Copy of Resentment


For a moment, only the sound of his beating heart was left in Shengjian’s ears.


Lu Shen suddenly said something in a low voice, and at the same time took a step forward to block him.

“What?” Bian Shengjian was still a little dazed.

“Run!” Lu Shen roared, his eyes still fixed on the man standing at the entrance of the alley.

The atmosphere fell into a dead silence in an instant.

Bian Shengjian rarely saw such an out-of-control expression on Lu Shen’s face, even his tone just now was trembling, but before he could ask the reason, the person standing in front moved first. He walked slowly towards them as if on a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, and when he got closer, Shengjian finally saw his face clearly.

The man in front of him had dark skin and looked to be in his early thirties. He was wearing a tattered leather jacket and a pair of baggy overalls. There were faint traces of mud spots on the trousers. His whole body was full of decadence. He looked like a repairman who could be called by phone on a small advertisement pasted on a door……This was Bian Shengjian’s first impression of this man, before he met those eyes.

“How are you doing recently?” The man laughed hoarsely, “I haven’t seen you for a while……why do you still have a kid with you?”

Lu Shen didn’t answer, but suddenly pushed Bian Shengjian back hard, and at the same time yelled, “I fucking telling you to run away! Are you deaf!”

Bian Shengjian was pushed staggeringly, and shivered violently under Lu Shen’s cold gaze.

Although he didn’t know what happened, nonetheless, Lu Shen’s mood became so abnormal after seeing the man in front of him, he must have his own reasons. However, generally–this man should be very dangerous.

What to do? Call the police?

Bian Shengjian gritted his teeth and took a few steps back, but when he turned his head, he suddenly met the eyes of the man in front of him.

………He didn’t know how to describe what he felt at that moment. It was like the cold and sticky scales of a poisonous snake entrenched in a tropical jungle, the blood stained kiss on the side of the mouth, like a hyena staring while ravaging its disemboweled prey, the kind of fierce and cruel eyes with a strange pity that he had never seen before.

“Hello, my name is Wu Lan.” The man said, with a smile on his face, “Do you remember me? We’ve met before.”

“…What?” Lu Shen’s eyes were a little red, and he almost couldn’t help reaching out and grabbing the man’s collar, “How could you have met him? When did you meet him!”

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, and quickly searched the memory of this person in his mind, and while thinking about it, he suddenly came up with a more important question, “You……..why did you call him 26?”

“Because I’m a spirit messenger just like him,” the man suddenly grinned, and his teeth looked even whiter against the skin, “Isn’t it 26?”

“It’s just a code name. I have a proper name.” Lu Shen could hardly hear any emotion in his tone, “91, you and I are on the same page, let us go.”

“This old man has a name too!” Wu Lan laughed heartily, but his smile only made Bian Shengjian feel colder all over. “Okay, it’s true that we manage things separately and don’t interfere with each other……but, I also simply want to ask this little friend to do me a little favor.”

“What’s the matter?” Lu Shen breathed, still standing in front of Bian Shengjian, “I’ll help you.”

“Nonsense.” Wu Lan’s expression changed in an instant, his face was filled with crazy smiles and disdain, “How nice, you coward, how long do you want to lie to me?”

As he spoke, he pointed at Shengjian and said excitedly, “This kid has a spiritual body, right?”

The expression on Lu Shen’s face became even uglier, but his tone remained unchanged, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“You still want to deceive me!” Wu Lan slapped Lu Shen on the shoulder, “Spiritual body…..This is the first time I have seen it, you kid sure picked up a huge bargain!”

Lu Shen snorted, but his figure didn’t move at all.

“Spiritual bodies can attract and feel resentful spirits, and even have the ability to appease them……” Wu Lan said to himself, but the more he talked, his tone became greedy, and he stared at Bian Shengjian as if he wanted to swallow him up, “How is it? How many have you collected with this kid? You will soon be able to complete the task and go to reincarnation!”

“Don’t worry about it.” Lu Shen still stared at him, “Wu Lan, when did you meet him?”

“I’ve met him a long, long time ago,” Wu Lan said casually, “but I’m more curious…..are you always using mind control to control him? Why don’t you just break off his legs, chain him and lock him at home, lest he accidentally run away when you sleep at night.”

Bian Shengjian was shocked when he heard his casual words, and looked at him in disbelief, “What did you say?”

“I said you look very cute, little friend.” Wu Lan rubbed his fingers and sighed again, “Forget it, I won’t talk nonsense, if you really don’t remember me…..however, you must follow me right now.”

“Impossible.” Bian Shengjian refused without thinking, and stared at the lunatic who appeared inexplicably in front of him with an idiotic look, “I don’t understand what nonsense you are talking about.”

“91, let him go.” Lu Shen put an arm between the two of them, eventually there was a wave of flickering in his expression, “Just take it as me begging you.”

“Begging?” Wu Lan was stunned for a moment, as if he had heard the funniest thing in the world, “Are you fascinated by this kid? That you are begging now?”

