Copy of Resentment

First Snow

“What time is it?” Lu Shen asked with his eyes closed.

“Let me see.” Bian Shengjian stretched his arms and took a look at the mobile phone on the bedside table, “It’s still early, just after eight o’clock.”

“Oh, let’s lie down for a while longer.” Lu Shen continued to close his eyes, rubbed his head towards Bian Shengjian for a while and then buried his head in his abdomen.

“Hey, that tickles.” Bian Shengjian wanted to push him but also didn’t push him. Instead, he simply stroked Lu Shen’s hair in a position of half leaning on the head of the bed. His hair was of course very good, and soft. In a trance, he felt like he was stroking a cat.

“By the way, you really don’t have any discomfort?” Bian Shengjian stroked his hair for a while, but he still couldn’t help but say, “Going to the toilet or something…….won’t it affect it?”

“You’ll know next time, when you try it.” Lu Shen still buried his head in his stomach and let out a chuckle.

“……….Try you ass.” Bian Shengjian stared at him for two seconds, then leaned towards the bedside table again.

The post-event state of the two of them now was really memorable. No matter how Bian Shengjian looked at it right now, Lu Shen appeared a bit like he had been wronged and endured humiliation before coming over to lay down next beside him…….Does it hurt? Or was his technique bad?

Bian Shengjian immediately felt a little distressed, and when he pulled Lu Shen up, he could still clearly see the red marks on his neck from being strangled by the collar last night. He caressed his neck. It seemed that he was really excited last night and was unable to control himself, “Does it hurt?”

Bian Shengjian’s fingers slid across the mark, and then leaned forward and kissed Lu Shen’s eyes, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Lu Shen’s voice was a little hoarse, and he cleared his throat vigorously before saying again, “It doesn’t hurt.”

“Actually, you deserve the pain,” Bian Shengjian clicked his tongue, “Who let you think of something like that every day.”

Lu Shen smiled and lay down on his abdomen again, and said after a few seconds, “Third brother, I heard your stomach rumbling.”

“That’s because I’m hungry.” Bian Shengjian grabbed a curl of his hair and wrapped it around his fingers to play with, while scrolling through the circle of friends casually. As soon as he entered, he saw Li Fei and Tan Ming roaring at the front page.

[Society’s Brother Fei: Damn, it’s snowing!!]

[Tan Mingming: Ah, this year it snowed pretty early, when I got up early, I got frozen.]

[Superman: The auspicious snow heralds a prosperous year, Happy New Year everyone.]

“Who is this Superman?” Lu Shen leaned up and rested his head on his shoulder to watch together, and couldn’t help laughing, “Your friends are really interesting.”

“It’s the Liping I told you about last time, I guess they’re up that early.” Bian Shengjian clicked into the small group of the four of them as he spoke, and the pot immediately exploded. They were all yelling about where to go, and Bian Shengjian hadn’t even turned scrolled down further when a phone call came in quickly.

“Hello?” Bian Shengjian answered the phone helplessly.

“Third Brother, Happy New Year!” Li Fei’s side was buzzing, and it sounded like he was outside, “Are you not up yet?”

“I have been woken up by you,” Bian Shengjian sat up straight and stretched, “Happy New Year.”

“You should have arrived home yesterday, right? Why didn’t you come out to get together with your brothers?” Li Fei’s tone sounded dissatisfied, “Did you secretly find a boyfriend behind our backs? I was with Ah Ming yesterday, talking about how…’s been so long since you’ve been back and haven’t even seen anyone, and that you must have been taken away by some little goblin.”

The little goblin and Bian Shengjian looked at each other and almost couldn’t hold back their laughter. Fortunately, Bian Shengjian covered his mouth and gave a threatening look, “Shut up.”

Lu Shen suppressed a smile and nodded, before Bian Shengjian let go of his hand and unceremoniously answered back, “Okay, then wait for me, I’ll meet you both.”

“No, Third brother,” Li Fei said and laughed, “I’m going out to accompany my grandma to the temple fair now, do you want to come together with us?” 

“It opened so early this year?” Bian Shengjian raised his eyebrows, “No thanks, I still have something to do.”

“Okay, see you at the old place later, remember, we’ll be drinking tonight.” Li Fei said a few more words before hanging up the phone. Just as Bian Shengjian put down the phone, he was caught off guard by Lu Shen who dragged his shoulder and bit him on the chin, “You want to go out?”

“Yeah.” Bian Shengjian stroked his chin speechlessly, “Are you a dog……Don’t bite too hard or my dad will notice it.”

“I want to go too,” Lu Shen said immediately, but he hesitated,”…Would it be a little uncomfortable?”

“Nonsense, those guys already know my sexual orientation.” Bian Shengjian bent down and began to pick up the clothes thrown on the ground last night, “But bringing you there is equivalent to directly announcing ‘Hello everyone, this is my boyfriend, please take care of him in the future’, tsk tsk.”

“Ah, then I won’t really embarrass you?” Lu Shen said with a smile.

“Let me take a look,” Bian Shengjian scanned him from head to toe, and reluctantly commented, “Well, probably not, you look like a dog.”

“Are you complimenting or insulting me?” Lu Shen twitched the corners of his mouth, but as Shengjian’s attention had been diverted while speaking, he didn’t see him staggering a little when he got out of bed.

Lu Shen stood up straight in an instant, and followed Bian Shengjian into the bathroom as if nothing happened.

To be honest, he didn’t always feel comfortable last night…but no matter what, just the last hug without any lust last night made him extremely satisfied .

Of course, such things would recover in the future.

Lu Shen hooked the corners of his mouth, and when he was brushing his teeth, his fingertips were gliding along the side of Bian Shengjian’s waist. He actually liked Bian Shengjian’s waist very much, especially when the muscle lines tightened when exerting force, it was beautiful and looked sexy.

