Copy of Resentment


Lu Shen couldn’t remember how long it was where he actually spent a passing of a year in an earnest way.

Or in other words, before he met Bian Shengjian, he hadn’t thought about this problem for many years. After all, the so-called New Year was probably a festival for relatives, friends and for family reunions only.

And all these, he had long since lost.

“You can take whatever you want to eat.” Bian Shengjian slid forward the shopping cart for a moment, then turned back to Lu Shen and raised his chin, “I’ll pay the bill.”

“Okay.” Lu Shen smiled.

In this world, there was probably nothing more reassuring than “I will support you” or “You pick, I’ll pay the bill”.

What’s more, he was no longer alone.


“Oh dear, Young Master, what did you buy along the way coming back?” Aunt Wang opened the door to take the things in Bian Shengjian’s hand, and said with a smile on her face, “Are you tired? Then wash your hands and get ready for dinner.”

“Okay.” Bian Shengjian replied and was about to change his shoes when he turned his head and met Bian Jianhua’s eyes. He felt a little nervous for a moment.


“Welcome back,” Bian Jianhua said softly, and was a little surprised when he saw Lu Shen beside him, “Who is this?”

“Ah, this is my friend, Lu Shen.” Bian Shengjian immediately said casually, “His parents have both gone to work in other places this year, so I let him come with me to celebrate the New Year together.”

“I see,” Bian Jianhua nodded, and then smiled at Lu Shen, “I’m sure you’re not used to celebrating the New Year alone, right? Since you’re here, you can treat this place as your own home. There are no rules in our house. If there is something wrong with the dishes, you can also tell Aunt Wang about it.”

“Thank you, Uncle.” Lu Shen was immediately a little flattered, and at the same time moved by Shengjian’s father’s elder-like tone. “I’m really sorry, I have to come over to trouble you for the New Year.”

“No trouble, I rarely see Shengjian bringing his classmates home…” Bian Jianhua’s tone was very gentle from the beginning to the end, just like the sufficient warmth inside the house, which made Lu Shen’s eyes a little hot.

“Okay, you guys can put down your things and get ready to eat.”

“Dad, I bought you some New Year’s goods. Aunt Wang put them on the table.” Bian Shengjian came over with his slippers on, put his arm around Lu Shen’s shoulder and went upstairs, “Well go upstairs first, and clean up. We’ll come down later.”

“Not bad, he now knows how to be filial to his father now.” Bian Jianhua looked at the backs of the two of them with their arms hooked on each other’s shoulders with a smile. Although he was a little surprised by his son’s sudden act of bringing his classmate to celebrate the New Year, he was more emotional.

I always feel that every time we meet again, I can feel that the inherent hostility in Bian Shengjian’s body has dissipated a lot, and the way he looks at people is different from before. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has been completely reborn compared to when he left for the first semester.

“He’s really grown up.” Father Bian said with emotion, not caring at all that his son’s intimacy with the classmate he brought over seemed a bit too much in the next few days.

But these were things for later. After all, it was more important to be happy during the New Year.


“Come, you’ve only come back after a long time, eat more.” Aunt Wang said with a smile, “Would you like some soup? Do you want me to fill you a bowl?”

“No need, Auntie, I’ll do it myself.” Bian Shengjian bit a piece of pork ribs, and finally got up to fill two bowls of pork rib soup by himself, and then put the other bowl next to Lu Shen. “It’s not New Year’s Eve yet, there’s no need for you to cook so many dishes.”

“Isn’t this because when your father heard that you’ll come back for winter vacation, he especially asked me to cook two more dishes?” Aunt Wang rolled up her sleeves and brought out the last dish from the kitchen, “Come on, eat slowly.”

“Sit down and let’s eat together.” Bian Jianhua pointed to an empty seat, “You have worked hard too.”

“Dear me! That’s not good.” Aunt Wang was stunned for a moment and quickly refused, but she eventually sat down under Bian Jianhua’s repeated persuasion, and raised her cup with a smile on her face,”I hope the new year will be smooth and profitable for everyone.”

“Smooth and profitable.” Bian Shengjian clinked cups with Aunt Wang and his father, and then finally tapped Lu Shen’s cup lightly. “For a long, long, long time.”

“….Is this a New Year’s blessing?” Lu Shen was stunned for a moment before asking in a low voice.

“Yes, but this is for you and me.” Bian Shengjian clinked the rim of his cup again as he spoke, “Come on, if you have deep feelings, you will feel bored; if you have shallow feelings, you will lick them.” (t/n one among the many phrases used to persuade someone to drink.)

Lu Shen smiled and drank the small cup of wine in one gulp. The wine slid all the way down the esophagus and made his whole body hot. His forehead was even slightly sweating.

But he thought that it felt good at that moment.

The warm yellow and cozy lighting, the fragrant foods, it really looked like a family had gathered together.

The seemingly endless year finally had slipped away quietly in this harmonious atmosphere.

Lu Shen couldn’t help curling the corners of his mouth, and gently squeezed Bian Shengjian’s fingertips under the dining table, and said with a smile when the latter looked over with a puzzled look,”Happy New Year.”

“Happy New Year.” Bian Shengjian paused for a moment. He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to see tears glistening in Lu Shen’s eyes just now.

After eating, Bian Jianhua called him over and said a few words, probably asking him how he did in the final exam this time. Although Bian Shengjian didn’t usually attend lectures, it might be because of the quality level of the exam of No.4 Middle School wa worrying, or maybe that the notes that Lu Shen organized for him played a role, after the exam was over, he only failed in mathematics and politics.

This was really a progress that Bian Shengjian was very satisfied with.