“Because he and I are together.” Lu Shen said word by word, two deep red marks had already formed by the gripping of his hand, “So I don’t want him to get hurt.”

“You are…together?” Wu Lan stared at him with a ghostly expression on his face, almost choking on his own saliva, “Are you really together? Dating? Kissing kind?”

“It’s none of your business.” Bian Shengjian finally couldn’t bear it anymore and took a few steps forward, “Who the hell are you? What do you want me to do for you?”

“Haven’t I already said that, I am a spirit messenger just like your boyfriend.” Wu Lan smiled sadly, “What else can you do for me, of course it is to help me catch a little ghost.”

“No.” The expression on Lu Shen’s face was almost as pale as a piece of paper at the moment, and even his lips were pale. Shengjian was startled when he saw him like this. 

“Lu Shen–”

“Shut up.” Lu Shen turned his head and stared at him, “No matter what happens, it’s absolutely not allowed. You must listen to me.”

“Hahahaha!” Wu Lan burst into a burst of crazy laughter suddenly, “26, you are protecting him? You’re making me laugh so hard! Even if he is not with a spiritual body, how could you think of being with him?? You two shouldn’t be together at all! Are you out of your mind hahahaha!”

The more Wu Lan smiled, the colder the expression on Lu Shen’s face became, and even his lips were tightly pursed into a straight line.

“Hey boy, do you still remember the question I asked you before?” Wu Lan finally stopped laughing and turned to look at Bian Shengjian excitedly, “The No.4 Middle School is haunted, right? Then do you know where those resentful spirits came from?”

“…a car accident more than ten years ago.” For some reason, Bian Shengjian didn’t want to speak at first, but the moment he met Wu Lan’s eyes, he unconsciously said what was in his heart. After he said it, he quickly covered his lips and stared at him in shock, “What did you do!”

“That’s right!” Wu Lan snapped his fingers, completely ignoring his question and continued to ask excitedly, “Then do you know how they got into that accident? Hahahaha I asked you about it last time, but it’s a pity that you ignored me back then.”

“Wu Lan!” Lu Shen finally roared, “Are you looking for death!”

“Yeah,” Wu Lan crossed his arms and glanced at him disdainfully, “Why, am I not allowed to say anything?”

“What do you mean?” Although Bian Shengjian felt awkward all over, he quickly understood the mystery from his words, “What happened to that car accident?”

“Promise me to help me catch the little ghost tonight, and I’ll tell you.” Wu Lan said with a smile, but that gloomy smile reflected in Bian Shengjian’s eyes made him feel nauseous.

 “Scram, I said it’s impossible. ‘

The smile on Wu Lan’s face froze immediately, and after a few seconds, he sighed softly, “Okay, after such a long detour, I still have to solve it with my hands…..What a waste of time.”

As soon as the words fell, Bian Shengjian suddenly heard a soft sound, and he didn’t even have time to see exactly how Wu Lan made the move–

“Follow me.” Wu Lan put one hand on Lu Shen’s neck, and at some point with the other hand, he fished out the longevity lock from his collar. Then he strangled his throat hard, and said calmly, “Otherwise I will kill him.”

It happened too fast, before Bian Shengjian had time to react, Lu Shen’s face gradually turned red from being strangled by the chains, but he did not struggle strangely, as if he was being suppressed by something invisible, and only one or two groans were forced from his throat.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Bian Shengjian seemed to have been thrown into an ice bucket all of a sudden, with a bone-chilling cold dripping from head to toe, and almost without thinking, he wanted to yell and pounce on the lunatic to break his hands, “Let him go!”

“Shh, don’t move.” A cruel smile appeared on Wu Lan’s face, “Originally, I wanted to knock you out and drag you back…… But since he said he was with you, I really want to see how good the relationship between the two of you is~”

“Run……” Lu Shen spat out a syllable with difficulty, and the suffocation made him almost unsteady, but his eyes still stubbornly looked to Shenjian’s direction, “Third brother…….run.”

“Shut up, I didn’t allow you to talk.” Wu Lan violently increased the strength in his hand, strangling Lu Shen that he almost rolled his eyes, “You have to let the kid choose for himself.”

Bian Shengjian’s eyes were red, although he wished he could rush up and chop Wu Lan with eighteen knives, but it was the same as before—he found that he couldn’t move his body.

Thus he could only stand there helplessly, watching Lu Shen suffocate due to lack of oxygen.

“Hey, you didn’t think he really couldn’t die before, did you?” Wu Lan admired the painful and desperate expression on his face, and said happily, “Although he and I can only rely on external objects to maintain our bodies , but…..of course the entity can also be killed, but if he really dies, it will still be a little troublesome……”

“Let him go, I promise I’ll help you.”

Wu Lan finally smiled with satisfaction, whistled and let go of his hand, “Good, good, just be obedient…but if you are not obedient, I have a hundred ways to kill him.”


  1. Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

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