Copy of Resentment


“Third Brother, is he the one you’re talking about?”

“Yeah, what’s the matter?” Bian Shengjian looked up at him.

At this moment, he and Li Fei were looking at each other across the boiling pot, and Lu Shen was sitting next to him, but for some reason, in this supposedly relaxed and happy atmosphere, he actually had the illusion of being tortured, “…….what’s wrong with you guys?”

“Hello, my name is Lu Shen.” Lu Shen started to introduce himself with a good temper, “I am your Third brother’s boyfriend.’

The air froze for a moment.

Bian Shengjian was almost not shocked by his self-introduction, boasting without shame, and it took him a long time to twist the corners of his mouth, “Haha, yes.” He then pinched Lu Shen’s thigh under the table.

“Brother, you……where did you come from?” Tan Ming reacted first, picked up the wine cup on the table and took a sip to suppress his shock.

Although Lu Shen had already clarified the relationship between the two, Tan Ming still found it a bit inconceivable.

How should I put it, although the person sitting at the other end of the dining table speaks calmly, judging from his years of experience in the streets, this person is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface……Or to use the vocabulary in ancient Mary Sue novels, he is probably a “black belly” person.

Will the Third brother really be with this kind of person?

Tan Ming inexplicably fought a cold war, and some indescribable images floated in his mind. He couldn’t help lowering his head and sent a message to Bian Shengjian. 

–Sorry Third brother, I was wrong about you before.

The phone vibrated a few times, Bian Shengjian glanced at it and felt a little bewildered, stretched out his hand to the table and knocked, “What do you guys mean?”

“No, no,” Tan Ming realized that he had made the atmosphere more solidified, and hurried out to smooth things over, “I just didn’t think…..well, Brother Lu is nonetheless quite handsome.”

“Thank you.” Lu Shen smiled.

“Didn’t think what?” Bian Shengjian didn’t let go of the question, and even tugged at his neckline while speaking.

“Actually, it’s nothing, it’s just that Da Fei and I agreed that you would like……..that kind of cute little boy.” Tan Ming honestly said.

“What fucking cute little boy?” Bian Shengjian frowned.

“It’s not like that,” Xiao Liping, who had been quietly eating and watching the battle, finally interjected, and said kindly, “The main reason is that we think that things like falling in love should be complementary. Third brother, your temper is sometimes a little aggressive…..”

In other words, the other three agreed that if Bian Shengjian had a boyfriend like Lu Shen, the two would definitely fight frequently.

……… However, it seemed that this statement was not completely unreasonable.

Bian Shengjian was contemplating, when Lu Shen suddenly said, with a smile in his words, “It doesn’t matter, anyway, I usually listen to your Third brother if there is anything.”

“Huh?” Bian Shengjian looked up in shock, and saw Lu Shen blinking at him slightly, “Isn’t it?”

“Ah damn, alright, alright. Let’s eat, I can’t take it anymore.” Li Fei held his chest in pain, “Stop with the abuse.”

“Eat, let’s eat, let’s eat. The food will be overdone after being cooked for too long.” Tan Ming coughed lightly and raised his wine cup, “Come, come, let’s eat first!”

“Happy New Year everyone! Let’s make a fortune next year!” Li Fei also raised his cup and echoed.

Bian Shengjian sighed, and was about to reach for the wine bottle on the table when he felt his arm being pressed down, and then Lu Shen whispered with a serious face, “Third brother, you forgot that we aren’t allowed to drink yet.”

“What the hell…” Bian Shengjian took a deep breath, and said with a smirk, “Ah, didn’t you just say you usually listen to me if there is anything?”

“There are some exceptions.” Lu Shen whispered.

Li Fei looked at their way of getting along, and very tacitly got together with the other two and said in a low voice, “Hey, do you two have a feeling that our third brother is being eaten to death?” 

“Yes, yes.” Tan Ming desperately nodded in agreement, and then glanced at Bian Shengjian with some horror, “What should we do, why do I feel that the Third brother’s whole temperament has changed after he got a boyfriend!”

“Maybe this is the power of love.” Xiao Liping whispered.

“Ah, that’s really awesome.” Li Fei and Tan Ming said with emotion.

In the end, Bian Shengjian still didn’t pick up the wine cup, but reluctantly replaced the wine with tea under Lu Shen’s concerned gaze. “All right, hope the new year will go smoothly and profitable, and those who know how to pick up girls will get rich.”

After finishing speaking, he picked up the teacup and drank it down in one gulp, not forgetting to give Lu Shen a look as he knocked the corner of his cup with a smile.

“By the way, Third brother, brother Lu, what kind of tattoo did you two get?” Li Fei suddenly asked.

Bian Shengjian’s expression twitched for a moment, and his ears felt a little hot when he remembered all the things he had done in that tattoo shop before. “….it’s none of your business.”

Lu Shen merely smiled and said nothing. 

“Forget it, Da Fei, why do you care so much about the couple’s affairs?” Tan Ming interrupted Li Fei’s thoughts of continuing to gossip, but also quickly glanced at Bian Shengjian, “But I think that, with our Third brother’s wild personality, maybe he will have Brother Lu’s abbreviation tattooed on his thigh or something……”

“Get lost.” Bian Shengjian couldn’t bear it anymore and said, “My thoughts are not as dirty as yours.”

Several people laughed happily a few more times, and after the laugh, the atmosphere became much more relaxed. After the whole meal, they kept asking Bian Shengjian how he and Lu Shen knew each other and a bunch of nonsense, then Bian Shengjian enduring the greatest patience and not packing up and throwing out the two people that talked the most nonsense.

But even though the whole meal was a mess, when Bian Shengjian walked out of the store, he still felt that he was full and a little bloated, and couldn’t help but lower his head and rubbed his stomach, “Ah……..” 

Lu Shen came over and touched his stomach, and said casually, “Why don’t we not take a taxi later, and walk back.”

“Since the strong wind didn’t blow you away tonight, thus you’re suggesting to walk back?” Bian Shengjian glanced at him sideways, “Okay, then I’ll simply get in a taxi and watch you walk.”

Lu Shen smiled and was about to say something, when suddenly there was a loud bang above his head—someone broke through the City’s heavy restrictions and set off fireworks without permission. 

Immediately, sirens sounded in the distance.

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, and from the corner of his eye, he saw that those people had already stepped aside very consciously, leaving them a sweet space to be alone themselves.


There was another explosion.

Bian Shengjian looked up at this rare scene.

The dark night sky was illuminated by colorful light beams, and after each firework was set off, there were countless small golden dots falling along the trajectory to the surroundings.

In addition to the sound of fireworks going off, there were also a lot of noisy human voices mixed in, but he felt that it suddenly became quiet at this moment.

It was so quiet that it seemed that only the heartbeats of two people could be heard.

Therefore he raised his head again and looked at the person standing next to him at the moment, the latter also raised his eyes and looked over. In addition to the reflection of the traffic passing by the side of the road, there was also a little bit of light in his pupils.

“Young Bian, let’s also watch fireworks together next year.” 

When Bian Shengjian heard Lu Shen say this, he curled his lips immediately, “Ah, you’re saying this as if you want to spend your whole life with me.”

“It’s a lifetime.” Lu Shen immediately hooked his fingertips, “It has been settled and must not be changed.”

“You are very bossy.” Bian Shengjian sighed.

“Well, because I love you.”

“Stop with the flattery.”

“But I really love you.”

“………I know.”

“Liars will turn into puppies.”


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