“Where are you going to sleep tonight?” 

While Shengjian was making the bed, he glanced at Lu Shen, and felt like he was asking a question he knew the answer to.

Who knows if this shameless thing will grope his way to his bed in the middle of the night even after sleeping in the guest room? 

Then he added another sentence consciously, “I’m warning you, it’s fine to sleep together, but don’t fucking grab my quilt in the middle of the night.”

Lu Shen, who was looking down at the suitcase, “Do you still remember that I said I would give you a present?

“Well, I remember.” Bian Shengjian looked at his movements and asked curiously, “What? You want to give me another one?”

“Guess.” Lu Shen finally dug out the box hidden at the bottom of the suitcase, and held it out with his fingers.

As for why the word “hidden” was used, it was really because Lu Shen was a little unsure that if Bian Shengjian found out the existence of this gift in advance, he would directly pack him up and kick him out overnight.

 “Have you finished taking a shower?”

“Just finished,” Bian Shengjian was a little puzzled by his question, and stroked the wet ends of his hair, “Give me the gift and let me have a look at it.”

Lu Shen held the small black box and walked up. However, before saying anything, he suddenly leaned forward and kissed him forcefully on his lips and touched his waist along the hem of his clothes with his hand, “Young Bian……………..”

“Hey!” Bian Shengjian almost got tinnitus from his mouth, then subconsciously looked back at the door and said in a low voice, “Are you fucking sick? My dad is still at home.”

“Then let’s keep our voices down.” Lu Shen blinked at him.

Bian Shengjian suddenly swallowed hopelessly. Even though he knew at this point that his dad and Aunt Wang would definitely not bother him again, and the sound insulation effect of his room was relatively good, and that even if he did something, it would basically be inaudible…………..

“Give me the gift first.” Bian Shengjian coughed lightly and stretched out his hand.

“Okay.” Lu Shen handed him the box, but Bian Shengjian noticed from the corner of his eye that Lu Shen’s stare was scorching for no reason.

“What’s wrong with you today? You…” Bian Shengjian clicked his tongue and opened the small black box, but got stuck in the middle of his sentence. After opening the lid, he slowly opened his eyes wide after two seconds, and turned his head to look at Lu Shen in disbelief. “Is this what you mentioned, the gift?”

At the bottom of the box was a black collar, with some small rivets dotted around the edge, and its metal surface was reflecting a subtle light—

“Yes.” Lu Shen nodded.

“……What’s the use of this thing?” Bian Shengjian kept his hand holding the box, and looked directly at Lu Shen.

Lu Shen didn’t speak. He suddenly picked up the collar in front of Bian Shengjian, quickly put it on his own neck, and then squeezed his wrist.

Only then did Bian Shengjian realize that there was a leather chain attached to one end of the collar, and at this moment the other end of the leather chain had been stuffed into his own hand.

This situation—

—even a fool would understand.

“You……” Bian Shengjian spoke with some difficulty, but his breathing involuntarily became rapid. “You really know how to play……..”

Lu Shen showed his two iconic canine teeth again, but this time the look in his eyes had completely changed, and was full of undisguised desire. “Do you want me, Master?”

The moment Bian Shengjian heard that address, his body trembled violently, and he narrowed his eyes and looked at him, “…Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” Lu Shen still looked at him with a smile, and added in a low voice, “I thought the dormitory bed was too small, and we won’t be able to do it properly.”

“So you purposely waited until the day you came to my door, didn’t you?” Bian Shengjian said viciously, “You really liked my bed that much?”

“The main thing is still because I like you.” Lu Shen’s hand on his waist did not loosen, and his fingertips lightly scratched the skin around his waist, “Will you or not?”

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak, and only pulled the leather chain in his hand violently, pinched Lu Shen’s chin at the moment he was forced to look up, and then bit his lips gently. “Okay, this brother will play with you.”



Bian Shengjian’s grip on his shoulder suddenly tightened, and he bit Lu Shen’s lip without holding back, resulting in a tiny thread of blood slowly flowing out from the wound.

Lu Shen didn’t care about these at all. When it was over, he just simply lay on his back on the bed while panting lightly. “…..have to wash the sheets.”

“Yes.” Bian Shengjian lightly touched the cut on his lips, closed his eyes and fell down on the bed, feeling Lu Shen’s body temperature and heartbeat in a peaceful and comfortable moment.

“Third Brother.” Lu Shen spoke suddenly, his voice still sounding a little hoarse.

“What’s the matter?” Bian Shengjian glanced at him sideways, “Do you want some water?”

“Yes.” Lu Shen said and licked his lips.

“I’ll pour one for you,” Bian Shengjian sat up, and moved forward with some anxiety, “You……are there any discomforts?”

“I’m alright.” Lu Shen felt himself carefully, and then hesitated, “But… it still feels a little weird.”

“You want me to have a look at it?” Bian Shengjian immediately bent down, Lu Shen, who suddenly got frightened, quickly took the quilt to cover his body. “Ah! No need.”

“Why are you being shy? It’s not like I didn’t see it while we were doing it.” Bian Shengjian clicked his tongue, but he still sat down again and hugged him. “Lu Shen.”

“Mn.” Lu Shen moved his butt cautiously, and put his arms around him.

Bian Shengjian merely held him for a long time and didn’t speak.

I seem to really like you.


  1. S.I Mashiro says:

    Whaaa…?? O.O… Ah Jian was the gong??? ….. This was not expected at all!!!… But hey… Author could have atleast described the things in detail at least…Sigh…

  2. Qiaoyi says:

    Wait…. Bro!!! Lushen is the uke??? 😆 Ight! Congratulations for having a husband now lol 😆

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