Bian Shengjian stared at him, “I want you to tell me everything you know.”

“Have you finished eating?” Wu Lan took his last puff of cigarette, stood up and interrupted their conversation unceremoniously, “Go to bed after eating.”

“What……” Bian Shengjian choked, and subconsciously leaned back, “Are you fucking sick?”

“What are you thinking about?” Wu Lan glanced at him with a half-smile, “I told you to stay on the bed…but I guess you were fucked by him a lot when you two were together, right?”

Bian Shengjian seldom had this kind of time when someone pointed at his nose and humiliated him but couldn’t fight back. He felt his heart was aching with anger, “What nonsense! Do you fucking have any idea about us?”

“Don’t quarrel with him.” Lu Shen lightly pressed his hand and comforted him in a low voice, “It’s okay, you know what’s going on between the two of us best.”

“Stop talking nonsense,” Wu Lan pointed to a tattered folding bed in the corner of the living room and lifted his chin, “Go.”


Although it seemed strange that three men were squeezed together on a broken bed at the same time, and there was even a risk of the bed board being crushed at any time, Bian Shengjian tried his best to keep silent, looking at the clock hanging on the wall feeling breathless: the hands are about to point to twelve o’clock.

According to Wu Lan, “she” would come to him every time it was midnight on a certain day.

“Don’t be afraid.”

In the silence, Lu Shen lightly pinched his knuckles, accompanied by a sneer of disdain.

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, and the heartbeat gradually accelerated with the ticking of the clock.

After another long wait, the pointer finally points to twelve o’clock.

Bian Shengjian swallowed hard, and at the moment when the clock on the wall struck the 12 o’clock, something strange suddenly sounded from his ears: this sound……it’s like someone is playing a ball in the corridor.

Thud thud thud thud

“Did you hear that too?” Wu Lan let out a strange laugh.

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, but felt that the sound of hitting the ball was getting louder and louder, as if it was rapidly approaching them. Accompanied by the rhythmic thumping sound, there was another hoarse voice that seemed to spread from far to near, which seemed particularly ethereal in the dark and silent atmosphere.

“……I can’t…..”

Bian Shengjian trembled all over, listening stiffly to the hoarse voice that seemed to be getting closer.

“Can’t find……………….can’t find….why can’t I find……”


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