“Don’t touch.” Bian Shengjian grabbed his hand and gave a warning look, “Don’t force me to hit you early in the morning.”

“Hit me?” Lu Shen smiled and leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear, “Do you want to hit me or……”

“Shut up, you.” Bian Shengjian put his hands on the back of his neck and squeezed lightly a few times, “There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, don’t rush now.”

“Okay.” Lu Shen blinked, and was about to say something when he heard a shout from outside the room.

“Young Master! Are you up? Come downstairs for a meal!”

“Coming!” Bian Shengjian yelled quickly, hooked Lu Shen’s neck and walked out of the bathroom, and slapped him on the buttocks, “Little boy, are you teasing me?”

“Hey.” Lu Shen was slapped hard by him, and finally couldn’t help shouting, “…Brother, take it easy.”

“Damn.” Bian Shengjian was taken aback, and quickly touched it a few times comfortingly, “Sorry, sorry, I forgot.”

“Third brother, did you do it on purpose?” Lu Shen sighed, and lifted his hand away, “Don’t touch it, it hurts inside.”

“Then I’ll be gentle next time.” Bian Shengjian rubbed Lu Shen’s arm with rare guilt in his tone, “I’ll take you to the hospital if you’re really uncomfortable.”

“No, you just need to take responsibility for me in the future.” Lu Shen said.

“Oh, why does it sound like I had just raped you last night,” Bian Shengjian looked at him with  half a smile, and picked out a windbreaker with a stand-up collar for him from the closet, and pulled the zipper up to cover the marks on his neck.”Okay, let’s go downstairs to eat.”

“Not bad, I look quite handsome.” Lu Shen turned around and took a look in the mirror, then his eyes fell on Bian Shengjian’s collar, “Show me.”

“What show me?” Bian Shengjian just put on a sweater and looked at him inexplicably.

“I seem to have bitten you last night.” Lu Shen smiled and nodded at his collarbone, “Let me see if I had bitten you properly.”

“…Say, you really did it on purpose.” Bian Shengjian was a little speechless, and he didn’t know what kind of obsession Lu Shen had with such things as leaving traces. In short, when the two of them were hugging each other, they would always bite each other on the back of the neck and clavicle, “Next time, I might just as well put some sauce on you, it would be very delicious.”

“Really?” Lu Shen’s eyes lit up, and he asked, “What kind of sauce? Strawberry jam, peanut butter, chocolate sauce or honey? But I don’t like ones that are too sweet, it’s fine to use something else………..”

“Shut up.” Bian Shengjian pointed at him, “I really want to give you some sunshine but you push your nose on your face.”

(t/n When someone says “give you some sunshine and you will be brilliant”, you may have to judge according to the occasion and tone of the speech. The commendatory meaning means that it is easier to be satisfied and does not demand contentment and happiness. Of course, it can also refer to strong vitality.)

(t/n Push the nose on the face (dēng bízi shàng liǎn)- one party gives face to the other party, and does not care about the other party’s certain behavior, but the other party not only does not appreciate it, but becomes more arrogant and arrogant.)

“Is your collocation not right?” Lu Shen smiled and squeezed his knuckles, “I just thought that if I leave some traces on you, you will never forget me in the future.”

“Even if you don’t leave any, I won’t forget you,” Bian Shengjian clicked his tongue, and suddenly realized belatedly that Lu Shen’s words seemed a bit sad, “…Hey, Lu Shen. “

“What’s wrong?” Lu Shen turned to look at him.

“If you really want to leave something…” Bian Shengjian hesitated and said, “Let’s get a tattoo together.” .

Lu Shen stood on the spot and looked at him steadily. After a long time, a smile slowly appeared on his face, “Okay.”

When they walked outside, only then did Shengjian realized that it really snowed this morning, and a thin layer had already accumulated on the roads outside, but indoors, it was hard to see the oncoming cold with the smell of gunpowder smoke after the firecrackers were set off. The wind, the series of passing red lanterns hanging on the side of the road, and the red woolen hats on the heads of children running not far away…..These were all mixed together and finally gave him a feeling of Chinese New Year.

Bian Shengjian took a deep breath into the palm of his hand, and when he saw Lu Shen studying the back of a small piece of hexagonal snowflake, he suddenly felt a little emotional.

Lu Shen, how did you spend all those years alone?

He also remembered the first time he saw Lu Shen, his eyes were as calm as the water of that unknown lake, his pupils were so dark that they were a little dull, and he couldn’t read any emotion in his eyes at all. He didn’t know how he turned into this shameless and thick skinned person all day.

But…Fate, it’s really a wonderful thing, it’s like never knowing what flavor of chocolate would be next inside the box, and having no idea who one would meet and what would happen at an important juncture of confusion and pain.

“Young Bian!” Lu Shen suddenly called him as if he had discovered some new world, “Come here quickly, I found that this snowflake is missing a corner.”

“…Stupid, have you never seen snow?” Bian Shengjian was a little speechless, but still took two steps forward, “Let me see.”

Lu Shen smiled and said nothing, and then suddenly stuffed a cold hand into his collar, “Happy New Year!”

“…Fuck, Lu Shen, you want to die!” Bian Shengjian grabbed his scarf and dragged him back, sneering and restricting him from the ground. He made a ball of snow and stuffed it into his neck, “Come, try this.”

“Spare my life, Third brother.” Lu Shen struggled with a smile, and after shaking the snow out, he suddenly moved forward and whispered in his ear, “This is really the happiest year I have ever lived.”

Bian Shengjian looked at his smile and didn’t speak. It took him a long time to reach out and rub his head, “As long as you are happy…….I really can’t win against you.”


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